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Retriever to Mackinaw worth it?

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Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#21 - 2015-06-26 07:04:51 UTC
Op, just remember to only fly what you can afford to lose.
Tyler Startide
Gruber und Partner GmbH
Synergy of Support
#22 - 2015-06-26 07:44:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyler Startide
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
Op, just remember to only fly what you can afford to lose.

A helpful and serious advice from a CODE member? ShockedP
ashley Eoner
#23 - 2015-06-26 08:45:21 UTC
Damnskippy wrote:
ashley Eoner wrote:
Wendrika Hydreiga wrote:
If you can fly an Exhumer, then you should always pick the superior choice!

Which is the Skiff! Ore hold and yield are overrated anyways.

Last I knew the skiff had barely better yield over a mack excluding oops I mined 500 ore from that last cycle cause the roid was almost dead.

Where the skiff shines is the fact it's annoyingly difficult to suicide gank. A tanked skiff will usually be ignored in preference of an easier target. If you're always at the keyboard and taking necessary steps to avoid getting popped, the mack is a better choice. The question is; are you prepared to bet 200 mil that you will be able to outplay a suicide gank squad when the time comes?

Security status of the system really comes into play at this point. A well tanked mack can have +60k ehp vs void. That would survive quite a bit more in a .8 then it would in a .5.
The Red Sequence
#24 - 2015-06-26 10:21:59 UTC
Whatever is your choice, don't forget the Higgs Anchor rig, and mine while at least 3/4 of your max speed all the time aligned to a bookmark (previously made with a fast frigate) or celestials around your favorite belts. And if you choose the Mack (best ship evuur :D) don't even dare undocking her without a damage control unit and thermal+kin shield resistances. Depending on your skils and if you have a cpu implant, you can fit 2 MLU with that.

In the name of Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen : “Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.”

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#25 - 2015-06-26 13:42:02 UTC
Whatever you fly, bear this table in mind.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Petre en Thielles
#26 - 2015-06-26 13:55:07 UTC
Damnskippy wrote:
Where the skiff shines is the fact it's annoyingly difficult to suicide gank. A tanked skiff will usually be ignored in preference of an easier target. If you're always at the keyboard and taking necessary steps to avoid getting popped, the mack is a better choice. The question is; are you prepared to bet 200 mil that you will be able to outplay a suicide gank squad when the time comes?

Or, you simply join a null corp and mine in 100% safety in the blue doughnut. Null is infinitely safer than HS for mining/industry.
Lors Dornick
Kallisti Industries
#27 - 2015-06-26 14:04:27 UTC
Always keep an eye in local and always fly a flight of EC-300 ECM Drones.

CCP Greyscale: As to starbases, we agree it's pretty terrible, but we don't want to delay the entire release just for this one factor.

Nicolai Serkanner
Brave Collective
#28 - 2015-06-27 10:34:26 UTC
Jenna Tekitsu wrote:
So the ore capacity isn't that much difference for such an investment. My retriever has an ore hold of 27,500 at the moment, and according to the attributes of the info page of the mackinaw, it has 28,000. I'm sure I can boost it up a bit, but what is so good about the Mackinaw? I would love the Hulk, but I don't have a barge to haul all the jettisoned materials back home. Unless I'm missing something, could someone let me know if it is technically worth it to upgrade, or just save up in the Retriever and buy another pvp type ship.

P.S. I just recently returned after a year or so break and am a little rusty on the changes/attributes of the ships. Thank you, and sorry if this is a noob question.

Edit: I want to work my way up to an Orca or Charon, so would I acquire the currency faster with saving what I have and continue with a Retriever or spend 200 mil to get a Mackinaw. How big is the yield difference?

Buy a Mining permit first. Only 10 mil for a whole year of undisturbed mackinaw mining. I have them on offer with a 10% discount; evemail me.
Svenja Timofeyeva
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#29 - 2015-06-27 10:37:27 UTC
Max yield covetor with hauler all the way. lol afk players with low yield.
Cyborg Girl86
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2015-06-27 11:03:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Cyborg Girl86
Procurer or Skiff. With an Orca fitted for pure shield & hull tank boosting if available.

But its all a matter of personal choice. I prefer tank-ability.
Svenja Timofeyeva
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#31 - 2015-06-27 11:10:19 UTC
Cyborg Girl86 wrote:
Procurer or Skiff. With an Orca fitted for pure shield & hull tank boosting if available.

But its all a matter of personal choice. I prefer tank-ability.

Choice not important, but reason behind choice. If you can not guarantee being atk, you sacrifice.
Cyborg Girl86
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2015-06-27 11:12:48 UTC
I never play afk.

Playing afk is the equivalent of letting a trained helper monkey play EVE for you while you go jerk off or something.

I don't do it because its dumb Lol
Svenja Timofeyeva
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2015-06-27 13:47:57 UTC
Cyborg Girl86 wrote:
I never play afk.

Playing afk is the equivalent of letting a trained helper monkey play EVE for you while you go jerk off or something.

I don't do it because its dumb Lol
Then you don't need mine in skiff or proc because its dumb. Lol
Atomic Virulent
#34 - 2015-06-28 01:02:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Atomic Virulent
If you have 2B ISK in your wallet that you plan to dedicate to replacing one every time DOUCHE. ganks you in highsec, then yes, it's worth it.. or if you have the fluffy carebear borders of any null entity then yes, it may be well worth it except for when wh spawn in your area.

If I could get everyone to just treat the mack and hulk as if they didn't even exist in the game to counter the ganking lolz.... things would change.. but there are too many "it'll never happen to me.. " morons in the game so the cycle continues... kind of like when a corporate exec said, "HEY, lets take the same shtty game and just change like 2 things and add 3 levels the same time every year and call it 2,3,4, etc... and charge full price" and people kept buying it in ever growing numbers causing the corporation to get even more and more jewier each year with map packs, skins and weapons.... well you bring it on yourselves..

You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE.
ISD Decoy
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#35 - 2015-06-28 08:44:59 UTC
Moved to Ships & Modules.

ISD Decoy


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Black Pedro
#36 - 2015-06-28 10:46:13 UTC
Atomic Virulent wrote:
If I could get everyone to just treat the mack and hulk as if they didn't even exist in the game to counter the ganking lolz.... things would change.. but there are too many "it'll never happen to me.. " morons in the game so the cycle continues...

This is how the game is suppose to work; risk vs. reward. Some players will see that increased yield and take a chance that they will be able to avoid the gankers. Other players see another player do that and decide to call them on it and destroy their ship. This constantly shifting balance of risk vs. reward is what keeps the game interesting, interactive and full of conflict. If everyone was required to fly (nearly) invulnerable Skiffs the game would be terribly boring. The option to fly something with more yield, but with greater risk, is at the core of this game. Choosing more risk for more reward does not automatically make you "a moron".

Suicide ganking is an intended mechanic by CCP and is one of the few things makes any player decisions regarding mining in highsec meaningful. Without it the gameplay would be fit max-yield Exhumer, warp to belt and press F1, go make sandwich - literally no player decisions to make or any player engagement.

To the OP, the Mackinaw provides more reward but at more risk. Only you can decide if you are willing to tolerate that risk and can afford the loss if a ganker comes along and takes your shiny Exhumer. That is quintessential dilemma in most aspects of Eve.
#37 - 2015-06-28 15:26:36 UTC
Whilst the overall level threat from CODE is massively overplayed, it is well worth making use of DOTLAN and zKillboard to find systems where ganking activity is low - and believe me there are plenty of nice quiet corners of 0.6 and 0.7 high sec away from the obvious hubs, trade tunnels etc where the odd CODE presence is the exception rather than the rule.
Shiloh Templeton
Cheyenne HET Co
#38 - 2015-06-28 20:33:50 UTC
Stick with the Retriever and spend your time training some PvP, exploration, etc. -- unless you know you love mining.

The usual strategy with a Retriever is to fit it strong enough to ward off a solo ganker and cheap enough that it's not a bother to lose it (this requires a cheapish clone too). For example:

[Retriever, Ore Balanced]
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Damage Control II

Adaptive Invulnerability Field II

Modulated Strip Miner II, Veldspar Mining Crystal I
Modulated Strip Miner II, Veldspar Mining Crystal I

Medium Processor Overclocking Unit I
Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

~15K EHP with moderate skills. 63% shield resist against Kin/Therm
~950 ore yield
- you can swap the DC for another laser upgrade if you don't mind the extra risk

Get a procurer to mine with if you lose your ship or know that trouble is around.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#39 - 2015-07-03 12:00:43 UTC  |  Edited by: HoruSeth
Damnskippy wrote:

Where the skiff shines is the fact it's annoyingly difficult to suicide gank. A tanked skiff will usually be ignored in preference of an easier target. If you're always at the keyboard and taking necessary steps to avoid getting popped, the mack is a better choice. The question is; are you prepared to bet 200 mil that you will be able to outplay a suicide gank squad when the time comes?

LOVL (Laughing out VERY loud).

Until I stopped mining some months ago I had approx. 8-10 ganking attempts on my Retrievers and my Mackis. I died not even once as you can see from my killboard. And there was even one time a guy pulling away Concord in system for a longer spawn time. But I survived even that attack in a Retrievern and he seemd to be full skilled Catalyst Ganker (All T2 stuff and so on. I remember it because he left 3x quite nice loot / extra income^^).
And that was usually afk mining. When mining actively I had Hulks and Covetors! Know what to do and do not just bother with how you maximise your mining yield.

Don't get me wrong. Skiff and Procurers are well worth to be choosen, but just for the lazy people who do not care for efficiency and have no idea on how to maximise it!

On my gravestone will be written: "Died because he used sarcasm in the wrong moment"

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#40 - 2015-07-03 12:15:54 UTC
Shiloh Templeton wrote:
The usual strategy with a Retriever is to fit it strong enough to ward off a solo ganker and cheap enough that it's not a bother to lose it (this requires a cheapish clone too). For example:

[Retriever, Ore Balanced]
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Damage Control II

Adaptive Invulnerability Field II

Modulated Strip Miner II, Veldspar Mining Crystal I
Modulated Strip Miner II, Veldspar Mining Crystal I

Medium Processor Overclocking Unit I
Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

If that is the strategy, you have a lot to improve.

[Retriever, Ore Balanced]
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Damage Control II

Thermic Dissipation Amplifier II

Modulated Strip Miner II, Veldspar Mining Crystal I
Modulated Strip Miner II, Veldspar Mining Crystal I

Medium Transverse Bulkhead I
Medium Transverse Bulkhead I
Medium Transverse Bulkhead I

Same yield. 20.6k EHP against Catalyst.

On my gravestone will be written: "Died because he used sarcasm in the wrong moment"

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