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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Proposal for a New Ship Class

First post
9B30FF Labs
#21 - 2015-05-17 11:23:06 UTC
Zan Shiro wrote:
Celthric Kanerian wrote:
Could anyone explain his idea to me without all the lore talk?

they want a better battle badger.

A battle badger with apparently a BS level tank.

PLS ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Battle Badger ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#22 - 2015-05-17 12:01:48 UTC
Avoiding fights is More practical than winning a fight when it comes to survival in eve. Which is why they gave you a quick and tanky hauler for each race.

If you REALLY want a Q-ship, then put cargo expanders on your rokh.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

The Boogieman
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#23 - 2015-05-17 12:06:40 UTC  |  Edited by: The Boogieman
My feelings are its not a good idea, but I have no explanation why. The mega-alliances wont like it so we shouldn't.
It hurts my heard to think about it, so it should be to hard to figure out. This idea may be realistic and useful but its still not a good one and thread should be locked because of reasons. I have feelings I wont like it, stop posting.

This qualifies as an afk and would be abused by bots.
Ansharah Opium
The Opium Sisters
#24 - 2015-05-17 12:25:07 UTC
Tasty idea is tasty.

Delt0r Garsk
Shits N Giggles
#25 - 2015-05-17 13:42:03 UTC
I am not buying this "indies don't have tank" line. My t2 indies can tank 2000DPS for a time. Or alternatively have large EHP buffers.

Add more tank and it changes only one thing. How many more ships do I need to use to gank it. Shooting back won't help either. Its a gank. They gank (we have) battleships.....

AKA the scientist.

Death and Glory!

Well fun is also good.

Farlas Ibana
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2015-05-17 14:30:05 UTC
If we are going to go down this route - and i actually think it would both be an interesting game mechanic / play style AND a likely development by empire ship building corporations - it should be expanded to Exhumers as well as industrials.

It would make gameplay at the major 'pipes' of Uedama/Sivala and Niarja/Kaaputenan much more interesting for both haulers and gankers.

Not to mention finaly giving an option to combat the so far unhindered gank squads of CODE and the New Order.

A skiff with turret points, An Itty V / deep space transport with extra turret slots.

It would need to be an improvement of existing designs, so the exhumer would still be seen to be mining, and scanning the cargo bay would still show the industrial to be carrying cargo worth losing a gank ship for.

Perhaps time to share the tears back to those that currently gank miners and industrialsts with relative impunity.

As has been mentioned above, this would be a natural development in the ongoing battle of defence vs attack that has been driving ship design since the first ocean going armadas and applies as much in new eden as it did on ocean going vessels during the two world wars and as early as the 16th Century.

CCP, we hear you want the game to expand driven by player input - and ganking is a game-style. Anti-ganking development could also become a natural response to this and create an excellent new addition to game-style. Give us the tools we need to fight the like of CODE and new-order, and force them to adopt new tactics to counter a threat to their style. Currently, Ithink they are getting rather fat and lazy on the easy meat of Industrial and miners tears - they would enjoy the challenge.

Big smile
Zan Shiro
#27 - 2015-05-17 15:15:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Zan Shiro
Delt0r Garsk wrote:
I am not buying this "indies don't have tank" line. My t2 indies can tank 2000DPS for a time. Or alternatively have large EHP buffers.

Add more tank and it changes only one thing. How many more ships do I need to use to gank it. Shooting back won't help either. Its a gank. They gank (we have) battleships.....

I am actually thinking some ulterior motives here tbh. I'd see gankers liking this ship more tbh. I see say 10 of the common suicide rides in undock/gate....I think that can't be good. 10 of these....its just a hauler, right? While not an offensive beast I have seen the work a good battle badger can do if a bad ganker meets a skilled pilot in battle badger. Give it some more ehp....guessing more guns with this...possibilities start to expand.

That and just not buying your average empire hauler just up and getting that bloodlust. Implies some pvp skill there. Which oddly enough if they had this...gettting ganked wouldn't be a problem as much. I fly empire with the same diligence I flew in 0.0. How did I kill that hauler in 0.0 becomes the basis for what I don't do when in a hauler to avoid making that mistake.

It won't be 0.0 using this in empire or out of it. In empire alt hauling is a means to an end. Get stuff to hub, sell it...back on main to have fun with the isk that makes. Don't need to burn a night baiting in a Q ship. NBSI gives ample stuff to shoot all baiting for kill rights. Out of empire...camps that kill BS' not exactly rare. Why I have my crane fit that is fast as hell of gates...its how I moved crap in 0.0. Cleared camps in 0.0....does the same in empire.

5 on 1 wants a bs, its dead. Even t3 pilots know this. Why they buy bubble nullify subs lol. Sometimes the best way to not to avoid the fight as best you can in the first place.

Low sec same thing....pirate/fw got better things to do than bait in q-ships.

WH's....same thing again.
Reaver Lupus
Grey Reavers
#28 - 2015-05-18 02:57:58 UTC
These definitely would still be vulnerable to hard hitting gate camps, but their key advantage would be in the surprise of facing unexpectedly heavy resistance from what appeared to be an unarmed and undefended convoy. They would either be able to make ganking more costly in lost ships, require larger ambush parties, or could just serve as sacrificial lambs that stay behind to slug it out until hull failure while the rest of the convoy makes their escape with the valuable goods, as often happened in real life.

These definitely would be a realistic development for the various ship builders, as there currently does exist a significant need for additional trade protections with Eve basically living in the Golden Age of Piracy. Eventually these developments would be countered by more heavily armed pirates or different tactics, but the need is there regardless.
Iyacia Cyric'ai
Lai Dai Counterintelligence
#29 - 2015-05-18 04:28:46 UTC
TL;DR Bait Ship?
James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#30 - 2015-05-18 04:43:01 UTC
Iyacia Cyric'ai wrote:
TL;DR Bait Ship?

Bait ship. Which show in overview as something they aren't, and the ability to bait without risking the modules used for bait. Oh, and BS level DPS and tank.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Reaver Lupus
Grey Reavers
#31 - 2015-05-18 04:56:59 UTC
James Baboli wrote:
Iyacia Cyric'ai wrote:
TL;DR Bait Ship?

Bait ship. Which show in overview as something they aren't, and the ability to bait without risking the modules used for bait. Oh, and BS level DPS and tank.

Having Battlecruiser DPS and battleship level or higher tank seems more realistic to how these were designed. Medium turret slots would allow them to fight back fairly effectively against anything below a battleship, while the tank might allow them to survive battles for long enough to receive reinforcements or escape.
Deep Nine
Vigilante Carebears
#32 - 2015-05-18 04:57:09 UTC
I could see this ship class having the same skin as the current industrial ships but having 5 high slots, 4 medium slots, and 3 low slots, coupled with the CPU and Powergrid to accommodate a full arsenal of weaponry and defenses, but with reasonable cargo hold that isen't too extensive as to obsolete the original industrials purpose. Designed for providing its own escort for transporting cargo, this would be nice for low and null sec. It would even be useful for traps against everything from ganking to piracy. Pirate

Interesting concept. But they will never sign off on it because of all the butthurt alts of every goon and ganker troll that this forum is overflowing with pushing their mediocre agenda with sub-intellectual banter meant to confuse, dismay, and anger.

Keep pushing. You might get lucky.
James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#33 - 2015-05-18 05:08:15 UTC
Deep Nine wrote:
I could see this ship class having the same skin as the current industrial ships but having 5 high slots, 4 medium slots, and 3 low slots, coupled with the CPU and Powergrid to accommodate a full arsenal of weaponry and defenses, but with reasonable cargo hold that isen't too extensive as to obsolete the original industrials purpose. Designed for providing its own escort for transporting cargo, this would be nice for low and null sec. It would even be useful for traps against everything from ganking to piracy. Pirate

Interesting concept. But they will never sign off on it because of all the butthurt alts of every goon and ganker troll that this forum is overflowing with pushing their mediocre agenda with sub-intellectual banter meant to confuse, dismay, and anger.

Keep pushing. You might get lucky.

Skin, sure. Same name on overview? Never. False cargo scan? Never. I'm not against Q-ships entirely, just against a hilariously exploitable version which beats most cruisers in combat capability while looking like a defenseless t1 hauler.
A second line of DSTs with some teeth would be great fun, and amusing as all get out to watch people try to gank or catch in low/null.


Having Battlecruiser DPS and battleship level or higher tank seems more realistic to how these were designed. Medium turret slots would allow them to fight back fairly effectively against anything below a battleship, while the tank might allow them to survive battles for long enough to receive reinforcements or escape.

So, no to having both while carrying cargo. If you want BS level tank, you already can do so with a DST, some of which can briefly exceed supercapital EHP. The big issues are having significant DPS, and any sort of "IFF" or other auto-magic trickery which lets you bait perfectly without effort.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Reaver Lupus
Grey Reavers
#34 - 2015-05-18 05:16:39 UTC
James Baboli wrote:
[quote=Deep Nine]
So, no to having both while carrying cargo. If you want BS level tank, you already can do so with a DST, some of which can briefly exceed supercapital EHP. The big issues are having significant DPS, and any sort of "IFF" or other auto-magic trickery which lets you bait perfectly without effort.

Its not exactly magic. There was a war game not too long ago where a british ship gained the upper hand against the American forces by pretending to be a Pakistani cruise liner and responding to hails in Urdu before opening fire with a surprise attack when they were in missile range. Do you really think that people wouldnt come up with ways to fool the enemy's friend or foe classification or ship identification systems just because this is in space?
James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#35 - 2015-05-18 05:24:17 UTC
Reaver Lupus wrote:
James Baboli wrote:
[quote=Deep Nine]
So, no to having both while carrying cargo. If you want BS level tank, you already can do so with a DST, some of which can briefly exceed supercapital EHP. The big issues are having significant DPS, and any sort of "IFF" or other auto-magic trickery which lets you bait perfectly without effort.

Its not exactly magic. There was a war game not too long ago where a british ship gained the upper hand against the American forces by pretending to be a Pakistani cruise liner and responding to hails in Urdu before opening fire with a surprise attack when they were in missile range. Do you really think that people wouldnt come up with ways to fool the enemy's friend or foe classification or ship identification systems just because this is in space?

I think that any such ability is gamebreaking and thus should not be added to a GAME.
Considering that there are also 4 different entire classes of sensors in use, it might be just a tad harder in eve than in real life. Very hard to hide something like the magnetic containment system for blasters from magnometric scanners, the lasing arrays for lasers from gravitics and the thinner plating from ladar and radar if they aren't absolute crap.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Ice Fire Warriors
#36 - 2015-05-18 05:33:09 UTC
Reaver Lupus wrote:
Tuttomenui II wrote:
Wrong forum.

Just battle fit your hulk or venture like everyone else.

I actually don't even fly industrial most of the time.

Sooooo... why are we taking you seriously then?

Reaver Lupus wrote:
And you have to admit that those fits arent nearly as effective as dedicated battleships or battlecruisers.


The entire point of this is one that can hold its own in a fight and even come out on top if the odds aren't too stacked against it

Q-Ships historically were NEVER as effective as dedicated combat ships. In fact... the only reason they scored the limited victories they did was due almost entirely due to surprise... NOT combat ability.

And unlike real life, in EVE it is most cost effective to just blow up a ship rather than trying to capture it. Because players are spiteful like that (both ways).

Ignoring all this though...

if industrial ships had the same combat ability as normal, dedicated combat ships... why would you fly anything but an industrial ship?

I personally would LOVE the extra cargo room for storing and using extra cap boosters and loot.
Reaver Lupus
Grey Reavers
#37 - 2015-05-18 05:39:11 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:

Ignoring all this though...

if industrial ships had the same combat ability as normal, dedicated combat ships... why would you fly anything but an industrial ship?

I personally would LOVE the extra cargo room for storing and using extra cap boosters and loot.

They wouldn't have the same combat ability. Difficulty with maneuvering would limit them to the role of responding to attack rather than initiating engagement, and cargo room would be sacrificed for combat ability and the ability to pretend to be a harmless freighter when its actually anything but. This ship might find other uses when inventive players started experimenting with it, but it would be designed for a niche role of inviting attack by gankers in order to turn the tables when they find that they may have bitten off more than they can chew.
James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#38 - 2015-05-18 06:37:31 UTC
Reaver Lupus wrote:
ShahFluffers wrote:

Ignoring all this though...

if industrial ships had the same combat ability as normal, dedicated combat ships... why would you fly anything but an industrial ship?

I personally would LOVE the extra cargo room for storing and using extra cap boosters and loot.

They wouldn't have the same combat ability. Difficulty with maneuvering would limit them to the role of responding to attack rather than initiating engagement, and cargo room would be sacrificed for combat ability and the ability to pretend to be a harmless freighter when its actually anything but. This ship might find other uses when inventive players started experimenting with it, but it would be designed for a niche role of inviting attack by gankers in order to turn the tables when they find that they may have bitten off more than they can chew.

So perfect bait ship, ability to fit a cyno and plenty of space for cap boosters to absolutely bait tank the heck out of it with hull and ASBs, plus guns to get on the KM with. This idea doesn't just invite abuse, it strolls up to abuse, fondles the genitalia and lick's abuse's ear before slipping abuse a business card.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Delt0r Garsk
Shits N Giggles
#39 - 2015-05-18 10:20:04 UTC
So basically a battle badger.

Shows up on dscan and overview as a badger. check
Can fit some tank and have lots of cap charges. check.
Can fit a gun and get on a killmail. Check!

So no need for a new ship class. Unless what you really want is a IWINSHIP which is what it sounds like.

This idea gets -1, no points awarded, may god have mercy on your soul.

AKA the scientist.

Death and Glory!

Well fun is also good.

Malcolm Malicious
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#40 - 2015-05-18 10:58:45 UTC
What about a holographic emitter that takes up a high slot and disguises with a random corresponding industrial ship size or up. For example a hurricane disguised as a mammoth or an armageddon masked as a providence. The holo emitter would deactivate upon engaging A target. It Could have Similar fitting and draw backs to cloaking devices.