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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Catastrophic Operations - 0.0 PVP & Industry Corp - Razor Alliance

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#21 - 2015-05-28 09:13:11 UTC
Tenaya Masai wrote:
Regardless of which alliance they with. still the nicest corp out there.Always a good laugh with them.

My friendly bump

Kind words indeed

Right my little munchkins.

Another bump from the desk of the Marvellous Mithandra, recruiter for the fabulous people at Catastrophic Operations.

But wait Mithandra darling, I hear you say, are you or are you not part of LAWN, which in turn is part of the Imperium, which in turn is controlled by those daemonic, child eating deviants known as the Goons? Why yes, yes we are.

There there dear one, your seizure will pass, and to be honest? throwing holy water at me won't do anything but get me wet.

We are tucked up in Vale of the Silent, a little region we like to call home. What do we do here in our little "Pied a Eve" ?

There's the usual ISK making pastimes such as shooting red crosses, ravaging the roids, exploring, anoms, escalations, building and market trading. The thing is darlings, the IMPORTANT thing is shooting stuff is our raison d'etre, our Joie de vivre, our centre, our reason for waking up in the morning and NOT climbing a clocktower with a high powered rifle.

We adore the PvP. If it had a younger sister with loose morals and a penchant for miniskirts and 6 inch heels we still couldn't love it more than we already do.

Do YOU love the PVP? Do YOU agree that the only reason to take part in tthose other activities is to fund your next PVP ship? Do you dream darlings? Do you dream of seeing your name on a Titan or Super kill? Of carving your name in the annals of history as the greatest, blood thirstiest combat pilot known to the four races of old earths descendants?

If you do; if PvP gives you a tingle in your boy/girl parts, then Catastrophic Operations would love to hear from you.

Our specially trained counsellors are waiting to help you in channel "cat0p public"

Remember, you are special, come join people who understand that.

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#22 - 2015-05-29 14:11:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Mithandra
Lo there, do I see my CEO,
Lo there, do I see my FC, my sisters and brothers,
Lo there, do I see the line of my clones, back to the beginning,
Lo, they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them,
In the halls of Cat0ps where the brave may pew forever

Now that I have your attention dear ones, let me get to the crux of the matter.

PVP. It's addictive; it's a drug that is hard to wean yourself off. Its cheaper than PCP and Crack, and what's more its legal.... well, mostly legal.

Going cold turkey? Not getting your fix? let Cat0ps hold your hand and mop your fevered brow. We have what you crave.

Come talk to us in Cat0ps Public and we'll hook you up.

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#23 - 2015-05-30 14:04:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Mithandra

Listen up you mouth breathers and farm boys.

Sure. You bulls eyed fedos in your Magnate back home, but I'm pretty sure those Fedos weren't strapped in to top of the line Caldari Merchandise, and i'm absolutely certain they didn't have cyno generators fitted to call in reinforcements at need.

So, what I'm trying to say here is, for those of you with linguistic and interpretational difficulties, is it doesn't matter how good you are as an individual Pilot. It doesn't matter how skilled you are. Unless you can mesh in properly with your team, you are undoubtedly a statistic waiting to happen, and the damned thing about that is, you'll probably drag your team down with you into oblivion.

Its a harsh Universe out there Ladies and Gentlemen. Harsh, brutal and unforgiving. Your training here will be harsh, brutal, and your team leaders will be unforgiving. We do not do this because we hate you, though I will admit to mildly disliking each and every scum sucking pond dwelling organism standing in front of me today, each daring to believe that they have what it takes to join my beloved corp. We do it to ensure that when you do screw up and die, it won't because we didn't do our best for you, that WE didn't prepare you for your future in the corp, however brief it might be.

Mesh with your team mates, listen to your FC's, pay attention to your scanners, learn from your mistakes, for as sure as the god of wormholers is called BoB, you will make mistakes.

You will not always win. While you are thinking of ways to destroy your foe, said foe is doing his or her level best to think of ways to ensure your demise. The best laid plans can unravel in a heart beat. Accept that. You will not always win.

That doesn't mean you don't have to try.

Orientation speech to recruits
Saila VII Moon 14 Caldari Navy
Commander Reg Dalon Senior Instructor
Exerpt declassified and released by request

As the good Commander said my little love puppets, we here at Catastrophic Operations value team work. Most activities involving human beings turn out to be much more fun in groups, and a few of the more interesting activities are heavenly with the right partner or partners.

On your own, you will either die, or possibly go blind, if the old wives tales are to be believed. We offer structure and chaos in equal measure, so our dream recruit must be skilled; we prefer 30mill sp or more, but for the right skill set we'll settle for less. Our dream recruit must also be able to follow a plan, and be able to improvise when all hell breaks loose. Our dream recruit must be able to discuss the merits of pegging as a tool for social and interpersonal bonding. Our dream recruit must not be a total asshat; semi-asshattery is acceptable, but complete asshattery is most definitely not. Finally, our dream recruit must be able to use mumble and be in channel whenever they are on line.

Do you think you have what it takes to be a Member of Catastrophic Operations? are you active? and by that dears I don't mean sexually active. Are you EU or US? (though other Tz are also welcome) Can you hold a conversation that isn't one sided and all in your head? If the answer is yes then please, come join us in channel "cat0p public" for a chat. Who knows, we may rock your world.

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#24 - 2015-05-31 10:20:55 UTC
Why hello there again my PvPcentric love puppets.

Welcome to another session of Q and A with moi, Mithandra. Pull up a Louisiana lounger and we'll get right to "da bidniss"


Then I shall begin..

Q Mithandra are you indeed as magnificent as you claim

A. Why yes dears, yes I am. I am a legend in my own headspace.

Q. I am an industrialist. Is there room in your heart for me?

A. Of course there is you poor poor pilot you. A few sessions on my couch should cure you of your industrialists droop. Soon you will indeed be a rampant , red blooded, nail chewing testosterone/oestrogen drenched powerhouse of PvP debauchery. If you want to be the eve equivalent of a cross dresser in fleet downtimes you can do it. Just be prepared for the gentle hazing.

Q. I am curious. What is this pegging thing of which you speak?

A. It is the preferred Cat0ps disciplinary procedure for naughty Pilots. It would appear that we have a LOT of naughty repeat offender Pilots.

Q. I am not very good at PVP. Can you help.

A. I would love to help you with your "performance" issues however I am kept busy being magnificent. We have Pilots in the Corp more than willing to help you reach PVPgasm. They will teach you, tease you, torment and pleasure you with their PVP karma sutra skills. You will be taken beyond the limits of pleasure into new realms of experience that you will in future crave like the very air you breathe.

Q. Where do you live? I'd like to check out the neighbourhood, see where the shopping centres are, amenities etc

A. We my darlings live in a little piece of eve known as the Vale of the Silent. I can only assume it was named thusly as an Ironic homage, for daily the peels of joyful laughter ring across the region. Laughter and other sounds usually uttered behind closed doors, in private with a close friend or three. Promiscuous PvP is de rigour here in the Vale. We'll do it any time, anywhere, and with anyone. We live in the modern age Eden, and life is good.

Q. I'm a stay at home single Mom/Modern Dad and don't get out much. What do you have to offer me?

A. Oh you poor dears. Of course we have something to offer you. We enjoy lengthy chats on mumble, long roams in ships that might almost have been designed for an Ann Summers catalogue, and we have private "rooms" where you can spend an anonymous hour or three with a partner or partners of your choice.

Q. How do you fund your PVPfetish?

A. Oh my, I'm all tingly. There are SO many ways and I personally love them all. I'll try anything once, and if I like it or its frowned upon in more than one region of space, I'll try it more than once. I'm in Catastrophic Operations, Not the Virgin Brides of Christ. Its all about the tingle. In Catops, we get good tingle.

Well that's all I have time for my dear ones. If you want to know more about Catastrophic Operations there are several methods

1. Join Channel "Cat0p Public" for a chat
2. Post your questions here in our recruitment love channel
3. Contact either myself or another recruiter. We will treat your notes as confidential.


Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

Capt Handbanana
Blood Alcohol Content
Top Shelf
#25 - 2015-06-01 05:34:00 UTC
Im not going to write an essay like my dear friend Mithandra, but heres a sweet little love bump.

I like beer.

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#26 - 2015-06-02 09:14:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Mithandra
Ok time for a maths and art lesson.

HEY where are you going. Get back here.

They say a picture paints a thousand words therefore (picture = 1000 words)

Now in maths you can reverse an equation, therefore (1000 words = picture)

I see the math I hear you say, what the hell does that have to do with pictures.

Well, pictures allow us to view our surroundings, events, situations, emotions. They convey ideas.

Now, stay with me. Its brain stretching time..

If I want to paint a picture of catastrophic operations I would do so best in the minimalist style

Minimalists distanced themselves from the Abstract Expressionists by removing suggestions of biography from their art or, indeed, metaphors of any kind. This denial of expression coupled with an interest in making objects that avoided the appearance of fine art led to the creation of sleek, geometric works that purposefully and radically eschew conventional aesthetic appeal.

now based on the above premise


Which means to paint a picture of Catastrophic Operations in the minimalist style I only need 10 words.

We do the pew and eschew the "jew". Join us.

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#27 - 2015-06-03 00:47:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Mithandra
Is it not enough that I stand and fight
With my back towards tomorrows light?
Is it still not enough that I give my all
and fight with valour, until spent, I fall?
Is my duty and honour of so little worth
that my grave consists of paupers earth?

Will you care for the ones I leave behind
or will you instead, pay them no mind?
Will you honour your fine oaths to me
as I honoured mine to keep you free?
Will you with your life, honour my death
as I held to my oaths till my dying breath?

The Soldiers lament
Author unknown
Thought to date back to earths final diaspora, before the collapse of the new eden wormhole

Come join Catastrophic Operations. You may not know you want to , but trust me, you really do.

Contact me in game, by convo or evemail. Mithandra.

Join our public channel cat0p public

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#28 - 2015-06-04 12:38:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Mithandra

Eve. What is it?

Eve is a Socioeconomic and political experiment designed by the Icelandic board of psychiatry in conjunction with the chamber of commerce, and Icelandic political parties. Its main goal is to answer an age old question. What happens when you let the lunatics run the asylum.

If you let 30,000 (rough estimate of subscriptions on line at any one time) sociopaths loose in an environment that condones their behaviour, what social structures will emerge? What becomes the new norm? If it IS the new norm, can it still be considered divergent or aberrant behaviour? How will markets develop in this new social reality and what political system(s) will emerge?

Sociopathic behaviour is a broad brush term that covers many recognised personality disorders. Breathe easily my lovers, I'm not going to go in to any great depth on the subject. I'll just pick and choose a few to put my point across.

Paranoid personality disorder Cluster A

A person with a paranoid personality disorder is extremely distrustful and suspicious. Other features include:

•thinking other people are lying to them or trying to manipulate them
•feeling they cannot really trust their friends and associates
•worrying that any confidential information shared with others will be used against them
•thinking there are hidden meanings in remarks most would regard as innocent

My personal favourite and one I can relate too. In Eve its actually emerged that people with this particular disorder make pretty good CEO's, because their corporations rarely if ever suffer from espionage or theft. So, if a disorder becomes a survival trait can it still be considered a disorder?

Antisocial personality disorder Cluster B

A person with an antisocial personality disorder sees other people as vulnerable and may intimidate or bully others without remorse. They lack concern about the consequences of their actions.

Symptoms include:

•lack of concern, regret or remorse about other people's distress
•irresponsibility and disregard for normal social behaviour
•little ability to tolerate frustration and to control their anger
•lack of guilt, or not learning from their mistakes

Can you say HIsec ganking corp, gatecampers and griefers? You have all experienced this, or have indeed been the perpetrator. Tears are the currency this type of personality craves.

Dependent personality disorder
Cluster C

A person with dependent personality disorder feels they have no ability to be independent. They may show an excessive need for others to look after them and are "clingy". Other features include:

•finding it difficult to make decisions without other people’s guidance
•needing others to take responsibility over what should be their own important life choices
•finding it difficult to start new activities due to a lack of confidence

I can see a lot of CEOs out there going "god damn that sounds like half my corp, bitching on about nothing to do, but not going out to create content themselves"

As I can see you switching from personality disorder to attention deficit disorder I'll finish this monologue with tthree points.

There are more personality disorders in Eve than the three I've mentioned (one from each cluster type).

Even though the study is ongoing, it has shown that just like oil and water, if you mix several different types of personality in a closed system, they will separate out into distinct groupings. Those groupings don't always react well together.

Its probably safer for society that most of us are locked away in our rooms giving EVE our time rather than being allowed to interact with the general population.

I have been the Marvellous Mithandra and I've more than likely set psychiatry back almost a hundred years.


Until you do, I have to spend my time in the recruitment channel, which is like EVE distilled down to its most quintessential essence of nastiness ever. Even the U.N is considering branding the recruitment channel as cruel and unusual torture.

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#29 - 2015-06-05 00:30:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Mithandra
Why hello my little pew pew munchkins.

After a week of being marvellous, Catastrophic Operations has inducted a whole colony of eager beavers, all itching to get thier pew on.

Now now darlings, don't cry. We still have room for some more special snowflakes.

I shall spare you all from another Marvellous Mithandra Monologue. My CEO wants me to "stick to the recruiting facts Ma'am."

We are indeed looking for more pilots interested In the Pew, however we are also looking for an EU tz Industrial Power House. Someone to gather up the rains of an ad-hoc military-Industrial machine and turn it to the Corporations Advantage, producing "stuff" to shoot at other pilots or to get blown up in.

We already have an awesome captain of industry for the US tz, but bless his little cotton socks, he can't be on twenty four hours a day. He has to sleep sometime. Advanced age is creeping up on him, so we want to lighten his load wherever possible.

What skills will a potential candidate require? Well my hopeful little monopoly boot, if you have to ask the question then you are probably not the Industrial Power House you think you are.

If you are interested in the position of EU Industry Manager, please contact either:-

Yama Epona

We look forward to bringing the successful candidate into the Catastrophic Operations family. Might that be you?

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#30 - 2015-06-06 06:17:16 UTC
Catastrophic Operations
Lawn Alliance

If you managed to read all the way through that then well done. It's quite possible that there is a place for you in our Corporation.

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#31 - 2015-06-08 00:01:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Mithandra

Oh Gods do I have too?


Well poop.

Catastrophic Operations yada yada yada PvP yada yada Stardust Mina, yada yada pegging yada yada awesome corp yada.

What do you mean not good enough. Good grief everyone's a bleeding heart critic these days.


Welcome one and all, to the Catastrophic Operations recruitment thread. We, along with pretty much every other corporation in EVE, are recruiting. If you look at the first post in this thread you will see the types of pilots we wish to recruit. We have only a few main requirements:-

30 million SP. This is more a guideline than an absolute to be honest. He who must be obeyed (when his wife is not around at least cos she's the real power behind the Corp), has said that this requirement can be waived for the right pilot/skillset combination.

Willing to PvP and to fleet up when called to do so. This one is set in concrete. Not only concrete but reinforced concrete, guarded by Ghurkhas with extremely sharp kukris, and surrounded by Swiss bankers and their Lawyers. Its non negotiable. If you want to join, you have to do the pew when called to do so.

Not a complete asshat. One again, non negotiable. We don't mind semi-asshattery; most of the corp fit into this criteria at one time or other, but complete asshattery is right out.

You must be able to discuss and analyse the ins and outs of pegging. Not sure what it is? Google is your friend. Fair warning?don't do it at work....... or google it at work.

To be honest, that's pretty much it. If you can meet out four requirements, or are pretty sure you can meet our four requirements.... oh hell if you think that with the lights off and serious amounts of free flowing alcohol you can meet our requirements, please contact a recruiter. It may turn out to be the smartest move you will ever make.


Stardust Mina
Yama Epona
Heim Dal

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#32 - 2015-06-09 07:08:56 UTC
A long rambling unread post or breakfast with coffee.....

Tough call.

Join Cat0ps. Nuff said.


Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#33 - 2015-06-10 07:18:23 UTC
This thread is seriously starting to look a lot like my therapy page.

Catastrophic Operations.

The Ancients thought that all matter was made up of 4 main elements; Air, Earth, Fire and Water. After a few aeons of mulling it over they came to the conclusion that their quadcentric view of the universe did not match with their observations. Some things could not be explained, so they came up with a fifth element (No NOT the film); they named it ETHER and all was good in the land of pointy hats and sacrificial virgins (which by the way is a criminal waste of hot totty).

I have a similar theory concerning eve. My four elements of an evecentric universe are ISK, PEW, EGO and TEARS. Over my many years playing this game I have managed to explain nearly every aspect of the game using a mixture of those four basic building blocks. I say nearly every aspect, because some things could not be explained using my model. Like the Ancients, my view of the EVEverse was failing to match up with my observations, so I was forced to add a fifth element (NO dammit, still not the film). I have named that element ALCOHOL, and also like the ancients, I have tested my theory and found it good.

I challenge you to find a situation, or event in EVE that cannot be explained using the five primordial building blocks I have outlined.

Ah my CEO is giving me the Evil Eye again. Apparently I'm supposed to be recruiting not pontificating. Where's the fun in that I ask you?

Catastrophic Operations. A PVP corporation based in The Vale of the Silent, and part of the LAWN Alliance.

Looking for Pilots with an IQ somewhere north of their shoe size, with a decent attention span, able and willing to fleet up even if the cause looks lost, and able to work unsupervised or as part of a team. Industry Pilots accepted as long as they remember that the primary focus of the corp is PVP, and that they WILL be expected to participate. Dudes If I have to PvP, EVERYONE has to PvP.

If you feel like its time you added lustre to your name, give one of our many fine recruiters a call, or drop in to channel cat0p public for a chat.

I have been Mithandra
This has been the Catastrophic Operations Recruitment thread bump of the day

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#34 - 2015-06-11 10:01:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Mithandra
Welcome my lovelies to this lecture on experimental EVE particle physics

I am Mithandra, often called Marvellous Mithandra, but you can call me Mith.

Now if you have all got your safety goggles on and have disengaged your implant inhibitors, and safety protocols, I'll get right to it.

Yesterday we discussed the basic elemental building blocks of Eve or as I like to call it the 4+1 Asymptotic Paradigm Theory, or for those of you still struggling with your implant inhibitors, 4+1 APT. If you just remember that Mithandra's theory is apt you wont go far wrong.

Seriously? not even a giggle or a tiny snort? tough crowd.

The four basic building blocks in Eve are, to recap, ISK, PEW, EGO and TEARS. To these four primordial elements we can add a fifth element, normally referred to as the universal constant, ALCOHOL. In and of itself , ALCOHOL does nothing in the EVE universe, however mix it in with any combination of the other elements and higher level particles can form.

Now. the four blocks, in any of a myriad of combinations can form higher level particles on their own. The addition of ALCOHOL however can change the nature of the subsequent particle, and has been known to form anti particles, but antiparticles are a topic for a more advanced class.

To add to the confusion, each elementary particle has either a plus spin or a neg spin.

The second level particle I wish to discuss today is GANK. GANK comes in several "flavours" for want of a better word.

A CHARM GANK consists of one particles of PEW+ and two particles of ISK+

An UP GANK consists of ISK+,PEW+ and TEARS+

The direct opposite of an UP GANK is a DOWN GANK, which consists of ISK-, PEW+ , TEARS-

It is also possible to change an UP GANK to a DOWN GANK by the addition of a sufficient amount of ALCOHOL

A STRANGE GANK consists of PEW+/- and ALCOHOL

It is not possible to change the STRANGE GANK by the addition of ALCOHOL. ALL that does is create more STRANGE GANK particles

A TOP GANK consists of , ISK+, PEW+, EGO+ and two particles of TEARS+

It is also possible to change a TOP GANK to a DOWN GANK by the addition of the ALCOHOL particle, which alters the spin on the TEARS particles

so (TG(isk(1)+pew(1)+ego(1)+tears(2)) + alcohol = (DG(isk(1)+pew(1)+ego(1)+tears(2))

Those of you who have been paying attention will note that we appear to have created a DOWN GANK with 2 particles of TEARS. This forces the DOWN GANK to eject the extra TEARS particles at stellar velocities, causing catastrophic meltdown in the surrounding area. If you are wondering what happened to the ALCOHOL particle, it was consumed...

To illustrate this I shall tell you a story.

"There we were, 150 off a gate poppin nubs as they jumped through [PEW+]. the money was flowin [ISK+] as our alt hauler scooped up the loot and those nubs were screaming in local[TEARS+], it was frikkin awesome [EGO+]"

now in scientific terms, there we have the formation of a TOP GANK particle.

"four hours later, one bottle of Vodka and a kebab, the FC decided to check out Vale of the Silent and Station Camp for a bit [ALCOHOL]

We sat on the station only to find that LAWN alliance were holding a fleet exercise. 200 frikkin ishtars, bubblers and tackle warped in on us [PEW+]. FC got popped in seconds and the rest of us followed shortly thereafter [ISK-] and those bloody LAWN pilots are still laughing on the forums [EGO-] Ima quitting this bunch of loosahs [TEARS-]

Once again, in scientific terms we have the formation of a DOWN GANK particle and ejected free TEARS particles

Well my lovelies that's all I intend to cover today.

Are there any questions?

Yes? You Madame, third from the left, second row in with the miniskirt and blouse, from Black Legion......... oh sorry sir, my mistake. Your question? No this is Experimental EvE particle physics, the class on basic mining is in room 203

Ah, you Sir, Nulli Secunda I see from your puzzled expression. Your question? how much is 4.... seriously? Hold your hand up, now fold down your thumb... the thick one on the end..... that's how "much" 4 is.

Time for one more

Yes, PL I see, welcome , welcome, you want me to cover the EGO particle in greater detail? Now why does that not surprise me..

That's the bell ladies and gentlemen so I shall close by saying I welcome proposed alterations/additions/subtractions to the 4+1 Asymptotic Paradigm Theory, but not as much as I welcome new recruits to Catastrophic Operations.

Don't delay.. Join today.

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#35 - 2015-06-12 08:36:42 UTC
Good Morning my lovelies

Please, take a couch. One per pilot mind, no spooning.

Just let me set the mood music, something relaxing, Andean pipe music perhaps. and then I shall begin todays rather emotive topic.

With the approach of Fozzie Sov, I have been asked to provide my marvellous services in the field of grief counselling. Not Miner ganking in hisec for those of you in CODE, but grief as in an emotional response to a sense of loss. Sigh, no; miner tears are not the emotional response I am concerned with today CODE. I can only help you if you are willing to accept that help, so please stop disrupting the class, or I shall have to ask you to leave.

Are we all quite comfortable and relaxed? excellent.

I am going to do my best, which by the way is excellent, to prepare you all for the emotional minefield that will be Fozzie Sov. Don't try to convince yourselves that HTFU will get you through this; it won't. Your world view is about to be changed. Things you took to be immutable will be transformed beyond your ability to comprehend. You will experience a rollercoaster of emotional highs and lows, one moment feeling on top of your game, and the next feeling that all of EvE is against you and you are alone, unloved and with nowhere to turn for help and advice. Sigh; once again with the sniggering and comments CODE? Seriously? I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave; your issues are beyond even my marvellous abilities. If you would please follow my assistant, the lovely Stardust Mina, she will introduce you to the nice men with white coats in the next room.

I'm sorry you had to see that my lovelies. It pains me to admit it, but even I have my limitations. It hurts to see people in such pain and denial, and not be skilled enough to provide the help they need. Does anyone have a tissue? I have something in my eye.....

You will all experience five distinct stages of grief and loss during the deployment of Fozzie Sov and also during the following weeks and months. I shall now, with gentleness and compassion, prepare you for them as best I can.

The first stage is Denial and Isolation

"The first reaction to actually experiencing Fozzie Sov will be to deny the reality of the situation. It is a normal reaction to rationalize overwhelming emotions. It is a defence mechanism that buffers the immediate shock. We block out the words and hide from the facts. This is a temporary response that carries us through the first wave of pain."

The amount of time it takes a pilot to overcome this stage varies. Some Pilots move on from denial fairly quickly, others linger wraithlike in its depths for the rest of their, often short, careers. You need to accept that you are in denial, and that you need to move on. Don't lock yourself away from your friends and corp mates. Doing so would just intensify your emotional distress, and inhibit your ability to progress.

The second stage is Anger

"As the masking effects of denial and isolation begin to wear, reality and its pain re-emerge. We are not ready. The intense emotion is deflected from our vulnerable core, redirected and expressed instead as anger. The anger may be aimed at inanimate objects, complete strangers, friends or family. Anger may even be directed at our beloved Devs. Rationally, we know the Devs are not inherently evil. Emotionally, however, we may consider them the spawn of Satan for causing us pain . We feel guilty for being angry, and this makes us more angry."

You will feel an overwhelming urge to smash, to destroy, to post long hate filled rants on the forums, where you will speculate on the Devs parentage, or indeed lack thereof, and their criminal mismanagement of all things Nullsec. Resist the urge to do so my lovelies. Resist it with all of your might. Hate and anger are negative, destructive emotions and they will eat you up and leave you a hollow shell of your former selves. It would break my heart if that were to happen. I love each and every unique one of you.

The third stage is bargaining

"The normal reaction to feelings of helplessness and vulnerability is often a need to regain control–

◾If only we had talked to the devs earlier…
◾If only we got a second opinion from another Dev…
◾If only we had tried to be a better person toward them…

Secretly, we may make a deal with BOB or our higher power in an attempt to postpone the inevitable. This is a weaker line of defence to protect us from the painful reality."

The fourth stage is depression

Two types of depression are associated with Fozzie Sov. The first one is a reaction to practical implications relating to the loss. Sadness and regret predominate this type of depression. We worry about the costs and Sov loss. We worry that, in our grief, we have spent less time with others that depend on us. This phase may be eased by simple clarification and reassurance. We may need a bit of helpful cooperation and a few kind words. The second type of depression is more subtle and, in a sense, perhaps more private. It is our quiet preparation to separate and to bid our loved one farewell. "

This is the crisis point my darlings. You may feel that it's all pointless and its time to sell up and GTFO. Resist the urge. Don't do anything that you will in all likelihood regret once the stimulants wear off. Talk it out, don't bottle it up. Attend a crisis meeting. Talking about how you feel with others is healthy, not a sign of weakness.

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#36 - 2015-06-12 08:39:55 UTC

The final stage is acceptance

Reaching this stage is a gift not afforded to everyone. The ramifications of Fozzie Sov may be sudden and unexpected and we may never see beyond our anger or denial. It is not necessarily a mark of bravery to resist the inevitable and to deny ourselves the opportunity to make our peace. This phase is marked by withdrawal and calm. This is not a period of happiness and must be distinguished from depression."

Acceptance is a blessing and a gift from BOB.

Coping with Fozzie Sov is ultimately a deeply personal and singular experience — nobody can help you go through it more easily or understand all the emotions that you’re going through. But others can be there for you and help comfort you through this process. The best thing you can do is to allow yourself to feel the grief as it comes over you. Resisting it only will prolong the natural process

That's all I have time for during this session my precious ones. Please, if you feel that you cannot cope, that the stress of new mechanics is getting to you, seek help. I am here for you.

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#37 - 2015-06-13 09:24:24 UTC
Time to surface this thread again.

Welcome Cat0p curious Pilots. Welcome to the Catastrophic Operations thread which is also known as Mithandra's Manic Musings and Therapy Page.

In this thread I disengage the safety interlocks on my brain and just let it wander where it will. I cordially invite you all to hop on and enjoy the ride. Who knows, after having your eyes opened, your cerebellum stimulated, and your world view challenged, you might even think "hey, these Cat0ps guys and girls are certifiably insane, how do I go about joining?"

Well my little sock puppets, we don't just take anyone; oh my, indeed not. We have standards...... low ones... but still standards.

Standard 1

EVERYONE PvP's when the call goes out for a non discretionary or Corporation Op. Miner, Industrialist, Ratter, Anom Runner; everyone PVP's.

Standard 2.

Potential recruits require 25 million skill points. This standard is not an absolute. If your skill set matches our requirements and you have fewer skill points, we will still consider you.

Standard 3

You must be able to fund your PvP ships, and have them based in the stations nominated, ready to go at a moments notice. Alliance and Corp both run SRP programs so this requirement is not as onerous as it sounds.

Standard 4

You must be active. If you go inactive without letting the CEO know why, don't be surprised to come back to find yourself in an NPC corp.

Standard 5

You must be proactive. Pilots sitting in station whining about lack of content really, REALLY annoy the rest of us. If there is not an Imperium/Alliance/Corp Op to join then get up, get your big girl panties on, and go create content. Opportunities abound in the Vale of the Silent.

Standard 6

When on line, you must be on voice comms. Mumble is our preferred method of communications. Yes I know you prefer TS but it's not up for debate. Mumble or GTFO. Harsh but true.

Standard 7

No AWOXing, stealing from or scamming Corp or Alliance members. Doing so will have consequences.

Standard 8

DO NOT, under any circumstances be an asshat. A lot of things can be forgiven, but if someone is continually being an asshat, they will be kicked, podded, and quite possibly hounded out of the region. The Corp in my opinion is amazingly tolerant, a case in point is my continued membership of said corp, however there is a line ; Don't cross it.

There you have it dear ones. The 8 pillars of Cat0ps. If you feel that all things considered you would like to give yourself the gift of membership in our fine corporation, please:-

Join channel "cat0p public" for a chinwag
Contact me, Mithandra by chat or evemail
Or contact one of our other fine recruiters - Yama Epona, Spacetart, Stardust Mina, Heim Dal

We look forward to your call.

Remember, an open mind leads to an open heart, but too much saturated fat leads to open heart surgery.

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#38 - 2015-06-14 17:07:51 UTC
Welcome to Mithandras Poetry Post and tea party

You don't have to be mad and wear a big top hat, but you can if you want to. All consensual fetishes are tolerated here at my tea party my dears.

Here is my first offering. I call it journey's end.

The whisper of nav comp in my ear;
it's soothing litany of information
caresses me with a lovers touch.
Promising delight by journey's end

My second one is a little rough around the edges. I've heard quite a few of you prefer it that way, but I digress...

I call this one. cloaky camper

I see you in your shiny ship,
pounding the rocks, mining the ore.
Don't imagine for one moment
I'm a noob you can safely ignore.

You've got used to me being around;
a cloaky nuisance, no threat to you.
In system but away from my helm?
Well sir, here's what I'm going to do.

I'll note the time you undock to mine;
I'll plot your pos locations and more.
Then when you least expect trouble,
I'll drop a fleet and slam the door.

Your tears of grief will taste sweet to me
and your smack will gladden my heart.
I'll make sure to scoop your wreckage,
then with a cheery wave I'll depart.

Catastrophic Operations, officially one of the top pvp corporations in the Lawn alliance, based on size, participation and kills is still recruiting you lucky lucky people you.

To drive our powerhouse of PVP muscle, we also require Industrial Pilots.

As the Marine Corp says, every Marine first and foremost is a Rifleman. Port authorities might amend that to every Marine first and foremost is a randy troublemaking SOB on shore leave... but once again I digress.

We expect EVERY member of Catastrophic Operations to fleet up for the pew when required. Can you do that my starry eyed pew groupies? Are you an Industrial Care bear with teeth and a trusty switchblade?. Do you have the skills to support our nail chewing, rotgut drinking, hard partying, thrice cursed sons and daughters of murder and mayhem?. Can you dear one?, can you also fly wing to wing with such as they?

If you have delusions of grandeur, a thirst to be the best, a desire to go above and beyond your own limitations, to support and to fly with the Pilots of catastrophic Operations, then talk to a recruiter or join us in channel "cat0p public". Who knows, you may be someone we can use.

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#39 - 2015-06-15 10:57:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Mithandra
Oh, hello my little munchkins. I'm sorry but you've caught me at a less than marvellous moment. No matter though, I shall soldier on as they say.

Why am I not my usual marvellous self? Well my lovers, the corporation had a massive recruitment and publicity drive yesterday that stretched into the wee tiny hours of this morning. Our dedicated recruitment team, aided and abetted by quite a few of our fine corporation pilots took the word to the stars in a bid to save poor pilots from their banal, lacklustre and depressing lives in other lesser corporations.

I am pleased and humbled to report that their sterling efforts resulted in the saving of several little lambs, blessings be to BOB.

What makes our recruiters so effective I wonder? could it be their honesty, their integrity or the fact that they care deeply about you, the unenlightened? I am proud my dears, proud to serve with such as they; proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with a team of pilots so obviously dedicated to easing the pain of the lost and lonely.

Like pre diaspora missionaries, they give freely of their time, without thought of personal gain, to go out amongst the stars, bringing the glory of Catastrophic Operations to the wretched and miserable creatures lurking there in darkness, at the blurred edges of enlightenment.

I salute their efforts. Every soul recruited is a soul placed firmly on the path to beatification.

I myself was saved by Catastrophic Operations members. Oh yes my dears, once I was merely Mithandra, a lost waif, plying my sordid wares across the length and breadth of Hisec; taking comfort and profit where I could. Afraid of everyone and everything, bullied by many, ignored by all. But then they found me. I give thanks to BOB each and every day that they recognised my plight, and saw that I was in need of a home.

Now, thanks to their kindness and compassion, I have metamorphosed into the gorgeous multifaceted, marvellous creature you see before you today. You too could undergo a similar transition if you have but the courage to reach out and ask for their help.

Please, join channel "cat0p public" Be brave; you could be taking your first steps on the road to the only home you will ever need.

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#40 - 2015-06-16 14:35:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Mithandra
Well my little pew kitties,

here we are again. It doesn't seem like any time at all since we last had a chat now does it?

Pull up a cushion and lets settle down.

James that wasn't very nice. Just because no one was sitting on it doesn't mean you can snatch it like that. I don't care if they were "AFK" .. By the way, there is no "K" in Cushion James, see me after class.

I'd like to tell you a parable my little bundles of fun. What is a parable?

A parable is a succinct, didactic story, in prose or verse, which illustrates one or more instructive lessons or principles. It differs from a fable in that fables employ animals, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature as characters, whereas parables have human characters. A parable is a type of analogy.....

Oh dear, someone call the Nurse and tell her we will need a bucket, floor mop and several sets of restraints. I really shouldn't use such big words with a class full of Brave Newbies. What was I thinking?

Once upon a time, there was a very rich and powerful man, the leader of his alliance. He had all sorts of wealth and led a luxurious life. He had every luxury at his doorstep and could afford to provide SRP for all the corps of his alliance. He always boasted about his alliance on the forums, in local, wherever he went.

His son was researching blueprints in lowsec and returned home for vacation. The rich man wanted to show off to his son how rich his father was , but his son wasn’t ever fond of his luxurious lifestyle. However, the rich man wanted to make his son realize that his lifestyle was extremely rich and how the corporations not in his alliance suffered. He planned for a long roam to show him of the life of the poor people, toiling for other alliances.

The father and the son both took Covert Ops ships and roamed the length and breadth of the known eveverse. They returned home after several downtimes The father was happy that his son was very quiet after seeing the poor people honouring the rich man and after seeing the sufferings of the poor ones due to lack of facilities.

The rich man asked his son, ‘Dear boy, how was the trip? Have you enjoyed it?’

‘Yes my dad, it was a great trip with you.’ The son replied.

So, what did you learn from the trip? – The Father asked.

The son was silent.

Finally you have realized how the poor suffer and how they actually are – said the father.

No father – replied the son.

We have fleets beyond counting, they have a few moas and a noctis. We have countless stars under our control, they have a few. We have riches beyond counting, they have nought but what they can salvage.

Our alliance consists of thousands of pilots, most of whom station spin and complain about content, and they seem to be a dedicated core of close knit friends, roaming the stars together, seeking content wherever and whenever they can.

We are protected by a fleet so massive that its cost beggars belief. No one would dare challenge us here, yet they with their tiny fleets fight daily, with full participation.

The rich father was stunned to hear his son’s words and he was completely speechless.

Finally the son added, ‘Dad thank you so much for showing me who is rich and who is poor and for letting me understand how truly poor we are!’

I hope you take a valuable lesson away with you today children.

Ahh, there's the lunch bell. No running in the corridor my darlings, and no jumping out of doorways to scare the other children.

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community