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Data Site Loottable desperatly needs fixing

Nhjmoe Belvar
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2015-05-05 10:39:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Nhjmoe Belvar
I guess i might be beating a dead horse here but since i couldnt find a recent thread about that i thought i create one.

I've been mainly an explorer in EVE for the last few years. I have started in Highsec and worked my way through lowsec, wormholes and into nullsec.
I'm mostly doing exploration because i enjoy that the most (i even enjoyed loot-spew :P ) and i could easily make twice the isk/h if i did something else (so i'm not creating this thread to make me spacerich)

The disparity between relic and data sites is completly off the charts.
Both take exactly the same amount of skill and the same amount of time, yet Data sites provide roughly 1/3 of the loot relic sites do.
The greatest offender are the "red" containers. If you hack a relic container of the hardest difficulty you can easily recognize it from the loot. Sure sometimes RNGsus screws you over and you get T2 loot with low value. But still you can tell that this was a different type of container. You get value for doing a harder "hack" and in nullsec you quite often pull 30M+ Isk out of one container. If you get 5M+ from a Datacontainer you praise the lord and to get more than 30M you probably have to sacrifice your firstborn.
In a Data-Site pretty much all Containers are the same, sure overall the value of the hard containers is slightly higher but by just looking at the loot you could never tell if it came from a green, yellow or red container.
Supposedly this should be balanced by faction BPCs but they are pretty rare and mostly not very valuable either.
I believe i got one really valuable BPC (faction tower BPC) in all my exploring and while that is nice it still leaves data sites at a fraction of the value you get from relic sites.
And while i appreciate that the volume of datasite loot was decreased (eg datacores, faction materials) and that new loot (tradegoods) was added those changes didnt do much. The new tradegoods are worthless and no one cares that you can carry more faction materials now since those are worthless as well.

It has gone so far that a lot of explorers dont even bother scanning down data sites any more since you are better off looking for a relic site. I still do all sites but i gets more and more frustrating. Just today i pulled 28M isk out of 4 nullsec datasites...i wasnt even unhappy with that result because its okish for datasites, yet i probably would have pulled >100M isk if those would have been relic sites.

What needs to be done:

-Bring datasites loot value more in line with relic sites (if you need to lower relic value for an increase in data value, fine so be it)
-"Red" datasitecontainers need to have loot that distinguishes them from the other containers (would be nice if the empty or "look you found 1 Carbon" containers would go least for "red" containers)
-Not really related to that topic but please make containers either unscanable or despawn faster. Finding cherry picked sites all the time isnt nice.

What this will hopefully accomplish:
- A less frustrating and overall more stable experience for explorers. Everyone is fine with some RNG and the feeling of winning the lottery but a bit more consistency would be appreciated.
- Datasites will no longer be the shunned stepchild of exploration

Sorry for my bad english and the venting...
Klatus Doshu
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#2 - 2015-05-05 12:12:28 UTC
I completly agree on you. So, why not adding faction ship/module BPCs to the data sites, of course at a low drop rate...would that not add some value to the data site? And it would fit to the lore....
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2015-05-05 22:32:19 UTC
The problem is less to do with value and more to do with a fundamental way supply and demand works.

Relic can supplies are very reflective of supply and demand and all salvage materials are moved in volumes which can create quite a significant level of value for the goods.

Datacores etc however... Well they are not consumed in nearly the same volume nor are they at the same demand levels. This is why data sites are generally lower isk per can. Additionally CCP really can't do much to fix this without making some pretty heavy changes to the volume of datacores needed for jobs and even if they made such changes the cost would eventually return to where it is.

That is the nature of supply and demand economics. CCP can't magically fix what isn't broken.
Buoytender Bob
Ronin Exploration Mission and Mining
#4 - 2015-05-06 01:36:41 UTC
The interesting thing for hi-sec explorers is that while both data and relic sites are worth far less than low and null ( as they should be,of course), in hi-sec the relic sites are near worthless with the data sites only slightly better. Both pale in comparison to combat sites where I've decided to spend most of my time. Exception,of course, are the sleeper sites which appear rarer and rarer as the weeks go on.

To buck the popular trend, I began to Rage Start instead of Rage Quit.

...and every time I get another piece of Carbon, I know exactly what CCP is getting this Christmas.

Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#5 - 2015-05-06 07:12:05 UTC
Nhjmoe Belvar wrote:
-Not really related to that topic but please make containers either unscanable or despawn faster. Finding cherry picked sites all the time isnt nice.

Despawn faster means there are more sites/more loot to inject into market = decrease value of the sites.
Good move would be to place some items with NPC buy orders like in Sleepers Caches. It would remove some part supply and demand mechanism. Some items stolen from hisec corps etc like in mordu sites.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2015-05-06 11:06:45 UTC
Welcome to CCP's idea 'Every monkey should be able to do Exploration'. Result: every monkey does it. And when every monkey does it you cannot make it profitable because Eve Universe is open market with supply/demand laws. Take a look at every other over-supplied area (mining, regular high-sec corporations LP, some kinds of deadspace loot, etc...).

There was times when Exploration was a thing for dedicated players and they were making good ISK from it.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Hakaari Inkuran
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2015-05-06 11:43:14 UTC
Nhjmoe Belvar wrote:
I guess i might be beating a dead horse here but since i couldnt find a recent thread about that i thought i create one.

I've been mainly an explorer in EVE for the last few years. I have started in Highsec and worked my way through lowsec, wormholes and into nullsec.
I'm mostly doing exploration because i enjoy that the most (i even enjoyed loot-spew :P ) and i could easily make twice the isk/h if i did something else (so i'm not creating this thread to make me spacerich)

The disparity between relic and data sites is completly off the charts.
Both take exactly the same amount of skill and the same amount of time, yet Data sites provide roughly 1/3 of the loot relic sites do.
The greatest offender are the "red" containers. If you hack a relic container of the hardest difficulty you can easily recognize it from the loot. Sure sometimes RNGsus screws you over and you get T2 loot with low value. But still you can tell that this was a different type of container. You get value for doing a harder "hack" and in nullsec you quite often pull 30M+ Isk out of one container. If you get 5M+ from a Datacontainer you praise the lord and to get more than 30M you probably have to sacrifice your firstborn.
In a Data-Site pretty much all Containers are the same, sure overall the value of the hard containers is slightly higher but by just looking at the loot you could never tell if it came from a green, yellow or red container.
Supposedly this should be balanced by faction BPCs but they are pretty rare and mostly not very valuable either.
I believe i got one really valuable BPC (faction tower BPC) in all my exploring and while that is nice it still leaves data sites at a fraction of the value you get from relic sites.
And while i appreciate that the volume of datasite loot was decreased (eg datacores, faction materials) and that new loot (tradegoods) was added those changes didnt do much. The new tradegoods are worthless and no one cares that you can carry more faction materials now since those are worthless as well.

It has gone so far that a lot of explorers dont even bother scanning down data sites any more since you are better off looking for a relic site. I still do all sites but i gets more and more frustrating. Just today i pulled 28M isk out of 4 nullsec datasites...i wasnt even unhappy with that result because its okish for datasites, yet i probably would have pulled >100M isk if those would have been relic sites.

What needs to be done:

-Bring datasites loot value more in line with relic sites (if you need to lower relic value for an increase in data value, fine so be it)
-"Red" datasitecontainers need to have loot that distinguishes them from the other containers (would be nice if the empty or "look you found 1 Carbon" containers would go least for "red" containers)
-Not really related to that topic but please make containers either unscanable or despawn faster. Finding cherry picked sites all the time isnt nice.

What this will hopefully accomplish:
- A less frustrating and overall more stable experience for explorers. Everyone is fine with some RNG and the feeling of winning the lottery but a bit more consistency would be appreciated.
- Datasites will no longer be the shunned stepchild of exploration

Sorry for my bad english and the venting...

Data site loot table isn't the problem, the problem is demand for all items dropped in data sites is not high enough. In fact New Eden is probably hopelessly flooded with cheap data site garbage sitting in people's hangars that they never bothered moving to a hub.
Nhjmoe Belvar
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2015-05-06 16:58:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Nhjmoe Belvar
This isnt really a supply and demand issue though....
Sure i get it that the current dataloot market is oversaturated making that stuff not exactly valuable.
Just the same could be said for a lot of the T1 salvage loot you get in relics.
However the same cant really be said for some of the T2 salvage loot from relic sites.
So what exactly is the problem putting something in "red" datacontainers that is valuable and keeps a somewhat stable price because of consumption.
I doesnt have to be datacores or decryptors which can already be found in datasites and are obv not in high enough demand.
Put something in the "red" containers that makes them special just like the relic ones are.
That you get basically the same loot from every single container and there is no "more rare" ressource is the problem (the current BPCs dont really count and the optimized decryptors arent in high enough demand to put them guaranteed in the "red" containers) You pretty much couldnt even tell if you looted a highsec or a nullsec site...this is just wrong.
Datasites are missing the special "ooomph" that T2 loot is for relics.

tldr: If supply an demand keep the current loot value low put something on the loottable that is valuable (thought after consumable for "stable" price)

Concerning the faster despawn of sites: I dont really believe that this would have a significant impact on market saturation. But if you want to be extra careful just add a timer for soonest respawn. So you wouldnt get more sites/time but you would get rid of empty sites hanging around.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2015-05-06 17:37:24 UTC
I dont think you understand the terms "free market" and "supply and demand".

Anything you add to those sites as possible loot will drop like a rock in value.

The ONLY reason relic cans and salvage goods maintain their value is the simple fact that they are consumed at incredible rates.. and even with that fact salvage prices have still cratered from where they used to be.

NOTHING is broken about the sites. This is directly a matter of over supply and adding crap to those cans just expands that over supply problem to other items. The sites are to easy and safe to buff without murdering markets.
Hakaari Inkuran
State War Academy
Caldari State
#10 - 2015-05-06 18:03:51 UTC
Nhjmoe Belvar wrote:

tldr: If supply an demand keep the current loot value low put something on the loottable that is valuable (thought after consumable for "stable" price)

No. Adjust existing industry so that currently existing data loot demand actually somewhat matches to supply.
Nhjmoe Belvar
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2015-05-06 18:10:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Nhjmoe Belvar
Nafensoriel wrote:
I dont think you understand the terms "free market" and "supply and demand".

Anything you add to those sites as possible loot will drop like a rock in value.

The ONLY reason relic cans and salvage goods maintain their value is the simple fact that they are consumed at incredible rates.. and even with that fact salvage prices have still cratered from where they used to be.

NOTHING is broken about the sites. This is directly a matter of over supply and adding crap to those cans just expands that over supply problem to other items. The sites are to easy and safe to buff without murdering markets.

And you seem to be some guy who thinks using "supply&demand" and "free market" makes you some kind of genius.
News flash, those concepts arent too hard to grasp,

Let me put it in words you seem to understand: I want "crap" added to the site which is consumed at incredible rates (to keep the value know supply&demand....look i used the magic words....acknowledge my genius). This might be stuff that didnt even exist before on the "free market" (there, magic again...) or it might be existing stuff which obv then needs a new outlet...

And the sites are broken since there is a vast difference in relic and data sites for the same demand in time and skill, and they are broken in the regard that all containers in data sites provide the same loot allthough they are not created equal.

Hakaari Inkuran wrote:
Nhjmoe Belvar wrote:

tldr: If supply an demand keep the current loot value low put something on the loottable that is valuable (thought after consumable for "stable" price)

No. Adjust existing industry so that currently existing data loot demand actually somewhat matches to supply.

This seems kinda hard though. For datacores sure, just by multiplying the current amount by an arbitrary number. For decryptors....i dont know if that would make sense flavor wise...or they would need to be reworked quite a bit.
Besides this would probably ripple through big portions of the EVE-Market which seems kinda excessive....
Unezka Turigahl
Det Som Engang Var
#12 - 2015-05-06 18:48:16 UTC
I kind of like the idea of moving the pirate ship BPCs to data sites. If they were made to be a rather rare drop of course. I've also always thought that the BPCs for ancillary shield/armor mods, MJDs, reactive hardeners, etc should come from data sites only.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2015-05-06 21:12:37 UTC
Ok then. Pick an independent branch of the market which is not represented heavily already besides datacores that can be moved into Data Sites. Oh yes... and you can't completely clusterfk that market by allowing all of those items to be freely and easily obtained in the massively over-farmed exploration sites.

Datacores are dirt cheap and data sites are useless because everyone and their brother runs every single site they run into and floods the market. Switching the containing goods to anything else just transfers the problem. As i mentioned before even T1/T2 salvage loot has seen pretty darn hefty price reductions thanks to the pathetically easy and safe exploration sites.

Seriously to make billions a week in nullsec exploration you need a covops cloak, probe launcher, and the ability to read a map.. That's it.. No corp, No sov, No friends.. In eve its almost less risk than highsec mining.

I will however handle one part of your argument for you. Partially because this kind of debate is healthy and partially because exploration does need some tweaking.

We have a mechanic in eve already to allow for extra "magic" income to be added to loot tables without touching the markets in any way whatsoever. Blue WH loot. Only sold to NPC buy orders. With the drifters lore arc just starting up data sites have the possibility to have these types of items added without it being functionally absurd.
Downside.. for a profession that is already a Niagara sized isk faucet to the game... adding MORE value to it without added risk seems like a terrible idea.
Iyokus Patrouette
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2015-05-06 22:40:56 UTC
So. sit cloaked in space, wait til local is clear of all neutrals/reds slither out of the shadows and proceed to hump relic/data sites, disappearing back into the cloaking shadows if/when local spikes, probably make more isk then you should given the over all low cost entry into the career not to mention the risk associated being low as well. Then complain on forums that not enough isk?

you guys make to much isk already, you don't need more from what you are doing.

---- Advocate for the initiation of purple coloured wormholes----

Nhjmoe Belvar
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2015-05-06 23:04:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Nhjmoe Belvar
Ok lets go with the NPC idea since that is probably the easiest.

At the moment datasites contain techdata, it would make perfect sense for them to hold also strategic data concerning pirate operations. NPC-Corps would be willing to pay for that kind of intel. And with NPC buyorders there would be no problem keeping the prize stable or keeping the amount of isk created under control. Just add them to the red containers with a small chance to find them in other containers too.

I really dont see a problem with that creating too big of an isk faucet. First of all there are way bigger offenders compared to exploration. And you can still control the number of sites available quite easily (Number of spawns, respawn timers etc.)

I really dont agree that everyone is doing those datasites already. I find them aplenty, left alone by explorers. Sure they are "free" isk but they still take time to complete and at the moment you are better of spending said time finding something more valuable.
It might be a problem that if datasites become more attractive the value of cores/decryps drops even more if that is even possible...

However i do agree that nullsec sites need to be tweaked in difficulty.
They are way to easy to scan down, the should be moved more into the direction of sleeper caches.
In addition the hacking should be slightly more difficult, i cant remember the last time i lost a container.
Also the explosion for failing the hack twice might be tweaked to damage nearby ships, enough to kill an untanked Exploration-frig...
Basically the hardest relic/datas should need a specialised char+ship....

And you dont make too much isk doing exploration...
I could easily double my income while still flying only a frig and still needing no sov, corp or anything else.
If you really wanna complain about easy isk look at incursions (harder to get into but 0 risk), look at fw (super easy isk flying a frig with barely a risk if you have half a clue) and look at the whole nullblock-circlejerk (the true carebear easy-iskmode) or the elitist WH bears who claim to have such a hard life.....
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#16 - 2015-05-07 03:28:35 UTC
All they need to do is make datacores less favorable to obtain from other sources, then make datacores the primary drop from data sites.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#17 - 2015-05-07 06:54:44 UTC
FT Diomedes wrote:
All they need to do is make datacores less favorable to obtain from other sources, then make datacores the primary drop from data sites.

CCP mentioned they want them to be "manufactured" by players.

17.04 was my "birthday". Two years of exploration, two years CCP try to make this sites usefull, no effect. Everytime they are doing tweaks sites become worse and worse.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#18 - 2015-05-09 05:26:50 UTC
Oh good grief. All this handwaving about supply and demand and we're still missing the problem with data sites.

Look, demand is plenty high. Anyone who does invention on any scale devours datacores. The issue is that most datacores come from FW. FW dumps set the price and the trickle from data sites just go along with that.

If you want to boost data sites you either need to reduce the datacore flow from FW or introduce a valuable drop that is primarily price-set by the data site supply.
Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#19 - 2015-05-09 06:58:16 UTC
Geez, exploration went to **** when CCP made it so anyone can easily scan down sites, and changed the spawn mechanics of sites.

As has been said, market sets the price, quantity of people running data/relic sites is high, spawn rate of sites is high, random is random.

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2015-05-09 22:04:20 UTC
Zhilia Mann wrote:
Oh good grief. All this handwaving about supply and demand and we're still missing the problem with data sites.

Look, demand is plenty high. Anyone who does invention on any scale devours datacores. The issue is that most datacores come from FW. FW dumps set the price and the trickle from data sites just go along with that.

If you want to boost data sites you either need to reduce the datacore flow from FW or introduce a valuable drop that is primarily price-set by the data site supply.

FW is 'holy cow' of CCP. They won't change anything there.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

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