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[AEGIS] Concerns of weapon system balances (sub capitals)

Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#1 - 2015-06-12 21:31:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Theia Matova
As missiles are getting more buffs and love I am worried that other weapon systems are getting more and more outdated.

Let's do quick comparison about weapon systems(remind me if anything is false or if something important is missing):

+ Dynamic damage type
+ Tracking
+ Don't require ship capacitor
+ Don't require ship targeting
+ Drone unit individual tracking
+ Does not require fitting
+ 'EWAR immune'
- Vulnerable to smartbombs
- Drone travel time
- Destroyable
* Works against small and other subcapital ships

[Laser turrets]
+ Do bunch of damage (scorch is magic at mid-range)
+ Nice range
+ Ammunition cost very little or not at all
- **** when when trying to hit something up close
- Stuck to EM/thermal damage type, that makes the weapon system good against some targets but unusable in some situations
- Suck loads of cap
- Hard to fit, huge PG requirements
- Vulnerable to energy neut, tracking disruption, ecm, dampening...

[ Missiles]
+ Dynamic damage
+ Don't require cap to fire
+ Don't require ship tracking
+ Hit far
+ With auto-targeting missile immune to all EWAR
+ Burst DPS launchers with great application
+ careful piloting can stack volleys
* Counterable with by other means: defender missiles(does anyone use them?), smartbombs
- More vulnerable to target sig radius than other weapon systems (AEGIS will counter this)
- More vulnerable to target speed than other weapon systems (AEGIS will counter this)
- Slow reload
- Not instant hit (not as bad it used to be)
* Costly ammunition (explained by demand good to economy)

[Projectile turrets]
+ Semi-dynamic damage
+ Hella alpha on arty
+ Don't require cap to fire
+ ACs easy to fit
+ Tracking bonused ammo
* Affected by most EWAR: tracking disruption, ecm, dampening
- Low overall top out on damage
- Fight almost exclusively in falloff
- Artillery is difficult to fit right

[Hybrid turrets]
+ Overall nice weapon system
+ highest paper DPS per unbonused turret
- Vulnerable to energy neut, tracking disruption, ecm, dampening
- Medium expensive ammo
= Okay fitting, not particularly tight on most ships
- Require cap
- **** hitting targets up close
- Stuck to kinetic and thermal damage

Missiles have got much needed love but now it is starting to feel that weapon system that is already working well gets the last pieces needed to become the superior weapon system.

What we can see is that both drones and missiles are nearly immune to countering. Almost every turret system is vulnerable to many/all EWAR including need to be able to track the target. As missile sig&speed hitting problems are tackles both drones and missiles can hit fast moving targets.

Things that need to change:
1) All turret ships need optional fitting choice of either drones or/and missiles as turrets have limited tracking are crap against any EWAR.
2) * There should not exist any ship that uses either missiles or drones as main weapon system. You are tackling with Ishtar now and next it will be other drone ship that is above all.. Next will become the missile ships as they will soon be the superior weapon.
3) Projectile turrets should not have dynamic damage as many(or all?) minmatar ships have utility drones and missiles for dynamic damage type
4) Projectile turrets should take very little cap to fire that they were not completely cap drain immune weapon system
5) As it now bigger ships have rapid smaller missile versions and soon the modules that buff the variables to hit small targets frigates will soon need more than speed or sig radius adjustments to be able to survive against flown big ships.

CCP already realizes the problem in balance between drones&missiles vs turret EWAR vulnerability but that is not the only issue. There are other problems between the weapon systems as well that have to be settled. As it is relation to ship designs such as Ishtar and other ships that use drones and as missiles get buffed the problem will spread to missile ships.

I love lasers but for me currently there simply is no reason to fly laser ships and the reasons get less and less. Please do not forget the balance!
Jarlhettur's Drop
United Federation of Conifers
#2 - 2015-06-12 21:41:01 UTC  |  Edited by: HiddenPorpoise
Theia Matova wrote:
As missiles are getting more buffs and love I am worried that other weapon systems are getting more and more outdated.

Next will become the missile ships as they will soon be the superior weapon.
Go on.

Also, very little of what you say about current weapons is true.
James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#3 - 2015-06-12 22:01:48 UTC
So, a few additions, and a few corrections to the pro/con list. My changes are in BOLD and additions are in BOLD ITALICS. As an aside, I have not yet looked at your proposal, just the pro/con analysis, which seems to omit blasters in hybrids and has some stuff I can't agree with in projectiles.


+ Dynamic damage type
+ Tracking
+ Don't require ship capacitor
+ Don't require ship tracking
* 'EWAR immune'
- Vulnerable to smartbombs
- Drone travel time
- Destroyable
* Works against small and other subcapital ships
+ Does not require fitting

[Laser turrets]
+ Do bunch of damage
+ Good against targets that outrate your turret tracking
+ Nice range
+ Ammunition cost very little or not at all
- **** when when trying to hit something up close
- Stuck to EM/thermal damage type, that makes the weapon system good against some targets but unusable in some situations
- Suck loads of cap
- Vulnerable to energy neut, tracking disruption, ecm, dampening...
* Ammunition being this cheap is damaging the economy. T1 Crystals should damage!!! (faction and t2 crystals do, but at slow rates compared to 1 round/shot for other ammo)
- Hard to fit, huge PG requirements
+ Scorch is magic at mid-range

[ Missiles]
+ Dynamic damage
+ Don't require cap to fire
+ Don't require ship tracking
+ Hit far
+ With auto-targeting missile immune to all EWAR
* Counterable with by other means: defender missiles(does anyone use them?), smartbombs
- More vulnerable to target sig radius than other weapon systems (AEGIS will counter this)
- More vulnerable to target speed than other weapon systems (AEGIS will counter this)
- Slow reload
- Not instant hit (not as bad it used to be)
* Costly ammunition (explained by demand good to economy)
+ Burst DPS launchers with great application
+ careful piloting can stack volleys

[Projectile turrets]
+ Semi-dynamic damage
+ Hella alpha on arty
+ Don't require cap to fire
* Affected by most EWAR: tracking disruption, ecm, dampening
+ ACs are easy to fit
- Artillery is almost impossible to fit with prop and tank
-Low overall top out on damage
- Fight almost exclusively in falloff
+ Tracking bonused ammo

[Hybrid turrets]
+ Overall nice weapon system
- Require cap
- **** hitting targets up close
- Stuck to kinetic and thermal damage
- Vulnerable to energy neut, tracking disruption, ecm, dampening
+ highest paper DPS per unbonused turret
-Requires cap and ammo
- Medium expensive ammo
= Okay fitting, not particularly tight on most ships

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#4 - 2015-06-12 22:11:03 UTC
Theia Matova wrote:

Things that need to change:
* Crystals need market value!!!!
* All turret ships need utility damage from either drones or/and missiles and cannot function alone with turrets!
* There should not exist any ship that uses either missiles or drones as main weapon system. You are tackling with Ishtar now and next it will be other drone ship that is above all.. Next will become the missile ships as they will soon be the superior weapon.
* Projectile turrets should not have dynamic damage as many(or all?) minmatar ships have utility drones and missiles for dynamic damage type
* Projectile turrets should take very little cap to fire that they were not completely cap drain immune weapon system
* As it now bigger ships have rapid smaller missile versions and soon the modules that buff the variables to hit small targets frigates will soon need more than speed or sig radius adjustments to be able to survive against flown big ships.

CCP already realizes the problem in balance between drones&missiles vs turret EWAR vulnerability but that is not the only issue. There are other problems between the weapon systems as well that have to be settled. As it is relation to ship designs such as Ishtar and other ships that use drones and as missiles get buffed the problem will spread to missile ships.

I love lasers but for me currently there simply is no reason to fly laser ships and the reasons get less and less. Please do not forget the balance!

1: Crystals have market value.
2: No. This sort of homogenization is bad and kills the flavor of several of the more interesting choices.
3: No. Just no. Drones and missiles can be brought into line, and this is throwing not just the baby out with the bath, but the tub and the toddler too.
4: So, they just get dumped on when the opposition flies anything with their high resist there? Do they get reasonable fitting for artillery and decent DPS for ACs to go with this and always flying in falloff? -1 nerfing arguably worst and 2nd worst turret type (arty and then ACs)
5: Yes, this is called a fitting choice. Those weapons are fairly mediocre against their own size of ships, and so they become prey for a similarly sized ship. This is a trade-off, and a fairly balanced one.

Yep, right now missiles mostly trade delayed and low application of DPS for EWAR resilience and long range. Drones trade some DPS (if you count heavies and sentrys against large weapons) for great range and tracking. The biggest issue with drones is the lack of fitting costs, leaving a drone ship able to use larger modules if it is almost getting it's DPS from drones.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Iain Cariaba
#5 - 2015-06-12 22:12:27 UTC
Because missiles have lagged far behind the other weapon systems in regards to balancing. Most of the changes to missiles in the last few years have been nerfs where most other weapon systems have been getting buffed.
Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#6 - 2015-06-12 22:19:20 UTC
James Baboli wrote:
So, a few additions, and a few corrections to the pro/con list. My changes are in BOLD and additions are in BOLD ITALICS. As an aside, I have not yet looked at your proposal, just the pro/con analysis, which seems to omit blasters in hybrids and has some stuff I can't agree with in projectiles.

Thank you for the good points added them in the list.

Projectiles are difficult weapon system to discuss as they work too differently in comparison to other turrets. Changing damage type gives projectile turrets ability to pierce low tank resistance that can make up for the low in damage. Also what comes to artillery fitting I do agree that it is painful to do but if it would not be painful then we would perhaps have another balance issue on our hands? Most experiences I have from projectile turrets are good though.
Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#7 - 2015-06-12 22:23:36 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Because missiles have lagged far behind the other weapon systems in regards to balancing. Most of the changes to missiles in the last few years have been nerfs where most other weapon systems have been getting buffed.

That is true and I am happy that the missiles have gained buff as those have been desired. Though now they are becoming the only weapon of choice as they start hit anything, are EWAR immune and have dynamic damage type. AKA weapon system that fits almost any situation.

Don't forget that the life for frigates and cruisers is getting more painful too by this change as ship with rapid launchers and right modules can probably nuke them no matter what speed or sig radius they have.
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#8 - 2015-06-12 22:29:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Rowells
Wth is ship tracking

E: I'm sorry but that list is...painfully off in quite a few places
Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#9 - 2015-06-12 22:35:47 UTC
James Baboli wrote:

1: Crystals have market value.
2: No. This sort of homogenization is bad and kills the flavor of several of the more interesting choices.
3: No. Just no. Drones and missiles can be brought into line, and this is throwing not just the baby out with the bath, but the tub and the toddler too.
4: So, they just get dumped on when the opposition flies anything with their high resist there? Do they get reasonable fitting for artillery and decent DPS for ACs to go with this and always flying in falloff? -1 nerfing arguably worst and 2nd worst turret type (arty and then ACs)
5: Yes, this is called a fitting choice. Those weapons are fairly mediocre against their own size of ships, and so they become prey for a similarly sized ship. This is a trade-off, and a fairly balanced one.

Yep, right now missiles mostly trade delayed and low application of DPS for EWAR resilience and long range. Drones trade some DPS (if you count heavies and sentrys against large weapons) for great range and tracking. The biggest issue with drones is the lack of fitting costs, leaving a drone ship able to use larger modules if it is almost getting it's DPS from drones.

1. Seems I stand corrected thank you.
2. Not sure if you understand me correctly. This stands that every ship should basically have either limited drones OR optional missile slot
3. I understand that such change can feel outrageous but how the weapons are implemented the balance issues will exist and things to remain broken. When they are done with drone ships next will be missile ships..
4. You just described how it is for amarr fleet. Most amarr ships have very limited drones and no missiles. Of course if this would be done to counter low DPS projectile base damage would have to be adjusted. Now the lower base damage is explained by that you can choose the resistance hole you are shooting.
5. That may become real problem in the upcoming update with the new modules
Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#10 - 2015-06-12 22:41:46 UTC
Rowells wrote:
Wth is ship tracking

E: I'm sorry but that list is...painfully off in quite a few places

Sorry being tired 'ship based turret tracking' as your ship will require targeting and being able to follow your target.
Baali Tekitsu
Verge of Collapse
#11 - 2015-06-12 22:51:17 UTC
The addition of missile application mods is long overdue.
I wouldnt draw any conclusions before the raw stats are released.


Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#12 - 2015-06-12 22:58:22 UTC
Baali Tekitsu wrote:
The addition of missile application mods is long overdue.
I wouldnt draw any conclusions before the raw stats are released.

Most missiles already hit smaller targets, requiring you to fit different rigs. Which is most often wise as the explosive radius and the explosion velocity are the ones that cut your damage.

That will be significant buff to cruise missiles and heavy type missiles more versatile and deadly.

Yes it will still be about fitting of your choice. But point is that one module that modifies either explosive radius or explosion velocity can and probably will buff missile damage than anything else you could give to them..
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2015-06-12 22:58:26 UTC
Theia Matova wrote:
2) * There should not exist any ship that uses either missiles or drones as main weapon system. You are tackling with Ishtar now and next it will be other drone ship that is above all.. Next will become the missile ships as they will soon be the superior weapon.
This stance seems extremely out of line with current realities. We have 2 examples of problematic drone usage across a couple dozen ships that use them as a main weapon. The ishtar being an issue in no way supports the conclusion that drone primary ships are an issue. It actually argues against that conclusion since it stands out so strongly even among it's drone cruiser peers.

If anything the whole issue could likely be solved by a cruiser drone band nerf to anything with 125mbit.
Deaf Armada
#14 - 2015-06-12 23:14:41 UTC  |  Edited by: unidenify
Theia Matova wrote:
Baali Tekitsu wrote:
The addition of missile application mods is long overdue.
I wouldnt draw any conclusions before the raw stats are released.

Most missiles already hit smaller targets, requiring you to fit different rigs. Which is most often wise as the explosive radius and the explosion velocity are the ones that cut your damage.

That will be significant buff to cruise missiles and heavy type missiles more versatile and deadly.

Yes it will still be about fitting of your choice. But point is that one module that modifies either explosive radius or explosion velocity can and probably will buff missile damage than anything else you could give to them..

turret can hit small target too.

Theia Matova wrote:
Rowells wrote:
Wth is ship tracking

E: I'm sorry but that list is...painfully off in quite a few places

Sorry being tired 'ship based turret tracking' as your ship will require targeting and being able to follow your target.

Missile boat also require to lock target, and follow target as well other wise they may get out of missile range.

auto-targeting missile is not I-WIN button for missile boat.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#15 - 2015-06-12 23:18:31 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Because missiles have lagged far behind the other weapon systems in regards to balancing. Most of the changes to missiles in the last few years have been nerfs where most other weapon systems have been getting buffed.

Missiles were almost all buffed. Only heavies were nerfed and lights were buffed again and then nerfed a little again. Its probably projectiles that have seen the least change, with only a slight buff to range that was to rebalance the TE nerf.

The big kick to missiles most likely came from the buffs to cruisers and the shift to the speed meta. I dont think they are behind other weapons, I think perhaps we've made things too mobile which hurts missiles (which use absolute speed) more than turrets (which use relative velocity).

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#16 - 2015-06-12 23:19:46 UTC
@CCP, would at least like to hear if CCP has considered the EWAR balance issue. And if there are any plans to modify lasers / amarr ships. Even lasers have highest base damage as some ships are purely laser ones if you encounter opponent with high EM and even mediocore thermal it can be impossible to penetrate tank. Included to that lasers are the most EWAR fragile weapon system which isn't fine.

In summary my concerns are:
1) EWAR vulnerability balance
2) Energy weapon (also can happen with other turret hulls) ship hulls being too easy to counter as there is simply no possiblity to modify damage type. Amarr ships scream EM/thermal if you are wise in PVP and know you have a hole in those resistance you run. Where in comparing missile/drone/projectile hulls you never know the exact damage type incoming. As Amarr ships are often sluggish and slow running from Amarr ship can also be easier.

Ideas to solve point 2:
- Optional launcher slots for energy turret hulls
- New crystals that have increased thermal damage over EM
- Module: lenses that would radically boost thermal damage. (nerfing EM little)
- Module: precision laser -- hit target vulnerable systems causing internal explosions could be implemented either minor resistance piercing or possibly minor explosion damage

Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#17 - 2015-06-12 23:26:46 UTC
unidenify wrote:
Theia Matova wrote:
Baali Tekitsu wrote:
The addition of missile application mods is long overdue.
I wouldnt draw any conclusions before the raw stats are released.

Most missiles already hit smaller targets, requiring you to fit different rigs. Which is most often wise as the explosive radius and the explosion velocity are the ones that cut your damage.

That will be significant buff to cruise missiles and heavy type missiles more versatile and deadly.

Yes it will still be about fitting of your choice. But point is that one module that modifies either explosive radius or explosion velocity can and probably will buff missile damage than anything else you could give to them..

turret can hit small target too.

Theia Matova wrote:
Rowells wrote:
Wth is ship tracking

E: I'm sorry but that list is...painfully off in quite a few places

Sorry being tired 'ship based turret tracking' as your ship will require targeting and being able to follow your target.

Missile boat also require to lock target, and follow target as well other wise they may get out of missile range.

auto-targeting missile is not I-WIN button for missile boat.

1) You can fit missiles so that virtually no matter what the smaller ship does you will always hit. With turrets its a race. If the small ships get to orbit / close enough to start circle that your tracking won't stay up. So with missiles you can with correct fit "always hit" where with turrets you can need at least 2 webs to hit.
2) Not I-WIN button but you can still shoot in situation turret boat is incapable to do any damage which is a big thing. I never said it was I-WIN button.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#18 - 2015-06-12 23:27:12 UTC
A few negatives were missed off missiles. Like 'Things can simply outpace missiles' 'Missiles have terrible range when you are chasing a target' 'Missiles lose 30-40% of their damage vs targets of the same class before links and mods'
The last being one of the biggest issues. And something that needs a dramatic change.

Look at cruiser sig, look at cruiser speed before prop mods, then look at HM & HAM explosion radius and velocity. And you find that unfitted cruisers can in some cases mitigate as much at 40% of the damage of a weapon system intended to shoot at them. This is just silly. And we haven't added in Implants, Prop Mods or Links yet onto that.

Missiles should hit unfitted hulls of the right size for basically full damage, and have enough speed to easily overhaul a MWD fitted ship of the right size. (Obviously including player skills). Then missiles will be a respectable weapon system, not a laughable one.
Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#19 - 2015-06-12 23:32:09 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Theia Matova wrote:
2) * There should not exist any ship that uses either missiles or drones as main weapon system. You are tackling with Ishtar now and next it will be other drone ship that is above all.. Next will become the missile ships as they will soon be the superior weapon.
This stance seems extremely out of line with current realities. We have 2 examples of problematic drone usage across a couple dozen ships that use them as a main weapon. The ishtar being an issue in no way supports the conclusion that drone primary ships are an issue. It actually argues against that conclusion since it stands out so strongly even among it's drone cruiser peers.

If anything the whole issue could likely be solved by a cruiser drone band nerf to anything with 125mbit.

Fine Ishtar is a special case in that regard yes. But drones perform still significantly well being able to hit both big and small targets while kiting without targeting with dynamic damage type. For example small t1 drone ships burst damage very well. Making them very versatile in comparison to any turret boat.
Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#20 - 2015-06-12 23:40:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Theia Matova
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
A few negatives were missed off missiles. Like 'Things can simply outpace missiles' 'Missiles have terrible range when you are chasing a target' 'Missiles lose 30-40% of their damage vs targets of the same class before links and mods'
The last being one of the biggest issues. And something that needs a dramatic change.

Look at cruiser sig, look at cruiser speed before prop mods, then look at HM & HAM explosion radius and velocity. And you find that unfitted cruisers can in some cases mitigate as much at 40% of the damage of a weapon system intended to shoot at them. This is just silly. And we haven't added in Implants, Prop Mods or Links yet onto that.

Missiles should hit unfitted hulls of the right size for basically full damage, and have enough speed to easily overhaul a MWD fitted ship of the right size. (Obviously including player skills). Then missiles will be a respectable weapon system, not a laughable one.

I believe that what caused the missiles getting in trouble in the first place was that they have been too efficient in the original design and you won't fix the balance by adjusting these values. When you will buff the explosion radius or explosion velocity. The missiles will turn into I-WIN button. As you won't be able to tackle ships with missiles on them as they hit on your squishy tackler no matter how fast or quiet she/he is. Don't forget that missiles hit always no matter how close the ship is.

To balance the missiles truly it would require bigger change in missile mechanics. Also would hope that because it seems that the missile discussion is never ending story that no one is truly ever happy.
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