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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Some Future Ideas & Suggestions

SGT LaForge
Trading Trend Co
#1 - 2015-07-17 19:18:34 UTC
I have a few ideas and suggestions for Eve.

Permanent Ship History via Commission/Christening Date:

On the ’show info’ window of a ship, it would be really cool to have another few fields to record permanent information on the ship about its history, example:

Commission Date: 05/05/2006 09:29
Christened as: (Optional) – [Original ship name] (the regular gameplay name can still be changed)
Commissioned by: (Optional) – [optional choice to select Player/Corp/Alliance name of manufacturer.]

Why? Well more of a novelty and collector thing, there are ships in the game that have been around for 11 years now, seen glorious battles and lived to tell the tale.
By having a way to permanently record information such as this, it could make a lucrative business out of collectors who will now want pieces of definable eve history. Plus it’s just cool.

Character Rebirthing:
With every active Eve character continually obtaining more and more SP, the pools are becoming so large that newly created characters will “HAVE” to get substantial boosts to attributes, or start with a much larger pool.

One solution to this would be to allow character rebirthing, which would essentially un-allocated everybody’s skill points, but for a cost (in skill points). This essentially creates a SP sink, to start taking away from some of these ever growing pools, and possibly extend the amount of time before inflation makes it impossible for newbies to catch up without drastic measures.

So say you have 150m SP, you want to rebirth, the cost could be substantial say ~20m with a cool down period, leaving you with 130m of now unallocated points. The high cost prevents over use and will begin to drain SP from some of these large pools.
It could also just be % based amount, so players of any SP pool size can do it while losing the same amount of SP in relation to what they have.

Make stealing salvage a criminal flag: (not sure if this has been addressed yet)
Pretty straight forward, often salvage from T2 or faction wrecks and the sort are worth more than the contents they contain. So why can someone steal that valuable salvage and not criminally flag, but not take the contents of lesser of value without flagging?
Stealing is stealing, and stealing the more valuable should most definitely trigger a criminal flag.

Concord Witch Hunt:
‘Concord is on a witch hunt for most wanted NPC criminals, as a result they are venturing into null sec searching for them’

(NPC controlled territory only)

A special ‘event’ aimed at getting people out of high sec and have a chance in null sec for a day or whatever defined time, in which they can experience the riches of null sec, with the security of high sec.

This will only occur in NPC faction territory, turning 0.0 space to a 0.5 or 0.6 (possibly higher depending on the player base perception). People from high sec will be free to venture into the once 0.0 security status to see the asteroid belts, rats, moons, complexes without the worry of an alliance taking you out simply for traversing their space.

The raised security status gives players a minimal security blanket to explore and be protected from grievers, and trigger happy pilots, however regardless of the raised security status, PvP is most definitely still possible, and people who live in high sec can expect the same level of security or lack thereof they experience in a 0.5 or 0.6.

This event will essentially only allow players (preferably newer ones) to travel without getting destroyed simply for being present.

If someone tries to exploit the time to set up a massive macro mine, they will likely draw attention and get themselves ganked, as people are ganked for far less valuable belts in current 0.5+ systems.

The influx of players both new and old trying to take advantage of this situation will also cause chaos and hopefully many instances of grand pvp.
James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#2 - 2015-07-17 19:40:47 UTC
So, a quick point by point:

History: Reposted, huge database issues and the data mostly doesn't exist to go in and add the history to existing ships.-1

Rebirthing: Reposted, does not solve any issues and belongs in the sticky about SP. 100M+ SP characters rarely have any reason to need to respec, as they are probably able to do all of the thing their player desires, so it will likely go unused.

Salvage: No. You need to provide a good reason that your wrecks shouldn't be salvagable before you can make a claim like that. keep your wrecks out of their hands by salvaging first.

Bring HS into null: Gawds no. Let null try and lure players out like they have been, don't tilt the sandbox until the players are forced into null.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Leto Aramaus
Frog Team Four
Of Essence
#3 - 2015-07-17 20:22:40 UTC
the pools are becoming so large that newly created characters will “HAVE” to get substantial boosts to attributes, or start with a much larger pool.

HAVE to... in order to what?

Why do new players HAVE to get boosts or start with more SP? You gave no reason behind this assertion.

I assume your reason is

"well because the new players feel bad that they don't have as much SP as Leto"


"because the new players don't like not having as much SP as Leto"

Maybe you even try to justify that response by saying:

"well if the new players feel so far behind they'll just quit and won't play the game".

This is getting so old. We all started with 900k SP, and thousands of vets with 100mil+ already ahead of us.

Suck. it. up.
Iain Cariaba
#4 - 2015-07-17 20:38:40 UTC
SGT LaForge wrote:
Character Rebirthing:
With every active Eve character continually obtaining more and more SP, the pools are becoming so large that newly created characters will “HAVE” to get substantial boosts to attributes, or start with a much larger pool.

One solution to this would be to allow character rebirthing, which would essentially un-allocated everybody’s skill points, but for a cost (in skill points). This essentially creates a SP sink, to start taking away from some of these ever growing pools, and possibly extend the amount of time before inflation makes it impossible for newbies to catch up without drastic measures.

So say you have 150m SP, you want to rebirth, the cost could be substantial say ~20m with a cool down period, leaving you with 130m of now unallocated points. The high cost prevents over use and will begin to drain SP from some of these large pools.
It could also just be % based amount, so players of any SP pool size can do it while losing the same amount of SP in relation to what they have.

The rest of your post is either redundant to the point of ridiculousness, or so laughable that we'd never have to worry about it's implementation. Granted, this falls into the latter category as well, but I thought I'd point out a glaring error in your logic anyway.

You start this under the premise that this idea would be "good for newbies." You then proceed to propose an idea that would have absolutely zero impact on newbies, as they would be utterly incapable of utilizing it. Suggestions such as this are the prime reason why "think of the newbies" has become a stinking pile of feces as reasoning behind any idea.

If you want to propose an idea to reallocate your SP, an idea with has been suggested and shot down numerous times, then do so. Before you do that, however, you should look up Malcanis' Law and see how it applies to your suggestion for "newbies."