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Unclear Escalation Information

Vane Bayer
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2015-05-23 16:38:00 UTC
Which Cosmic Anomalies escalate to the 3/10 and 4/10 DED sites for the Angel Cartel and the Guristas Pirates?? Some of the information in the EVElopedia is unclear or not filled in.
Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#2 - 2015-05-23 18:22:05 UTC
I've updated EvElo. Angel refuges and dens escalates to DED 5, i'm not sure about hideaways and burrows.

I have no idea about guristas sites.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2015-05-24 03:16:08 UTC
Angel Hideaway and Angel Burrow sites haven't escalated to a DED Rated site for the 7 years I've been playing this game.

Years ago the Angel 1/10 (Minmatar Contracted Bio-Farm) and the Angel 2/10 (Angel Creo-Corp Mining) were static sites that respawned NPC's within 30 to 40 minutes after being cleared.

Because of that, I believe CCP had programmed the Angel Hideaway and Angel Burrow sites to spawn NPC Commanders much more often.

From my experience I've noticed that a Commander NPC will spawn at least once (usually more often) for every 10 sites completed.

Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#4 - 2015-05-24 07:37:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Jeremiah Saken
I would like to see devs statement about anoms. They are inconsistent with them. Sanshas and Serpentis hideaways escalates to DED 3. Also what is the target players for them? If new, low SP level, then some escalation are too hard. DED 5 usually spawn in lowsec, and demand high level of dps and tank.
The way i see anomalies:
- anomaly escalates to same or lvl+1 DED, randomly (if not then as DMC wrote, higher chance to spawn commander);
- no hull lock on the warp gates (in rated and unrated DEDs too - pirates hulls are better than T3s anyway).

Hard to keep EvElopedia updated this way. I don't know if blood hideaway escalates to old meanie. I'm doing a lot of them, no escalation nor commanders spawns.

Edit: guristas hideaway escalate to DED 4

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Traejun DiSanctis
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2015-05-27 06:26:38 UTC
In my limited hi-sec ratting experience (with Guristas and Serpentis only) Hideaways escalated into DED 3 sites. I've cleared less than 30 of them (combined between the 2 pirates factions) and received 2 escalations. Both were DED 3.

This was 4 years ago, so things may have changed.
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2015-05-27 11:05:28 UTC
Combat exploration site are in need of a overhaul, in terms of if a newbro can clear a 3/10 I have rolled a new character and did it in a T1 fit T1 frigate and only 1 day's worth of SP.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#7 - 2015-05-27 18:04:11 UTC
They are working as intended. If you are running the green combat anoms, the chances of getting an escalation are a lot lower than you would get if you had run a red combat anoms. I have seen instance where people have to run the green anoms 50-100 times before they get an escalation. A overhaul is not needed. CCP has already made running anoms and probe scanning so easy, that the market is already saturated with faction and deadspace items. For instance look at the prices of deadspace shield reppers, a medium a-type only cost 300mil now; whereas 4 years ago it would cost over 1bil for that module.

Bottomline: You're doing it wrong. The combat sites you have to scan down give better chance of getting an escalation. No overhaul needed.
Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#8 - 2015-05-28 06:39:51 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:

They are working as intended. If you are running the green combat anoms, the chances of getting an escalation are a lot lower than you would get if you had run a red combat anoms. I have seen instance where people have to run the green anoms 50-100 times before they get an escalation. A overhaul is not needed. CCP has already made running anoms and probe scanning so easy, that the market is already saturated with faction and deadspace items. For instance look at the prices of deadspace shield reppers, a medium a-type only cost 300mil now; whereas 4 years ago it would cost over 1bil for that module.

Bottomline: You're doing it wrong. The combat sites you have to scan down give better chance of getting an escalation. No overhaul needed.

No they don't. They are mess right now. I not talking about escalation chance here.
As Omnathious Deninard wrote so of the sites can be done with low level skills. True, I remeber i did my first rated BR DED in destroyer. I don't think it's bad thing. Bad is when anomaly escalates to DED 5 located in lowsec. Threshold between hisec sites and low is too high for new players. It's like we sending cannon fodder for lowsec pirates as a snack. Some unrated sites escalate into null sec systems Shocked. I won't risk 400mil ship for 50 mil loot (maybe) and noob will die in ball of fire on first bubble. For whom are these sites? Why some of them still have warpgates restrictions? Because of overkill? If I'll do them in BC I could do them faster (maybe) but I would lose this time in travel anyway (because of warp speed changes). Why we don't have random escalations from anoms? Everything in PvE must be scripted? Some of them don't escalate at all, content without purpose because nobody will ever clear them.
Bottome line: they just touch tip of an iceberg here. I really hope somebody competent take a look at this part of content after they inject new sov system. I feel it was just like with data sites, put some stuff here and there, completely without knowing how system works or without vision how it should.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Traejun DiSanctis
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2015-05-28 07:10:30 UTC
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
Estella Osoka wrote:

They are working as intended. If you are running the green combat anoms, the chances of getting an escalation are a lot lower than you would get if you had run a red combat anoms. I have seen instance where people have to run the green anoms 50-100 times before they get an escalation. A overhaul is not needed. CCP has already made running anoms and probe scanning so easy, that the market is already saturated with faction and deadspace items. For instance look at the prices of deadspace shield reppers, a medium a-type only cost 300mil now; whereas 4 years ago it would cost over 1bil for that module.

Bottomline: You're doing it wrong. The combat sites you have to scan down give better chance of getting an escalation. No overhaul needed.

No they don't. They are mess right now. I not talking about escalation chance here.
As Omnathious Deninard wrote so of the sites can be done with low level skills. True, I remeber i did my first rated BR DED in destroyer. I don't think it's bad thing. Bad is when anomaly escalates to DED 5 located in lowsec. Threshold between hisec sites and low is too high for new players. It's like we sending cannon fodder for lowsec pirates as a snack. Some unrated sites escalate into null sec systems Shocked. I won't risk 400mil ship for 50 mil loot (maybe) and noob will die in ball of fire on first bubble. For whom are these sites? Why some of them still have warpgates restrictions? Because of overkill? If I'll do them in BC I could do them faster (maybe) but I would lose this time in travel anyway (because of warp speed changes). Why we don't have random escalations from anoms? Everything in PvE must be scripted? Some of them don't escalate at all, content without purpose because nobody will ever clear them.
Bottome line: they just touch tip of an iceberg here. I really hope somebody competent take a look at this part of content after they inject new sov system. I feel it was just like with data sites, put some stuff here and there, completely without knowing how system works or without vision how it should.

The fact that an escalation can take you to low-sec is not a problem. It's working as intended. Escalations offer greater rewards theoretically for greater risk. Since most escalations - particularly anything below 7/10 - are not more challenging in terms of what the rats can do, the challenge must come from somewhere. If someone wants to chase down that escalation, be prepared to absorb both the risk of getting there. Nobody is forcing you to run it. I've let plenty of escalations lapse because I didn't want to take the time/risk of getting there. Even to this day, when a site I'm running in my alliance sov escalates into a neighboring null region partially inhabited by a few red corps, I just let it go. Again, not worth the risk of losing my blinged out ratting ship for what is likely a payoff worth a fraction of the value of my ship.

In addition, what kind of person runs a hi sec anom/combat site in a 400M ISK ship. Those sites are meant to be run successfully in T1 ships with low SP and unimpressive modules. If you own the kind of ship that costs 400M, you should not continue to run those sites because, as you said, why risk a ship like that for a tiny payoff.

Finally, sites escalating is governed by RNG. 5% chance of escalating doesn't mean you get 1 in 20 clears. It means you have a 1 in 20 chance to receive an escalation in any given clear. Pretty terrible odds. The fact that you're not getting them as often as you like means: 1) you're just like everyone else; 2) the game/math is working as intended.
Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#10 - 2015-05-28 07:52:34 UTC
Traejun DiSanctis wrote:
The fact that an escalation can take you to low-sec is not a problem. It's working as intended. Escalations offer greater rewards theoretically for greater risk. Since most escalations - particularly anything below 7/10 - are not more challenging in terms of what the rats can do, the challenge must come from somewhere. If someone wants to chase down that escalation, be prepared to absorb both the risk of getting there. Nobody is forcing you to run it. I've let plenty of escalations lapse because I didn't want to take the time/risk of getting there. Even to this day, when a site I'm running in my alliance sov escalates into a neighboring null region partially inhabited by a few red corps, I just let it go. Again, not worth the risk of losing my blinged out ratting ship for what is likely a payoff worth a fraction of the value of my ship.

For me it's not a problem, but noobs in lowsec? Free kills for pvpers? Even you admit that you don't follow escalations into as you said "red corps" region because it's not worthy.
Traejun DiSanctis wrote:
In addition, what kind of person runs a hi sec anom/combat site in a 400M ISK ship. Those sites are meant to be run successfully in T1 ships with low SP and unimpressive modules. If you own the kind of ship that costs 400M, you should not continue to run those sites because, as you said, why risk a ship like that for a tiny payoff.

Time is money friend. I can do them in dessie, but why do I have to restraint myself. I choosed ship to run them fast and with covert ability if escalation pops on the other side of lowsec swamp. I can do DED 4 in Hawk, so what? Do i have do bore myself to death?
Traejun DiSanctis wrote:
Finally, sites escalating is governed by RNG. 5% chance of escalating doesn't mean you get 1 in 20 clears. It means you have a 1 in 20 chance to receive an escalation in any given clear. Pretty terrible odds. The fact that you're not getting them as often as you like means: 1) you're just like everyone else; 2) the game/math is working as intended.

3) maybe because there is no escalation (this is still possibility). You don't know that. Just because CCP choose strange policy about not telling us what can escalate we will throw RNG argument at each other when they eat popcorn with butter looking at us laughing.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2015-05-28 11:34:14 UTC
Traejun DiSanctis wrote:
In addition, what kind of person runs a hi sec anom/combat site in a 400M ISK ship. Those sites are meant to be run successfully in T1 ships with low SP and unimpressive modules. If you own the kind of ship that costs 400M, you should not continue to run those sites because, as you said, why risk a ship like that for a tiny payoff.

This is what is wrong with exploration and combat sites, there is artificial barriers to where players can have fun and make a profit based on where CCP once though you should be.
This was taken down a little bit with the introduction to 1-4/10 combat sites appearing in low sec for newbro pirates but they offer no better reward than the same sites that are in high sec so the incentive to run them is lessened.
This runs true for all sites up to 5/10 as they can be done in high sec through Den escalations.

IMO reward should be based on where the site was completed, not site availability based on security status.

That said all sites need to have there content checked and updated as they were designed for ships that went away with tiericide.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Traejun DiSanctis
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#12 - 2015-05-28 15:29:42 UTC
Omnathious Deninard wrote:
Traejun DiSanctis wrote:
In addition, what kind of person runs a hi sec anom/combat site in a 400M ISK ship. Those sites are meant to be run successfully in T1 ships with low SP and unimpressive modules. If you own the kind of ship that costs 400M, you should not continue to run those sites because, as you said, why risk a ship like that for a tiny payoff.

This is what is wrong with exploration and combat sites, there is artificial barriers to where players can have fun and make a profit based on where CCP once though you should be.
This was taken down a little bit with the introduction to 1-4/10 combat sites appearing in low sec for newbro pirates but they offer no better reward than the same sites that are in high sec so the incentive to run them is lessened.
This runs true for all sites up to 5/10 as they can be done in high sec through Den escalations.

IMO reward should be based on where the site was completed, not site availability based on security status.

That said all sites need to have there content checked and updated as they were designed for ships that went away with tiericide.

Agreed with the underlined part, though not for the reasons you stated above. I do think combat sites need to be looked at and re-balanced. What that entails could be a number of things.
Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#13 - 2015-05-28 17:44:29 UTC
Omnathious Deninard wrote:
Traejun DiSanctis wrote:
In addition, what kind of person runs a hi sec anom/combat site in a 400M ISK ship. Those sites are meant to be run successfully in T1 ships with low SP and unimpressive modules. If you own the kind of ship that costs 400M, you should not continue to run those sites because, as you said, why risk a ship like that for a tiny payoff.

This is what is wrong with exploration and combat sites, there is artificial barriers to where players can have fun and make a profit based on where CCP once though you should be.
This was taken down a little bit with the introduction to 1-4/10 combat sites appearing in low sec for newbro pirates but they offer no better reward than the same sites that are in high sec so the incentive to run them is lessened.
This runs true for all sites up to 5/10 as they can be done in high sec through Den escalations.

IMO reward should be based on where the site was completed, not site availability based on security status.

That said all sites need to have there content checked and updated as they were designed for ships that went away with tiericide.

What ships went away with tiericide? I haven't seen any ships removed from the game. They were balanced, but not taken out.
Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#14 - 2015-05-28 19:57:21 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:
What ships went away with tiericide? I haven't seen any ships removed from the game. They were balanced, but not taken out.

He's referring to the impact of the balance changes, not outright eliminations.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Sequester Risalo
German Corps of Engineers 17
Federation of Respect Honor Passion Alliance.
#15 - 2015-05-29 07:48:22 UTC
Jeremiah Saken wrote:

Threshold between hisec sites and low is too high for new players.

Jeremiah Saken wrote:
I won't risk 400mil ship for 50 mil loot (maybe) [...].

Something doesn't connect.

As far as I know everyone gets a warining popup when leaving highsec. So whoever disregards ist, does so at his own risk. Probably he returns as a better player. Maybe he enjoys it and stays. I think it's a good idea to make players taste every flavour of space.

Also: Not every gate is camped all the time.
Lulu Lunette
Savage Moon Society
#16 - 2015-05-29 16:31:41 UTC
Hey there,

I've been following the information on evelopedia and found out how out of date it is as well. I'm quite sure Blood Raider Hideaways no longer escalate.

Today I had a Serpentis Hideaway in Solitude escalate to a 3/10. I ran probably 20 of them.


Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#17 - 2015-05-29 19:35:28 UTC
The only ships that were affected by tiericide were the T3s. This was done at the request of the majority of whining hisec explorers.
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2015-05-29 21:45:19 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:
The only ships that were affected by tiericide were the T3s. This was done at the request of the majority of whining hisec explorers.

Do you not realize many ships got considerably stronger after tiericide?

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#19 - 2015-05-31 19:34:51 UTC
Sequester Risalo wrote:
As far as I know everyone gets a warining popup when leaving highsec. So whoever disregards ist, does so at his own risk. Probably he returns as a better player. Maybe he enjoys it and stays. I think it's a good idea to make players taste every flavour of space.

Also: Not every gate is camped all the time.

Introducing hisec anomalies in lowsec was good move, new players don't have to stay in hisec till they learn enough SP to cross the border. It doesn't have to be done in sneaky "you have an escalation in lowsec - go there and lose some ships to lowsec dwellers". Who have fun here? Players in pve fits fighting rats getting jumped by non scannable recons? If they want to go there who stops them? Lowsec is few jumps from cosy 0.5 systems. Then again for whom dens escalate to DEDs 5? Even if new players go to lowsec they don't stand a chance with rats in there.

Sequester Risalo wrote:
Also: Not every gate is camped all the time.

No need to, as far I see combat probes on d-scan I know my escalation just ended. I don't recall when I finished DED5 without being jumped and I don't fly in populated area. It's not a rant to nerf lowsec. This two (hi and low) are incomparable.

Omnathious Deninard wrote:

Do you not realize many ships got considerably stronger after tiericide?

Shh, before they forbid HACs and pirates hull. In the name of sandbox ofc.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville