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Gas Clouds too bright in sites

#1 - 2015-06-18 05:49:43 UTC
Let me set the stage:

You're surrounded by the blackness of space when suddenly a blinding cloud of white gas appears in front of your ship.

Of course your ship is in a computer game, and the blinding gas cloud is displayed on a computer monitor so you're essentially staring directly into a light. Doesn't this sound terrible? But this is what you deal with in various combat sites these days.

Workarounds include unchecking the check box for "Effects" in the "Effects" section in "Display & Graphics".

Unfortunately this also disables many important effects like remote repair, sebos, etc making it difficult to know what is going on.

A suggestion: We have a check box to disable "Asteroid Environments." What about including the Gas Cloud lighting in there? Or separating it out entirely from "Effects" into its own toggleable setting.

Or if I may be so bold to suggest it, just tone down the intensity of the lighting effect on the gas clouds. This just seems excessive to me.