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The new player experience feedback

Psychotic Tendencies.
#1 - 2015-06-19 18:32:57 UTC  |  Edited by: joecuster
I recently had a real life friend try Eve. I helped them along and gave them a little isk to get started. I told them to do the new opportunities and follow the tutorial/ sister's of eve arc. So, the question was frequently asked "when will we do something fun?", I was not really able to answer that for them. There was very little a new player could do. Perhaps, my perception of 'what to do' isn't very applicable to a new play because being a t h e r a b o i requires a bit of SP.

I took my friend ganking since a catalyst is fairly easy for a new play to get into. His response was 'meh' at best. Other than that doing missions were exceptionally dull, and anoms were the worst. Although I did see him improve quite a bit by running anoms, as far as not continually running his repper/keeping at range at his optimal instead of trying to light blasters from 15km.

My friend was very interested in PvP in general, but did not want to go out and die over and over. I tried to explain that this is how you learn and its an inevitability. I explained that a new player can be just as competent in a specific frigate within a month or two as I am or others with high SP.

Another aspect besides finding something fun to do in his first week that I saw trouble the newbro mind was the skill queue. The 24 hour limitation to the skill queue seemed to be the most confusing for him. Although, I think that is fair for trials. He also had a hard time figuring out what skills to train on his own, and even keeping his skill queue going seemed difficult. Also, the daunting question of "oh wow half a year to do x y z thats too long" kept coming up. Eve is not for the impatient.

Too put this wall of text into bullet form:
Pros for newbro:
-Fitting window helped him figure out what skills to learn to use certain items with fits I made.
-Plenty of guides on what to train
-The ISIS menu was used quite a bit to figure out what direction to go.
-Ganks are easy n+1 activity a newbro can contribute to

-Navigating the game
-Purchasing things off the market was difficult
-Managing the skill queue was difficult
-missions are mind numbing
-opportunity system was hard to follow
-the risk aversion was real
-theres no fun hook to keep newbros on the line.
-attribute system was "stupid"

As far as an idea to improve newbro ideas would be to implement a mentor system. I played Darkfall online for quite some time, and there was a mentor program that paired players of a higher sp equivalent to a lower sp character. The mentor answered the questions of the newbro and giving them starting gear/money. If Darkfall can keep its newbros longer than eve with an even worse UI/help/examples/guides then Eve surely can. Darkfall seriously has the worst UI of any program I have ever experienced in the history of computing.

I think pairing a newbro with a mentor right off the bat would help to insure that the newbro continues to advance in the game, and at an accelerated rate in comparison to 'opportunities'. You don't even need to play with the newbro to help them just direct them where they need to go or give recommendations like joining brave or what have you.
Korben Kurvora
Avocado Cartel
#2 - 2015-06-19 18:38:05 UTC
Quality post.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2015-06-19 18:41:05 UTC
^this over and over and over. The new bro experience needs ridiculous levels of help, for the overall health of the game. I don't advocate the theme park or babying, but eve is and always has been brutal to learn.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2015-06-19 18:59:50 UTC
joecuster wrote:

I took my friend ganking since a catalyst is fairly easy for a new play to get into. His response was 'meh' at best. Other than that doing missions were exceptionally dull, and anoms were the worst..

You sure this the correct game for him?
Psychotic Tendencies.
#5 - 2015-06-19 19:16:28 UTC
Celthric Kanerian wrote:
joecuster wrote:

I took my friend ganking since a catalyst is fairly easy for a new play to get into. His response was 'meh' at best. Other than that doing missions were exceptionally dull, and anoms were the worst..

You sure this the correct game for him?

I don't think so, but he started off fairly enthralled by what Eve had to offer, but that died out pretty quick with the first few steps. We did ganking because he wanted to get kill, but I can really take him on my roams that I do. For example: this is what I typically do, and I can't bring a newbro into this and hold his hand/make sure he as fun.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#6 - 2015-06-19 19:41:25 UTC
So essentially you say the vets should be a little more altruistic with their time, possibly create a formal mentor program.

Not bad concept and while I certainly agree with in principle I have serious reservations about formalizing it outside of player run corporations / alliances.

I would very much like some more developed tools to facilitate mentoring low sp guys.
Psychotic Tendencies.
#7 - 2015-06-19 19:52:23 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
So essentially you say the vets should be a little more altruistic with their time, possibly create a formal mentor program.

Not bad concept and while I certainly agree with in principle I have serious reservations about formalizing it outside of player run corporations / alliances.

I would very much like some more developed tools to facilitate mentoring low sp guys.

It should be volunteer based, and I'm sure people are more than willing to answer new bro's questions. Perhaps, CCP could offer some sort of reward for vets who participate to increase the number of people offering help. I don't think they should be rewarded very well though. Darkfall did it like you got 10% of the experience the newbro earned up to an amount, but that wouldn't work for Eve. If I had to throw something out there I'd say if you got a newbro to stay for a period of 3 months or so, then you get free month of game time or something of the sort.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#8 - 2015-06-20 03:34:22 UTC
So, the good first. I like the fact that you were willing to help him out. It has been a while since any of my real life friends tried Eve. When they did, I always helped them out.

CCP should pay attention to these sorts of threads, but in the end it is an anecdotal example.

With that said, there are different hooks for each person. I've had friends with an FPS background who wanted to be builders or miners - and who played for six months or a year doing those things in high sec, with no apparent interest in PVP. I never tried to push them one direction or another - I never assumed they would like what I like doing. I also never disparaged any aspect of Eve to them. I try to avoid the "missions & mining are boring, carebears suck, etc" with my new players. Whatever keeps them playing doesn't suck. Unfortunately, I think Eve has a toxic elite who despise people for these activities.

Consider that while a new player can make a contribution to a ganking fleet pretty quickly, that may not appeal to everyone. It did not appeal to me.

Same goes for just about any 0.0 activity. When I first joined, many people told me, "buy an existing character off the character bazaar and head straight to 0.0." That would have meant not spending time developing my characters (and dealing with someone else's terrible name).

Ultimately, much of the onus for improving the onus of the NPE is on the players.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#9 - 2015-06-20 03:35:23 UTC
joecuster wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
So essentially you say the vets should be a little more altruistic with their time, possibly create a formal mentor program.

Not bad concept and while I certainly agree with in principle I have serious reservations about formalizing it outside of player run corporations / alliances.

I would very much like some more developed tools to facilitate mentoring low sp guys.

It should be volunteer based, and I'm sure people are more than willing to answer new bro's questions. Perhaps, CCP could offer some sort of reward for vets who participate to increase the number of people offering help. I don't think they should be rewarded very well though. Darkfall did it like you got 10% of the experience the newbro earned up to an amount, but that wouldn't work for Eve. If I had to throw something out there I'd say if you got a newbro to stay for a period of 3 months or so, then you get free month of game time or something of the sort.

So, how do you make it so I do not simply "mentor" my alt?

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#10 - 2015-06-20 03:41:28 UTC
One thing I have always wished for was some way of knowing whether someone was an actual newbie. I used to hunt relic ninjas a lot in Tenal, and it was a fun game of cat and mouse, but sometimes I felt bad when I killed someone who turned out to be an actual clueless newbie. I felt no such guilt for killing the experienced veterans' alts. It might be interesting if there was a way CCP could mark "genuine new players."

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Orca Platypus
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2015-06-20 05:24:38 UTC
joecuster wrote:
I explained that a new player can be just as competent in a specific frigate within a month or two as I am or others with high SP.

To say it short, you lied like a dog.
On topic: stuff your newbro into one of those npsi fleets, maybe that would be fun.

I put my newbros on full refund in whatever they fit (yes, "newbros" lose battleships too, no, it's not gonna make me broke anytime soon), but still, losing a ship is a great shock and I'm not a bit surprised that it hurts people even on full SRP enough to quit eve. I had that experience and I quit for 2 years after it. I am still hurt after losing every T1 frigate despite being solidly in top 5% of richest carebears in eve. Why? No idea. I just know it's a very bad experience I will only repeat when I can take it, otherwise I'd rather stay docked.

Some mates also came to see a space fantasy sim, and quit because there's virtually no solo content which isn't mind numbing. They didn't want to take part in group PvE (it's a bother), they had near-zero interest in PvP for obvious reasons (takes more than a few years to grow a PvP character who's anywhere near proficiency), loved the arcs, and were surprised there's so few of them.

One guy wanted to "**** some farmers", got discouraged by CONCORD first, haven't found any "farmers" in lowsec either, and the first attempt to visit null ended up in a predictable gatecamp disaster. After that he quit and never returned.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2015-06-23 05:23:59 UTC
The more I spend time with the newbros, the more I'm convinced the Newbro experience REALLY needs some help. I don't presume to know the best way, but the more Newbros that stay, the healthier the game for everyone. The tutorials are just so bad at explaining anything, and are so very archaic in their pure text format. CCP FIX pls

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

McChicken Combo HalfMayo
The Happy Meal
#13 - 2015-06-23 13:19:03 UTC  |  Edited by: McChicken Combo HalfMayo
A joecuster post that isn't completely terrible. I must be in some kind of weird lucid dream. What else should I expect here? Goons admitting defeat to Gevlon? CODE seceding it's claim over highsec to a coalition of miners? CCP Fozzie rebalancing a ship properly - okay, let's not get carried away.

There are all our dominion

Gate camps: "Its like the lowsec watercooler, just with explosions and boose" - Ralph King-Griffin