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Pandemic Horde - New Player Friendly PVP Learning Alliance

First post
#1 - 2015-04-16 17:16:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Tallardar

After years of assisting various new player focused alliances across EVE Online's 10 year history, Pandemic Legion has decided to begin one of its own. With that said we are happy to announce Pandemic Horde, a new player focused alliance that is supported financially and educationally by Pandemic Legion and Waffles.

Quick Info

In-game channel: "Join HORDE"
Home System: Saranen (our "forever home"
Character Age Requirements: None, any aged character can join.
API Requirements: None
Other Requirements: IRC, Mumble, and willingness to engage and learn from others.
YouTube Channel: Channel:

What is Pandemic Horde?

Pandemic Horde is a sister alliance to Pandemic Legion, much like Waffles is. Our goal with this group is to not have it be a stepping stone for someone to simply progress into Waffles or Pandemic Legion, though Horde members could end up in either should they choose to pursue that. Instead, our goal is to have Pandemic Horde thought of more so as a training ground, a dojo, or a State College where the players both new and old can learn off of one another as well as the members of Pandemic Legion and Waffles.

The goal is to get every member, regardless of if they're a two day old newbie or a 3 year PVP free veteran, that comes to us as much education in an area as they are seeking. Pandemic Legion has been around for nearly a decade and Waffles have been around almost as long, which has resulted in both groups offering years of in-game experience and knowledge.

Pandemic Horde's Structure

As with Pandemic Legion and Waffles, Pandemic Horde is an FC focused group. The FCs bring the content аnd the cоntent brings the new members. There are no requirements or processes to be appointed an FC, it is simply a matter of if you want to lead a fleet, you can lead a fleet. You simply need to step up and FC as long as people are willing to join your gang, everything is hunky dory. FCs are free to experiment with doctrines and choice of targets as well since Pandemic Horde are only blue to Pandemic Legion and Waffles. It is up to the members to decide which fleets are worth their time.

The alliance is not simply a PVP playground however, as every EVE player needs to make ISK somehow. We run classes and host Q&A threads as well as provide guides on how to make the most ISK for your effort to feed a PVP lifestyle. Our hope is, with these tools and information, each member can become financially self sufficient with their income.

Currently Horde are staged out of Saranen, a Lowsec system near Jita in the north of the Caldari/Gallente FW area.

This location is also ideal as we are able to easily facilitate logistics such as ships and ammo, as well as find PVP content for the new players. Having previously bummed around Nullsec, Horde decided to go to Lowsec due to the lack of ability a new player alliance would have in owning and claiming sov while still being able to provide educational content. In Null, we'd be camped into the station where as in Lowsec we have the ability to undock and roam at our leisure. There is still opportunities for ratting, mission running, exploration, and other money making endeavors. We also run a Buyback program for any and all PVP and Exploration Loot picked up.

It is important to note that Horde does not pay fealty to Pandemic Legion, and makes the protection of it assets its own responsibility. This partnership with PL also allows new players to be on the PL side of a massive fight when the opportunity calls.

We also run the "Adopt A Newbean (Newbie)" program. This is a venue that allows new players to be paired up with an experienced PL or Waffle player to then learn from and pick their brain a bit. It is done to help maximize the compatibility so that if a new player wants to learn about Exploration, they get paired with a PL or Waffles member who does exploration.

Several of our members also have been running educational streams on our alliance Twitch.TV channel (linked at the top), as well as putting together tutorial videos on our YouTube channel (linked at the top). This in turn acts as a mutual benefit to the greater EVE community as this information shouldn't be restricted, but should be freely shared with any player looking to learn to improve their understanding of how the game works.

What about PVP Deployments?

Whenever Horde pilots аre set to deploy as determined by the directorship, or contacted for assistance by our friends Pandemic Legion, and Waffles, we will simply notify our members that where we want them to deploy and to be ready. All ship doctrines to be used will be sorted out logistically by the directorship as we know the woes and headaches of moving ones own assets, and simply ask our members to take their pods or travel ships to the staging system. We do this to simplify the process of getting a Horde fleet to a location without logistical issues. To clarify, these are purely voluntary deployments and there is no requirement to go on any of these deployments.

If this all sounds like an ideal environment for you to partake in, then apply today. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask either here, in our in-game channel, or start a private chat with one of our recruiters listed in our in-game recruitment channel.
Pandemic Horde Hld.
Pandemic Horde
#2 - 2015-04-16 19:28:26 UTC
#3 - 2015-04-17 18:36:07 UTC
Feel free to swing by the "Join Horde" channel to ask questions or speak to a recruiter. All are welcome.
#4 - 2015-04-21 03:10:22 UTC
We've been busy having some good fights in HED-GP over the past few days. TEST Alliance and us had a nice frigate brawl over the weekend, and we're setting up more scheduled content as well as doing a bunch of unscheduled content. Swing by "Join Horde" today to ask your questions.
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2015-04-21 11:03:46 UTC
Join today Cool
#6 - 2015-04-22 16:48:57 UTC
The drive for recruitment continues.

Talk to a recruiter today.
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2015-04-23 18:41:38 UTC
Upup Pirate
#8 - 2015-04-26 20:09:11 UTC
We've begun producing and releasing tutorial videos we feel all players, even if they're not in Pandemic Horde, should have access to in order to learn the game more efficiently

Character Creation & Skills -
#9 - 2015-04-28 06:51:28 UTC
We put together another video explaining Hauler Alts and how they are used -
#10 - 2015-05-03 22:27:11 UTC
We're over 1000 members strong and continue to grow.

We've also put together another tutorial video -
Arja Archangel
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2015-05-04 19:49:40 UTC
Joined about 20 days ago, and the time ive had in HORDE is the best in my EVE experience. Its just truely a place to learn and have fun! looots of fun!
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#12 - 2015-05-09 15:11:24 UTC
Fun scrap with Provo last night! Come check us out now that we have some upgraded space.
Fish'n Ships Inc.
#13 - 2015-05-09 15:28:31 UTC
do you accept old players aswell? I haven't played seriously for quite a while and I've never done much pvp, now that I have a bit of time to play I returned to EVE and I'd like to start "clean" and learn to PVP effectively.

#14 - 2015-05-10 00:48:56 UTC
Gashuler wrote:
do you accept old players aswell? I haven't played seriously for quite a while and I've never done much pvp, now that I have a bit of time to play I returned to EVE and I'd like to start "clean" and learn to PVP effectively.

Hi, of course. We don't care if you are a day old newbie or a 5 year bittervet looking to try something new.
#15 - 2015-05-13 03:20:01 UTC
We are still active and were, sadly, just a few minutes short of getting on our first titan kill the other night :(
#16 - 2015-05-19 17:54:24 UTC
As always we are recruiting. We put together a fun Rookie tournament this past weekend -
#17 - 2015-05-23 18:32:29 UTC

Id be interested in joining, 40mil sp char, let me know !

Travis Uchonela
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#18 - 2015-06-03 20:59:07 UTC
There really isn't a better way for new players to learn this game, for medium level players to experience null and low sec for the first time, and for experienced bros to gather the new guys around the space campfire to learn this game.
Travis Uchonela
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#19 - 2015-06-23 03:08:11 UTC
Lots of guest speakers and classes for the H O R D E B O I S lately. Chessur stopped by last week for a Q+A, and this week our friends from Rapid Withdrawal stopped by to talk about surviving in low sec. A recording of that is linked below.

From new players to vets, now is the time for anyone ready to really learn this game to join Horde.
#20 - 2015-06-24 00:09:20 UTC
We'll have the Chessur Lecture/Q&A up tomorrow, so stay tuned for that. As always you can use the "Join HORDE" chat channel in-game to ask our recruiter questions and so forth.
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