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Anyone heard of these Anti Pirates?

Simi Kusoni
#21 - 2011-12-28 10:34:46 UTC

I'm going to go ahead and assume that, no, they aren't feared by pirates.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2011-12-28 14:24:09 UTC
Xylorn Hasher wrote:
Electus Matari and their dogs won't engage anything if they don't have at least 5 man support with BB and at least one logi ship plus ceptor.
If they don't they stay docked or leaving system when -10 is on local.
It's still possible to catch them alone here and there, but do this only when you have fresh intel.
They are dangerous only if they have numbers, just like insects.

Basic rule about them is: If they want to fight, blob is near.

This. It's really funny to watch EM roll into my corps pocket and talk all the trash in the world when we won't take their bait with our gang of 5-6 when they have 40 people one jump over.
Cat Sick
#23 - 2011-12-28 14:31:08 UTC
why don't you ask your main.

Attention seeking thread is attention seeking.
Hashashin Cartel
#24 - 2011-12-28 21:41:16 UTC
Word on the street is these guys are fail.

You should ask them to compensate you for your wasted time researching them.

Also why waste your time being anti-pirate, when the pirates are the ones having all the fun.

Goonswarm Federation
#25 - 2011-12-28 21:59:36 UTC
Lord Xyr'dan wrote:
The Fendahlian Collective

I am doing some research and want to know if these folks are feared among pirates.

Heard of them, but nothing specific..

Looked them up, still laughing.

Kugu is getting some new lolfit posts.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2011-12-28 22:25:42 UTC
ok I'll do it

Lost touch
#27 - 2011-12-29 03:08:57 UTC
They live in high sec but claim to live in Auner (low sec)...

They set traps witch are obvious and blob their victims..

They claim to be Anti prates but have still failed to remove us from their home system.

Other than that they are ok <3

Fla5hy Red the wrong way, only faster

Sarell Ensa
Estrale Frontiers
#28 - 2011-12-29 03:46:15 UTC
The number of times I've nearly died waiting for these fine gentlemen and others like them to save me after they threw my ass through a gate to lure in the sharks...
Markius TheShed
#29 - 2011-12-29 08:21:51 UTC
Nice bunch of guys who are Sooo fail that after this fight

The surviving neg 10 battleships waited in station for a delivery of Stabbys then ran back to their Miroitem POS

Obviously our cruiser gang was to scary for them Roll

**Murientor Tribe** a capsuleer organization composed of radical Minmatar. Since YC107

Jori McKie
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#30 - 2011-12-29 10:55:03 UTC
I think Concordokken and friends got us the most Carrier/Dread kills in Auner and around in 1 month. To lazy to check our killboard as it was sometime ago.
The time there was like, ok roam ends now but before you log just check Auner for a Carrier......

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." - Abrazzar

APEX Unlimited
APEX Conglomerate
#31 - 2011-12-29 16:34:38 UTC
So what I'm hearing from pirates in this thread, is since pirates don't FEAR anyone, APEX just REALLY pisses them off? c/d

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2011-12-29 17:10:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Berendas
Cloora wrote:
So what I'm hearing from pirates in this thread, is since pirates don't FEAR anyone, APEX just REALLY pisses them off? c/d

You act as if;

a) we should know who your corp/alliance is
b) there isn't a distinction between annoyance and fear

APEX Unlimited
APEX Conglomerate
#33 - 2011-12-30 01:32:00 UTC
Berendas wrote:
Cloora wrote:
So what I'm hearing from pirates in this thread, is since pirates don't FEAR anyone, APEX just REALLY pisses them off? c/d

You act as if;

a) we should know who your corp/alliance is
b) there isn't a distinction between annoyance and fear


Bro, if you pirated in Lonetrek low sec you would know who we are.

We give good fights and we would like you to move in. Not many good pirates corps out here any more...

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2011-12-30 17:32:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Berendas
Cloora wrote:

Bro, if you pirated in Lonetrek low sec you would know who we are.

We give good fights and we would like you to move in. Not many good pirates corps out here any more...

But I don't live in Lonetrek, and its a safe bet that the majority of the people reading this thread don't either. You come off as really presumptuous when you assume that the pirates of EVE have all heard of your little PVP corp. I don't doubt that you give good fights but geez man, you aren't famous by any stretch.
Zor's Club
#35 - 2012-01-01 10:24:08 UTC
Berendas wrote:
Cloora wrote:

Bro, if you pirated in Lonetrek low sec you would know who we are.

We give good fights and we would like you to move in. Not many good pirates corps out here any more...

But I don't live in Lonetrek, and its a safe bet that the majority of the people reading this thread don't either. You come off as really presumptuous when you assume that the pirates of EVE have all heard of your little PVP corp. I don't doubt that you give good fights but geez man, you aren't famous by any stretch.

They're pretty good.
NSFW federation
#36 - 2012-01-01 13:58:52 UTC
Arkady Sadik wrote:
Lord Xyr'dan wrote:
The Fendahlian Collective
Part of the Coalition of Anti-Pirates. Nice bunch of people.

I am doing some research and want to know if these folks are feared among pirates.
It's rare that anyone "fears" anyone else. It's people shooting other people. It's what most pilots are here for. Would be weird if anyone was genuinely afraid of that.

Lies, i play this game solely to mine rocks of all sizes, i for one fear our anti-pirate overlords.
Amun Khonsu
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#37 - 2012-01-19 10:57:26 UTC
Xylorn Hasher wrote:
Electus Matari and their dogs won't engage anything if they don't have at least 5 man support with BB and at least one logi ship plus ceptor.
If they don't they stay docked or leaving system when -10 is on local.
It's still possible to catch them alone here and there, but do this only when you have fresh intel.
They are dangerous only if they have numbers, just like insects.

Basic rule about them is: If they want to fight, blob is near.

Sounds like they put tegether a good fleet and you have gotten your *** handed to you on a platter a few times.

Fight them until turmoil is no more and strike terror into their hearts.

MrWhitei God
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2012-01-19 13:31:43 UTC
Kri Matar wrote:

Shoulder to Shoulder
Mystical Might
Eclipse Pulsar
#39 - 2012-01-19 13:36:01 UTC
Lord Xyr'dan wrote:
The Fendahlian Collective

I am doing some research and want to know if these folks are feared among pirates.

The Who?
Never heard of 'em. And if they're Electus Matari pets, I dare say they're pretty pathetic.

Amun Khonsu
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#40 - 2012-01-19 22:31:44 UTC
Mystical Might wrote:
Lord Xyr'dan wrote:
The Fendahlian Collective

I am doing some research and want to know if these folks are feared among pirates.

The Who?
Never heard of 'em. And if they're Electus Matari pets, I dare say they're pretty pathetic.


Maybe, but not as pathetic as being Pandemic pets to help you take auga Blink Pitty you couldnt do it on your own muscle :p

Fight them until turmoil is no more and strike terror into their hearts.

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