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[GUI] Buyorder Range filter - Spesific outpost selection

Snuffed Out
#1 - 2015-05-15 13:06:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Niding
The "Place Buyorder" function range function of Station, system all the way up to 40 and region works relativly fine. But at times you end up with buyorders covering hostile/closed outposts that forces you to utilize hostile alts to access the modules you have bought there, or consider it as the part of your costoverhead as "expenses".
This sort of works out, but isnt a very functional mechanic.

Additionally, with the coming Sov changes I can see regions becoming more fragmented, which is a good thing.
A more dynamic 0.0, plus, I think current alliances own more systems than they should considering their size.
But a workable market require a somewhat predictable and stable system. Having a even higher % of your marketyield locked in even more unaccessable stations will hurt market activity, and by proxy one of CCPs visions of 0.0; a thriving playerdeveloped ecosystem.

The obvious answer for most alliances/coalitions is to make Hubs, where the majority of players base out of, but that doesnt change the endresult of underused/deserted outposts not useful for anything (beyond their production/research slots).

So my suggestion is;
Make the "Range" options include the range filters you have today in addition to a "Select regional Outpost(s)" which brings up a window where you can spesifically select which outpost(s) you want your buyorders to reach.

Obviously I can see this being alot of work, and Ive read and seen comments thru youtube/streams from Developers regarding legacy code that have unwanted sideeffects when they change something fundemental. But I really think the "Buyorder range" filter is overdue for a tweak.