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Level 4 missions vs Exploration?

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2015-06-04 07:55:04 UTC
Thinking of jumping into exploration as level 4's are getting kinda dull but having recently resubbed I don't really know much about it.

Can high sec exploration even hold a candle to quick L4's with decent LP payouts? Should I even bother trying to solo explore? Is low sec exploring more lucractive than level 4's? Should I just stick with missions until I jump into incursions?
Sobaan Tali
Caldari Quick Reaction Force
#2 - 2015-06-04 10:18:29 UTC
Potentially? Yes. BUT (and this part kills it for most), your success is largely due to luck and luck alone. Generally, it's possible to make a killing from exploration (just look up JonnyPew on Youtube, guy's practically the master of exploration nowadays). That said, it's wildly inconsistent and hardly a steady as L4's are. People, new to exploration and veteran alike, can go on months without so much as a descent site, then at some random moment strike gold one day for mere minutes of scanning. The real-world equivalent would be working a descent paying but boring job or quitting your job and going to Vegas and possibly getting lucky. It's a coin toss.

If you're still interested, low sec and null tend to yield far better than high sec (high sec is notably bland on profit from exploration), though staring off in high sec would be good practice for you until you are ready to take something into low. Unfortunately, high sec exploration tends to be a lot less profitable to L4s even on good days, but like most professions in Eve, give time and patience and you can make it worth your wild. Also, I meant what I said about JonnyPew, seriously look him up. His channel is bloated with helpful vids on setting up fits, how to get started, etc.


"----in' A, right?"

"Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

"----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."

Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#3 - 2015-06-04 11:28:22 UTC
Combat hisec exploration is stuffed with explorers, competition is very high.
Non-combat hisec is meh, unless you find sleepers site which is really rare.
Combat lowsex exploration is lethal, you will be probed and jumped, but ISK may be great there.
Non-combat lowsex is better than hisex but lower than stable L4 running.
Nullsec and wormhole exploration are great ISK.

Basically if you get bored with mission find something else, I was doing them for a year, almost stopped to play.

First rule of exploration - it's random. You may not find anything worth selling for days (combat sites).

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

David Therman
#4 - 2015-06-04 11:41:41 UTC  |  Edited by: David Therman
If I may suggest, you need to be a bit more specific here; when I read the term "exploration", it could mean scanning down relic/data sites, DED/Unrated Plex's, running combat anom's, diving into WH's... so I'll try to sum up my experiences with each here.

Relic sites in high sec have become somewhat of a running joke whenever the two are mentioned together; everytime I've felt the urge to run one, I've got nothing but junk. Other explorers that I talk to often all report the same thing, so unless it's me being terminally unlucky, stay away from them. Data sites are a little better, I've had a couple of faction POS module bpc's drop in high-sec sites in the past so there's something to be gained from that, but nothing to hold a candle to L4 mission running. Although I only have limited (to put it bluntly) experience of completing low-sec sites, what I've found so far is that there isn't much of an improvement over high-sec. From fellow explorers, the best bet would be finding sites in nul, or better yet, a deserted wormhole.

Combat sites are definitely a money-maker in high-sec; I've practically covered every empire region, and on a very , very good day, you can definitely pull in a lot more compared to what you'd normally make off missions. There are a couple of faults with them though;

1. The competition you're up against, especially when you start to compare the different faction's loot drops. If you ever get around to trying to find combat sites in caldari space on a weekend, you'll see what I mean. Finding area's off the beaten path improve your chances of finding sites significantly.

2. The risk/reward of running these sites out of high-sec. Typically, from 5/10+, you'll need to bring ship's not too de-similar from your average l4 hull. Personally, I'd only consider taking running sites if it's in relatively quiet space or if it was a site that I was particularly curious about... there's no point in running sites as a money-maker if the locals get the jump on you. Pirate

Running WH sites is something I'm currently playing around with, so I'll let someone else fill in the blanks for that. In regard's to incursions, if you solely want the best consistent ISK/hour, then that would be your best bet. I haven't got involved with it myself (the last time I seriously considered it, I was hearing about a lot of drama in that particular community), but it's the best money-maker in high-sec, hands down... there is/was a threadnaught rampaging through GD recently about lowering the rewards for it, so if you want to get on the gravy train, you'd best climb aboard soon.

Personally, I like to mix things up. Sure, l4 blitzing is a very good way to grab isk if I'm in need of funds, and as you said, it does get very tedious. So every now and again, I change things up. Whether that's going after sites, trying out different ship fittings, or just throwing a ship to the wolves (my overall pvp experience so far Ugh), variety is the spice of life after all.

One final thing I forgot to mention... if you do intend to exploration, do whatever it takes to get the loot fairy smiling on you. If you have to make a daily prayer asking for her blessing, do it. If you have to sell your (in-game) soul to her to increase the chance of good loot, do it! Hell, if she asks you to do cartwheels in your local shopping mall whilst bellowing out We Will Rock You*, you better do it!! Because when it comes to exploring in this game and you have no luck, slowly but surely, you'll turn into a quivering, babbling wreck.

*Proceed at your peril.
Darth Push
Awesome Corp 13
#5 - 2015-06-04 14:11:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Darth Push
First of all, there is no profit from running high sec exploration. Even low sec sites don't provide any interesting rewards. If you want to get some decent amount of ISK from exploration you should go to null or wh.

Secondly, exploration income is not stable and is highly unpredictable. You can scan a hour or more and not find any interesting site and you can literally get 100m isk from single site a jump or two away.

The most interesting part is that exploration does not need any serious investments. You can fly T1 frigate and still be able to scan 95% of sites and hack like 80% of containers you find. T2 ships and modules make the process slightly faster and safer but you don't need them to try it.

The most profitable and safe way for exploration is scanning your own claimed null-secs for pirate data and relic sites. It's like 100% safe if you don't do something stupid and can be extremely profitable if there are not many competing explorers. Even if there are many of them you can patrol several systems and wait for signature to spawn as they do it as often as they are cleared.

If you don't have opportunity to scan claimed null-secs, you still can go through WHs. WHs of class 1, 2 and 3 can spawn pirate faction data/relic sites (you can distinct them by having pirate faction in their name). You can find entrance to WH in literally every system in HS and go through WH chain until you find some sites and then you can scan your way out of WH-space to Highsec or Lowsec (T2 covert ops are pretty safe to travel through lows as they have covert cloak). This way is much more hard (WHs spawn lots of sites and you'll have to scan a lot to find data/relic ones) and dangerous (for obviuos reasons) but still profitable.

Also i'd advice to drop your loot to station as soon as your cargo worth 100-150m.
Bloem Khardula
Iron Sails
#6 - 2015-06-04 18:20:19 UTC
I'm currently hanging around in a quiet WH doing data and relic sites once a day for like 30 minutes and making 250mil a week isnt that hard, or i'm extremely lucky :)

The thrill of the unknown and potential danger is alot more fun then doing lvl4's in high sec imo.
Avenger Mercenaries
Space Brutality
#7 - 2015-06-04 18:25:47 UTC
to follow David, combat sites are good until you get to the last room and some prick been waiting at the complex gate in a cloaky T3 waiting for someone else to do all of the work so they can take the faction kill and leave.

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#8 - 2015-06-04 20:02:14 UTC
So basically get a rattlesnake and Blitz level 4's and save myself some time if I'm just trying to build a bank to get back into the game.
Jeb Rush
#9 - 2015-06-04 20:56:53 UTC
Dethis wrote:
So basically get a rattlesnake and Blitz level 4's and save myself some time if I'm just trying to build a bank to get back into the game.

For what it's worth, that how I tried to ease myself and my wallet back into the game after a few years hiatus and I almost immediately lost interest. Of all the things that have improved over the years in EVE, missions aren't really one of them, or at least they haven't seen nearly as much iteration as exploring. More detailed advice about how to do it is above, but poking around wormholes and into nullsec with a helios has been rewarding enough to satisfy my needs. What's more I got into a friendly nullsec/wormhole corp by doing this and chatting with the locals. Remember this if nothing else: EvE is a terrible chore if you're just grinding alone. Content comes from the other players, even if you're just joining them to shoot at red crosses.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2015-06-04 20:58:43 UTC
Jeb Rush wrote:
Dethis wrote:
So basically get a rattlesnake and Blitz level 4's and save myself some time if I'm just trying to build a bank to get back into the game.

For what it's worth, that how I tried to ease myself and my wallet back into the game after a few years hiatus and I almost immediately lost interest. Of all the things that have improved over the years in EVE, missions aren't really one of them, or at least they haven't seen nearly as much iteration as exploring. More detailed advice about how to do it is above, but poking around wormholes and into nullsec with a helios has been rewarding enough to satisfy my needs. What's more I got into a friendly nullsec/wormhole corp by doing this and chatting with the locals. Remember this if nothing else: EvE is a terrible chore if you're just grinding alone. Content comes from the other players, even if you're just joining them to shoot at red crosses.

Yeah, I'm thinking I'm going to try WH exploration since I have the skills needed for the t2 frigs. Missioning is extremely boring.
Candy Box
One Night Standings
#11 - 2015-06-04 21:05:40 UTC
Dethis wrote:
Thinking of jumping into exploration as level 4's are getting kinda dull but having recently resubbed I don't really know much about it.

Can high sec exploration even hold a candle to quick L4's with decent LP payouts? Should I even bother trying to solo explore? Is low sec exploring more lucractive than level 4's? Should I just stick with missions until I jump into incursions?

If you are looking to boost mission running income then might I suggest working with me on a per contract basis? I am alwayslooking for mission runners that want to earn extra isk. I operate a reputable boosting service where people pay me isk to have their standings boosted for them. I in turn pay the escort (aka mission runner) 80% of the contract price once the job is completed. It good isk. If you're interested at all shoot me an eve mail and I'll fill you in on all the details.