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Abolition and Faith

Diana Kim
Kenshin Katana.
United Caldari Space Command.
#201 - 2015-05-31 11:14:25 UTC
I am not really good at questions of Faith, and I can't really join the conversation and argue with Amarrians, as it is their question of binding Abolition with Faith.

However, I can say something about the Abolition. And not in regard to the Empire, but in regard to the Republic.

The main problem with minmatars is that they are trying to get into Empire affairs and force them into abolition, where it MUST BE AMARR AND AMARR DECISION ONLY!

Because it is a question of Amarr tradition, of Amarr culture, of Amarr society, of Amarr citizens, of Amarr lives and Amarr way of life. And nobody but Amarr has the right to participate in such decision.

Minmatars are on other hands are stupid agressors who are trying to coerce the Empire into their ideals and morals, which as they naively believe should be applicable to everyone. Minmatars often use rhetorics that the Empire is forcing their slavery on them, but that was the affair of lost gone days and the modern Empire doesn't force their religion, slavery and way of life to anyone, it is counterwise, the minmatars are the ones who are forcing and coercing others.

Minmatars are disgusting like gallente, who were trying to force us into their inefficient and inhuman democracy. Both gallenteans and minmatars are fighting against other cultures whom they believe they are wrong for one reason or another, but their tiny brains can't apprehend that different cultures can have different morals and different values. And their moral value won't be accepted outside their own borders.

But we all share one value, that everyone of us are ready to die for: it is our HOMES. And while gallenteans and minmatars will come with weapons to kill us, to force us into their ways of lives, we MUST fight back, we must protect what is dear to us, we must protect those, who are dear to us.


And while Republicians are trying to push Abolition to the Empire we will consider them a greater Enemy, just like the Federation that have been doing the same to us.

We will fight and we will die defending the Empire from minmatar aggression like we will fight and die for the State.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#202 - 2015-05-31 11:35:12 UTC
Well, I can certainly see despite my "Tiny Minmatar brain" that your words Diana, are inflammatory to the point that you only harm the Amarrian cause by speaking like this.
Diana Kim
Kenshin Katana.
United Caldari Space Command.
#203 - 2015-05-31 15:29:00 UTC
You see, Ms. Valentina, you can't sit on both chairs at once.
Either you admit that you are a tiny-brained abolitionist, who pushes on the Empire from outside, or you are someone from inside. And if you are the first you basically can't speak about me harming Amarrian cause.

Usually I'd set all offensive on you for such arrogant attack on me just because of my words, but I will let it go this time on the reason that you have admitted about that "tiny brain" part. But you see, this is not enough for me, for admitting a problem is just a first step towards its solution.

Do you know, what causes this narrow-mindness? It is apathy and lack of compassion. I was saying these abolitionists having tiny brains because they can't understand other peoples. They can't comprehend that Amarr people have different culture and that they see nothing wrong in slavery, that they live with it every day. You have a perfect opportunity to see how Amarr live for yourself, to see that they don't just "believe in God", and that the question of existence of God is efficiently absent for them, it would be like a question of rising sun in the morning, like question of singing birds when you hear them yourself, for they see God and His deeds in everyday life, in every event that happens to them or others.

Just like we send children to schools for education and we think there's nothing wrong in other people teaching our children, so do Amarr have their slaves and teach them word of God, thinking there is nothing wrong with it. Billions people live and die inside Empire borders, living full and happy lives. For us it could be unacceptable, unusual, irrational, but it is their lives and we must accept them as they are.

Look at me, for example. You probably already think that I hate gallente. Yes, I hate gallente. I hate everything about them. I think that they are ugly, that they are stupid, that they are subhumans, hedonists, perverts, individualists, depraved indecent people, that they have their idiotic democracy and love such terrible concept as a freedom... but I am not killing them for that. I would be killing them even if they were beauty, smart and decent people. Because disregarding who they are they are killing us, they are occupying our lands, destroying our property, murdering innocents. My hatred doesn't guide me, it is just a tool that helps me do my duty better.

Just like Amarr people we are fighting for our homes, for what and who are dear to us. Neither me, nor anyone else from the State are attacking gallente to stop their democracy, or to make them less indecent, to force strict rules of behavior on them. Just like the Empire doesn't attack Republic because you have tribes. I have accepted who gallentes are, I don't want to change them, I want them just to be gone from our space, stop their propaganda and influence on any Caldari in the State territory. But the Republic wants to change Amarrians...

You can hate them as much as you want, and with this I can't ask you to change yourself. But what I would like to ask, is to accept them, accept as they are and accept their society, accept that only they have right to set up their society and beliefs as they want. Understand them and let them live as they want. Don't fight others just because they are different from you, but fight for what is important. Fight for what is yours and for what is dear to you. Don't try to change anyone, but yourself. And if you will follow it, I promise I'll stop calling you narrow-minded abolitionist.

Remember, if a slavery is indeed a bad thing, it hurts only them, not you. Just like when I believe that democracy is a bad thing, I am pretty sure it hurts only gallenteans, and not us.

Oh, and next time you will want to say "Diana is wrong", point on what is wrong and why instead of trying to impersonate other society as a counter-argument to show "how bad" I am.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#204 - 2015-05-31 17:50:13 UTC
You sure talk alot to say a little. It isn't about how bad you are it is you insulting the Matari people, of which I am one.
Alabath Schmidt
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#205 - 2015-05-31 17:51:54 UTC
This thread only serves as an echo chamber.

The opinions of people outside of the Empire on the matter of slavery are entirely irrelevant. Your opinions aren't going to sway anyone who belongs to the Empire. You have no power or control over what the Empire chooses to do. You're little more than a neighbor poo-pooing what another neighbor does in their own home.

The long and short of it is that no one cares.
Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#206 - 2015-05-31 18:09:09 UTC
Alabath Schmidt wrote:
This thread only serves as an echo chamber.

The opinions of people outside of the Empire on the matter of slavery are entirely irrelevant. Your opinions aren't going to sway anyone who belongs to the Empire. You have no power or control over what the Empire chooses to do. You're little more than a neighbor poo-pooing what another neighbor does in their own home.

The long and short of it is that no one cares.

That argument didn't stop the empires from charging in to Nation's home and "poo-pooing" what a neighbor does in their own home. So why should it stop the other empires this time?
Jili Tonari
#207 - 2015-05-31 19:00:04 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
The main problem with minmatars is that they are trying to get into Empire affairs and force them into abolition, where it MUST BE AMARR AND AMARR DECISION ONLY!

Because it is a question of Amarr tradition, of Amarr culture, of Amarr society, of Amarr citizens, of Amarr lives and Amarr way of life. And nobody but Amarr has the right to participate in such decision.

I could say something about the Caldari...

The main problem with Caldari is they are trying to get into Federation affairs and force them to give up a planet where it must be Gallente and Gallente decision only.

Because it is a Gallente planet in a Gallente star system in a Gallente constellation full of Gallente people. Nobody in Caldari has the right to participate in such a decision.

Now of course, I don't really believe that. But do you see how silly that sounds? Matari people are enslaved by the Amarr in a situation just as complex as the situation your people are contending with on their homeworld.

So unless you're a slave or a slaver, your opinion is noted, but unhelpful either way 'k?

Can't imagine why you're even allies. Soon enough they gonna put a collar on your neck. It's in their Scriptures. You ain't down with their God, you're a slave waiting to be chained.

“Where must we go, we who wander this wasteland, in search of our better selves.”

Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#208 - 2015-05-31 19:29:11 UTC
Jili Tonari wrote:
Can't imagine why you're even allies. Soon enough they gonna put a collar on your neck. It's in their Scriptures. You ain't down with their God, you're a slave waiting to be chained.

Well ... you can maybe guess one significant reason from the fact that Diana Kim is defending the Amarr.

The things that interest her are, in general, very specific.
Alabath Schmidt
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#209 - 2015-06-01 04:47:58 UTC
Evi Polevhia wrote:
That argument didn't stop the empires from charging in to Nation's home and "poo-pooing" what a neighbor does in their own home. So why should it stop the other empires this time?

If it is truly as simple as you say it is, then perhaps they shouldn't be doing that. Although my comment was more directed at the uselessness of this thread than what the factions are currently doing. The only topic less suited to be talked about on the IGS than religion/slavery is politics.
James Syagrius
#210 - 2015-06-01 21:43:05 UTC
Tyrel Toov
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#211 - 2015-06-02 00:44:00 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Oh, and next time you will want to say "Diana is wrong", point on what is wrong and why instead of trying to impersonate other society as a counter-argument to show "how bad" I am.

How about: Your entire post due to lack of understanding. Stick to shooting at the Federation, Kim, your nonsense has no place here and is quite stale.

I want to paint my ship Periwinkle.

Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#212 - 2015-06-02 00:49:16 UTC
James Syagrius wrote:
God is larger than Amarr.

That is quite large. Has he considered diet?
James Syagrius
#213 - 2015-06-02 01:34:44 UTC
Evi Polevhia wrote:
James Syagrius wrote:
God is larger than Amarr.

That is quite large. Has he considered diet?

Profound indeed are the deep witted.
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#214 - 2015-06-02 08:24:43 UTC
Evi Polevhia wrote:
James Syagrius wrote:
God is larger than Amarr.

That is quite large. Has he considered diet?

This is exactly what I expected from a heretic like you. Trying to make a cheap joke in hopes of infuriating people who have faith.
Most Minmatar have their freedom in this age. And how do they use it? Rather than doing something useful they rather spend eternity pointing fingers saying, "The Amarr are bad" "They were mean to us"
When in fact we gave them clothes, shelter, education and civilization. The Minmatar race should be thankfull.

However, it is not uncommon for a savage wild animal to bite the hand that feeds.

FC? Hello. Warp to me! I am here!

SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#215 - 2015-06-02 12:20:20 UTC
Thornir wrote:
Evi Polevhia wrote:
James Syagrius wrote:
God is larger than Amarr.

That is quite large. Has he considered diet?

This is exactly what I expected from a heretic like you. Trying to make a cheap joke in hopes of infuriating people who have faith.
Most Minmatar have their freedom in this age. And how do they use it? Rather than doing something useful they rather spend eternity pointing fingers saying, "The Amarr are bad" "They were mean to us"
When in fact we gave them clothes, shelter, education and civilization. The Minmatar race should be thankfull.

However, it is not uncommon for a savage wild animal to bite the hand that feeds.

Nearly 1/3 of all Minmatar do not have their freedom, I won't call that most. Everything else you have said is merely noise meant to anger people.

Evi attempted levity to diffuse the senseless tension in these debates and you respond by call her names? Evi is smart, funny, cute, dedicated, and an amazing conversationalist; if you think you could sum her up as a "heretic" then you clearly don't know her. I am glad to count her as a friend rather than someone like you.
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#216 - 2015-06-02 12:30:42 UTC
ValentinaDLM wrote:
some stuff.

Mocking god is /Blasphemy/ thus making her a heathen and a heretic.

I also said /most/ Minmatar are free. You even confirm this by saying less than 1/3 are not.

I am not trying to spark any major conflict here. However, I am not going to idle around if someone is to mock my faith.

FC? Hello. Warp to me! I am here!

Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#217 - 2015-06-02 12:56:17 UTC
Thornir wrote:
Trying to make a cheap joke in hopes of infuriating people who have faith.

Don't worry, Val, just look at this guy. He doesn't know me or why I speak.
Diana Kim
Kenshin Katana.
United Caldari Space Command.
#218 - 2015-06-02 22:43:09 UTC
Tyrel Toov wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
Oh, and next time you will want to say "Diana is wrong", point on what is wrong and why instead of trying to impersonate other society as a counter-argument to show "how bad" I am.

How about: Your entire post due to lack of understanding. Stick to shooting at the Federation, Kim, your nonsense has no place here and is quite stale.

If you feel lack of understanding, I can send you an ABC book.
With huge pictures, special version for minmatars.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#219 - 2015-06-02 22:44:51 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Tyrel Toov wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
Oh, and next time you will want to say "Diana is wrong", point on what is wrong and why instead of trying to impersonate other society as a counter-argument to show "how bad" I am.

How about: Your entire post due to lack of understanding. Stick to shooting at the Federation, Kim, your nonsense has no place here and is quite stale.

If you feel lack of understanding, I can send you an ABC book.
With huge pictures, special version for minmatars.

I'm sure it served you well...
Tyrel Toov
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#220 - 2015-06-02 23:59:32 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Tyrel Toov wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
Oh, and next time you will want to say "Diana is wrong", point on what is wrong and why instead of trying to impersonate other society as a counter-argument to show "how bad" I am.

How about: Your entire post due to lack of understanding. Stick to shooting at the Federation, Kim, your nonsense has no place here and is quite stale.

If you feel lack of understanding, I can send you an ABC book.
With huge pictures, special version for minmatars.

You haven't already colored the pictures, have you? That's my favorite part... < /sarcasm >

I want to paint my ship Periwinkle.