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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Be Like Han

Jackson Davis
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2015-05-12 04:58:35 UTC
So Han's walking down the halls of Bespin with his old friend Lando. Leia's there, and lookin' good. Han thinks he's off to dinner - maybe some wine, a little flirting, and then back to the ol'guest quarters with Her Hottness.

But the door opens, and there's Darth Vader.

Han doesn't look incredulously at Lando; he doesn't duck or run away.

What does Han do?

He starts shooting the M*****F*****.

He starts shooting.

Be like Han.


We offer:

- PvP oriented corporation
- Occassional corp mining; Orca support available by request
- Ship Replacement Program
- TeamSpeak3
- Multiple weekly PvP roams
- Events board to always know what's going on
- Slack & forums for out of game communication
- Very active player base in corp, alliance, and coalition
- EU & US time zones
- New player and veteran friendly
- Plus more
- Message/convo me in game for details or to request an interview with a recruiter
Young Deviant
Grinding Gears LLC.
Associated Basterds
#2 - 2015-05-13 20:03:03 UTC
Join us today!!
Young Deviant
Grinding Gears LLC.
Associated Basterds
#3 - 2015-08-02 20:32:43 UTC
All pilots are welcome! Mail or join our puplic channel
Young Deviant
Grinding Gears LLC.
Associated Basterds
#4 - 2015-08-04 20:33:37 UTC
Join us today!!
Young Deviant
Grinding Gears LLC.
Associated Basterds
#5 - 2015-08-05 13:49:14 UTC
Message me for more info!!