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Talisman Set Change Suggestion

Ignacio Daimon
Victory or Whatever
Nourv Gate Security Commission
#1 - 2015-07-09 22:20:57 UTC

The Talisman Implant set is severely lacking in usages. While its a great set to have, it really puts a huge hit to the ships capacitor, being the only real implant set with a monumental drawback. I suggest that the cycle duration, be changed to Neut range. Range will easily scale to a manageable amount on each sized neut.

I'm not going to ramble on about the specifics of why its so great of a change. To me it seems pretty cut and dry and a great answer to the issue the set has currently.

I have been practicing a lot with the set and feel that it is more of a drawback on most ships then an advantage.

Thanks CCP,

Ignacio Daimon
Thanatos Marathon
#2 - 2015-07-09 22:38:24 UTC
would be way OP.
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2015-07-09 23:04:48 UTC
Take a good look at current Talismans plus the Blood Raiders ships.
I think they are fine.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#4 - 2015-07-09 23:07:11 UTC
Talismans are a fantastic set if you know what you're doing with them ie build the ship to incorporate the implants from the get-go

Swapping the set bonus to range would be utterly, insanely powerful for dedicated neutralizer boats that are already in a good place with or without the Talisman set.

Daniela Doran
#5 - 2015-07-09 23:34:12 UTC
If you're concern about capacitor usage then use egress port maximizer rigs.

Also talisman sets are at their best when used with Blood Raiders ships fitted with NOS.

Leto Aramaus
Frog Team Four
Of Essence
#6 - 2015-07-09 23:35:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Leto Aramaus
Could be way OP. but wouldn't have to be.

I have also wanted a way to increase neut range. I think I posted for new warfare links that affect energy warfare, but this could be a good way too.

Again, as long as it's not out of hand... (Curse Large Neuts = 85-90km tops)... I'm for it.


Edit: also change OH on neuts and nos to increase range just like web and scram. because since T3s are stupidOP my curse should be too.
Minty Aroma
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#7 - 2015-07-09 23:43:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Minty Aroma
Talisman set is awesome with the Bhaalgorn, and the mid grade set is cheap as hell for it's quality.

Just fit a T2 egress rig (cheap as well) and 2 cap boosters, then a full rack of meta 4 or faction neuts.

Don't alter it - just learn to manage cap boosting scrubs!
Ignacio Daimon
Victory or Whatever
Nourv Gate Security Commission
#8 - 2015-07-10 00:38:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Ignacio Daimon
Let me stress my point. What drawback that have such hard requirements (IE port egress rigs / no slaves / Blood raiders only ) do the other sets have?

15% (that's omega bonus to range overall)

Small - 7.25 KM ( 6.3 KM Base )
Medium -14.49 KM ( 12.60 KM Base )
Heavy - 28.98 KM ( 25.20 KM Base )

I don't see how that is too OP.
Daniela Doran
#9 - 2015-07-10 01:17:36 UTC
Ignacio Daimon wrote:
Let me stress my point. What drawback that have such hard requirements (IE port egress rigs / no slaves / Blood raiders only ) do the other sets have?

15% (that's omega bonus to range overall)

Small - 7.25 KM ( 6.3 KM Base )
Medium -14.49 KM ( 12.60 KM Base )
Heavy - 28.98 KM ( 25.20 KM Base )

I don't see how that is too OP.

Requesting to alter a Implant set bonus to suit your desires is a bit selfish don't cha think? Instead you should've just requested an entire new implant set that gives range to neuts. I happen to like the Talisman set bonus just fine as they are.