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Larontra's Market Guide UPDATED FREE

Deepwater Hooligans
#1 - 2015-06-30 09:49:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Larontra

ArrowOver the next few weeks I will be writing a guide that will detail the time, sweat, tears, and amazing luck that I encountered while learning the market, and working my way to large sums of ISK.

ArrowAt the beginning of this undertaking, for the first few days the layout of this guide will change drastically , and gain a look that will be very simple to understand, allowing you put into practice right away!

ArrowEach Chapter will have at least 1 major lession, and 4-5 minors in a well listed format, and general theme.

There Will be 3 tiers of Supporters. Each will recieve a unique gift/gifts that will stack the higher you choose to donate. If you choose not to donate, you will still be able to put the Info to great use!

Donor Tier 1 - Any donation, nothing is too small
Arrow Entered into a raffle at end of Guide for 30 million Isk (This amount will grow the more people who donate)

Donor Tier 2 - Donation of 10 million or more.
Arrow Entered into a raffle at end of Guide for 100 million Isk (This amount will grow the more people who donate)

Donor Tier 3 - Donation of 75 Million or more.
Arrow You will Gain a special Chapter with 2 major lessons, and 2-3 minor lessons worth donating your isk on T3.
Arrow You will Gain a special Small, but powerful list of amazing hubs to sell at. Worth 300-500 million isk roughly.

IdeaEACH DONOR PACK integrates smaller group of lesser above it. (T1, and T2)

So your asking why I would do this. The answer is simple. Everyone should have the right to play eve without the rage of lackin isk, or siting mining for hours and hour on end.

Will I make any profit? Thats the interesting part. I may, or may not It all depends on you guy! But again, Its time to pass some knowledge along, and If You guys feel that Ive earned a donation then I will thank you very much.

If you donate you will be listed in the Tier you are part of, unless you want to remain nameless, which I respect.

Is there any other goodies? Yep Ill be giving out things like BPO's Or BPC's Or Ships dependent on the amount of donations I get remember.

Ask any questions you want to. I will reply asap.
When you become one of the Donor Tiers, please send me a Mail with amount you donated, and if you want to have your name listed for all to see your a donor, and what you donated to the guide.

CHAPTER 1 Will be released withing 24-32 Hours, I have half done already. ENJOY TY IF YOU DONATED
Deepwater Hooligans
#2 - 2015-06-30 09:52:34 UTC
Deepwater Hooligans
#3 - 2015-06-30 09:54:00 UTC
Deepwater Hooligans
#4 - 2015-06-30 10:04:12 UTC
Deepwater Hooligans
#5 - 2015-06-30 11:19:07 UTC
Last Reserved Spot needed.
Rilati Kansene
Monte Inc
#6 - 2015-06-30 14:07:15 UTC
Could you help out with a few minor details and additional explanation please ?

as you promised;
Ask any questions you want to. I will reply asap.

Here are my questions:

Amazing trader... large sums of ISK etc etc:

  • Presumably trading has made you very wealthy
  • If it hasn't, your guide would be of no use to anyone
  • If it has... why are you looking for donations ?
  • Why are you looking for such small donations ?

Amazing Guide, many lesions... and the opportunity for free stuff ! (after donating a tiny sum of ISK)

  • Is the prospect of receiving a guide not incentive enough on its own ?
  • If you have such amazing wealth as generated by your trading, why not just give things away without asking for donations ?

Ahh special extra incentive to donate to the highest tier

  • List of amazing hubs to sell at, hey thats cool
  • Valued at between 300 and 500 million (estimated)
  • umm.. by what methodology did you complete the estimation ?
  • I mean, how can you possibly narrow it down to that exact range ?
  • If I only make 290m from one of the amazing hubs, will you refund my T3 donation ?

Any credentials you can add to validate the value of a guide by yourself

  • 5 posts from Larontra in the last 3 years
  • all 5 of them in this very thread
  • Prior to 2012 you seemed quite active on the character bazaar...
  • Prior to 2012 you seemed to be quite active bouncing around through different corps
  • Where have you been all this time ?

Could you add a zero or two to each of your numbers pls... if you are in the scam business on such low numbers you have to be aiming at huge volumes, else it's just not worth the effort.... I'm just not seeing the return on (time) investment here - I mean sure, tiny effort to copy paste someone else's guide as a first chapter and get some ISK rolling in from donations... but even with 100 T2 and 20 T3 'donations' the final payout numbers are still such small-fry as to still not bother with.
Why not go with the time honored tradition of 'first chapter is free.... second and all other chapters available for premium members for just 500M and if you don't make triple your investment in the first month, I'll return double your premium subscription fee' ??
Ren Oren
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2015-06-30 22:46:16 UTC
MD leaves no stone unturned
Deepwater Hooligans
#8 - 2015-07-01 04:56:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Larontra
Ill agree no stone left unturned =). Ill answer all questions, and address everything asked when I get home from work in 6 hours. To answer the one question, if a scam why the low numbers. I think that answers itself. If this was to make me rich off scamming it would fail wouldn't it?

o7 see you all in a few hours.

EDIT: As this Character is up for sale atm, I will be using one of my Active characters to take over the thread as to prove the validity, and allow an API with info that will prove my claims.
Rilati Kansene
Monte Inc
#9 - 2015-07-01 07:03:10 UTC

if a scam why the low numbers. I think that answers itself.


  • you are new to scamming outside of jita ISK doubling and are starting small
  • scamming 2B may actually be a huge sum to you
  • you are playing a longer game than I have given you credit for.
  • ... I mean /hypothetically/ if I were to scam MD I'd start with the guide and some give aways, and then pray upon the slightly above average yet lazy types - "obviously a well written guide, so he knows what he's talking about.., but following the guide would take :effort: - ahh fortunately he's now also selling a subscription to: 'things to trade this week for instant profit' ah, only 1B... That! That right there is my way to more ISK.

- but we Eve players, we are a cynical bunch... :)

The correct answer to my queries should be "sod off - here's my guide right here, all I'm trying to do is help some newbies make a bit of ISK on the markets - I'm giving something back to the community, whilst you are just trolling"

... On the other hand everything from the initial post, to the donations, to the character who only has l4 accounting and broker relations and 9 max trading slots, who coincidentally has no recent history /and/ is up for sale - all that just screams "Scam"

.. But we Eve players, we're a cynical bunch :)
Deepwater Hooligans
#10 - 2015-07-01 07:40:26 UTC
I can see everything from your point of view 100%. Im gonna put up my secondary character to take over this thread. With her Ill put up her API. With isk balance and other goodies. However as you yourself if doing a guide like I am, would not give his main account as trolls will follow me once they see the amount of info I have.

I will however put up the guide none the less even without even one donation. It does allow me to give back but that's not the point really. I want to become a contender in the MD and that will take proof of knowledge and respect. If that's all I get then I win.

Work over in 2 hours, Ill post then and again will answer all questions. Fly safe till then!
Valheru industries
#11 - 2015-07-03 05:58:48 UTC
So it`s been like two days and no answers yet...
Deepwater Hooligans
#12 - 2015-07-03 09:42:55 UTC
I was 24 hour suspended, look at my for sale forum in the bazzar for proof. Ill get to it
9B30FF Labs
#13 - 2015-07-04 11:48:10 UTC
Rilati Kansene wrote:
Could you help out with a few minor details and additional explanation please ?

as you promised;
Ask any questions you want to. I will reply asap.

Here are my questions:

Amazing trader... large sums of ISK etc etc:

  • Presumably trading has made you very wealthy
  • If it hasn't, your guide would be of no use to anyone
  • If it has... why are you looking for donations ?
  • Why are you looking for such small donations ?

#14 - 2015-07-05 06:31:58 UTC
So, was this a failed attempt at some quick "donations" or is there a writeup coming?
Deepwater Hooligans
#15 - 2015-07-05 06:46:04 UTC
Typing chapter 1 now.
Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#16 - 2015-07-05 08:12:26 UTC
Larontra wrote:
I was 24 hour suspended, look at my for sale forum in the bazzar for proof. Ill get to it

I can only see that your character sale thread was locked for 24 hours due to excessive bumping.
virm pasuul
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2015-07-05 09:52:30 UTC
Jumping on the if you're so good at trading, why do you need to hawk for donations?
Also hopping on the one mediocre trade in the at "nothing special" level in the chart of OMG would pull in much more than this.

I assume there will be a whole chapter of buy low sell high?

In my opinion you could get so much more out of this. Lets assume you have something interesting and original to bring to the table. Posting a guide for free that had sufficient originality to spark some debate would generate assets in the respect and recognition column worth probably more than you are asking for in donations.
examples :
Take for example Sabriz ( spelling sorry ) who gave a free public talk on the market at Fanfest.
Some of the characters like delonewolf who run weekly you tube slots discussing the market.
Gevlon, who in his early days trying to make it as a trader told people exactly what he was doing and how, with reasoning graphs, graphs, and more graphs.
All these people are building credibility that has value.

If you don't like this model based on give for free, expect the quality to pay for itself in the future, then how about give a sample for free, let the quality of the sample sell the remainder.

You are free of course to do exactly as you wish. But I think the feedback so far shows what the general market opinion of "buy my secret sauce" sales are, when no one has tasted the sauce yet. Also there is a lot of secret sauce out there, 99% of it is exactly the same.
Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#18 - 2015-07-06 09:37:38 UTC
You should look into successful kickstarters, they might give you some inspiration.
Deepwater Hooligans
#19 - 2015-07-09 05:25:58 UTC
Im releasing the whole guide at once tomorrow morning 7/10/15 I WILL NOT ACCEPT DONATIONS. I want to prove my intent and any donations would take away from the legit reason for making this after all the trolls.
Bad Taste.
#20 - 2015-07-09 20:28:18 UTC
Larontra wrote:

2015-06-30 - CHAPTER 1 Will be released withing 24-32 Hours
2015-07-05 - Typing chapter 1 now.
2015-07-09 - Im releasing the whole guide at once tomorrow morning 7/10/15

I cant wait for it.
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