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[Carnyx] The Jackdaw

First post
Terpene Conglomerate
#361 - 2015-05-18 22:18:18 UTC  |  Edited by: per
how about explosion velocity?

its destroyer its caldari missile boat it should hurt small ships a lot since its t3
currently you cant do almost nothing to small linked kiting ships with your missiles, hell corax will be better than this

50+ hp per level is really, i dont know , like nothing?
ninja edit: pls no ecm bonus, noone likes ecm, its broken, dont screw another ship with it
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#362 - 2015-05-18 22:52:33 UTC
Something other than +50HP a level.

Anything that resembles a real bonus.

Even if it isn't any good, as long as it appears to be a real bonus.

Nerf something and give it a bonus to get just above the nerfed stats. Give it a situational bonus like lock range or ewar strength. Just a real bonus.
Punching Meg Zoidberg
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#363 - 2015-05-18 23:01:01 UTC
Here's a wildcard for you. 10% Reduction in Shield Booster Capacitor Need per level. (Ancillary Shield Boosters don't receive this bonus)
Zafrena Tyrleon
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#364 - 2015-05-18 23:03:55 UTC
Altrue wrote:
How to fix the Jackdaw:

  • The Jackdaw should be as fast as a confessor.
  • You should change the layout to 6/5/3,
  • Give it 4 launchers instead of 5,
  • Increase the role bonus to accomodate the DPS for the lost launcher, (maybe not a full increase to slightly nerf its dps?)
  • Keep the current PWG and lower the CPU a bit
  • Make a meaningful bonus with percentages, not this awful flat rate hp that has never been used before for a reason (its the complete opposite of what the fitting system in EVE is, as it is completely impermeable to changes in fitting, as opposed to a % bonus)
  • Swap the agility / speed bonus to 33 / 66%
  • Fix its god damned inertia
  • Increase its mass because otherwise it would be OP on 10mn
  • Reduce its sig radius to 60

Can be answered with one simple question: Why do people fly destroyers?
  • Because they want to have fun with something fast.

A destroyer cannot reasonnably have more tank or more theoretical DPS than a cruiser, the only thing destroyers have over cruisers are: Application, Sig Radius, Speed.

The Jackdaw has NONE of these. Therefore, since you won't give it cruiser-level dps or tank (despite battlecruiser-level speed and cruiser-level agility), you must either face the choice of having it useless or change it into something fast.

How to make sure the jackdaw is not OP?
First off, its important to remind people that the fun part about T3 destroyers is that they are... destroyers.
By very definition, they cannot become something like the Ishtars that are the easy choice for PvE AND PvP, because the jackdaws - as destroyers- cannot reasonably threaten anything bigger than T1 cruisers.

  • Take away light missile bonuses from the hull bonuses, put them into sharpshooter mode. Hull bonuses are for rockets only, sharpshooter missile bonuses (apart from the flight speed/time) are for light missiles only.

This is a pretty good list of things that need to happen.

Changing slots to 6/5/3 and dropping launchers to 4 keeps it in line with the others. Loss of damage? Maybe, but you have that extra low slot for a BCS.

Change that 5% ROF to 10% damage, just like the Svipul and Confessor.
Then scrap your shield bonus (remember we're stripping a mid slot too), bake more shields into the hull, and add in 10% missile explosion velocity per level.

So, 4 launchers after bonuses brings it up to 9 total, but it can apply damage quite well. Swap around the 33/66 spread on Propulsion mode to make it similar to the other T3Ds, or it really won't see much use.

I understand the idea behind not making the T3Ds carbon copies of each other, and to be sure, there is something desirable about that. But that isn't the pattern established with the Svipul and Confessor, and the current iteration of the Jackdaw doesn't measure up at all. If this were to go live as is, the role of the Jackdaw would be to use the ship's incredible agility to turn and run when the opponent shows up in a different T3D, because it's just not much of a contest at the moment.
Specia1 K
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#365 - 2015-05-18 23:16:54 UTC

+More damage. Application of, alpha, ROF, velocity, explosion radius or whatever it takes to effectively kill things faster.
Any bonus to missiles is welcome, please.

Pilot 1: "My ship does 4000km/s, I can outrun you"
Pilot 2: "My missiles do 7000km/s. Outrun those"

Champion of the Knights of the General Discussion


School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#366 - 2015-05-18 23:24:24 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
Even T1 frigs don't use the small shield extender, and you think adding one to a T3D is a good idea? Roll

To be clear: I'm not saying the ship did or didn't need a nerf - I'm just saying that a small shield extender's worth of hp should be rolled into it's base stats and that as a bonus, it is completely un-inspired and dull.

If you don't want to give it a dps/tank bonus, consider giving it a utility bonus like any of the following:

15% ECM strength per level (utillity fits - the caldari have an ewar battleship, why not an ewar destroyer?)
10% bonus to sensor strength per level (so an ECCM)
5% reduction in shield booster cap usage - to encourage active fits that don't use ancillary boosters
Terpene Conglomerate
#367 - 2015-05-18 23:24:53 UTC
Specia1 K wrote:

+More damage. Application of, alpha, ROF, velocity, explosion radius or whatever it takes to effectively kill things faster.
Any bonus to missiles is welcome, please.

Pilot 1: "My ship does 4000km/s, I can outrun you"
Pilot 2: "My missiles do 7000km/s. Outrun those"

fast missiles doesnt mean they will do some serious dmg to small and fast targets even if your missiles can catch them, explosion radius and explosion velocity is the most important thing if you wanna do some dmg to them
Garrett Howe
New Eden Shipbuilding
#368 - 2015-05-18 23:29:45 UTC
If the Jackdaw is going to be the slowest and have the least DPS of the T3 destroyers, it should at least be the tankiest. Keep the tactical destroyer bonuses similar to the other T3s (10% bonus to rocket/LML damage, 5% bonus to ROF). Then, change the 33.3% bonus on shield resistances to 66.6% bonus and reduce the velocity bonus in sharpshooter mode to 33.3%. If that is too OP, at least change the signature bonus to a 66.6% reduction, then buff the base sensor strength a bit so you could be near unprobeable in defensive mode alone.
Pierre Fonulique
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#369 - 2015-05-18 23:33:14 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Yeah the 50 per level bonus is intentionally one of the weaker ship bonuses, to keep the rest of the package balanced. I am open to considering other bonuses like the ECCM one, and I'm interested in other ideas you folks have for bonuses that don't have a huge impact on the ship power level while remaining flavourful for Caldari.

I'd really prefer the ECCM bonus, or an ECM bonus. I feel like the T3 destroyers should demonstrate a cross section of what that race's frigates do without hitting all of the highs, and it would be good to se ewar represented without getting the full bonus that a EAF gets.
Kaldfir Gongukaslan
V.E.N. Asset Management
#370 - 2015-05-18 23:45:25 UTC
Alright, so 5% per level is too much, and a flat-bonus is inconsistent with other bonuses (and 50hp seems underpowered).

Is there a reason nobody has suggested the obvious thing, which is to just reduce the 5% to 2-4%? I haven't run the numbers or anything, but that seems to be the obvious way to tone-down a bonus that is too strong.
Makoto Priano
Kirkinen-Arataka Transhuman Zenith Consulting Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#371 - 2015-05-18 23:50:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Makoto Priano
Alternatively, what about a fitting bonus? 5% per level reduction to shield upgrade PG and CPU useage?

Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries: exploring the edge of the known, advancing the state of the art. Would you like to know more?

Xavier Azabu
Half Empty
#372 - 2015-05-19 01:06:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Xavier Azabu
Hi Fozzie. Trust me, that 250hp shield bonus needs to go. Just give the ship about 150-200 more shield ehp. Also please increase the speed a little! And the locking range by 5km.

For the replacement bonus, why not a grab bag for versatility? I'd consider these two for a unique ship.
You could use ECM on the thing but not giving it a bonus to strength makes for cool fitting decisions due to the lack of lows. (most would do a DCU and then something else)

  • 10% bonus to ECM Optimal Range per level. (10% reduced activation cost?)
  • 10% bonus to Missile Launcher Reload Time per level

Players could use rig slots to increase velocity. Then you have a sniping light missile ecm boat with quick draw timing and a decent tank.

This guy's post is key -

Altrue wrote:
Let's look at this objectively shall we?

Comparison Caracal RML vs Jackdaw Light missiles


For TRIPLE the price, you get a ship that's WORSE in most cases, or that has negligible bonuses, especially for (again) triple the price.
The only real difference lies in the signature radius, but given how SLOW the ship is, and given that the jackdaw would still be over 350sig, I really don't see how this could significantly improve its survivability.

TL;DR: I won't bother and rather pick a caracal or, if I really want to go pimp and small, a flycatcher.

As for others who call for an explosion or velocity bonus... you're just going to have the Jackdaw completely replace the almost never used Corax and the Garmur if that happens.

The other thing to consider is that it should compete somewhat with the Talwar given the cost. Otherwise, why would someone use a ship that's 3-4 times the price with less range and speed? You could go oversized 10mn ab on the thing but it still isn't going to justify the cost and not grabbing a talwar.
Heinrich Rotwang
Spectre Fleet Corporation
#373 - 2015-05-19 01:15:25 UTC
An example of a way more useful bonus would be a 10 percent reduction per level to the volume of Fedos in the cargohold.
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#374 - 2015-05-19 01:19:43 UTC
Zafrena Tyrleon wrote:
Altrue wrote:
How to fix the Jackdaw:

  • The Jackdaw should be as fast as a confessor.
  • You should change the layout to 6/5/3,
  • Give it 4 launchers instead of 5,
  • Increase the role bonus to accomodate the DPS for the lost launcher, (maybe not a full increase to slightly nerf its dps?)
  • Keep the current PWG and lower the CPU a bit
  • Make a meaningful bonus with percentages, not this awful flat rate hp that has never been used before for a reason (its the complete opposite of what the fitting system in EVE is, as it is completely impermeable to changes in fitting, as opposed to a % bonus)
  • Swap the agility / speed bonus to 33 / 66%
  • Fix its god damned inertia
  • Increase its mass because otherwise it would be OP on 10mn
  • Reduce its sig radius to 60

Can be answered with one simple question: Why do people fly destroyers?
  • Because they want to have fun with something fast.

A destroyer cannot reasonnably have more tank or more theoretical DPS than a cruiser, the only thing destroyers have over cruisers are: Application, Sig Radius, Speed.

The Jackdaw has NONE of these. Therefore, since you won't give it cruiser-level dps or tank (despite battlecruiser-level speed and cruiser-level agility), you must either face the choice of having it useless or change it into something fast.

How to make sure the jackdaw is not OP?
First off, its important to remind people that the fun part about T3 destroyers is that they are... destroyers.
By very definition, they cannot become something like the Ishtars that are the easy choice for PvE AND PvP, because the jackdaws - as destroyers- cannot reasonably threaten anything bigger than T1 cruisers.

  • Take away light missile bonuses from the hull bonuses, put them into sharpshooter mode. Hull bonuses are for rockets only, sharpshooter missile bonuses (apart from the flight speed/time) are for light missiles only.

This is a pretty good list of things that need to happen.

Changing slots to 6/5/3 and dropping launchers to 4 keeps it in line with the others. Loss of damage? Maybe, but you have that extra low slot for a BCS.

Change that 5% ROF to 10% damage, just like the Svipul and Confessor.
Then scrap your shield bonus (remember we're stripping a mid slot too), bake more shields into the hull, and add in 10% missile explosion velocity per level.

So, 4 launchers after bonuses brings it up to 9 total, but it can apply damage quite well. Swap around the 33/66 spread on Propulsion mode to make it similar to the other T3Ds, or it really won't see much use.

I understand the idea behind not making the T3Ds carbon copies of each other, and to be sure, there is something desirable about that. But that isn't the pattern established with the Svipul and Confessor, and the current iteration of the Jackdaw doesn't measure up at all. If this were to go live as is, the role of the Jackdaw would be to use the ship's incredible agility to turn and run when the opponent shows up in a different T3D, because it's just not much of a contest at the moment.

I can't upvote for some reason. So this gets a quote because its about 90% of what I would like to see.
Moac Tor
Cyber Core
Immediate Destruction
#375 - 2015-05-19 01:43:11 UTC
I haven't been tracking this thread, but just wanted to say, the 50HP per level bonus just seems wrong and out of place in the game. I'm not commenting on the power or weakness of the bonus, just that it isn't consistent with the rest of the game.
Agata Black
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#376 - 2015-05-19 01:45:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Agata Black
If everything else fails you can always reduce the base shield HP of the ship enough so that with the old % bonus to shield ammount at max level it has the ehp you want it to have right now. Or would that leave some odd end susceptible to exploit?

Should make for a really nice reason to train the caldari tactical destroyer skill to V. Bit of a **** move, though.

* Keep the 5% shield ehp bonus
* Change base shield hp to 880
* Has same shield hp at lvl V CTD as current build (1100)

Nevermind. I see the issue now, need to get some sleep. Well, you could always tone down the bonus too, I guess. Maybe 2~4% isn't too much, like you did with the damage resist bonus back then.
Nikolai Agnon
Khanid Propulsion Systems
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#377 - 2015-05-19 02:25:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Nikolai Agnon
+ Damage (10%/level)
+ Reduction in activation cost (10%/level) (matches the Coercer 10%-per-level)

+ Damage (10%/level)
+ Range (10%/level) (at level 5, matches the Thrasher passive 50%)

+ ROF (5%/level)
+ ...tank? (50 flat/level)

The Confessor is already hard on cap, so that's really important. Great utility bonus.

The Svipul needs the range in order to compete with pretty much every other Minmatar gunboat frigate. It makes sense.

The Jackdaw's utility bonus should be for the weapon, not the tank. The Corax's passive 50% bonus is to missile velocity, which is already being applied via the sharpshooter mode. However, it's still missing any kind of actual precision bonus. Can we get a +10% missile explosion velocity bonus per level? This will put the Jackdaw's damage application bonus on par with its T1 counterpart. Otherwise, a T1 Corax would be more effective at shooting anything fast enough to catch a T3 destroyer.

Nikolai Agnon for CSM XI!

FacWar | Lowsec | PVE | API

Gorn Arming
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#378 - 2015-05-19 03:05:20 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Yeah the 50 per level bonus is intentionally one of the weaker ship bonuses, to keep the rest of the package balanced. I am open to considering other bonuses like the ECCM one, and I'm interested in other ideas you folks have for bonuses that don't have a huge impact on the ship power level while remaining flavourful for Caldari.

Give it a 2s/level reduction in missile launcher reload time.

Instant reloads would be fun without seriously altering the ship's power level, and fit with the "flexible" gimmick for T3s. In most cases you'd see an opponent and select a damage type a few seconds ahead of time, but a reload time reduction would still be helpful when things change mid-fight.
Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#379 - 2015-05-19 03:25:30 UTC
Altrue wrote:
Soldarius wrote:

I have no doubt what-so-ever that sub-2-second align times can be had.

I have no doubt about how useless this is in any combat situation, and no doubt that I'd gadly trade it for speed instead Big smile

The agility really is a poisonned gift, given the lack of speed and the really bad agility in other modes.

It is useful for ships that get kited so they can slingshot. That's essentially the hurricane-vs-spitfire equation.
Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#380 - 2015-05-19 03:42:03 UTC
Punching Meg Zoidberg wrote:
Here's a wildcard for you. 10% Reduction in Shield Booster Capacitor Need per level. (Ancillary Shield Boosters don't receive this bonus)

ASBs need a nerf as opposed to regular boosters needing a buff. At the module level. Not at the suspiciously specific ship level.