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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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browsing for new corp...

Ra'voon Deninard
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2015-06-28 05:56:04 UTC
So i dropped a thread earlier in the week for possible corps. I heard a rumor my current corp might be spliting. I'm currently away from home and wanted to have another looksie at what was available. My main is a 77 mil sp combat toon. mostly all subcaps....logi 5 w/ all racial cruisers at 5. my miner alt has 66 mil sp and is gearing tworads caps as well as my combat toon. Both have maxed jump skills. So i'm east coast US TZ, and i guess im looking for null sec...maybe some wh's. I grew up in WH's prior to being in null, so I have some exp. Low sec.......thats a big if....and not looking for hisec corps atm. If you have any questions drop me a line. Mail/forum is better than in game atm since im outta town. Well, catch ya later... -Lucky
Missy Bunnz
Caldari State
#2 - 2015-06-29 11:30:07 UTC
Who is your main?
Ryan Dallocort
Resurrection Complex
RAZOR Alliance
#3 - 2015-06-29 12:55:24 UTC
Sent you an evemail buddy
Lippstadt Creed
Solyaris Chtonium
#4 - 2015-06-29 15:08:37 UTC
Hey Ra

TLRE is a corp within the FCON alliance. We live in the Branch region and we have multiple fleets each day that roam our space and NPC Nullsec next door. We also have special interest groups that do dedicated things such as small gang, blops and recon work outside of our normal alliance fleets.

We are:

Part of very well established alliance/coalition
Extensive Ship Replacement Program to cover losses
Some of the best ratting and mining space in the game
Active in all time zones

★ Basic Requirements ★

● Full API key for all accounts with Application
● PvP Participation
● Ability to use:
✔ Teamspeak
✔ Mumble
✔ Pidgin
● Willingness to train Alliance doctrines
● Active and willing to work as part of a team

If you're interested or have questions, please drop by "TLRE Recruitment".

Look forward to hearing from you.

Tim Nering
R3d Fire
#5 - 2015-06-29 21:29:37 UTC

Stop Caring Start Fragging! Join R3D Fire Today!

MachineGun Matt
Tactically Challenged
The Initiative.
#6 - 2015-06-29 23:08:47 UTC
Hey mate,

We are a group oriented corporation and more over a group oriented alliance.

The corporation is into more small gang pvp and making money when there isnt anything to kill. We occupy a station system in deeper null sec and are an integral part of the alliance.

The alliance itself is a black ops specialized group that likes to hot drop targets of opportunity. But like I said we fly together and we socialize together.

There is only one thing I tend to spam which is the links below because its easier than writing them all but I prefer to have a personalized approach to each person. We are not all robots that respond to the best sounding forum spam now are we?

Alliance Kb:

Forum Post:

Youtube Promo Video:
Max Exit
Sturmgrenadier Inc
Pandemic Horde
#7 - 2015-06-30 00:22:35 UTC
If you are looking for a mature group of gamers Check out SGHQ Inc we are small gang PVP corp that is part of the Dirt Nap Squad Alliance operating out of Curse region.
Vordak Kallager
#8 - 2015-07-01 11:19:27 UTC
Furnace is a micro-gang 0.0 roaming group that was recently put together by some very veteran pilots from groups like Mafia Redux, Verge, HK, and others. We literally play just to roam crazy amounts all day and find good fights and dank frags. Don't give a **** about green killboards, blue status, or drama. Only in it to find content.

Our first night roaming:

You can look at our personal KBs to see that we do indeed have a lot of experience doing this kind of stuff and we've put together a pretty solid group of guys so far. We intend to stay small, however, probably around 10-15 active guys so we can put 4-8 in fleet regularly.

We're currently splitting time between Konora, a lowsec-nullsec entrance system in Metropolis that is very close to a lot of active southern Nullsec regions, and Thera, for reasons that are obvious.

If any of this sounds interesting to you so far, hit me up in-game via mail or convo or join our pub channel 900.C

We don't even require you to join corp to fly with us, I'll be leading roams basically every day for the next few weeks/months when I get online at 00:00 until I log off at downtime.

Cheers o/

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

JengoFett Miromme
Project Omega Industries
#9 - 2015-07-01 17:23:14 UTC
Come by our in game recruiting channel: Extreme-Recruit

We are a mature oriented group of pilots looking for PVP pilots that want to help us succeed.

Our Link...
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#10 - 2015-07-02 01:41:15 UTC
I'm just gonna go ahead and sit this down right here
Proteus Ormande
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2015-07-02 23:04:03 UTC
Come check out FUITA!

Enabling diverse piracy in a low sec pocket near you!

Currently looking for mature pilots who have PVP experience (FW, Small Gang, Large Fleets, Low-sec, Null-sec, HS ganking-if you can shoot it, we hunt it.) *** We are also open to combat pilots who may lack PVP experience. ***

What we offer: ☼ Part of a growing alliance that belives in community. ☼ PVP OPS with capable FC's ☼ Alliance Comms {TS3} ☼ Alliance Logistics NOW OFFERING AN SRP PROGRAM-FLY SMART AND BE REWARDED

Need isk? We also have regular PvE fleets and great isk-making opportunities in our pocket.

Generous payouts and prizes for top killers in corp!

Is FUITA for you? ☼ Active Pilots with a minimum of 15m SP-active pilots with less will be considered on a case-by-case basis ☼ Pilots willing to branch out their training to become succesful. ☼ Social Pilots able to log into Alliance Comms

Join the public channel: FUITA Pub

We're growing! Get to know us! We WANT you!