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why do players stay in npc corps?

First post
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#1541 - 2015-06-09 19:26:07 UTC
Eli Stan wrote:

Indeed, I am literally asking you that question, and thank you for answering. Interestingly, your answer closely parallels what mine would be if I were asked "Why aren't you in a player corp in a video game that allows you to socialize in so many different ways?" Because I don't need to, because my corp name means something (CAS has been specifically mentioned in this thread numerous times so I hope you understand why that is without me going in to it further,) and because I live in nullsec where wardecs are never thought about. I too am not a min/maxer, and don't want/need to be coddled by 0% corp taxes.

Where you live or for what reason you reside in an npc corp is irrelevant. No one 'needs' to choose. The problem here is the fact that NPC corp are a game damaging dodge for rich veteran players, most of whom reside in high sec. Ideally NPC corps should offer value to solo and casual high sec (and perhaps low sec) players and new(er) players, but be unattractive to established veteran 'hard core' players who are usualy the ones amassing wealth (like those crazy miner isboxers who used to clean belts before anyone else could, ideally , other miners would be able to war dec or pay mercenaries to war dec someone like that to give other miners breathing space).


(And "why not fly Ishtars" is a perfectly legit question to ask somebody IMO, and for all sorts of reason people do and don't fly them regardless of the current fleet meta.)

This means you don't understand the saying or do and are still dodging. Telling someone to "just fly ishtars (or in the past, Drakes) doesn't address the game bending imbalances that lead to less enjoyable game experiences. In fact, it's just a deflection, usually by someone who wants to maintain a broken status quo for selfish reasons.

Ditto NPC corps are refuges for rich vets (like incursion runners in 5 bil isk Vindicators. NPC corps are literally the EVE online equivalent of offshore tax havens.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1542 - 2015-06-09 19:29:51 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Believe what you like. I'm not in control of what others do (no matter the reason, but i've explained this one to you), those 2 just came back and wanted to do something different, even though they left were still R/L friends we will be wormhole daytripping this week (with their own corp they control their own POSs).

But you notice I'm still in my own war decced corp right? Look I get it, you're still..stung over me getting too close to the truth about you. That's fine, but rather than nitpicking me about the actions of other players who aren't me, you might want to work on your inability to recognize and embrace difficult truths.
Lol, I'm not stung about anything being that I live in a section of space where wars are irrelevant since there's no concord. I just find it endlessly amusing that you're on your high horse about how daring you are when at war, when the only war your corp has ever been involved in has caused the loss of a third of your member count. The truth is you're no different from the "carebears" you look down on.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#1543 - 2015-06-09 19:35:46 UTC
Aza Ebanu wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Aza Ebanu wrote:
Eli Stan wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
The rest of us (3 real people) are still in corp, still flying in high sec and still not dying to marmite. It's not hard.

Why, exactly, are the three of you in a corp? Why not disband the corp, then play cooperatively as three NPC mains? If you consider being in an NPC corp to be a game mechanic that confers a large advantage, why not take advantage of it? It's like fitting a single gun on some Thrashers and then complaining about all the people who have fit multiple guns. You might consider yourselves better, tougher EVE players for it, but you appear simply to be artificially limiting yourselves.

Agreed. Fun fact though, Jenn is a shameless multiboxer. Those three in the corp are alternate accounts or alts probably. Heck the characters that left to WH corps are probably alt accounts.

And the problem with multiboxing in a game that allows multiboxing (as long as you don't automate it) is what exactly?

Oh i get it, you're one of those proud "I'm awesome because I play a video game with one account" bigots I see. Well lol, you got me there, I feel dirty, I'ma go wash my self a bath of isk i made using FoF missile ravens that aren't against the rules.

Never said it was against the rules, but all you arguments in this thread are hypocritical by the fact that you created a corp full of alts.

Its like a kid who decided to stay in his room an play with puppets instead of going outside to meet real friends. Then, when a lonely kid comes around he says: "I'm cooler than you because I associate with puppets rather than real kids. Go outside and make friends lonely kid!."

TL;DR: Your statements are hypocritical!

Your inability to understand the situation is a personal problem. All of my characters aren't in the Aces, (in fact only 4 of the current 12 are 'me'). The other 7 are in other corps, 1 in RvB, several in a cyno corp belonging to my mull sec corp, 1 in my buddies new wormhole corp, a couple in the null sec corp I'm in etc.

I'm not sitting around playing with puppets, I'm sitting around plaything with people in multiple situations, i fly with EVE Radio every Thursday night for example.

But how I (or anyone one else) is playing is immaterial, I don't give a flip about what others do, I'm discussing the merits of currently existing game mechanics on the game world we are playing in (NPC corps in this instance). Sometimes, even mechanics and content I engage in is unbalanced (INCURSIONS) and that is what I discuss, but this one is about NPC corps.

As i learned a quarter of a centruy ago as a kid in a high school Debate club, when the opposition is left sputtering and have to resort to off topic things (like the membership of my high sec corp lol), you know you've struck an emotional chord, and that they are running on an empty tank.
Eli Stan
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1544 - 2015-06-09 19:37:31 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Station Traders don't make isk. Not in the EVE sense of the phrase.

And station trading comes with it's own risk of loss (being underbid by others to the point where you take a loss for example). Station Trading is always brought up as a dodge by people claiming that there is no problem (whether it's the incredibly skewed Combat PVE risk/reward imbalance or the inherent wrongness of Veterans exploiting NPC corps), but it's just a weak deflection, station trading has nothing to do with anything.

Just like station trading comes with it's own form of risk, NPC characters hauling, mining and missioning face their own form of risk - billion ISK freighter losses for NPC corp pilots happen every day just about, for example, and NPC corp pilots lose mining barges in highsec every day too.

But station trading doesn't make ISK? Question I've been researching what it would take to get in to station trading with a market alt. People reportedly make hundreds of millions, even billions, of ISK per month via station trading - it can be extremely lucrative from what I've read. And because it's a form of gameplay that happens often in highsec and is immune to wardecs, It is closely related to the topic at hand. You appear to be concerned about people mining, hauling, running missions and such in highsec without the risk of being wardeced, but not concerned about doing economic transactions without the risk of being wardeced, and I'm not sure why you make such a distinction.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#1545 - 2015-06-09 19:39:42 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Believe what you like. I'm not in control of what others do (no matter the reason, but i've explained this one to you), those 2 just came back and wanted to do something different, even though they left were still R/L friends we will be wormhole daytripping this week (with their own corp they control their own POSs).

But you notice I'm still in my own war decced corp right? Look I get it, you're still..stung over me getting too close to the truth about you. That's fine, but rather than nitpicking me about the actions of other players who aren't me, you might want to work on your inability to recognize and embrace difficult truths.
Lol, I'm not stung about anything being that I live in a section of space where wars are irrelevant since there's no concord. I just find it endlessly amusing that you're on your high horse about how daring you are when at war, when the only war your corp has ever been involved in has caused the loss of a third of your member count. The truth is you're no different from the "carebears" you look down on.

You wouldn't know the truth is it bit you on the exhaust of what ever unbalanced spacecraft you like to fly (probably ishtar). I explained to you that the war dec (our 1st) didn't 'cause' anything, and even if in some universe we don't reside in it did, what has that got to do with me?

The fact that you reject that proves what I already know about you, so no need to harp on it. You're grasping for straws and making a fool of yourself for doing it. And over a video game you claim "is not to be taken seriously".
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#1546 - 2015-06-09 19:51:43 UTC
Eli Stan wrote:

Just like station trading comes with it's own form of risk, NPC characters hauling, mining and missioning face their own form of risk - billion ISK freighter losses for NPC corp pilots happen every day just about, for example, and NPC corp pilots lose mining barges in highsec every day too.

Thank you for illustrating the point. Those pilots face suicde gank risk. PLAYER CORP pilots face suicide gank AND WAR DEC risk.

The cost of war dec protection is 11% corp taxes. No mining yeild tax. No LP store penalty, no ship class restriction, no travel restrictions (you're a member of a Gallente NPC corp, but unless you screwed up your standings, all of Caldari space is yours to travel), no nothing. 11% corp tax and inability to own certain structures, that's it.

And that's the reason NPC corps become these RichVet havens like blinged out incursion runners (many of whom are alts of out-of-highsec players, creating a 'wealth funnel' that makes WH, Null sec and low sec conflict aimed at cutting supply lines totally irrelevant).

Good reform ups the cost of residing in an NPC corp for such rich vets while making them ok places to hang your hat if you are a true new player or casual.


But station trading doesn't make ISK? Question I've been researching what it would take to get in to station trading with a market alt. People reportedly make hundreds of millions, even billions, of ISK per month via station trading - it can be extremely lucrative from what I've read. And because it's a form of gameplay that happens often in highsec and is immune to wardecs, It is closely related to the topic at hand. You appear to be concerned about people mining, hauling, running missions and such in highsec without the risk of being wardeced, but not concerned about doing economic transactions without the risk of being wardeced, and I'm not sure why you make such a distinction.

Station trading doesn't produce new isk or materials, in space activities do. NPC corp members get to do this with reduced risk and negligible cost (11% tax and inability to place structures). people don't need to be forced out of npc corps, Veterans using npc corps as a refuge should face higher costs for the protection.

The risk of station trading is other station traders. not everyone makes isk doing it, sometimes there are losers. The inherent risk of loss makes market gameplay balanced. There is no inherent risk from being in an npc corp, in fact in high sec being in an npc corp cuts risk in have (by eliminating war decs, leaving only suicide ganking and tricking a -player into aggressing as the only in space risks)
Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1547 - 2015-06-09 19:53:29 UTC
Aralyn Cormallen wrote:
The question though, is what is that "same reason"?

- Is it because it is the part of the game they want to play?
- Is it because that's how you make isk/gold/donuts within that game and players like accumulating isk/gold/donuts?
- Is it because the game leads you to it, and humans being simple animals, tend to do what they are lead to do?

Scipio's argument is to me, that we can't automatically assume it is the first reason. For some people it will be, but the other reasons are at least likely to equal that in the number of people who gravitate in to mission running for that reason (and other reasons I've not considered).

You are calling into question the very concept of volition.
Can a person do something they don't WANT to do? Does there not have to be a willful intention in every act a person takes that must, at some level, be coherent with their desire? (Else, how could we call it THEIR act?) There may be a LONG chain of causality, but isn't farming ISK/gold/donuts ultimately in-line with what a person WANTS if that is what they are choosing to do?

We could posit the opposite, that people can be FORCED to make a particular CHOICE, but . . . well, that's crazy and complicated.

Rather than say they don't WANT to farm ISK/gold/donuts, we might be better off examining WHY they WANT to farm ISK/gold/donuts, and how their ultimate intentions (to PVP, to be admired/envied by others, to survive, etc.), expressed through their condition in the game (experience, skillpoints, social contacts, equipment/gear/game possessions, etc.), yield a specific outcome (whether they stay, how long they stay, how they affect the game, etc.).

TL;DR: People can only do what they want. Why would they want to do things that make them unhappy? How do we help them out of that situation in a way that doesn't break the game?
Eli Stan
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1548 - 2015-06-09 19:54:14 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

Where you live or for what reason you reside in an npc corp is irrelevant. No one 'needs' to choose. The problem here is the fact that NPC corp are a game damaging dodge for rich veteran players, most of whom reside in high sec. Ideally NPC corps should offer value to solo and casual high sec (and perhaps low sec) players and new(er) players, but be unattractive to established veteran 'hard core' players who are usualy the ones amassing wealth (like those crazy miner isboxers who used to clean belts before anyone else could, ideally , other miners would be able to war dec or pay mercenaries to war dec someone like that to give other miners breathing space).

I totally disagree with your judgement that veteran players in NPC corps damage the game. I have not seen any data that supports that opinion. Would you mind sharing your reasons why you think that? You mention the specific case of multiboxing miners - which are no longer a factor, due to changes in the rules regarding multiboxers doing input broadcasting rather than changes to the NPC corp system. What else... Incursion runners? While I personally have no experience with that part of EVE and therefore can't say whether or not NPC corp characters running Incursions is damaging to the game or not, I'd suggest that if it is a problem, the solution for it, like with multiboxing, is to address the Incursion mechanic gameplay directly, rather than quite indirectly by modifying NPC corp mechanics.


(And "why not fly Ishtars" is a perfectly legit question to ask somebody IMO, and for all sorts of reason people do and don't fly them regardless of the current fleet meta.)

This means you don't understand the saying or do and are still dodging. Telling someone to "just fly ishtars (or in the past, Drakes) doesn't address the game bending imbalances that lead to less enjoyable game experiences. In fact, it's just a deflection, usually by someone who wants to maintain a broken status quo for selfish reasons.

I'm not telling you to join an NPC corp or to fly an Ishtar, I'm asking you why you don't so I can better understand your position.

Ditto NPC corps are refuges for rich vets (like incursion runners in 5 bil isk Vindicators. NPC corps are literally the EVE online equivalent of offshore tax havens.

I find it odd you state that, when it's the NPC corps who are subject to 11% tax (which realistically is an ISK sink since it never returns to the game) while it's player corps that can have a 0% tax, or if there is a tax it all goes to other players who then have the ability to put it back into the game.
Aza Ebanu
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1549 - 2015-06-09 20:00:00 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

But how I (or anyone one else) is playing is immaterial, I don't give a flip about what others do,

Yeah you do. Don't try to make it about game mechanics or I'll have to submit links and make you look like a bigger hypocrite.
Aza Ebanu
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1550 - 2015-06-09 20:03:49 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
PLAYER CORP pilots face suicide gank AND WAR DEC risk.

The cost of war dec protection is 11% corp taxes. No mining yeild tax. No LP store penalty, no ship class restriction, no travel restrictions (you're a member of a Gallente NPC corp, but unless you screwed up your standings, all of Caldari space is yours to travel), no nothing. 11% corp tax and inability to own certain structures, that's it.

And that's the reason NPC corps become these RichVet havens like blinged out incursion runners (many of whom are alts of out-of-highsec players, creating a 'wealth funnel' that makes WH, Null sec and low sec conflict aimed at cutting supply lines totally irrelevant).

Plenty of folks in player corps run incursions. The only thing NPC corps are protected from is "sec status enforcement manipulation" because, the NPC corp pays CONCORD more. Why can't you understand that?
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#1551 - 2015-06-09 20:39:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
How do we help them out of that situation in a way that doesn't break the game?

CCP are already doing what they think can help. The best we can do is:

1. Support rather than fight against CCP by complaining that what they are doing doesn't make sense, or is a fail, or isn't based on sound decision making;

2. Form more engaging, active and new-player friendly Corps where all the members provide content for each other;

3. Turn the NPC Corps into effective social environments (eg. Setup team speak/mumble servers, corp forums, slack/irc, run regular Corp fleets, run Corp training sessions...all the things that CCP acknowledge that player Corps do well in providing rich experiences and training for their members)

If you are doing the first and neither of the others, then you're just part of the problem.

That's my only issue with players who sit in NPC Corps and never contribute to making those Corps effective, and yet ***** and moan here that player run Corps just open people up to wardecs and should be avoided. They are players that know the game has an issue with retention but don't do anything actively to help. Self interest rules for them over shared interest but they complain that it's others that contribute to retention problems.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#1552 - 2015-06-09 20:53:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Phone fail (well user fail).
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1553 - 2015-06-09 21:02:09 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
You wouldn't know the truth is it bit you on the exhaust of what ever unbalanced spacecraft you like to fly (probably ishtar). I explained to you that the war dec (our 1st) didn't 'cause' anything, and even if in some universe we don't reside in it did, what has that got to do with me?

The fact that you reject that proves what I already know about you, so no need to harp on it. You're grasping for straws and making a fool of yourself for doing it. And over a video game you claim "is not to be taken seriously".
Lol, you're the one doing all the damage control following the exodus cause by your first wardec. You can point fingers and tell me it's all my fault, but the facts remain that your corp got wardecced and immediately afterwards a third of the members left.

And no, a game isn't to be taken seriously. You however like to insult people to no end about how carebearish you think they are and how amazing and hardcore you and all your friends are, and it's evidently not so true. That I find very entertaining. No need to get all upset about it.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#1554 - 2015-06-09 21:03:33 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Lol, you're the one doing all the damage control following the exodus cause by your first wardec.

"The truth is whatever I feel like it should be!"

~Lucas Kell, 2015.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#1555 - 2015-06-09 21:09:19 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

"The truth is whatever I feel like it should be!"


The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Aza Ebanu
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1556 - 2015-06-09 21:15:50 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
How do we help them out of that situation in a way that doesn't break the game?

CCP are already doing what they think can help. The best we can do is:

1. Support rather than fight against CCP by complaining that what they are doing doesn't make sense, or is a fail, or isn't based on sound decision making;

2. Form more engaging, active and new-player friendly Corps where all the members provide content for each other;

3. Turn the NPC Corps into effective social environments (eg. Setup team speak/mumble servers, corp forums, slack/irc, run regular Corp fleets, run Corp training sessions...all the things that CCP acknowledge that player Corps do well in providing rich experiences and training for their members)

If you are doing the first and neither of the others, then your just part of the problem.

That's my only issue with players who sit in NPC Corps and never contribute to making those Corps effective, and yet ***** and moan here that player run Corps just open people up to wardecs and should be avoided. They are players that know the game has an issue with retention but don't do anything actively to help. Self interest rules for them over shared interest but they complain that it's others that contribute to retention problems.

#3 is redundant. CAS has proven that all of that can be done without player corp status.

CCP should be thinking of ways to enhance player corps in the first place.


1. Clean up the corp name database so people can use "now defunct " corp names.

2. Extend missions to corps. Can use copr mission levels to scale with corp size . lvl 1 is 10 members, etc...

3. Remove wardecs, and add incursion/FW bonus and penalties for common corporate operations based on corporate standings.

4. Add a partial SOV mechanic to low sec.

5. More in-game events for null sec space.

Q. Why these suggestions are not essentially PVP focused?

A. CCP is still balancing ships, ore, sov mechanics, etc. These things can be implemented in game with far less financial cost to the devs, and far less re-balancing issues to PVP.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1557 - 2015-06-09 21:16:13 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Lol, you're the one doing all the damage control following the exodus cause by your first wardec.
"The truth is whatever I feel like it should be!"

~Lucas Kell, 2015.
Generally when neither side of an opinion can be trusted I tend to go with the facts. In this case the facts show that a wardec starts then a third of the members leave. If this wasn't someone you particularly like and was instead one of the players you hate so much, you'd likely point out the same. Instead, like Jenn you're just attempting to discredit me so that people don't look at the fully verifiable facts.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#1558 - 2015-06-09 21:30:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Aza Ebanu wrote:
#3 is redundant. CAS has proven that all of that can be done without player corp status.

Hardly. What can be done versus what is actually being done are two very different things.

There are 12 starter Corps and then the other NPC Corps players end up in.

That CAS is an example that sticks out from the others shows that the need for NPC sitting players to do more rather than complain, is hardly redundant. It's hardly done at all by most of the NPC Corp forum whiners.

It's is a perfect example of the self interest shown by the people here who don't contribute to their NPC Corp, but whinge here in the forum that others and CCP should be doing something.

Start contributing to make the NPC Corps great and that's where the issues of retention will really start to be reversed. CCP can only provide the game environment. The social environment needs people being social. That's not what most NPC Corps do.

CCP should be thinking of ways to enhance player corps in the first place.


1. Clean up the corp name database so people can use "now defunct " corp names.

2. Extend missions to corps. Can use copr mission levels to scale with corp size . lvl 1 is 10 members, etc...

3. Remove wardecs, and add incursion/FW bonus and penalties for common corporate operations based on corporate standings.

4. Add a partial SOV mechanic to low sec.

5. More in-game events for null sec space.

Q. Why these suggestions are not essentially PVP focused?

A. CCP is still balancing ships, ore, sov mechanics, etc. These things can be implemented in game with far less financial cost to the devs, and far less re-balancing issues to PVP.

Have you actually made these suggestions to CCP as well constructed threads in F&I?

Some I can see merit in, others have more downsides than ups, but without them being properly proposed to CCP, they won't see them.

It's also a pity that the only suggestions are about what CCP should do, rather than what individuals can actually do to help. It always comes down to expecting others to do things rather than taking action.
Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1559 - 2015-06-09 21:35:38 UTC
Scipio Artellius wrote:
1. Support rather than fight against CCP by complaining that what they are doing doesn't make sense, or is a fail, or isn't based on sound decision making;

2. Form more engaging, active and new-player friendly Corps where all the members provide content for each other;

3. Turn the NPC Corps into effective social environments (eg. Setup team speak/mumble servers, corp forums, slack/irc, run regular Corp fleets, run Corp training sessions...all the things that CCP acknowledge that player Corps do well in providing rich experiences and training for their members)

1. Yes! Support . . . CCP made NPC corps to help. Support them.

2. It's not that simple:
A) It's not my job to create content for others. Doing the work for others may even be counter-productive.
B) What if I don't WANT to create content for others?
C) What if I don't KNOW how to create content for others?
D) What if others don't WANT or KNOW how to create content for themselves or don't WANT me to create it for them?
E) I don't control anyone but myself. Trying to control others leads to abuse.
F) Some players are intentionally out to disrupt the creation of such a corp, if it is not a "PVP" corp or it is otherwise not conforming to what they think a corp should be.

3. You are essentially suggesting that NPC corps get buffed, if not by CCP then by the players themselves. Is that what you MEAN to say?
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#1560 - 2015-06-09 21:44:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
Scipio Artellius wrote:
1. Support rather than fight against CCP by complaining that what they are doing doesn't make sense, or is a fail, or isn't based on sound decision making;

2. Form more engaging, active and new-player friendly Corps where all the members provide content for each other;

3. Turn the NPC Corps into effective social environments (eg. Setup team speak/mumble servers, corp forums, slack/irc, run regular Corp fleets, run Corp training sessions...all the things that CCP acknowledge that player Corps do well in providing rich experiences and training for their members)

1. Yes! Support . . . CCP made NPC corps to help. Support them.

2. It's not that simple:
A) It's not my job to create content for others. Doing the work for others may even be counter-productive.
B) What if I don't WANT to create content for others?
C) What if I don't KNOW how to create content for others?
D) What if others don't WANT or KNOW how to create content for themselves or don't WANT me to create it for them?
E) I don't control anyone but myself. Trying to control others leads to abuse.
F) Some players are intentionally out to disrupt the creation of such a corp, if it is not a "PVP" corp or it is otherwise not conforming to what they think a corp should be.

3. You are essentially suggesting that NPC corps get buffed, if not by CCP then by the players themselves. Is that what you MEAN to say?

Yes, CCP made NPC Corps and they are a needed mechanic. They are still a Corp, but most older NPC sitting players just treat them as a safe haven for their own activity rather than a group of people.

Of course it isn't your job. Creating content does not mean doing the work for others. It also isn't the job of anyone else, yet many, many players in the game choose to contribute because it makes the game more enjoyable for them and for others. Even for many players in player Corps, they consume rather than create content most often. But they also aren't here whinging that CCP and others should be doing more. They aren't here whining and complaining for nerfs to other's play styles to suit their own self interests and they aren't here complaining that CCP is failing just because they are trying to make changes that will help.

Even those that don't often create content in player corps still regularly contribute to the social environment of the corp just by taking part in the activities that the Corp runs. NPC sitters rarely do the same.

No one is suggesting you try to control anyone other than yourself. Most NPC sitting complainers don't even do that though. Rather than take personal responsibility for things and try to offer what they can, it constantly comes back to externalising the problems as being CCPs fault, or some other player or groups fault. Never, what can they do to help other players. Only, what can they complain about that helps themselves.

You don't need buffs for players to get active. It just needs players to get active.