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[Duality] Sovereignty Playtest Competition

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Redwyne Vyruk
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#181 - 2015-06-21 20:26:42 UTC
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Tappits wrote:
PL has not done anything that technically we could not do on TQ so far

That's bullshit.

There is only 50 Chameleons that exist in the game. You guys were bring 60-70 at once and everyone knows PL does not own all 50 on TQ, much less 20 more that do not exist. Same deal with the rest of AT ships.

But I suspect that no matter how many of these facts are presented to you; the lies will continue to be vomited from your mouth.

Hello i'm a Brave Pilot! I got told we were gonna rock and kill all bad guys in new sov but...

OMG 9UY is RF, we tried to form for that and we lost a TQ R64 and we lost also the timer on Duality!

Time to use my super weapon! Complaining about everything everywhere!

Seriously, this is not reddit.

You complain about AT ships, which you can buy same as us.

You complain about supers that we basically never used.

You complain about how Duality is unrealistic and then you field fleets that are worth more than 1 month of Brave SRP every day.

I can understand you are now completely lost in the URRR DURR PL but seriously, dont' start crying also against CCP just because you always have to find an excuse for how things goes.
Gallente Federation
#182 - 2015-06-21 20:51:53 UTC
If you're so confident you don't need the AT ships to win, support not having the AT ships seeded on Duality.

I dare you.
Pandemic Legion
#183 - 2015-06-21 21:02:24 UTC
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
If you're so confident you don't need the AT ships to win, support not having the AT ships seeded on Duality.

I dare you.

O no guys he called us out... i guess we should unseed all dreads carriers and faction ships while we are at it.

Gallente Federation
#184 - 2015-06-21 21:23:06 UTC
Tappits wrote:
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
If you're so confident you don't need the AT ships to win, support not having the AT ships seeded on Duality.

I dare you.

O no guys he called us out... i guess we should unseed all dreads carriers and faction ships while we are at it.

Not what I said at all. Stop with the straw-man fallacies.
Redwyne Vyruk
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#185 - 2015-06-21 21:35:58 UTC
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
If you're so confident you don't need the AT ships to win, support not having the AT ships seeded on Duality.

I dare you.

I dare you to spend one day without whining about something, your life quality will prob increase a lot, all this anger don't make good to health.
Pandemic Legion
#186 - 2015-06-21 21:43:24 UTC
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Tappits wrote:
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
If you're so confident you don't need the AT ships to win, support not having the AT ships seeded on Duality.

I dare you.

O no guys he called us out... i guess we should unseed all dreads carriers and faction ships while we are at it.

Not what I said at all. Stop with the straw-man fallacies.

Its not straw-man.... you said it was unrealistic, i said fine lets make it 100% like TQ and now your like no that's not what i asked for....

I just cannot wait till we use our unseeded and officer fitted Adrestia fleet from our AT hanger that we moved down.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#187 - 2015-06-21 21:43:58 UTC
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Tappits wrote:
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
If you're so confident you don't need the AT ships to win, support not having the AT ships seeded on Duality.

I dare you.

O no guys he called us out... i guess we should unseed all dreads carriers and faction ships while we are at it.

Not what I said at all. Stop with the straw-man fallacies.

So wait if you if we use it, it is overpowered and shouldn't be seeded. If you use it its fair and balanced and should remain?
Pandemic Legion
#188 - 2015-06-21 22:02:43 UTC
Traxev wrote:
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Tappits wrote:
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
If you're so confident you don't need the AT ships to win, support not having the AT ships seeded on Duality.

I dare you.

O no guys he called us out... i guess we should unseed all dreads carriers and faction ships while we are at it.

Not what I said at all. Stop with the straw-man fallacies.

So wait if you if we use it, it is overpowered and shouldn't be seeded. If you use it its fair and balanced and should remain?

I guess he would like us to use ishtars for everything nbd to us.
Gallente Federation
#189 - 2015-06-21 22:11:13 UTC
Traxev wrote:
So wait if you if we use it, it is overpowered and shouldn't be seeded. If you use it its fair and balanced and should remain?

I never said that either. What is wrong with you guys? Lol

Regardless. This has quickly went from simple feedback; me saying the AT ships should be removed to create a more realistic environment, to a PL and Spectre circle jerk CTA. Straight
Pandemic Legion
#190 - 2015-06-21 22:20:28 UTC
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Traxev wrote:
So wait if you if we use it, it is overpowered and shouldn't be seeded. If you use it its fair and balanced and should remain?

I never said that either. What is wrong with you guys? Lol

Regardless. This has quickly went from simple feedback; me saying the AT ships should be removed to create a more realistic environment, to a PL and Spectre circle jerk CTA. Straight

No we have been saying fine make it realistic and then you say "no that's not what i am saying" when we say yer remove all the dumb stuff, i have no idea what you want... i don't think you know what you want ether.
Naughty Dred
Pirate's Life
#191 - 2015-06-21 22:26:05 UTC
Now i really hate to say anything that might be misconstrued as 'in defense of' pl but we have had a couple of minor/medium encounters with them in the last couple of days and so far they have not dropped anything i would consider completely ridiculous. An unnecessary marauder or 2 and yes the AT ships, but I killed a few of them with just 1 cynabal, so they cant be that awesome. And from the off Brave has been sat outside 9UY in carriers and dreads like carebears outside amarr, which would be fine if you weren't so god damn untidy... its tidy now though, Spectre tidied it up for you :)

Anyway everyone should stop bitching and embrace this brief bit of freedom from the servitude of the killboard.
Gallente Federation
#192 - 2015-06-21 22:31:36 UTC
Tappits wrote:
i have no idea what you want... i don't think you know what you want ether.

I have been crystal clear from the start and I really don't know how to make it easier to understand: Remove the AT ships.

Is that simple enough for you to understand? Lol
Pandemic Legion
#193 - 2015-06-21 22:39:41 UTC
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Tappits wrote:
i have no idea what you want... i don't think you know what you want ether.

I have been crystal clear from the start and I really don't know how to make it easier to understand: Remove the AT ships.

Is that simple enough for you to understand? Lol

Fine... Slowcats supers titans TFI's and Ishtars for the nest few weeks then... have fun.
Gallente Federation
#194 - 2015-06-21 22:42:55 UTC  |  Edited by: SilentAsTheGrave
Tappits wrote:
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Tappits wrote:
i have no idea what you want... i don't think you know what you want ether.

I have been crystal clear from the start and I really don't know how to make it easier to understand: Remove the AT ships.

Is that simple enough for you to understand? Lol

Fine... Slowcats supers titans TFI's and Ishtars for the nest few weeks then... have fun.

Deal. I'll let the remaining 12 Brave pilots who still log into Duality know to leave the AT ships docked. Don't forget to tell Spectre no AT ships is now part of their contract.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#195 - 2015-06-21 22:49:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Traxev
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Tappits wrote:
i have no idea what you want... i don't think you know what you want ether.

I have been crystal clear from the start and I really don't know how to make it easier to understand: Remove the AT ships.

Is that simple enough for you to understand? Lol

And we have been equally clear that by following your logic. Anything that is not viable on tranquility shouldn't be viable here. So naturally you shouldn't get 100 isk dreads or carriers, you shouldn't get 100 isk mauaraders or 100 isk orthruses. So go form up your eagle fleet we will have the full range of our ship docterines from tranquility at hand and after all that trouble you will still lose horribly.

So instead of making this terribly painful for all of us. Stop your complaining, enjoy the cheap ships allowing you to do things that you can't do on the normal server and have some fun.
Jayne Fillon
#196 - 2015-06-21 22:55:51 UTC
Traxev wrote:
...and have some fun.

Something ironic about that.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#197 - 2015-06-22 03:43:25 UTC
I'd prefer a full AT PL everyday over a full slowcat and super fleet. The first you can fight - the second will just laugh at your damage while neuting and FB-ing you :)

That being said , I do feel the tnode capture timers are a bit long - even as defenders you will spend 2-3 hours every other day just because some guys decided to have some fun and RF an ihub or 10.
Tactical Farmers.
Pandemic Horde
#198 - 2015-06-22 03:50:47 UTC
i think the timer durations are starting to grow on me.
i can see how a small coordinated defending force can fend off bigger attacking force if they focus on defending their pocket of space, which is something i really like.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#199 - 2015-06-22 04:04:00 UTC
Time to join the b**ch fest :D

While I may be in one of the smaller alliances participating in this, we have certainly been active. Agressed by most of the groups here and done our fair share of roaming too. So here is my 10 bobs worth:

1: Was a little hesitant about the time it was taking to defend but having spent a few days on it now its not that bad and I believe us little guys may just have a chance of having a little corner somewhere undesired.

2: Ship availability, dont change a thing. I have been around the block and back and can honestly say i see PL in non-AT ships a hell of a lot less than I see them in other ships. Seen more in Marauders tbf and only 3 AT ships in the whole time i have been on duality (from the day before competition started basically). As for the rest of the ships, it gives everyone a chance to see what they could be using on TQ but dont for the fear of loss to blob ganks etc. Yes we do use dreads and carriers on duality for pvp but in tq we use them for pve, its a pleasant change. and yes we use AT ships frequently but far from always.

3: Brave should join back up with TEST and be best friends again.

4: I have more points but having spent 18 of the last 24 hours on eve, i cant think and need my sleep.
North Eastern Swat
#200 - 2015-06-22 04:08:51 UTC
I like the idea of distributed style of capturing, encouraging smaller fleets of specialized make up to capture/defend stuff.

Not sure about the single large flashpoint culmination of ihub/tcu defense/offense when the new tcu/ihub is dropped though - if I was running defense, I'd probably just park a max numbers slowcat/super fleet at a planet and wait to drop a new ihub/tcu and hold the grid while the aggressors are running around in puny ships capping nodes and thus killing the old one. But maybe I'm just a cynic.

But, if you are going to still provide a single flashpoint for captures (as you currently are), why not also build in the system to support that and allow for tactical benefit? For example, provide more benefits in capturing adjacent non-station systems in a constellation and instead of spawning nodes everywhere in the constellation, only spawn nodes in the systems the defending alliance still holds sov. Allow us to siege the outlaying walls of the fortress, or go for the throat and attempt to overpower around the castle -- the choice is yours style...