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"Fallout Shelter" - needs to be in EvE

Inir Ishtori
Caldari State
#1 - 2015-06-15 15:14:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Inir Ishtori
Bethesda released their free version of a Vault simulator yesterday and i decided to take a look at it today. The moment i saw it, it had struck me - exactly this needs to be in EvE.

Here's a trailer for it:

I would love to micro manage outposts, orbital structures and my PI planets in such a manner, maybe even ships and dock areas inside stations, too. Potential for sorely needed immersion improvements are immense!
There is a lot of old level designs still lying around, we already have player models and a bit of fashion for the characters that could be used in a slightly modiefied manner to build a cross section view of all sorts of structures.

This also could be a way to bring back the team feature that was cancelled some time ago. I would really like to "produce" workforce on my PI planets, too, instead of just ressources, utilizing skillbooks and less used PI goods like livestock(for food).

The game is released for Android:

Also please read post #13 if you find the general idea interesting.
0bama Barack Hussein
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#2 - 2015-06-15 15:21:47 UTC
Inir Ishtori wrote:
Bethesda released their free version of a Vault simulator yesterday and i decided to take a look at it today. The moment i saw it, it had struck me - exactly this needs to be in EvE.

Here's a trailer for it:

I would love to micro manage outposts, orbital structures and my PI planets in such a manner, maybe even ships and dock areas inside stations, too. Potential for sorely needed immersion improvements are immense!
There is a lot of old level designs still lying around, we already have player models and a bit of fashion for the characters that could be used in a slightly modiefied manner to build a cross section view of all sorts of structures.

This also could be a way to bring back the team feature that was cancelled some time ago. I would really like to "produce" workforce on my PI planets, too, instead of just ressources, utilizing skillbooks and less used PI goods like livestock(for food).

Think "ideas & suggestions" (or something like that) would be better place for this.
0bama Barack Hussein
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#3 - 2015-06-15 15:22:35 UTC  |  Edited by: 0bama Barack Hussein
double post.....
Milla Goodpussy
Garoun Investment Bank
#4 - 2015-06-15 16:23:59 UTC
Ive been playing since it went live last night

and all I could think about is how those "experts" at ccp games skip out on e3 to push a product or even talk about eve online. this is a huge missed good time right now.. cause the console entertainment is already HUGE! (and sony's is tonight).. so ccp fails at another chance to shine.. another chance to get mainstream thinking about them, and another chance to even come with some mobile app gaming..

just fails all the way around..but oh well atleast we have fozzie right??
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#5 - 2015-06-15 17:32:11 UTC
Inir Ishtori wrote:
Bethesda released their free version of a Vault simulator yesterday and i decided to take a look at it today. The moment i saw it, it had struck me - exactly this needs to be in EvE.

Here's a trailer for it:

I would love to micro manage outposts, orbital structures and my PI planets in such a manner, maybe even ships and dock areas inside stations, too. Potential for sorely needed immersion improvements are immense!
There is a lot of old level designs still lying around, we already have player models and a bit of fashion for the characters that could be used in a slightly modiefied manner to build a cross section view of all sorts of structures.

This also could be a way to bring back the team feature that was cancelled some time ago. I would really like to "produce" workforce on my PI planets, too, instead of just ressources, utilizing skillbooks and less used PI goods like livestock(for food).

Looks like a cross between Sims and Minecraft.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Avenger Mercenaries
Space Brutality
#6 - 2015-06-15 18:20:44 UTC
Milla Goodpussy wrote:
Ive been playing since it went live last night

and all I could think about is how those "experts" at ccp games skip out on e3 to push a product or even talk about eve online. this is a huge missed good time right now.. cause the console entertainment is already HUGE! (and sony's is tonight).. so ccp fails at another chance to shine.. another chance to get mainstream thinking about them, and another chance to even come with some mobile app gaming..

just fails all the way around..but oh well atleast we have fozzie right??

until he gets ran off or offered more money like the rest of the company

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#7 - 2015-06-15 18:48:04 UTC
Inir Ishtori wrote:

The future of WiS... Low res side scrollers.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Milla Goodpussy
Garoun Investment Bank
#8 - 2015-06-15 18:56:07 UTC
Agondray wrote:
Milla Goodpussy wrote:
Ive been playing since it went live last night

and all I could think about is how those "experts" at ccp games skip out on e3 to push a product or even talk about eve online. this is a huge missed good time right now.. cause the console entertainment is already HUGE! (and sony's is tonight).. so ccp fails at another chance to shine.. another chance to get mainstream thinking about them, and another chance to even come with some mobile app gaming..

just fails all the way around..but oh well atleast we have fozzie right??

until he gets ran off or offered more money like the rest of the company

he couldn't even manage to get a job at another company.. he has no skills except pressing the f1 button.
#9 - 2015-06-15 19:03:59 UTC
After watching that video, why do I suddenly have the desire to play XCOM?

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Torxx Maxx
NemoThrax Mining Inc.
#10 - 2015-06-15 22:21:08 UTC
Agondray wrote:
Milla Goodpussy wrote:
Ive been playing since it went live last night

and all I could think about is how those "experts" at ccp games skip out on e3 to push a product or even talk about eve online. this is a huge missed good time right now.. cause the console entertainment is already HUGE! (and sony's is tonight).. so ccp fails at another chance to shine.. another chance to get mainstream thinking about them, and another chance to even come with some mobile app gaming..

just fails all the way around..but oh well atleast we have fozzie right??

until he gets ran off or offered more money like the rest of the company

The possibility (even very remote) of Fozzie going away may not be a bad thing.
All Kill No Skill
#11 - 2015-06-15 22:37:07 UTC
Yes, EVE totally needs a dollhouse mini-game.
Oh wait...

I'm in it for the money


Otso Bakarti
#12 - 2015-06-16 03:05:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Otso Bakarti
Torxx Maxx wrote:
The possibility (even very remote) of Fozzie going away may not be a bad thing.
CCP never backs off a golden boy until he commits a felony on a live broadcast and opens them up to criminal charges, incarceration, fines and lawsuits. I'm sure they're sitting on Fozzie pretty snugly. Don't expect this one to go away anytime soon.

Meanwhile: We could have voodoo sessions and chant the Fozzie doll (stuck with pins) into installing Dora.

Oh yes. The OP. This isn't the first time someone looked at a new shiny and came running back all aglow with, "Add this and EVE will be perfect!" And, it won't be the last. However, if Serene Repose were still around, I'm sure this would make the Try Not To Post candidate list for 2015.

There just isn't anything that can be said!

Inir Ishtori
Caldari State
#13 - 2015-08-13 17:40:38 UTC
The game is released for Android:
Those without an Apple device can take a look at it now(it's free and fun for at least a short while) and maybe comment on the topic.

I still think it would be pretty awesome to get something like this into EvE. With all the talk about the need to confine big alliances to smaller spaces, promote local conflict, about the lack of incentives to leave high sec, PI being a little bit stale and terrificly boring, the lack of new gameplay opportunities and with the new structures on the horizon i think a similar micro managing gameplay for certain structures would be at the very least a part of the solution to EvE's revitalization.

Just a couple of additional ideas:

PI: new gameplay limited to null, WH space and low low sec(0.1).

Instead of training a bunch of alts to spread your PI over 20-30 planets, you concentrate on 2 or 3, where you oversee an installation full of NPCs that need some management and can be improved in their respective areas of expertise over time, making it worth it to stick to your chosen space and planets.

In addition to just managing ressource collection, you could also send out expeditions to uncover some artifacts on the planet's surface(or in the athmosphere or underwater, w/e) for some additional loot.
There also would be some events like natural desasters(planets with higher ressource extraction potential bear more risks), invasions by local flora and fauna, Sansha trying to steal your bikes or some random rogue drones probing erryone around here you'd have to deal with.

I also think it would be great to actually produce workforce on teresstrial planets and see them "used up"(ie hospitalized and relieved from "duty") during aforementioned natural desasters or some competitor's NPC taskforce trying to infiltrate your facilities.

For orbital structures, outposts, Citadels:

Same as above, everything is crewed by NPCs "produced" by PI, needs some micro management from time to time. NPCs who spent some time working on your space station(or w/e it is) advance in efficiency and thus improve your station facilities like refining, production, blueprint copy times etc.

You can send out some space exploration troops to uncover or to point you to(by providing a fuzzy signature you'd have to finish scanning, for example) additional anomalies, mineable comets and asteroids. The latter aspect could be focused on a more compact interaction time wise: you find a fairly small yet valuable space object and are finished mining in about 15 minutes, making mining somewhat more interactive and less tedious.

I also would really like a mechanic where you just strap some warp engines to a generously sized asterioid, move it into the position your want and then start carving it out from the inside, utilizing the NPC workforce from PI, creating a stealthy outpost just for your own needs.

Mining boost ships:

Instead of just collecting the cans, you maybe would micro manage and direct your drones and additional workforce to improve the yield of the fleet by carving out small chunks of highly concentrated ores out of asteroids and mark them for the fleet, so they appear on the overview. To keep it a bit more interesting from time to time you would uncover some old junk equipment from a previous battle(ganked miner or w/e) and use a mini game similar to hacking to carve it out from the asteroid undamaged, or maybe a rogue drone that suddenly activates and runs amok etc

Basically i really would like some more interaction with the structures, environment and NPC and some more visual feedback on the fact that we are supposed to live in an universe actually populated by other humans. Currently everything feels way too much as a spreadsheet and the new Citadels will probably be just another object on the overview for the most people rather than something interesting with fun gameplay.
Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#14 - 2015-08-14 03:15:18 UTC
New requirements by nullsec and WH alliances. Jabber installed into your phone so you have to attend the regular PI CTA or get booted.

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

Andii G-Love
The Tip Jar
#15 - 2015-08-14 08:36:58 UTC
I like the idea... But could you imagine if a mini game on your phone/iPad could affect your resource accumulation in eve.... I don't think people would have lives...

I'd be at a family BBQ... Just checking my PI.... Three hours later....
Panthe3 Black
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2015-08-14 19:03:13 UTC
Kerensky Initiatives
#17 - 2015-08-14 21:46:00 UTC
This is such a terrible idea my moustache is offended

Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .

Bumble's Space Log

Arrow Industries
#18 - 2015-08-14 22:06:48 UTC
Torxx Maxx wrote:
Agondray wrote:
Milla Goodpussy wrote:
Ive been playing since it went live last night

and all I could think about is how those "experts" at ccp games skip out on e3 to push a product or even talk about eve online. this is a huge missed good time right now.. cause the console entertainment is already HUGE! (and sony's is tonight).. so ccp fails at another chance to shine.. another chance to get mainstream thinking about them, and another chance to even come with some mobile app gaming..

just fails all the way around..but oh well atleast we have fozzie right??

until he gets ran off or offered more money like the rest of the company

The possibility (even very remote) of Fozzie going away may not be a bad thing.

Trying to get a single Dev fired over a whole team's effort is low. Especially when the outrage over those changes is highly questioned by many for various reasons.

Keep scapegoating imagined "Eve Ending" changes to this game and you will drive all the good Devs away.
You reap what you sow.