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Mission Extravaganza Thread

Lycus Emyr
#21 - 2015-07-09 09:45:02 UTC
You say there is plenty but i dont think that we are at the poi t of having a good selection of pve activities available and what we have is predictable and repetitive. There is so much room for it to be expanded upon to make the game more fun for more people.
Lycus Emyr
#22 - 2015-07-09 18:20:27 UTC
Mike Voidstar wrote:
It would be wonderful if they put some effort into missions.

For one, they could randomize things a bit. Sure, you get sent after a particular guy or item, but the fleet size, composition, and various environmental factors need not be the same each time.

Bonus content or alternate mission paths could be unlocked through hacking, scanning or archeology. Missions could spawn missions, or mission items could spawn new missions once you dock at a station, giving unique value and potentially a reason to fight over a particular mission pocket against people that ninja into your pockets.

I really like these ideas
Cassandra Skjem
Big Sister Exploration
#23 - 2015-07-09 18:54:44 UTC
Catherine Laartii wrote:

Thoughts? It's a bit to go over so take your time and ask questions as you have them.

Would bringing Dust players along to some of your missions be something Eve players are interested in, using a co-op method to complete a mission, something like what is posted in the Dust forums in this thread?

Is it a tarp?

Catherine Laartii
#24 - 2015-07-09 22:45:24 UTC
Cassandra Skjem wrote:
Catherine Laartii wrote:

Thoughts? It's a bit to go over so take your time and ask questions as you have them.

Would bringing Dust players along to some of your missions be something Eve players are interested in, using a co-op method to complete a mission, something like what is posted in the Dust forums in this thread?

It would be interesting, but there would be some serious technical hurdles to it. I'd say if they once project legion goes live and they have single-sign on, AND then have certain ships in eve being able to do atmospheric flight, then MAYBE it'd be doable to have combined missions.
Catherine Laartii
#25 - 2015-07-09 22:56:27 UTC
Lycus Emyr wrote:
Mike Voidstar wrote:
It would be wonderful if they put some effort into missions.

For one, they could randomize things a bit. Sure, you get sent after a particular guy or item, but the fleet size, composition, and various environmental factors need not be the same each time.

Bonus content or alternate mission paths could be unlocked through hacking, scanning or archeology. Missions could spawn missions, or mission items could spawn new missions once you dock at a station, giving unique value and potentially a reason to fight over a particular mission pocket against people that ninja into your pockets.

I really like these ideas

I do too; it seems like a good, small place for CCP to start at.
Cassandra Skjem
Big Sister Exploration
#26 - 2015-07-10 03:55:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Cassandra Skjem
Catherine Laartii wrote:
Cassandra Skjem wrote:
Catherine Laartii wrote:

Thoughts? It's a bit to go over so take your time and ask questions as you have them.

Would bringing Dust players along to some of your missions be something Eve players are interested in, using a co-op method to complete a mission, something like what is posted in the Dust forums in this thread?

It would be interesting, but there would be some serious technical hurdles to it. I'd say if they once project legion goes live and they have single-sign on, AND then have certain ships in eve being able to do atmospheric flight, then MAYBE it'd be doable to have combined missions.

CCP already announced Project Legion is dead via revoking their claim on the Name Project Legion in the United States.

I agree that single signon would be nice for both games as well as a PC port but I wonder if this is something remotely possible, dock and get mission, load mercs into cargo and drop them in an objective (I remember a mission where I had to drop a corpse full of explosive at a station one time, also picking up scientists and ferrying them somewhere as well as capturing militants from cargo) so that they get to their objective, you hold off a few waves of NPCs then pick them up when they achieve their objective and returning them to station.

To me this is completely possible regardless of single sign-in or not. They are already on the server so I assume they should be able to interact with us as I can type to them in local or use Eve Voice to speak with them. Some of the things needed CCP was talking about in the early stages of the game such as being able to ferry merc through space via player vessels. I assume the systems for Dust are reinforced for PS3 interaction and the rest are simply not accessible via the PS3 game client.

One more thing regarding single sign on, multiple accounts would still be exempt from signing on singly from the initial sign on so.....I am left with the distinct feeling that more accounts, more cash from subs, but this isn't supposed to be about a merger but rather missions so, back to the question about the game we have now at this point in time. Would Eve pilots be interested in spending time ferrying Dust players to complexes or not?

Is it a tarp?

Cassandra Skjem
Big Sister Exploration
#27 - 2015-07-10 15:15:42 UTC
Catherine Laartii wrote:

  • Now I'd like to segue from that last bit about pirate pvp missions into the last bit of this thread. After your reach 8.0 standing with an NPC corp, you have the option of joining them. This includes all pirate npc corps, so you can finally RP as a pirate! While joining a player corp is a big part of this game, we can also extend this concept to corporations. If the corporation has a high enough standing, they can join as a subsidiary of that faction in a similar fashion to FW corps joining under the banner of a particular faction militia.

  • That is not to say there will be pirate FW, but if you and your buds have great corporate standings with Serpentis or Guristas, you can join that npc corp just in the same way a corp can enlist in the faction militia. You just have to be very careful about managing your standings otherwise you'll get a notice about not meeting reqs and getting the boot within a week. or so from the faction.

    The same thing applies to ANY npc corp in the game, so people who are heavy into running Khanid missions can join up with the Royal Khanid Navy, or a corp that's already a subsidiary of that NPC corp. But as a corporation, you'd receive significant benefits from being a part of an NPC corp, like free repairs, reduced LP costs from the store, reduced or nil monthly fee on offices, etc. Basically things to encourage people who follow that faction to band together.

    Thoughts? It's a bit to go over so take your time and ask questions as you have them.

    This would be really cool but it encourages grinding, something I am deeply averse to do anymore, at one time yeah sure but it really takes a lot away from the game to have to grind those standings, so maybe a Liked standing to join would be better at +5 you could join.

    Is it a tarp?

    A Big Enough Lever
    #28 - 2015-07-10 20:26:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Xe'Cara'eos
    what this game needs is some (easier than incursion/burner/sleeper) incentives to do logi, logi'ing NPC ships sounds like a pretty good idea, as does feeding them cap or damping/jamming/neuting the opposing fleet, it would also work as a single player's intro to fleet work
    EDIT - I also LOVe that dust link!

    For posting an idea into F&I: come up with idea, try and think how people could abuse this, try to fix your idea - loop the process until you can't see how it could be abused, then post to the forums to let us figure out how to abuse it..... If your idea can be abused, it [u]WILL[/u] be.

    Lycus Emyr
    #29 - 2015-07-12 08:14:49 UTC
    Xe'Cara'eos wrote:
    what this game needs is some (easier than incursion/burner/sleeper) incentives to do logi, logi'ing NPC ships sounds like a pretty good idea, as does feeding them cap or damping/jamming/neuting the opposing fleet, it would also work as a single player's intro to fleet work
    EDIT - I also LOVe that dust link!

    I would love to see more group pve content in any form
    Cassandra Skjem
    Big Sister Exploration
    #30 - 2015-07-12 15:33:22 UTC
    Xe'Cara'eos wrote:
    what this game needs is some (easier than incursion/burner/sleeper) incentives to do logi, logi'ing NPC ships sounds like a pretty good idea, as does feeding them cap or damping/jamming/neuting the opposing fleet, it would also work as a single player's intro to fleet work
    EDIT - I also LOVe that dust link!

    Logi is a skill intensive position though, if it were easy to do the Logi work then likely players would fit ships tank wise so they don't need a logi. Are you saying this because typically a New Player wouldn't actually see Logi or why it could be useful until 6 months of training in? It would definitely give players first hand experience with Logi without needing to be in PVP fleets or running topish level PVE.

    Is it a tarp?

    Lycus Emyr
    #31 - 2015-07-12 17:55:43 UTC
    Cassandra Skjem wrote:
    Xe'Cara'eos wrote:
    what this game needs is some (easier than incursion/burner/sleeper) incentives to do logi, logi'ing NPC ships sounds like a pretty good idea, as does feeding them cap or damping/jamming/neuting the opposing fleet, it would also work as a single player's intro to fleet work
    EDIT - I also LOVe that dust link!

    Logi is a skill intensive position though, if it were easy to do the Logi work then likely players would fit ships tank wise so they don't need a logi. Are you saying this because typically a New Player wouldn't actually see Logi or why it could be useful until 6 months of training in? It would definitely give players first hand experience with Logi without needing to be in PVP fleets or running topish level PVE.

    I think it could work as a great way to introduce logi to newer players...Also logi missions
    Lycus Emyr
    #32 - 2015-07-12 18:03:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Lycus Emyr
    Cassandra Skjem wrote:
    Xe'Cara'eos wrote:
    what this game needs is some (easier than incursion/burner/sleeper) incentives to do logi, logi'ing NPC ships sounds like a pretty good idea, as does feeding them cap or damping/jamming/neuting the opposing fleet, it would also work as a single player's intro to fleet work
    EDIT - I also LOVe that dust link!

    Logi is a skill intensive position though, if it were easy to do the Logi work then likely players would fit ships tank wise so they don't need a logi. Are you saying this because typically a New Player wouldn't actually see Logi or why it could be useful until 6 months of training in? It would definitely give players first hand experience with Logi without needing to be in PVP fleets or running topish level PVE.

    Logi Missions where you go out and give remote shields,armor, cap to a ship to help it or group missions where you have to heal a NPC ship while your friends protect your from pirate attacks could be interesting
    Lycus Emyr
    #33 - 2015-07-13 01:59:27 UTC
    "Bonus content or alternate mission paths could be unlocked through hacking, scanning or archeology. Missions could spawn missions, or mission items could spawn new missions once you dock at a station, giving unique value and potentially a reason to fight over a particular mission pocket against people that ninja into your pockets."

    this would be a great way to introduce new missions for exploration, and also could expand on exploration there could be missions to find a certain site that is relevant to lore and bring back an artifact to some agent who would then have a mini arc for you.

    Sobaan Tali
    Caldari Quick Reaction Force
    #34 - 2015-07-13 03:19:00 UTC
    Lycus Emyr wrote:
    "Bonus content or alternate mission paths could be unlocked through hacking, scanning or archeology. Missions could spawn missions, or mission items could spawn new missions once you dock at a station, giving unique value and potentially a reason to fight over a particular mission pocket against people that ninja into your pockets."

    this would be a great way to introduce new missions for exploration, and also could expand on exploration there could be missions to find a certain site that is relevant to lore and bring back an artifact to some agent who would then have a mini arc for you.

    Ah, the so-called "Mission Escalations" idea. I've always liked that idea. I still really like that idea. First time I heard of it was back when I started in 2010. I think it'd be a pretty cool addition.


    "----in' A, right?"

    "Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

    "----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."

    Lycus Emyr
    #35 - 2015-07-13 21:31:26 UTC
    Sobaan Tali wrote:
    Lycus Emyr wrote:
    "Bonus content or alternate mission paths could be unlocked through hacking, scanning or archeology. Missions could spawn missions, or mission items could spawn new missions once you dock at a station, giving unique value and potentially a reason to fight over a particular mission pocket against people that ninja into your pockets."

    this would be a great way to introduce new missions for exploration, and also could expand on exploration there could be missions to find a certain site that is relevant to lore and bring back an artifact to some agent who would then have a mini arc for you.

    Ah, the so-called "Mission Escalations" idea. I've always liked that idea. I still really like that idea. First time I heard of it was back when I started in 2010. I think it'd be a pretty cool addition.

    I would love to see a time when missions sometimes gave new missions for mini arcs and sometimes anoms and sigs did to
    Lycus Emyr
    #36 - 2015-07-14 07:45:56 UTC
    Also i know it has been posted elsewhere but more epic arcs would be great as well
    Barrogh Habalu
    Imperial Shipment
    Amarr Empire
    #37 - 2015-07-14 09:09:32 UTC
    CCP already tried to make PvP-based payouts (it wasn't missions, just general FW business), it got metagamed in no time on such a massive scale that GMs had to step in and revert an aftermatch. So automatic huge nope to this idea unless it has regulating mechanism attached to it akin to one bounties have - and even then, bounties do not generate ISK or materials, they merely transfer ISK, which will not be the case for missions I suppose, so it's still nope.
    Lycus Emyr
    #38 - 2015-07-16 05:16:33 UTC
    Barrogh Habalu wrote:
    CCP already tried to make PvP-based payouts (it wasn't missions, just general FW business), it got metagamed in no time on such a massive scale that GMs had to step in and revert an aftermatch. So automatic huge nope to this idea unless it has regulating mechanism attached to it akin to one bounties have - and even then, bounties do not generate ISK or materials, they merely transfer ISK, which will not be the case for missions I suppose, so it's still nope.

    why would there be a problem with more missions? it would mean more people doing things in space which is good for everyone.
    Catherine Laartii
    #39 - 2015-07-16 23:10:22 UTC
    Lycus Emyr wrote:
    Barrogh Habalu wrote:
    CCP already tried to make PvP-based payouts (it wasn't missions, just general FW business), it got metagamed in no time on such a massive scale that GMs had to step in and revert an aftermatch. So automatic huge nope to this idea unless it has regulating mechanism attached to it akin to one bounties have - and even then, bounties do not generate ISK or materials, they merely transfer ISK, which will not be the case for missions I suppose, so it's still nope.

    why would there be a problem with more missions? it would mean more people doing things in space which is good for everyone.

    He does have a point though, although the failing is on the dev's part, not the concept itself. Finding the right checks and balances would be appropriate, and after thinking on it for a bit, i have come up with a few ideas that may help pvp missions be balanced and (hopefully) non-exploitable.

    -Killing the same person twice yields no credit

    -Player targets have to be at least three months old.

    The first will prohibit the killing of alts repeatably, and the second further ensures that new pilots cannot be generated specifically for pvp rewards. This also protects newer players from being targeted as easy prey.
    Lycus Emyr
    #40 - 2015-07-17 01:43:54 UTC
    He does have a point though, although the failing is on the dev's part, not the concept itself. Finding the right checks and balances would be appropriate, and after thinking on it for a bit, i have come up with a few ideas that may help pvp missions be balanced and (hopefully) non-exploitable.

    -Killing the same person twice yields no credit

    -Player targets have to be at least three months old.

    The first will prohibit the killing of alts repeatably, and the second further ensures that new pilots cannot be generated specifically for pvp rewards. This also protects newer players from being targeted as easy prey.[/quote]

    I like those ideas.
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