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Barrier to entry is time and expense of T2 stuff, not skill points

Kaivar Lancer
#41 - 2015-07-07 19:40:26 UTC
Many meta-level items are more expensive than T2s...
Yarda Black
The Black Redemption
#42 - 2015-07-07 19:43:30 UTC
I agree with the OP. I feel I'm at a significant disadvantage not being able to PvP with officer mods. This is most definitely not caused by a lack of skillpoints! (it is by a total lack of skill itself, but thats our little forum-secret)

But seriously; T2 >T1 in most cases (not all!). That being said; I've always believed the words I heard in one of EVE's most early trailers:

"Sure they're always trying to build a faster ship or better weapons. But they just don't get it. Brains are a better weapon than any Megathron class battleship or any graviton smartbomb."
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#43 - 2015-07-07 19:43:59 UTC
Divine Entervention wrote:
Those with the advantages will make whatever case they can to keep them.

We don't want competition here.

More Easy wins and QQ please

Are you talking about an online internet space pixel game?

Because if you are, you just clearly proved you know very little about the game.

Net 7
#44 - 2015-07-07 19:45:07 UTC

but to the op:

You sound like someone who looks to get a new job but goes 'Oh wait no, they have guys that have been there for 10 years with newer tools then i have.. yea sorry i won;t take that job"

Change your mentality. not that difficult

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Chainsaw Plankton
#45 - 2015-07-07 20:21:19 UTC
I bought my first BCU for 9mil isk... yea... lol @ cost of t2 stuff now

according to EFT all the slasher fits I have cost between 4-7mil and that is with a mix of t2 and meta stuff. Merlin 2.5mil for a meta fit, up to 11.4mil for a t2 and meta 4 fit (drops to 7mil with meta 3 scram/web). A beam slicer is 20mil add 5mil for a 2% cpu implant. A tristan with t2 drones is 7something mil.

isk making isn't really all that hard, and in many ways is easier, and some ways harder, than when I started.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

9B30FF Labs
#46 - 2015-07-07 20:30:51 UTC
I remember Large Shield Extenders II at 25 mil p/u. Smile
Count of MonteCylon
Anti-Pirate Enforcement
#47 - 2015-07-08 03:36:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Count of MonteCylon
Another example on how cost is a barrier to entry:

Let's say you have a fleet of 3 punishers against a fleet of 3 pirate faction frigates. Even if they have close to the same skill points it's no contest.

Add in how the people flying the pirate faction frigates are willing to wait 6 hours to set up their optimal fight and how it costs the new players more time to field their punishers than it costs the established players to field their pirate frigs and it should be clear why giving more skill points out is going to bring about very little change.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. -- Ephesians 6:12

Count of MonteCylon
Anti-Pirate Enforcement
#48 - 2015-07-08 03:37:40 UTC
DaReaper wrote:

but to the op:

You sound like someone who looks to get a new job but goes 'Oh wait no, they have guys that have been there for 10 years with newer tools then i have.. yea sorry i won;t take that job"

Change your mentality. not that difficult

Eve is a job now?

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. -- Ephesians 6:12

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#49 - 2015-07-08 04:56:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Count of MonteCylon wrote:
Angelica Dreamstar wrote:
Why are you incapable of dealing with something tens of thousands did before you? Why do you need it easier than all of those who were successful before you?

You are rambling.... two sentences. I don't think you know what the word rambling means.

If anything given your recent posting incontinence on the forums, you are the one rambling.


"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Net 7
#50 - 2015-07-08 05:10:14 UTC
Count of MonteCylon wrote:
DaReaper wrote:

but to the op:

You sound like someone who looks to get a new job but goes 'Oh wait no, they have guys that have been there for 10 years with newer tools then i have.. yea sorry i won;t take that job"

Change your mentality. not that difficult

Eve is a job now?

always has been, what you did not know? ;)

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2015-07-08 06:50:33 UTC
Gregor Parud wrote:

You might want to check the KB for that character before raising that video as a banner.

  1. 17 days isn't extreme, and certainly far less than most PvP ready fits require (Suitonia's own "Low SP" Kestrel vids are 6M+ SP) - but I'd hesitate to call anything over 48 hours 'newbro' friendly.
  2. What was Suitonia able to kill?

    • Interceptors.
    • An Industrial.
    • a drunk FN Comet.
    • a couple Bombers who got caught with their pants down.

  • Suitonia explained on a follow up lecture to PL that the reason he even got the Inty kills was because they just went "lolT1" and basically refused to fight back. 5:20
  • For the commentary on that video, Suitonia claimed that the fight against the Enyo was close. I don't want to say it wasn't as they both went into structure, but the stars aligned to even make that fight close. Primarily, the Enyo pilot appeared to be running the EVE Uni fit while Suitonia happened to be running Fusion S. Even fighting a pilot likely underestimating as badly as the Intys were, and abusing the Enyo's unfilled Explosive resist hole - Suitonia still lost.
  • Complains that he got baited by a dishonorburu pilot who dared fit an AB.

  • Basically, a 17 day pilot can kill things that either can't or won't fight back. I didn't need Suitonia for that, I could have just asked CODE.
    Barrogh Habalu
    Imperial Shipment
    Amarr Empire
    #52 - 2015-07-08 08:04:44 UTC
    Yarda Black wrote:
    "Sure they're always trying to build a faster ship or better weapons. But they just don't get it. Brains are a better weapon than any Megathron class battleship or any graviton smartbomb."

    Something of notice is that brains with Megathron class battleship and some graviton smartbombs are better than ones without.
    Falken Falcon
    #53 - 2015-07-08 08:12:44 UTC
    Count of MonteCylon wrote:
    Another example on how cost is a barrier to entry:

    Let's say you have a fleet of 3 punishers against a fleet of 3 pirate faction frigates. Even if they have close to the same skill points it's no contest.

    Add in how the people flying the pirate faction frigates are willing to wait 6 hours to set up their optimal fight and how it costs the new players more time to field their punishers than it costs the established players to field their pirate frigs and it should be clear why giving more skill points out is going to bring about very little change.
    I don't even have the words for this.. I'm just gonna offer you this: Sisi, it is the place you want tq to be, but luckily it already exists. Everything is seeded and costs 100 isk. You also get 2mil sp everytime you join testing stuff. Have fun
    Count of MonteCylon wrote:
    Eve is a job now?
    Yes, eve is an social experiment to see if people would pay for a job, if their cubicle would be a spaceship.

    Aye, Sea Turtles

    Anthar Thebess
    #54 - 2015-07-08 10:14:29 UTC
    When i started to play you could use a drake to get into any fleet Roll
    It was good .
    1 Not skill intensive hull or weapon system
    2. Newbe could easy go unnoticed by enemy , as he was in right ship , and it is hard to difference skills or equipment on field.
    3. Loosing uninsured drake resulted in nothing more than 20mil loose ( much less if you where using T1 stuff)

    Now, after all this changes and balance changes when you want to join a fleet :
    1. You need to fly : T2 Hac , T2 Logi , T3 Cruiser , Faction Battleship
    2. Newbie is not welcomed, as he usually don't have skills , for ship and mods required
    3. Loosing one of those ships result in at least 120mil loose , but usually around 300mil

    From perspective of older player , loosing became more expensive , but there is no problem in terms of hulls , as i don't fly only mining barge/rorqual/jf, 2 freighters and cannot use doomsday or fighter bombers ...

    This shift in meta was very bad for new players , yes T1 cruisers where boosted, but in current meta real play starts when you can put in a good use , normal ships (T2 Hac , T2 Logi , T3 Cruiser , Faction Battleship).
    Then you can farm as much as you can those unlucky newbies in T1 cruisers that don't have any chance.

    Jenshae Chiroptera
    #55 - 2015-07-08 11:17:45 UTC
    Date of Birth: 2011-04-30

    As a miner on 2011-07-29 I lost a hurricane in PVP.
    That is just three months, (I think there were still learning skills around), including mining ships and haulers before I was one of the main PVPers in my corporation. I used to take a horrible fit Cyclone (yes, you can see my most recent loss is still horrible) and jump first into a gang that were declaring war on us as they thought we were soft targets.
    Then I would try and hold tank, transversals, active, overheating, getting under the guns, while being the primary target long enough for us to break our target.
    We had no logi pilots.
    Our average skill points was probably around 5 million.
    It was some of the most exhilirating PVP that I have ever done (10 to 15 vs 10 to 15). Feeling the pulse of that battle under my finger tips, holding on as the fight pivots on two of us, trying to push that little more. The stakes were high, these were guys who had bought BPCs and mined the minerals for their hulls to save a little ISK. We were poor and new.
    Failure would be a big hit to us.

    There is fun to be had if you are in a group with the right attititude and determination.

    The old adage, "Only a poor workman blames his tools"

    CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

    Not even once

    EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

    Jonah Gravenstein
    Machiavellian Space Bastards
    #56 - 2015-07-08 14:28:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
    Count of MonteCylon wrote:
    Another example on how cost is a barrier to entry:

    Let's say you have a fleet of 3 punishers against a fleet of 3 pirate faction frigates. Even if they have close to the same skill points it's no contest.
    A Punisher in the hands of someone who is intimately familiar with their ships capabilities is more than capable of taking on a pirate faction frigate in the hands of someone who is not so familiar with their ships capabilities.

    Knowledge, or lack thereof, is far more of a barrier to PvP than cost.

    Add in how the people flying the pirate faction frigates are willing to wait 6 hours to set up their optimal fight and how it costs the new players more time to field their punishers than it costs the established players to field their pirate frigs and it should be clear why giving more skill points out is going to bring about very little change.
    That's called picking your battles, it's one tactic among many that are universally available, it's not a guaranteed "I win".

    In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

    New Player FAQ

    Feyd's Survival Pack

    Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
    #57 - 2015-07-08 17:51:41 UTC
    Count of MonteCylon wrote:
    I posted this in another thread but figure it's worth making my own just to see if anyone agrees with me. I have a feeling that this will make more established players cringe but I do believe it's true:

    The challenge in making Eve accessible from a PvP standpoint isn't in the number of skill points that people start in, it's related to the expense as well as to the time required before you can "afford to lose" the T2 and higher items. Giving me more skill points to begin with won't meaningfully shrink the gap because it'll still be months at least before it's economically worth it for me to fly the things that dominate the PvP game. If I play casually (which I do) it's never worth it and between that and the long waits inherent to Eve PvP it's fundamentally not worth it for me to treat this as a PvP game.

    Tl;dr -- giving me more SP won't make it cost effective for me to fly the good stuff against older players or players who have way more time to spend on the game than I do.

    I'm going to agree with you. As my heretical article here mentioned, Elite:Dangerous are really onto something with their ship insurance model.

    Republic University
    Minmatar Republic
    #58 - 2015-07-08 20:36:20 UTC
    Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
    Elite:Dangerous are really onto something with their ship insurance model.
    Not sure you could actually work that. You can say you'll pay out 95% of the ship's cost, but since EVE ships are made from player mined minerals an increase in beautiful space explosions puts upward pressure on costs unless there's also a correlating increase in mining.

    Or put more simply, if you blow ships up faster than the bot-miners can replace them then the X% insurance deficit will just end up rising until you're right back at net cost/ship levels that you wanted to avoid.
    Divine Entervention
    #59 - 2015-07-09 06:22:18 UTC
    All these dudes have come before us.

    They've put in the time. They've been paying the subs that power the game.

    The rest of us have been doing who knows what. What right do we have to demand the same capabilities as them? We don't.

    You've spent $15 to play this game, why should you be equal to those who've accounted for hundreds, thousands of dollars on sub fees and plexes?

    If isk is what's holding you back, buy Plexes.
    If it's skill points, buy a character.

    Sure, it'll cost money. But this is all the result of your choice to not have been already putting forth the effort to accomplish whatever your goals are.

    Fatoria Hemah
    Imperial Academy
    Amarr Empire
    #60 - 2015-07-09 06:41:07 UTC
    Bro, if you through me an ingame message I give you a 1 Week Skill-Plan and throw away cheap fit that will make you worthwhile in any pvp battle if you have some friend that also use it.

    This is the barrier for pvp -> Ingame friends