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Alignment Indicator in Current Speed Gauge

Ice Fire Warriors
#21 - 2015-05-28 22:28:34 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
While I am fairly apathetic to this particular change, my sentiments do mirror Ian's.

Making the UI better is good, but trying to "improve" the UI so people are less prone to mistakes or have to be less situationally aware is bad (because this is a game... half the fun is actually PLAYING it rather than letting the game essentially play for you and say "push button now")

Also... alignment is relative and based on trajectory. It would not fit on the speed guage.

Also... if you can't see the hatchetmarks on the speed indicator (or just eyeball it) then you have some serious vision issues.
Zepheros Naeonis
#22 - 2015-05-28 22:44:01 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
Also... if you can't see the hatchetmarks on the speed indicator (or just eyeball it) then you have some serious vision issues.

Only thing that needs to be said.
New Eden Ferengi
#23 - 2015-05-29 08:35:57 UTC
Bishamon Katani wrote:
That's already there. The dark grey arc in the speed gauge has lines coming off it at 25%, 50%, and 75% of max speed. When you hit 75% (and are aligned) you warp.

You don't need a bigger monitor to see this but you need to use a bigger ship (e.g. orca, a freighter or something like this). Move in a 90° angle to the point you want to warp to, speed up to >75% and then click "warp to". You will notice that the ship first makes a turn around before entering warp.

And exactly this is the issue. You don't see if you are aligned or not. Looking at the speed of the ship only doesn't help and the idea here is to improve the UI. It could be done by adding an element which shows the angle of the movement in correlation to the chosen object in the overview.
Sobaan Tali
Caldari Quick Reaction Force
#24 - 2015-05-29 12:26:54 UTC
What's even better is when, from zero velocity, you pulse a 100Mn AB on a bowhead while lining up on something 90 or more degrees off the bow. You literally drift sideways into warp. Fun to watch. Nice way to cut a 24+ second align time into 7.5 seconds, too.

Something like a visual aid to indicate true alignment could be helpful at least to people unfamiliar with what they are flying at the moment, even if it must be relegated to the tactical overlay. Hell, even a red/green light to indicate whether proper alignment has been achieved or not would be useful. The ship's visual orientation isn't enough to go off of on its own. It couldn't hurt, I suppose. The only question is what would work best.

As far as making the required speed more obvious, that is easier. CCP could tweak the three-quarter marker on the velocity indicator to a different shade or color to make it pop out more.



"----in' A, right?"

"Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

"----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."

#25 - 2015-05-29 13:48:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Elenahina
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Nasar Vyron wrote:
Ian I'm not seeing your problem here. It's no more useful than the 75% indicator currently on our speedometers. It doesn't hurt, and it might help someone in the long run so... seems fine to me.

The question becomes, where would you put a 3d indicator showing current alignment compared to the desired alignment. I can only think of the tactical overlay. Possibly when warp command is given a conical indicator appears in the direction of the location, and a red/yellow/green line is projected from your ship? That seems horribly distracting to me if not done through the tactical overlay.

There's a nice 3d indicator showing your current alignment already in the game. It's called your ship. If you want to see it's alignment in relation to your desired alignment, then select what you want to align to, and press the "C" button.

You're right, it doesn't hurt, but it is totally unnecessary.

Except your ship doesn't always indicate your actual alignment - it's a known issue, especially with the larger models. The orientation of the 3d model on your client is not always precidely inline with the actual orientation on the server.

It's why large ships sometimes warp slightly sideways and then finish aligning after warp.

Is it necessary - no. Is it a game stopping issue that will cause the Stock Market to crash, children to fail to get school lunches, and a plague of locusts if it's never addressed? Of course not.

So chuck it on Karkur's little things list. But the way you're going on, you'd think they just asked for AFK cloaking to be punishable by banning.

Eve is like an addiction; you can't quit it until it quits you. Also, iderno

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