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looking for a lowsec corp

Parvo killskeen
Haters Club
#1 - 2015-05-27 22:13:02 UTC
iv been around for a lil while now iv been to alot of different corps, thats b/c of freinds coming in and out in my eve
im almost 41 mil sp toon looking for a small or med size corp in low sec , why low cuz the ovo better there and some what isk if there are any corps out there that may need a new pilot and lives in lowsec let me know ill be all aboard...thanks
Zoroaster Ben-Ashar
#2 - 2015-05-27 22:55:04 UTC
LS pirate corp here! We're looking for new people who are active and willing to have fun! Lots of pew!

Here is our forum post. I'll send you an in-game mail as well.
Richard Sorge
Cobalt Brigade
#3 - 2015-05-28 15:38:13 UTC
Please, Drop me an evemail when you get a chance.
