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NYE Event??

First post
Tore Vest
#21 - 2011-12-31 15:10:46 UTC
The Mittani wrote:

Been there... done that....
Booring Bear

No troll.

#22 - 2011-12-31 17:28:16 UTC
ASadOldGit wrote:
There's a player-run event in Umokka, Lonetrek. (according to a message on EVE Gate - which for some reason, I can only find when logged out What?)
Three's a Crowd
#23 - 2011-12-31 17:57:41 UTC
CCP Sreegs wrote:
Sorry, I'm getting drunk

Me too, so what time can we expect the event?

If anyone ever looks at you and says,_ "Hold my beer, watch this,"_  you're probably going to want to pay attention.

Bad Girl Posse
#24 - 2011-12-31 18:38:24 UTC
CCP Sreegs wrote:
Sorry, I'm getting drunk

So what you are saying is, you play EVE sober most of the time?

R.I.P. Vile Rat

Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#25 - 2011-12-31 18:45:54 UTC
CCP Sreegs wrote:
Sorry, I'm getting drunk

The correct answer. I am way ahead of you there.

/I wonder what backwater .0 system I'll wake-up in this year.

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Roh Voleto
#26 - 2011-12-31 19:20:58 UTC
The Mittani wrote:

What was that quote again? Something like: "We don't want to ruin the game. We just want to ruin your game."

An "event" where most of the involved ships have a "velocity" of 0 m/s does not seem like a sign of a healthy game to me. I am doubtful if anybody who would participate in, let alone be proud of facilitating , such an event could rightfully call himself an advocate the community at large.

But what do I know? I am just here for the game itself, and not because I subscribed to some outside forum and/or are desperate for any kind of self assurance and smugness.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#27 - 2011-12-31 19:33:42 UTC
CCP Sreegs wrote:
Sorry, I'm getting drunk

Based on the fittings I seen you guys fly, how does getting drunk mean you won't come out this time? Big smile

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Jarnis McPieksu
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2011-12-31 19:42:38 UTC
The Mittani wrote:

Are you sure that's enough bubbles? I mean there is still room on the grid...
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