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The Tragedy of Sana Clarret

Alizebeth Amalath
#1 - 2015-07-16 09:45:30 UTC
Sana Clarret was born on Mishi IV in YC89. The youngest of five brothers and sisters, she was at best described as a troubled girl. Not all people are perfect and some require some added help. After her third arrest for criminal behaviour, she was sentenced to a period of twenty years of slavery for rehabilitation under a proper holder. For most people in her position, this turns out well enough. Their holder will provide them with physical and spiritual care, a purpose and an environment where they will learn to be a valued member of society.
Sana never got to her holder. Instead, she was sold on the market by the Civic Court. A capsuleer purchased her on the SCC Market and she found her way into the possession of a Butcher named Nauplius. The Butcher subjected her and many of her fellows to obscene and horrendous blooder rituals that have permanently scarred her psyche. She is one of the lucky ones, saved when an Imperial loyalist fleet destroyed the tower that she and other slaves were held on. Still, she is a shattered individual when she should be on her way to a rehabilitated and meaningful life.
That CONCORD continues to permit the buying and selling of people to capsuleers on its SCC markets is a crime not just against scripture, but against humanity. It’s not enough that the Amarr stop selling their slaves on the open market, any capsuleer commerce in slaves, no matter how they were acquired, must end.
Foley Aberas Jones
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2 - 2015-07-16 11:55:05 UTC
Ok i like the message and all..

But something tells me this is bait for Nauplius....
Sinjin Mokk
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2015-07-16 11:57:29 UTC
Hi Folks!

My name is Sinjin and I'm an independent slaver for the Angel Cartel.

Now I know some of you are already thinking what a horrible person I must be. And many of you would be right! But not because of slavery.

Slavery as a concept started in Amarr. Tied deeply into Scripture and tradition, Amarr slavery has helped guide millions, if not billions of individuals to better lives and spiritual salvation.

It is known that Amarr, through the Reclaiming, took many slaves from the Minmatar people. But let's hold off on the usual debates about Scripture or the Reclaiming.

We live now in the Modern Age. The Empyrean Age.

Slavery is commonplace in many parts of the Galaxy. Some toil in the Name of God, but some don't. When the Republic, State, Empire and Federation signed the Yulai accords and standardized trade throughout the Cluster, they ratified slavery. The decision to make slavery legal was left up to each government, but each government recognized that slavery was an institution, a part of the Human Experience. And while it may be technically illegal in some areas, the plight of the common worker in those places is often worse than the opportunities available for the modern slave.

It is a sad fact that there are some who abuse the privilege. Again, this goes beyond the borders of Amarr. Statistically, the Empire has the most cases of slave abuse, because the Empire holds the highest slave population. This isn't the fault of slavery in and of itself, but the fault of the individual owner. The Empire has shown that tradition and regulation are not enough to prevent slave abuse. Even the threat of damnation hasn't prevented Holders from committing all manner of atrocities on the people they own. But luckily, these cases are becoming more and more rare.

Outside the Empire, slave abuse happens, but again, it is the fault of particular, individual owners, not the institution. An owner who mistreats his property is not only vile, but inherently stupid. Amarr duty to spiritual uplifting aside, a smart owner gives his slaves every opportunity for betterment. Even those slaves who are criminals or prisoners of war can be re-trained to grow out of their violent tendencies and become dedicated, good people.

It's a matter of economics. Poorly treated slaves are not good workers. They are not efficient, they are willful, they rebel, commit more crimes and are generally unpleasant to be around. Well, treated, modern slaves (such as you find in the Cartel or in places like Khanid) are happy, productive workers. Many are skilled technicians, scientists, students and some even go on to become full citizens. On rare occasions, some even become Capsuleers. The resale value alone should be the strongest proof of why slaves should be treated well.

In the modern age, we have technology! Why subject a person to horrible coercive techniques, torture, VITOC and shock collars? TCMCs are a little more expensive initially, but pay for themselves in increased productivity. Why target Matari, when we have the whole of humanity to draw from? We all have enemies and "POWs" are commonplace. Is is better to let a baseliner die in the cold of space or rot in prison, or is it better to offer them a chance for a new life?

This is Thea. She's a Caldari. She used to co-run a small business in Black Rise LoSec. I'd heard they were harboring Bloodraiders but when we destroyed their corporation, did I kill her? No. With a Cartel TCMC, her skills and talents are now put to much better use. She can continue her education, have a family, and be a productive member of the Salvation Angels. By treating her well, I was able to make a tidy sum of ISK for her resale and she was given a new life; a life she can be proud of. Just look at that smile!

So slavery isn't just an Amarr thing. It isn't a Matari thing. It just is. Negligent owners should be taken to task for their actions, but you can't blame everyone for the actions of a few.

If you're going to buy, please buy from a reputable dealer. Please consider TCMCs or other, more humane methods of control. Your Controlled Personnel (a better term, I think) will be more productive and happy and healthy. And so will you!

Thank you for your time.

"Angels live, they never die, Apart from us, behind the sky. They're fading souls who've turned to ice, So ashen white in paradise."

Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#4 - 2015-07-16 12:13:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Samira Kernher
Mokk is the kind of person to whom a slave should never be sold. Anyone who would consider TCMCs humane doesn't know the meaning of the word.

Scripture strictly defines who is permitted to own slaves: Holders and Holders only. To allow anyone else to engage in it is a crime against God and it leads to the extreme abuses we have seen by capsuleers over the last decade.
Constance Bonacieux
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2015-07-16 12:29:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Constance Bonacieux
Samira Kernher wrote:

Scripture strictly defines who is permitted to own slaves: Holders and Holders only. To allow anyone else to engage in it is a crime against God and it leads to the extreme abuses we have seen by capsuleers over the last decade.

So the fact that the Empire currently permits the selling of slaves means that it is committing a 'crime against God'?

By saying this you seem to be setting yourself (and your interpretation of Scripture) above the wisdom of the Empress and that of the Theology Council, who by allowing the selling of slaves on the open market certainly seem to approve of the practice.
Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#6 - 2015-07-16 12:34:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Samira Kernher
Scripture strictly defines who is permitted to own slaves. The Divine Rights of Holders are explicitly defined in Scripture. Scripture is the Word of God.

I said nothing about the Empress or Theology Council. It is the Civic Court that believes its secularist agenda gives it the freedom to ignore God's Will and use SCC loopholes to sell slaves to commoners and foreigners.
Constance Bonacieux
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2015-07-16 12:46:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Constance Bonacieux
Samira Kernher wrote:
Scripture strictly defines who is permitted to own slaves. The Divine Rights of Holders are explicitly defined in Scripture. Scripture is the Word of God.

I said nothing about the Empress or Theology Council. It is the Civic Court that believes its secularist agenda gives it the freedom to ignore God's Will and use SCC loopholes to sell slaves to commoners and foreigners.

I do not believe that either you or I are qualified to interpret Scripture. That I think is the province of the Theology Council. The Civic Court itself being:

" The secular arm of the Amarrian justice system, the Civic Court has always acted in the shadow of the Theology Council."

and thus its actions (in allowing the sale of slaves) would appear to be in accordance with the views of the Council.
Lunarisse Aspenstar
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#8 - 2015-07-16 12:47:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Lunarisse Aspenstar
Samira Kernher wrote:
Scripture strictly defines who is permitted to own slaves. The Divine Rights of Holders are explicitly defined in Scripture. Scripture is the Word of God.

I said nothing about the Empress or Theology Council. It is the Civic Court that believes its secularist agenda gives it the freedom to ignore God's Will and use SCC loopholes to sell slaves to commoners and foreigners.

I second this point. To be clear, I agree - and is the position of SFRIM consistent with its current policy on slaves - that the SCC market in slaves to any capsuleer with a flight license should be abolished. there is a petition respectfully requesting that the appropriate authorities in the Empire address this loophole. I encourage all to find and sign it.
Wendrika Hydreiga
#9 - 2015-07-16 12:52:28 UTC
Slavery is bad. Full stop.
Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#10 - 2015-07-16 12:59:52 UTC
Slavery has existed, in one form or another, throughout the whole of human history.

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2015-07-16 13:11:51 UTC

Sinjin we are not sure how to respond to your post. A part of our life was spent with Angels, as a slave. We were harvested from a Capsuleer ship.

We would not expect you to live through our experience without considerable scars on your personality. We were sexualized, probably at an age too early for us. We lived in fear. What we earned was not ours. We lost some function in a hand because it was cut and not cared for. What we ate was often not what people should eat.

We also have some good memories with those whom you may call "Salvies".

To say that all Angel slavers are kind and gentle masters is grossly untrue. Sinjin your stereotype attempts to disguise how truly unregulated your slave market is. It is not to say that Angels don't have rules.. to the contrary our experience was that Angels have a plethora of rules and forbiddances. But without Scripture, without the Fear of God, without Surrender, without Emperor, and without theology there is no discipline. Angels are godless pirates, and in our experience pirates want to do whatever they can get away with. Pirates never have to face absolution.

To say that all Amarr Holders follow the letter of Scripture would also be untrue. The pointless and secular abuse of slaves is a sickness which must be subjected to Fire and Cleansing Light.

Only Holders must have slaves. God wills it so. Holders are held to precise Faith based standards. The Reclaiming is a profound act of compassion.


veiled and bound

my origin story (on eve-backstage)

Anyanka Funk
#12 - 2015-07-16 13:23:16 UTC
Sounds like Sana Clarret needs to harden the f up.
Odelya d'Hanguest
Order of St. Severian
#13 - 2015-07-16 13:35:39 UTC
In Light's Name

Samira Kernher wrote:
Mokk is the kind of person to whom a slave should never be sold. Anyone who would consider TCMCs humane doesn't know the meaning of the word.

Scripture strictly defines who is permitted to own slaves: Holders and Holders only. To allow anyone else to engage in it is a crime against God and it leads to the extreme abuses we have seen by capsuleers over the last decade.


you're not even half a decade—not to speak about generations—away from being a slave yourself and now you belittle others with your unsolicited opinions. One often hears the reasoning that nobody is more entitled to talk about the issue of slavery than slaves and former slaves themselves, but do you also trust the cat to keep the cream? What would your grandfather say if he could see you now? Would he—sitting in his cabin smoking Crystal Egg—have dreamed of you lecturing free-born and holders? Would he have dared to lecture his holder because he believed that through his interpretation of the Scriptures the Lord's voice resonated? God has assigned places for each in society, all one has to do is to find it.

I advise you to fear the Lord and organise your affairs!
Odelya, Begum etc. pp.
Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#14 - 2015-07-16 13:50:39 UTC
Constance Bonacieux wrote:
I do not believe that either you or I are qualified to interpret Scripture.

It's not an intepretation, it's a fact. It is part of the established rights of Holders.
Lord Kailethre
Tengoo Uninstallation Service
#15 - 2015-07-16 13:59:32 UTC
Constance Bonacieux wrote:
I do not believe that either you or I are qualified to interpret Scripture. That I think is the province of the Theology Council.

And the laws they have enacted in the Empire have forbidden all but Holders to claim slaves, for the express purpose of guiding them upon the path of God.

That slaves are allowed to be bought and sold on free markets is a bureaucratic oversight of the most horrific kind.
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#16 - 2015-07-16 15:12:37 UTC
Akrasjel Lanate wrote:
Slavery has existed, in one form or another, throughout the whole of human history.

Not in Caldari space. For us it has NOT existed throughout the whole of our history - except as a loan word from the Gallente.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#17 - 2015-07-16 15:15:27 UTC
Samira Kernher wrote:
Anyone who would consider TCMCs humane doesn't know the meaning of the word.

TCMCs were only designed to be used on habitual re-offenders suffering from a mental sickness that makes them impossible to reform through other methods, so that they wouldn't have to be segregated and guarded for the entirety of their lives. With a TCMC fitted they can live useful and contributing lives as part of society - without harming anyone else.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Black Dog Shady Missionaries
Mekharist Combine
#18 - 2015-07-16 19:21:30 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Samira Kernher wrote:
Anyone who would consider TCMCs humane doesn't know the meaning of the word.

TCMCs were only designed to be used on habitual re-offenders suffering from a mental sickness that makes them impossible to reform through other methods, so that they wouldn't have to be segregated and guarded for the entirety of their lives. With a TCMC fitted they can live useful and contributing lives as part of society - without harming anyone else.

While that is one good use, TCMCs were originally designed to help those in a catatonic state regain consciousness. They were intended for a very humane purpose. Their versatility is in part responsible for their current reputation. Perhaps pilot Kernher meant that, in her opinon, the use of TCMCs as a slave control device isn't humane?
Alizebeth Amalath
#19 - 2015-07-16 19:41:24 UTC
Constance Bonacieux wrote:
Samira Kernher wrote:
Scripture strictly defines who is permitted to own slaves. The Divine Rights of Holders are explicitly defined in Scripture. Scripture is the Word of God.

I said nothing about the Empress or Theology Council. It is the Civic Court that believes its secularist agenda gives it the freedom to ignore God's Will and use SCC loopholes to sell slaves to commoners and foreigners.

I do not believe that either you or I are qualified to interpret Scripture. That I think is the province of the Theology Council. The Civic Court itself being:

" The secular arm of the Amarrian justice system, the Civic Court has always acted in the shadow of the Theology Council."

and thus its actions (in allowing the sale of slaves) would appear to be in accordance with the views of the Council.

Samira is correct in her statement that Holders are the only class permitted by Scripture to own slaves.
Lyn Farel
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#20 - 2015-07-16 20:53:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Lyn Farel
It is one thing to point out at something that feels not right, to create grievances and petitions addressed properly to the Throne for what seems to be legitimate concerns, but calling outright an arm of the TC, the Civic Court, for heresy (going against God's Will) is something entirely different already.

I feel that is what Ms Bonacieux was trying to tell, right ...?
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