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Sending PLEX to someone (against TOS or...)

Quant Predictorian
Volantean Nation
Lan'Tean Imperium
#1 - 2015-06-03 10:08:48 UTC
Is it against TOS? Btw, I'm not selling PLEX, I'm giving them as a prize in my own game.

Investor, ancap, correspondence chess player, Fischer random fan (

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#2 - 2015-06-03 10:36:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Ralph King-Griffin
In-game should be fine.

Fyi if we are strictly speaking in game then it's perfectly legitimate to steal someone's plex ( and blow them up in the process)

Edit: if this is regarding your forum Sig then I'm actually unsure, file a support ticket in game via the F12 menu to get the word from a GM.
Memphis Baas
#3 - 2015-06-03 17:36:34 UTC
Giving people PLEX is not against the EULA, but realize that your character will probably get flagged by the automated processes that watch for such things. Because CCP has no way to differentiate between someone who simply is generous, vs someone who is receiving real world money for the PLEX transfer.

I would suggest that you create a petition, showing CCP this game you intend to publish that has PLEX as prizes, and make sure they acknowledge it / know about it, before any PLEXes are given out. So if they ban you for RMT, you can point at the petition number and explain that it's a prize and not RMT.
Zoe Athame
Don't Lose Your Way
#4 - 2015-06-03 18:11:30 UTC
PLEX are the same as any other ingame item. They aren't special.

Pretend the PLEX is an Archon instead. You don't need to worry about the TOS when you buy/sell/trade/contract an Archon. However, if you're giving lots of Archons to people you've never had contact with for free, it will start to look fishy.