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why do players stay in npc corps?

First post
Venom Anarchy
Venom and Bullet Corporation
#701 - 2015-05-16 01:26:24 UTC
Persifonne wrote:

You can just right click and pick remove all grantable roles and join gall FW immediately. And your entire corp is in a FW militia, thats why individual members cant join individual militias within a corp. Glad you understand basic game mechanics though

They are. I ended up just moving the whole corp instead of one member to save hassle. That's the easy part, one day I might even go there.

V & B Corporation

Valkin Mordirc
#702 - 2015-05-16 02:28:24 UTC
13kr1d1 wrote:
Going overboard

It twas a joke, m8.



Don't be Serious.

That's what I'm trying to say.
Daniel Ferel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#703 - 2015-05-16 06:23:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Daniel Ferel
I'm one of those people who have been in a NPC corp for 4 years now (okay, one of those was on break, but lets not be picky), but not for the reason that has been "discussed" for the last 25 or so pages.

My plan when I started 4 years ago was rather simple.
Learn to fly a logi or EW ship (I'm almost always playing support or crowd control heavy "classes" in MMOs), find some guys who like to blow other people up, fleet with them/join their corp, blow other people up.

I played for about 3 weeks when I started to look for a player corp.
The first dozen or so tries got declined because I was lacking skillpoints, even by corps that marketed themselves as newbie friendly.
I finally found one that seemed to accept my lack of SP and invited me to their TS2 server for an interview. I had a nice chat with some squeaky voiced guy who sounded half my age, but everything went fine. Then he told me that they're full of people who want to blow stuff up, but are short on pilots willing to fly the things that don't produce huge damage numbers, and that they would be willing to buy me implants if I make getting into a logi my number one priority.
I told him that I wanted to get my hands on an EW or logi anyways and that I already have implants because I bought and sold a PLEX. What I didn't know was that this sentence, when translated from english into EVE~lish, apparently means "I'm a spy please insult my mother". He screamed (or rather squeaked) abuse at me for a few seconds before kicking me from their TS.

Not a good start.

A few more days of looking and I actually found a corp that was willing to invite me after a short chat in ventrillo. I played with them for a bunch of evenings, got to help blow some guys up in low-sec and generally had fun.
Then I had the audacity to not be online for over 30 hours straight. The Drama! (yes, capital D)
The CEO opened a convo and started to ask me (interrogate, really) where I was and what I've been doing, to which I answered that I was spending yesterday morning shopping with my sister, yesterday noon working on stuff in my appartment and the next 12 hours after that at work on a night shift. And I slept long after that because after 11 hours of moving 900kg pallets with an old-fashioned manual pallet hauler I was a little tired.
He told me it might be best to look for another corp since apparantly I can't meet their online requirements.
During the short interview I mentioned that I have an erratic work shedule and might be offline for several days at a time if shifts end up badly planned, and he (yes, the very same guy) told me thats no problem. What.

So now I'm back looking, but apparently having a PC corp with 5 days membership in your history is a very bad sign.

Took me even longer then before to find somebody willing to talk to me, but finally I ended up in another corp, this time a rather small one with 20~ish members. Didn't get to "meet" them ingame the first day, but I was on TS and we had a laugh.
Next day we finally group up and I get promptly blown up by them. "They know what I'm planning and I'm a moron if I think I can fool them" was what they told me on TS. To this day I still have not found out what I've been obviously planning back then.

Of course I left and went back to looking, but having 2 PC corp memberships with less then a week each in under a single month seems to indicate that I'm related to satan, so no one was willing to invite me despite me looking for over a month.

I deleted that alt and created a new one to use as my main, and this one is and always will be [SWA] until the heat death of the universe.
I have good ships and I can blow other people up even while flying solo, I have some contacts that are willing to fly with me if I can be bothered to group up, [SWA] actually has some nice chats sometimes and I'm never pestered by other people who want to interact with me just because I'm in the same corp as them.
And best of all I never have to deal with paranoids and their weird notion of "security requirements".

Constant optimism will not solve your problems, but it will annoy enough people to be worth the effort.

Lucy Lopez
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#704 - 2015-05-16 08:14:31 UTC
I remained in one because I refuse to go through an interview process whereby I'm judged whether or not I'm worthy of playing a computer game with another group of people.

Eventually I made my own corp for tax evasion purposes.
Venom Anarchy
Venom and Bullet Corporation
#705 - 2015-05-16 08:26:52 UTC
Lucy Lopez wrote:
I remained in one because I refuse to go through an interview process whereby I'm judged whether or not I'm worthy of playing a computer game with another group of people.

Eventually I made my own corp for tax evasion purposes.

Maybe a lot of people try and quit Eve because it isn't the game they were expecting it to be. It turned out to be very different from what I was expecting, luckily that ended up being a game that I like. You have to be patient with Eve because there is much player created content. Not all player corps need to scan your retina to make sure you are who you say you are and not a replicant but the ones that do might be trolls or perhaps might have good reasons too.

V & B Corporation

Black Pedro
#706 - 2015-05-16 08:27:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Reasoning likely seems rather opaque because of their self evaluations as targets. If they aren't targets of value then a profit motive makes no sense. Killmails themselves hold questionable value. Arguably they hold no value from a practical standpoint for the individuals generating them, especially against soft or unprepared targets. That leaves either issues they likely can't trace or actions/words which the whole may not be aware of as you state, and yeah, that leads to the characterizations.
Eve is a complex sandbox. There are many reasons for why people act. Sometimes it is just for laughs or out of boredom, but usually it is part of some larger machination to secure power or resources in the sandbox.

Look at the original Goons' ice interdiction. The poor solo retriever pilot who got ganked may not think that he is a valuable target, but there was much profit to be had in destroying him as part of a greater campaign to restrict the flow of ice. Or imagine a mining corp who has "staked a claim" on a particular ice field who uses ganker alts, or hires mercenaries to harry a new pilot or corp that moves into the system. From the view of that new corp they were "griefed" for no reason (unless someone tells them why), yet there was a very valid economic reason why they were targeted.

Tyberius Franklin wrote:
And while they may be to some degree wrong, they are to some degree also right. The default reaction to encountering someone not affiliated to you that you could reasonably kill is to try to do so. The players may not be murderous sociopaths, but the characters we create largely are. Add to that a subset of players salting the wounds of their victims, which I personally don't think is a majority but that's how vocal minorities work, and you have traced the root of the attitude you yourself despise.

The EULA itself doesn't help matters because arguably "for the lulz" and killmail farming, with it's lack of tangible gain, qualify as "making others’ lives miserable" since from a practical standpoint the aggressing player "does not profit from it in any way."

Since its inception, Eve has been intended to be a competitive PvP sandbox. As you say, capsuleers are a murderous bunch, and the game has been designed so we have to compete and fight over the things in the game universe. Perhaps new players don't understand this, but the game is specifically designed so that people will attack, impede, and otherwise influence their game play, often in a way that will make their ship explode when they do not want it to.

I agree it is bad sportsmanship to rub salt in the wounds of someone you just beat in a game, just like it would be to taunt someone you just defeated in a game of chess, but taking someone's pawn is not "griefing" because they didn't want it to happen and makes them unhappy. Similarly, it is not "griefing" to gank someone's Venture a single time or wardec some upstart corporation for any reason, including because you just like watching ships explode, because that is the game.

Eve is based around player-driven conflict and wardecs are an element of that design. The major problem with them currently is that there is little reason to defend a corp from a wardec, not that they are possible in the first place.
Lucy Lopez
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#707 - 2015-05-16 08:33:45 UTC
Venom Anarchy wrote:
Lucy Lopez wrote:
I remained in one because I refuse to go through an interview process whereby I'm judged whether or not I'm worthy of playing a computer game with another group of people.

Eventually I made my own corp for tax evasion purposes.

Maybe a lot of people try and quit Eve because it isn't the game they were expecting it to be. It turned out to be very different from what I was expecting, luckily that ended up being a game that I like. You have to be patient with Eve because there is much player created content. Not all player corps need to scan your retina to make sure you are who you say you are and not a replicant but the ones that do might be trolls or perhaps might have good reasons too.

Maybe not all, but all the ones that looked like they were worth joining wanted minimum 20 mil SP, full API, interview on Teamspeak etc blah blah. Ain't got time fo dat.
Venom Anarchy
Venom and Bullet Corporation
#708 - 2015-05-16 09:41:03 UTC
Lucy Lopez wrote:
Venom Anarchy wrote:
Lucy Lopez wrote:
I remained in one because I refuse to go through an interview process whereby I'm judged whether or not I'm worthy of playing a computer game with another group of people.

Eventually I made my own corp for tax evasion purposes.

Maybe a lot of people try and quit Eve because it isn't the game they were expecting it to be. It turned out to be very different from what I was expecting, luckily that ended up being a game that I like. You have to be patient with Eve because there is much player created content. Not all player corps need to scan your retina to make sure you are who you say you are and not a replicant but the ones that do might be trolls or perhaps might have good reasons too.

Maybe not all, but all the ones that looked like they were worth joining wanted minimum 20 mil SP, full API, interview on Teamspeak etc blah blah. Ain't got time fo dat.

Lol I haven't looked

I'm not in the market, I joined Factional warfare to be in militia not to join a corporation. that's just how I feel my role is due to circumstances when I signed up. The beginning was rough, it would have been much easier joining an existing FW corp but the tide turns and revenge is sweet.

V & B Corporation

State War Academy
Caldari State
#709 - 2015-05-16 10:37:39 UTC
Daniel Ferel wrote:
Bunch of stuff.

Yep, I hear you. Way too many Corp idiots...

i've been in an NPC corp for years. Never leaving....EVER...
Venom Anarchy
Venom and Bullet Corporation
#710 - 2015-05-16 11:59:41 UTC
Lucy Lopez wrote:

Maybe not all, but all the ones that looked like they were worth joining wanted minimum 20 mil SP, full API, interview on Teamspeak etc blah blah. Ain't got time fo dat.

That is 2012 characters and older isn't it ?

V & B Corporation

Galactic Rangers
#711 - 2015-05-17 12:41:39 UTC
this thread began with one question. there was no need for anyone to answer it,,

we all know well why people stay in NPC corps. here's a simple list that everyone could agree on i'm sure.

1: i don't want to play EVE on other peoples schedules.

2: i don't like pvp.

3: i don't like paying taxes to a corp when i'm sure the CEO is getting rich from it.

4: i don't like being told what to do.

4: i want to be a solo pilot.

5: i don't like war decs.

6: being in an NPC corp suits my style of play.

7: i don't want to listen to politics/drama in TS.

8: i've had a bad experience with player corps in the past.

9: a place to hide an alt where you can earn isk in relative peace compared to your main.

10: hey i needs a scout Blink

i'm sure we can all agree that we have no problem with these reasons at all. i know i don't.

the fact that you all have the choice is the trurth of the matter. but keep in mind the choice is limited by the games mechanics.

play as you want because that's the only thing will keep you coming back for more.

this is what makes EVE different to other games, we can be feckers on one toon and a hero on another. or we can just be that nobody, running his ship on a shoe string budget earning just about enough to run the next month of missions.
you can be what you want.

so why is this an issue for some and not for others.

why do players stay in NPC corps?

because they can. Roll

play as you want and feck what others say.

#712 - 2015-05-17 13:20:59 UTC
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
this thread began with one question. there was no need for anyone to answer it,,

we all know well why people stay in NPC corps. here's a simple list that everyone could agree on i'm sure.

1: i don't want to play EVE on other peoples schedules.

2: i don't like pvp.

3: i don't like paying taxes to a corp when i'm sure the CEO is getting rich from it.

4: i don't like being told what to do.

4: i want to be a solo pilot.

5: i don't like war decs.

6: being in an NPC corp suits my style of play.

7: i don't want to listen to politics/drama in TS.

8: i've had a bad experience with player corps in the past.

9: a place to hide an alt where you can earn isk in relative peace compared to your main.

10: hey i needs a scout Blink

i'm sure we can all agree that we have no problem with these reasons at all. i know i don't.

the fact that you all have the choice is the trurth of the matter. but keep in mind the choice is limited by the games mechanics.

play as you want because that's the only thing will keep you coming back for more.

this is what makes EVE different to other games, we can be feckers on one toon and a hero on another. or we can just be that nobody, running his ship on a shoe string budget earning just about enough to run the next month of missions.
you can be what you want.

so why is this an issue for some and not for others.

why do players stay in NPC corps?

because they can. Roll

play as you want and feck what others say.

Ccp has FACTS AND DATA that players in npc corps quit eve WAY WAY more often than players in player corps.
So no dude, it ain't all fine and peachy keen and kosher. They are low retention players and ccp says are hurting eve AND CCPS WALLET.
(I am currently in between Awox safas hense y im in npc)
Galactic Rangers
#713 - 2015-05-17 22:01:48 UTC
Shailagh wrote:
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
this thread began with one question. there was no need for anyone to answer it,,

we all know well why people stay in NPC corps. here's a simple list that everyone could agree on i'm sure.

1: i don't want to play EVE on other peoples schedules.

2: i don't like pvp.

3: i don't like paying taxes to a corp when i'm sure the CEO is getting rich from it.

4: i don't like being told what to do.

4: i want to be a solo pilot.

5: i don't like war decs.

6: being in an NPC corp suits my style of play.

7: i don't want to listen to politics/drama in TS.

8: i've had a bad experience with player corps in the past.

9: a place to hide an alt where you can earn isk in relative peace compared to your main.

10: hey i needs a scout Blink

i'm sure we can all agree that we have no problem with these reasons at all. i know i don't.

the fact that you all have the choice is the trurth of the matter. but keep in mind the choice is limited by the games mechanics.

play as you want because that's the only thing will keep you coming back for more.

this is what makes EVE different to other games, we can be feckers on one toon and a hero on another. or we can just be that nobody, running his ship on a shoe string budget earning just about enough to run the next month of missions.
you can be what you want.

so why is this an issue for some and not for others.

why do players stay in NPC corps?

because they can. Roll

play as you want and feck what others say.

Ccp has FACTS AND DATA that players in npc corps quit eve WAY WAY more often than players in player corps.
So no dude, it ain't all fine and peachy keen and kosher. They are low retention players and ccp says are hurting eve AND CCPS WALLET.
(I am currently in between Awox safas hense y im in npc)

I'm very aware of the data. perhaps CCP need to step their game up on retention,, it's not our issue.
none of us can make people like EVE,, they like it stick around for a while,, get bored of it and leave, some come in and hate it.
CCP has no control over that.
removal of NPC corps would be a mistake and i bet CCP know this.
so yup,,,, erm,,, dude... Roll

not our problem.

people play a game and stick around because they enjoy it and they'll play it how they want or feck off.
you didn't need to explain to me why you're in an NPC corp, that's your own business. you're playing as you want. so should others.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#714 - 2015-05-17 22:56:41 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
Since its inception, Eve has been intended to be a competitive PvP sandbox. As you say, capsuleers are a murderous bunch, and the game has been designed so we have to compete and fight over the things in the game universe. Perhaps new players don't understand this, but the game is specifically designed so that people will attack, impede, and otherwise influence their game play, often in a way that will make their ship explode when they do not want it to.

I agree it is bad sportsmanship to rub salt in the wounds of someone you just beat in a game, just like it would be to taunt someone you just defeated in a game of chess, but taking someone's pawn is not "griefing" because they didn't want it to happen and makes them unhappy. Similarly, it is not "griefing" to gank someone's Venture a single time or wardec some upstart corporation for any reason, including because you just like watching ships explode, because that is the game.

The underlined are mutually exclusive.

The irony here being that the game is designed around conflict over an objective, but players are not constrained to any purpose or reason. "Doomed to fight for resources and power" (Permaband - Killing is just a means). Why kill the venture when you don't want the minerals (ie resources)? Accepting that a player does not require a reason to war, would equate to accepting that a player does not need a reason to remain NPC.
Black Pedro
#715 - 2015-05-18 06:20:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
GetSirrus wrote:
The underlined are mutually exclusive.
How is it that a sandbox game that has been designed to give players a large amount of freedom to fight over things incompatible with engaging in a war for any reason? CCP has structured the game to encourage conflict but it is a sandbox game where we are left to our own motivations for our actions and if we players want to "invent" a lore reason to say invade Provibloc, or start a space cult and claim highsec, or "burn" a trade hub at a massive financial loss to ourselves, we are not only allowed, but encouraged by the developers.

GetSirrus wrote:
The irony here being that the game is designed around conflict over an objective, but players are not constrained to any purpose or reason. "Doomed to fight for resources and power" (Permaband - Killing is just a means). Why kill the venture when you don't want the minerals (ie resources)? Accepting that a player does not require a reason to war, would equate to accepting that a player does not need a reason to remain NPC.
Players don't need a reason to remain in an NPC corp, although I will maintain that the game should be structured such that choice is not the optimal one from a income earning potential. The game should be designed to actually reward players that join together for a common goal and defending their assets, not punish them as it currently does. And as a benefit more players would be encouraged to find social groups which would likely translate into higher retention rates. But if you "just prefer" to stay in the NPC corp, you should always be allowed, just not rewarded for that choice like you are now.

As for killing a Venture, why is it only that players get all touchy about it when it occurs in highsec? If some band of roaming yahoos popped my Venture while I was mining gas in a wormhole or mining ore in lowsec, people would laugh at me if I came to the forums demanding an accounting of how exactly they profited from destroying my unarmed mining ship. No one would take seriously my claim that they were "griefing me" because they were not miners and didn't profit from it. Yet in highsec, because of the density of players, there is much greater likelihood you are stepping on someone's turf and will catch a wardec or be ganked for taking someone's resources, or just be found by someone who likes watching Ventures explode.

It is not "griefing" to destroy another's resource-gathering ship in a game about blowing up spaceships. Nor is it "griefing" to declare war on another corporation in a game set in a dystopian future where we are all constantly at war with one another.
Tao Dolcino
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#716 - 2015-05-18 06:50:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Tao Dolcino
There are tons players run corpos in EVE, but the ones where you will find helpful and interesting people are often the less vocal ones and are not very big.
If you want to make an harmonious group of active and kind players, you won't go advertising, else you are at risk to gather the worst of the galaxy.

The good corpos are harder to find, but it's not impossible. Here's how i have found many :

1) In local chat, right click on the portraits and read the bios, when there are some. If a bio sounds interesting, fun, sympathic, poetic, whatever makes you feel good, read the infos about his/her corpo. Do that in every systems you travel in, maybe pick one pilot randomly by solar system. Of course, search in places which fit the profile you wish : high sec corpos in high sec, pirate/gang corpos in low sec or npc null sec, sovereignty corpos in sov null... the only exception being WH corpos, as there's no local in worm space. but these people travel too, and they often also have a base in high sec for the logistic.

2) You seek a corpo with enough active players in your time zone. If for example you are living in Europe, you probably don't want to wake up at 3 am every nights just to be able to join the corpo's operations because you have joined an americam corpo. You don't want a corpo with 1 or 2 members, unless it's a starting corpo and you feel that the founder is dynamic enough to make it grow. You neither don't want a corpo with 500 members. You want a dynamic tight group where your presence counts, not a place where you are just one more number and no one even notices if you are existing.

3) Take your time. Don't rush into the first corpo you meet. Don't join immediatly. Corpos often have a public channel that you can join without being member. Some are a great meeting point for friends from different corpos. A good way to taste the ambiance, to ask questions to players from these different corpos, to make contacts...

4) Give them a chance. Don't quit after only a few hours because you have not immediatly got all what you expected. Some things need time.

5) But don't hesitate to leave if you are at the wrong place. If after a week, no one is talking to you, or you see that members are never playing together, have no project, nothing of what makes an interesting corpo, don't feel guilty to leave. I know that some idiot recruiters consider bad to have too many corpos in your history. These people are not recruiters for a corpo where you would feel good.
It's normal to try, it's normal to not find the right family (because a good corpo feels like a family) at the first try. At the end, the goal is that you feel happy, and that your corpies are happy to have you :)

Good luck and don't give up !
Aza Ebanu
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#717 - 2015-05-18 07:35:50 UTC
The question begs the reflection: "Why join player corps?"
Avaelica Kuershin
Paper Cats
#718 - 2015-05-18 08:00:42 UTC
Shailagh wrote:

Ccp has FACTS AND DATA that players in npc corps quit eve WAY WAY more often than players in player corps.
So no dude, it ain't all fine and peachy keen and kosher. They are low retention players and ccp says are hurting eve AND CCPS WALLET.
(I am currently in between Awox safas hense y im in npc)

We see there's a correlation, but what's the cause.
I don't go to Jita often, but when I do, it seems it's a different bunch of scammers each time.
Just something to think about.
Eve Solecist
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#719 - 2015-05-18 08:43:55 UTC
Avaelica Kuershin wrote:
Shailagh wrote:

Ccp has FACTS AND DATA that players in npc corps quit eve WAY WAY more often than players in player corps.
So no dude, it ain't all fine and peachy keen and kosher. They are low retention players and ccp says are hurting eve AND CCPS WALLET.
(I am currently in between Awox safas hense y im in npc)

We see there's a correlation, but what's the cause.
I don't go to Jita often, but when I do, it seems it's a different bunch of scammers each time.
Just something to think about.

1. Griefers who give bad, wrong or biased advises.
2. Lack of a proper social environment.

Rookiecorps should be abolished and turned into general NPC corps
everyone can switch to by choice.
  • All incoming connection attempts are being blocked. If you want to speak to me you will find me either in Hek local, you can create a contract or make a thread about it in General Discussions. I will call you back. -
Galactic Rangers
#720 - 2015-05-18 09:18:21 UTC
Aza Ebanu wrote:
The question begs the reflection: "Why join player corps?"

because a player wants too. it's human nature to band together to work on common goals, we can't help but to seek out others like ourselves, we're hard wired to do it and for very good reason.

but if you're a solo player it's not for you, don't join a corp, there's more than one way to skin a cat.
but as a solo player you can't hope to achieve goals as fast as a group would.
but some want to be solo, they enjoy the challange of having to work harder for everything.

each to their own. if that's what people want then let them have it.