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EVE General Discussion

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New direct PvP option (Matchmaking style)

First post
Angelica Dreamstar
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2015-07-15 19:08:19 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
how would a sociopath understand a gamer
Well, you could at least try?

bingo, his pig not being a goat doesn't make the pig wrong, just him an idiot for shouting at his pig "WHY ARENT YOU A GOAT!" (Source)

-- Ralph King-Griffin, about deranged people playing EVE ONLINE

Callum GGibson
#62 - 2015-07-15 19:10:47 UTC
Angelica Dreamstar wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
how would a sociopath understand a gamer
Well, you could at least try?

Right guys, thanks for the insight, but I'm off. Safe flying (for some! Blink)
Vadik Volkov
#63 - 2015-07-15 19:11:26 UTC
Ima Wreckyou wrote:

Just because you are bad at EVE and don't get the game does not mean they have to change the game. Grow up, EVE is not for everyone. Play those other games you enjoy

You cannot be bad at EVE. Remember its a sandbox, I do what I want. I enjoy pretty much all other aspects of EVE that are not "PVP" oriented.
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#64 - 2015-07-15 19:12:51 UTC
Vadik Volkov wrote:
Ima Wreckyou wrote:

Just because you are bad at EVE and don't get the game does not mean they have to change the game. Grow up, EVE is not for everyone. Play those other games you enjoy

You cannot be bad at EVE. Remember its a sandbox, I do what I want. I enjoy pretty much all other aspects of EVE that are not "PVP" oriented.

See, I knew you don't get EVE
Hengle Teron
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#65 - 2015-07-15 19:13:09 UTC
Callum GGibson wrote:

There has been a decline in players attending New Eden, is this possibly why? Newbies either being gate camped or repeatedly killed, or even for that matter getting out to mine ore!?

But think of the children !
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#66 - 2015-07-15 19:13:15 UTC
Callum GGibson wrote:
Baaldor wrote:
Callum GGibson wrote:

MMM, well I may be too independant to ask every bloody person I see about something, and instead find it out for myself, and possibly find a few surprises along the way, all I'm asking (in reality) is for me to do it without getting podded 5 jumps from home. That is all. xD

The thing is, there is method, that will help you out of that situation.

And I am not suggesting spamming local on "How Do", but maybe find one or two older cranky folks that can help you from time to time.

I was very fortunate as to learn from certain persons that did indeed kick my ass. And I have been blessed with a few personas that helped me along the way.

I do admit, even if they kill, they can give advice, I'm just not saying everyone in a ship worth over 50 mil is a douchbag, just that there MAY be a slightly more Conservative way of doing it. Thats all! Trust me, I'm not an arse! Just an impatient capsuleer looking for an adventure.

You sir are basically what a lot of corps looking for believe it or not. And SP does not always (very rarely actually) proves out to a competent eve pilot by any stretch.

You will find lower sp characters in hands of players that will wax a much higher sp character in the hands of someone that really can't grasp the game.

As far as the match making, it will not really teach you much. Not in the sense of actually learning how to survive. Going from a controlled staged situation to a chaotic random one will frustrate the crap out of a pilot expecting they have now the knowledge to survive.

I think that is more of a unfair mechanic if introduced to the pilots trying to learn the game. there is so much wealth in knowledge flying around this game, it is a shame it is not taken advantage of.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#67 - 2015-07-15 19:15:56 UTC
Duplicate thread of the one that got rightfully moved to F&I.

I propose that this one is taken outside, put up against the wall and shot.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Vadik Volkov
#68 - 2015-07-15 19:18:07 UTC
Ima Wreckyou wrote:

See, I knew you don't get EVE


Please fill me in on what I am missing. Allow me to "get" EVE.

At the moment I am playing fruit ninja as its considerable more dynamic then EVE "PVP".

Lastly explain to me how Electronic Arts, Blizzard, Sony, Microsoft, and all the other companies, who have a higher over all player base are doing it wrong.
White Ops
#69 - 2015-07-15 19:21:59 UTC
I'm not sure how to learn solo PvP either, but I'm quite confident I will learn it in time. There are always people willing to teach me a lesson - and if it's just by destroying my ship.

It's about what you expect, do you really want to solo kill other players right now?
Perhaps you should take your time and learn other important things about EVE first; don't know what you've done already though.
Then you will also have some skills to be competitive!
I've learned that even very young characters with low SP and little experience in this game can already be very useful here, and that's what's great about that game - but that does not necessarily mean that you stand a chance 1on1 against older characters.
You can be useful, but I think competitive demands a bit more. Even though perhaps not that much, as the player experience may be more important than the character SP. At least that's what I've been told. Big smile

I don't feel like a matchmaking system would improve my gaming experience. I will do things when I feel like I'm ready to do them and I like being taught by others. It's a game about people, right?
If I feel like I lack experience I will find a way to get some, and where is the fun if it isn't dangerous? Lol
#70 - 2015-07-15 19:28:44 UTC  |  Edited by: vccv
Vadik Volkov wrote:
Ima Wreckyou wrote:

See, I knew you don't get EVE


Please fill me in on what I am missing. Allow me to "get" EVE.

At the moment I am playing fruit ninja as its considerable more dynamic then EVE "PVP".

Lastly explain to me how Electronic Arts, Blizzard, Sony, Microsoft, and all the other companies, who have a higher over all player base are doing it wrong.

Just to poke my head back in with a quick snip...

Just because Blizzard and Sony are making mmos with huge playerbases, that doesn't mean they are doing it "right". That mentality is partly what has caused the degradation of the entire industry.

You can buy a cup of coffee at taco bell for .35 cents, but it tastes like ass and is made of radioactive muck. Meanwhile you are free to visit the small cafe down the street and partake in some of the finest roasts. They don't have a drive through, huge lines, and it is quiet inside for you to sit and enjoy. They have been in business longer than most of the fast food joints in town but aren't nearly as known as taco hell.. I'm also fairly certain that they have no interests in creating a drive through and changing their recipes to cater to the "muck suckers" down the street. They understand quality vs quantity.

"doing it right" is subjective.. but I prefer long standing quality over the big named trash available in most all markets.
Vadik Volkov
#71 - 2015-07-15 19:29:48 UTC

I think the point of the OP was missed.

The proposition made was to include a new matchmaking option so new players could learn a little bit about PVP. Though not a bad proposal, one that was met with almost no inclusive reasoning as to why it would be a bad idea. Most old players want new players to "do it like they did" mainly to ensure they stay on top of the food chain.

Matchmaking system is not going to happen. I favor a change to new player interaction, and introduction to PVP. But this will not be the change that takes place.

Giaus Felix
#72 - 2015-07-15 19:35:03 UTC
vccv wrote:
You can buy a cup of coffee at taco bell for .35 cents, but it tastes like ass and is made of radioactive muck. Meanwhile you are free to visit the small cafe down the street and partake in some of the finest roasts. They don't have a drive through, huge lines, and it is quiet inside for you to sit and enjoy. They have been in business longer than most of the fast food joints in town also.

"doing it right" is subjective.. but I prefer long standing quality over the big named trash available in most all markets.
As a confirmed coffee-aholic this is a good comparison. The coffee from most fast food joints does indeed taste like ass (or cardboard, or an ass made from cardboard) and their other products are generally equally as crap. The small coffee house makes a decent cup of coffee and usually has quality complementary products that improve the experience.

I came for the spaceships, I stayed for the tears.

Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#73 - 2015-07-15 19:39:23 UTC
Vadik Volkov wrote:
Ima Wreckyou wrote:

See, I knew you don't get EVE


Please fill me in on what I am missing. Allow me to "get" EVE.

At the moment I am playing fruit ninja as its considerable more dynamic then EVE "PVP".

Lastly explain to me how Electronic Arts, Blizzard, Sony, Microsoft, and all the other companies, who have a higher over all player base are doing it wrong.

PvP in EVE is not Arena style PvP how you usually encounter it in other games. Almost everything you do in EVE has an impact on other players and can be considered a form of or has aspects of PvP. It is an integral part of the game. You don't have to go to the "PvP-map" to do PvP, you don't have to "flag" yourself for PvP, PvP in EVE is in every facet of the game.

If people come from other games they usually have some idea what PvP is. They think of the combat arena in other MMOs or of MOBAs. EVE is no such game. PvP in EVE is not equivalent to combat.

All this other games have more people because they are not niche games like EVE. They attract other people.

So if you like how this other games work then by no means play this other games. Matchmaking or stuff like that in EVE makes no sense at all. It would be abused till there is no tomorrow. This is not WOW where you don't have to care what other people do because a loss means only less reward.
White Ops
#74 - 2015-07-15 19:45:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Vishanka
Vadik Volkov wrote:

I think the point of the OP was missed.

The proposition made was to include a new matchmaking option so new players could learn a little bit about PVP. Though not a bad proposal, one that was met with almost no inclusive reasoning as to why it would be a bad idea. Most old players want new players to "do it like they did" mainly to ensure they stay on top of the food chain.

Matchmaking system is not going to happen. I favor a change to new player interaction, and introduction to PVP. But this will not be the change that takes place.

I don't think that it's necessarily a bad thing to be lowest on the food chain.
I'm a small fish obviously, but I will grow and become a bigger fish. I learned how to survive (most of the time) against other bigger and large fish, but I know all to well I'm not ready yet to encounter a bigger fish. But I will be someday.
That's what pushes me forward :) Of course that's just my opinion and experience, but I think the time (and effort!) everything needs also gives it all some kind of "value". It may not be easy, since there are many large fish here, but it's worth it - to me.
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#75 - 2015-07-15 19:47:21 UTC
vccv wrote:

You can buy a cup of coffee at taco bell for .35 cents, but it tastes like ass and is made of radioactive muck. Meanwhile you are free to visit the small cafe down the street and partake in some of the finest roasts. They don't have a drive through, huge lines, and it is quiet inside for you to sit and enjoy. They have been in business longer than most of the fast food joints in town but aren't nearly as known as taco hell.. I'm also fairly certain that they have no interests in creating a drive through and changing their recipes to cater to the "muck suckers" down the street. They understand quality vs quantity.

I was in the USA once, and what they served there can not be considered coffee. It was hot water with something that did not even taste like coffee. I had to order double espresso and tell them explicitly to not add more water after that stuff came out of the machine to get something that reminded me remotely of coffee.
Cidanel Afuran
Grant Village
#76 - 2015-07-15 19:48:13 UTC
Vadik Volkov wrote:


Please fill me in on what I am missing. Allow me to "get" EVE.

At the moment I am playing fruit ninja as its considerable more dynamic then EVE "PVP".

Lastly explain to me how Electronic Arts, Blizzard, Sony, Microsoft, and all the other companies, who have a higher over all player base are doing it wrong.

Not to put words in someone else's mouth, but this is why (and I think 90% of us on here would agree with me)

EVE is a niche game, it has survived for well over a decade because it is intentionally designed to be harsh, cruel and unforgiving. It attracts a type of person who enjoys risk, is slightly masochistic, and wants the thrill of not having guaranteed success, no matter what. That is the name EVE has made for itself, and that is why it is successful.

Now let's look at the 'average' MMO player (ie, those who now play WoW, SWTOR, Rune, etc). People in those games don't want risk, they want to be able to look up a strategy guide on how to beat the end game raids and faceroll them as fast as possible. The idea of permanent loss, or non-consensual PvP is a complete turnoff to the average MMO-er. Hell, look at PvP servers in any of those games, they are practically dead, and that's without the idea of permanent loss.

Those companies aren't 'doing it wrong', they are just catering to a more risk averse playerbase. To reach the kind of subscription numbers that other games have, EVE would have to introduce PvP arenas, set quests, grinding for skillpoints, instead of real time training, etc. Now what would that do to the core of what EVE is as a game?

* First, it would bring in an influx of risk-averse subscribers from other MMOs.

* Second, as CCP as a company listens to the spirit of the playerbase as a whole for new content, they would start to introduce more low-risk content, to cater to this growing crowd of players who don't want non-consensual PvP

* Third, this would cause even more non-risk taking players to join EVE, causing a cycle where the game slowly grows in subscribers, but continues to become safer and safer and safer.

That cycle would cause the vets who joined EVE specifically because of the environment described in my first paragraph to slowly leave. It would inherently change what EVE is as a game. Lower subscription numbers than MMOs run by other companies is an essential byproduct of the nature of the world in EVE.

When proposing ideas like this (matchmaking PvP) the biggest question we need to ask is "what precedent does this set for future changes?", and any risk-free or low-risk content added sets a precedent that is point-blank against the basic concept of what EVE is.

Don't ask "why does WoW have more subs than EVE?"

Ask "would I rather play WoW in space with 200k subs, or EVE as it stands, a harsh, cruel, and ultimately rewarding universe with 30k subs?"
#77 - 2015-07-15 19:55:21 UTC  |  Edited by: vccv
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
vccv wrote:

You can buy a cup of coffee at taco bell for .35 cents, but it tastes like ass and is made of radioactive muck. Meanwhile you are free to visit the small cafe down the street and partake in some of the finest roasts. They don't have a drive through, huge lines, and it is quiet inside for you to sit and enjoy. They have been in business longer than most of the fast food joints in town but aren't nearly as known as taco hell.. I'm also fairly certain that they have no interests in creating a drive through and changing their recipes to cater to the "muck suckers" down the street. They understand quality vs quantity.

I was in the USA once, and what they served there can not be considered coffee. It was hot water with something that did not even taste like coffee. I had to order double espresso and tell them explicitly to not add more water after that stuff came out of the machine to get something that reminded me remotely of coffee.

I actually hear that quite often. I really wish I could travel more. Much like taco bell, Starbucks serves up the masses even more and I just don't care for them either. People swear by it though. The best I ever tasted was in Singapore. But I had gone a week or so without it and was to the point I probably wouldn't have noticed it from cow urine. A week without sends me into a state of affairs similar to that of the crackheads you see shuffling around like zombies while grinding their teeth at passersby.
Vadik Volkov
#78 - 2015-07-15 19:55:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Vadik Volkov

Very well written. Though your explanation to why you play EVE is still different from why I play EVE.

The topic in this thread was if implementing a matchmaking option, to train new players would be viable. I honestly do not think a matchmaking system would train new players in a way that would prepare them for the rest of the EVE population. I do have to say in my opinion something needs to be done or the continued cycle of 1-3 month EVE players will remain the standard. Again my opinion, I believe most old EVE vets want to continue the new player shuffle. It benefits them. It benefits them to a large extent in the area of PVP the most.

I disagree that every aspect of EVE is linked to PVP. I don't PVP, yet I still have fun, I still do the things I want to do. I may not be the normal average player in EVE, maybe something of an anomaly, pun intended. I would though PVP if it was changed to something resembling what the EVE advertisements promise. And after 2 years in the game I have a fair grasp into why it hasn't changed. Honestly it never has to and I will be happy. To each their own. This still doesn't change my reflection of PVP in EVE compared to the PVP I have experienced in many, many other games. Its inferiority stands as a fact, not an opinion. If EVE PVP was as great as EVE (lol) "Elite PVPers" think it is, then why have other gamers not flocked to EVE for the PVP experience.

CCP could expand its player base by making PVP more accessible to the new player. The old player will not allow that to happen. Matchmaking could solve some of this issue, maybe. I am not so sure it would, but am also not against seeing something like this implemented.


This comment places EVE on a pedestal and pigeon holes every other MMO. Is it truly fair to state players of other MMO's only do this or that? Are you sure you can be the determining point of knowledge for all other MMO's specifically stereotyping the entire player base?

I enjoy a myriad of video games. I would like to share EVE with other gamers. In its current state most do not want to share the EVE experience. I would not mind changes to reflect an inclusion of new players. I would be just as disappointed if CCP decided to ruin their game as you would. But to hide EVE in a closet and say its perfect as it is please don't touch it seems sort of close minded to me.
Falin Whalen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#79 - 2015-07-15 20:04:01 UTC
If anyone reading has remotely played baseball, you know the feeling you get when you really hit it out of the park. What I propose is that the pitcher no longer try to strike me out and instead try to pitch the ball so that I may attempt to hit it out of the park. Everybody gets a good feeling and we can all still play baseball, Win, win, right?

"it's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves." The Trial - Franz Kafka 

#80 - 2015-07-15 20:05:39 UTC
Falin Whalen wrote:
If anyone reading has remotely played baseball, you know the feeling you get when you really hit it out of the park. What I propose is that the pitcher no longer try to strike me out and instead try to pitch the ball so that I may attempt to hit it out of the park. Everybody gets a good feeling and we can all still play baseball, Win, win, right?

So, 30+ Mens Softball league?

No offense to any ballplayers out there, heh heh..