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Dev Blog: PLEX for GOOD : Nepal Earthquake Relief

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ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#21 - 2015-05-02 15:33:33 UTC
I have removed a rule breaking post.

The Rules:
27. Off-topic posting is prohibited.

Off-topic posting is permitted within reason, as sometimes a single comment may color or lighten the tone of discussion. However, excessive posting of off-topic remarks in an attempt to derail a thread may result in the thread being locked, or a forum warning being issued to the off-topic poster.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2015-05-02 17:34:32 UTC
Donated a PLEX for this program. Thank you, CCP guys, for your efforts.

It would really be nice to have a ship skin as a token of gratitude instead of t-shirt. Not because it has anything to do with the "buying" the skin. No. It's just that my character won't ever wear a t-shirt (amarr style and all that), but I would definitely fly a ship with a special skin. So a skin for interceptor, shuttle or a hauler would be nice to show to all people in New Eden.

Cholly Chi
Acme Entropy
#23 - 2015-05-02 19:04:20 UTC
This is an excellent initiative, and I'm happy to donate to the cause.

As someone who pays for the game solely through ingame earnings, I'm really interested to know more about the economics of this charity drive. I mean, is my 'donation' really in name only - made by CCP on my behalf? Or, since there is a relationship between CCP's real economy and Eve's virtual one, have I actually contributed anything more than honest goodwill?

Regardless, I'd be hard pressed to afford to make such a donation out of my own pocket, so I'm glad that CCP has stepped up.

You all have my thanks and deepest respect.

STush T
House of Tuachair
#24 - 2015-05-02 19:33:16 UTC
I appreciate the convenience of this opportunity.
Antihrist Pripravnik
Scorpion Road Industry
#25 - 2015-05-03 04:58:35 UTC
Cholly Chi wrote:
This is an excellent initiative, and I'm happy to donate to the cause.

As someone who pays for the game solely through ingame earnings, I'm really interested to know more about the economics of this charity drive. I mean, is my 'donation' really in name only - made by CCP on my behalf? Or, since there is a relationship between CCP's real economy and Eve's virtual one, have I actually contributed anything more than honest goodwill?

Regardless, I'd be hard pressed to afford to make such a donation out of my own pocket, so I'm glad that CCP has stepped up.

You all have my thanks and deepest respect.


It's a bit more complicated and all parties are involved: you and CCP. I'll try to explain the best I can Smile

CCP sells PLEX which are tokens for a service that they are obliged to provide. Mostly, it's about an obligation to allow someone access to play the game for 30 days. There are other uses for PLEX, but they make a small percentage of the overall PLEX consumption.

When a PLEX is bought through Account management page. CCP agreed to provide a service to some player for 30 days. It doesn't matter which player gets to actually use the service, so they have allowed PLEX trading in the in-game market. That doesn't change the fact that PLEX on the market has already been paid for by someone.

When PLEX for Good initiative is active, each PLEX which gets donated breaks CCP's obligation to provide any in-game service to any player. It's like returning a store voucher that never gets used. On the other hand, consumption of PLEX is measured and monitored on a regular basis. Since in-game economy in EVE is open and player driven, market will regulate itself by means of supply and demand. PLEX for good starts, PLEX prices jump temporarily, player see an opportunity to earn extra ISK by selling PLEX, supply increases, price levels itself. When supply increases, that directly means that CCP is selling more PLEX.

So, from a player's perspective: obligation to provide service for a PLEX is broken the moment you donate a PLEX, which means that whoever bought that PLEX for cash paid for something that never gets used by anyone (I know there's an appropriate word instead of "used", but can't remember it now... not a native English speaker).

On the other hand, CCP's part in this is big as well. Each transaction between a player and CCP has it's own fees, whether it's a bank transfer fee, credit card processing fee, payment service processing fee (like PayPal) or tax. So even when a PLEX is paid for and never converted to a provided service, CCP is contributing to your donation by agreeing to cover all those fees for a service that never gets provided. CCP may or may not get some kind of a tax relief because they donated to a charity, depending on the local laws.

Of course, CCP is not obligated to provide any charity service at all and they have every right to keep the money from the PLEX sales and do nothing. But, they choose to run PLEX for Good anyway, which is a very humane thing to do.

Overall, the whole community is participating in a PLEX for Good drive and everyone: players and CCP, is contributing. CCP's part in this may be bigger, but your contribution makes it happen without CCP loosing too much money. Besides, there are players, like me, who didn't buy PLEX of the market and bought it from CCP directly just to donate to the cause because it's easier and/or more convenient to donate to a good cause through CCP then through conventional means (if you can even imagine a situation where a local law requires you to pay a tax on charity donations, like it is the case in my countryUgh... and no, we don't have any tax rebate whatsoever.... that term simply does not exist here).
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#26 - 2015-05-04 07:27:05 UTC
Cholly Chi wrote:
This is an excellent initiative, and I'm happy to donate to the cause.

As someone who pays for the game solely through ingame earnings, I'm really interested to know more about the economics of this charity drive. I mean, is my 'donation' really in name only - made by CCP on my behalf? Or, since there is a relationship between CCP's real economy and Eve's virtual one, have I actually contributed anything more than honest goodwill?

Regardless, I'd be hard pressed to afford to make such a donation out of my own pocket, so I'm glad that CCP has stepped up.

You all have my thanks and deepest respect.


What you have done is RMT'ed some of your in-game assets, and given the money from that RMT'ing to charity, via CCP approved means.

CCP probably roughly break even or make a small loss after their administrative costs related to the transaction. I could be wrong but I believe most PLEX are created from 2-for-USD35 transactions where CCP pays a fee of around 5% to a middleman that advertises the PLEX and processes the transaction. Let's assume that's right.

So CCP get about USD 16-16.5 per PLEX sold. They give USD 15 to Iceland's Red Cross for each PLEX surrendered and keep the difference to cover their costs. I would be *stunned* if the employee time that goes into PLEX for Good doesn't come to at least as much as that difference, maybe more (remember, they need lawyers to draft things up, etc, and they need to advertise again post-PLEX for Good to make up for sales effectively reversed in the charity drive).

It's a bit more obvious when someone donates a massive amount (e.g. the guy last PLEX for Good that gave a trillion ISK). Basically, he's RMT'ed a trillion ISK for about USD 17000, with the 'buyers' being people that have bought PLEX from CCP over the last few months at various times. CCP always control that USD 17000 and give it to the Icelandic Red Cross.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

crack on
Paradox blues
#27 - 2015-05-04 22:34:28 UTC
TDF Armor incursion community will be running fleets to support plex for good project join us in game and help make a real difference

please donate to my alt wyrd niam and all the isk raised will converted to plex and donated to this good cause

join us in our in game channel The Ditanian Fleet
Nano Gang
Pirate Lords of War
#28 - 2015-05-05 01:47:41 UTC
It would be great if you guys ran a direct donation along with this. While I do think that players turning in game money into something they can donate, I personally think its a bit crazy to pay 20 bucks for a PLEX, send it to you, and you donate ONLY 15 of it to the cause.
Aleida Aldeland
#29 - 2015-05-05 09:56:03 UTC
It would be great if you guys ran a direct donation along with this. While I do think that players turning in game money into something they can donate, I personally think its a bit crazy to pay 20 bucks for a PLEX, send it to you, and you donate ONLY 15 of it to the cause.

Same issue for UK players - if you have ISK and you convert to PLEX to donate - no problem.

But to buy PLEX for pounds to donate is crazy - two PLEX are 30 pounds - so 15 pounds per PLEX.

15 dollars is just under 10 pounds at today's rate. so roughly 2/3 of your money will actually go to charity.

Clearly better to donate the pounds directly.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2015-05-05 12:24:39 UTC  |  Edited by: ZiggyMeister
What about players that can't afford a 830mil+ PLEX? Is there a way they can contribute to this noble cause?

My Corp will be raising some ISK from our members that can't afford a Plex by themselves and try to buy as many PLEX as possible, but then those small Perks (the 2 T-Shirts) won't be enough to distribute among the participating members, or even gender appropriate as we have more male than female chars.

Is there a way to ask for enough T-Shirts from CCP so we can give at least 1 T-Shirt per participating member, for the right gender of each of our member chars?

Thanks CCP!

Best Regards,
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#31 - 2015-05-05 17:21:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
Reminded me of a recent VICE episode on the Haitian eathquake relief effort:

Well worth watching the full episode: VICE season 3 episode 7 (aired April 24, 2015).

I hope the Nepal relief effort is more effective.
Sith Park Avenue
#32 - 2015-05-05 18:02:54 UTC
CoolAgain a cool way to help another. Not to offend any soul. In this day and age of the war on terror, and war of the bureaucrats fending off the unearned money they have. It amazes me no matter, religion or nationality, A game can bring forth kindness and humility. Everyone has different opinions, different believes. Yet one thing remains the ability to be human, and to show love.

I want to take a moment, to thank the many people who have helped me here, materially, verbally, emotionally, and best of all killing me and allowing me to learn. I don't play all the time and have been with game long time. I miss the RAT that taught me that no matter where your are in life, where you are today is where you are to be.

We here come from many corners, and circles of the world. May we all spread the love. Karma is the key to a happy life.

4 Plex gone, Hope Many can give up a few Starbucks and do the same.

Thank You, TO YOU FOR ALL.Pirate
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#33 - 2015-05-05 22:49:54 UTC
It would be great if you guys ran a direct donation along with this. While I do think that players turning in game money into something they can donate, I personally think its a bit crazy to pay 20 bucks for a PLEX, send it to you, and you donate ONLY 15 of it to the cause.

Just give directly to a charity of your choice that does relief efforts in Nepal.

CCP can't donate more than 15 per PLEX because a good number of PLEX are sold in discounted large bundles. I *think* (someone correct me if I am wrong) that 28 PLEX is usually USD 400, which is likely USD 385-390 once CCP incur bank fees on the transaction.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Lia Hasagawa
Freelance Excavation and Resistance
#34 - 2015-05-05 23:37:57 UTC
As a curiosity, will CCP doing another donation drive, like you did with the last 'PLEX for good' event?
Damjan Fox
Fox Industries and Exploration
#35 - 2015-05-06 09:41:50 UTC
Contract is up.

It's just awesome, how shooting virtual people in the face, can help real poeple in times of crisis.
Such a great game, such a great community. And i'm really proud to be part of it.
Skyrider Deathknight
#36 - 2015-05-06 22:48:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Skyrider Deathknight
TDF & TVP will be doing a joint event for PLEX for GOOD! Here's how.

TDF v TVP in a football match
Throughout the day on Sunday 10th there will be 3 matches. With Prize's to be auctioned off to the highest bidder.
Support Shields? Join the chat channel 'The Valhalla Project'
Support Armor? Join the chat channel 'The Ditanian Fleet'

Object of the game!
There will be 3 Orca's from each team and a Neutral Bowhead on grid.
Get your teams Orcas to the Bowhead, get the orcas to pick up 1 shuttle per orca, and get your teams orca back to the goal post. Drop the shuttle to be credited a goal. First to 6 goals wins. It's that simple.

- Each teams Orca's has a Depo 100km away from the Bowhead. The orca's being 200km away from each other.
- the depo is the 'Beacon/Goal Post'

- Stealing/ 'Borrowing without permission' from other orca's is allowed.

- Each Fleet can be of any size, boosters are allowed etc, any ship hull/any fit.

- The Bowhead is no longer allowed to be bumped by anyone except Orca's.
- Intentionally bumping an orca into the bowhead to bump the bowhead is allowed.

- Everyone else can be bumped, even the other teams Orca.

- Everyone is allowed to warp, but NOT directly to the Bowhead. Orca's Are not allowed to warp off grid, battleships are.

- Pilots can even warp off grid and warp back on grid.

- Ref's ruling in local chat is final.
- At the 30min mark the Ref is allowed to 'reset' the location of the bowhead. Bumping the bowhead with orca's is still allowed.

- 11 Shuttles are up for grabs, first to 6 or after 1 hour has passed the one with more shuttles wins.

- If an Orca is bumped past their team's beacon the other team are not allowed to continue bumping it until it's back on grid.

A team will consist of 10 pilots including your squad leader. If you and some mates would like to get involved with this event evemail Skyrider Deathknight with you and your squads name & Members. Also add in which football match you're signing up for, you'll be able to sign up for all the matches but you can not get stacking prizes.

Time & Where:
Location: Yulai System. Invites will be in Local & Community Channels
Times: Sunday 10th May
13:00 Eve Time.
18:00 Eve Time.
23:00 Eve Time.

Current Prize's that will be auctioned off after each match:
All the isk made from the auction will be put into PLEX and donated to the PLEX for GOOD cause.
1x Fitted Archon
1x Rorqual ORE Development SKIN (Perminant)
1x Top of the line advanced fitted shield or armor Vindicator.
Donations are welcome for the PLEX for GOOD Cause

Current Winners Prizes!
- TVP Will be offering 1 time use token of FREE SRP that lasts a month to each winning pilot. (Don't have to pay SRP for a month or until you die whichever comes first)
- TDF Will be offering an assortment of permanent ship Skins.
- A Glory Page will be added to the TVP Website to recognize each pilot that wins a match
More prizes to come

There are will be more information about the event on the way! keep all eyes on this post for more updates!

ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#37 - 2015-05-07 22:09:00 UTC
Small update: According to the O7 show today this PLEX for goods drive already has raised the equivalent of $40k.

That is wonderful! And remember, every single Isk counts.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Wanda Fayne
#38 - 2015-05-08 23:58:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Wanda Fayne
Supported and donated!
<3 you Mario for the kickstart on this <3

"your comments just confirms this whole idea is totally pathetic" -Lan Wang-

  • - "hub humping station gamey neutral logi warspam wankery" -Ralph King-Griffin-
Eve Radio Corporation
#39 - 2015-05-10 10:50:33 UTC
Skyrider Deathknight wrote:
TDF & TVP will be doing a joint event for PLEX for GOOD! Here's how.

TDF v TVP in a football match
Throughout the day on Sunday 10th there will be 3 matches. With Prize's to be auctioned off to the highest bidder.
Support Shields? Join the chat channel 'The Valhalla Project'
Support Armor? Join the chat channel 'The Ditanian Fleet'

Object of the game!
There will be 3 Orca's from each team and a Neutral Bowhead on grid.
Get your teams Orcas to the Bowhead, get the orcas to pick up 1 shuttle per orca, and get your teams orca back to the goal post. Drop the shuttle to be credited a goal. First to 6 goals wins. It's that simple.

- Each teams Orca drops a MTU 100km away from the Bowhead. The orca's being 200km away from each other.
- the MTU is the 'Beacon/Goal Post'

- Each Fleet can be of any size, boosters are allowed etc, any ship hull/any fit.

- Anyone can be bumped, Other teams Orca or even the bowhead.
- Pilots can even warp off grid and warp back on grid (The bowhead and Orca's are not allowed to warp)

- 11 Shuttles are up for grabs
- (Can be lowered, can be increased but to me 11 sounds like a long enough match :D)

- If an Orca is bumped past their team's beacon the other team are not allowed to continue bumping it until it's back on grid.

A team will consist of 10 pilots including your squad leader. If you and some mates would like to get involved with this event evemail Skyrider Deathknight with you and your squads name & Members. Also add in which football match you're signing up for, you'll be able to sign up for all the matches but you can not get stacking prizes.

Time & Where:
Location: Yulai System. Invites will be in Local & Community Channels
Times: Sunday 10th May
13:00 Eve Time.
18:00 Eve Time.
23:00 Eve Time.

Current Prize's that will be auctioned off after each match:
All the isk made from the auction will be put into PLEX and donated to the PLEX for GOOD cause.
1x Fitted Archon
1x Rorqual ORE Development SKIN (Perminant)
1x Top of the line advanced fitted shield or armor Vindicator.
Donations are welcome for the PLEX for GOOD Cause

Current Winners Prizes!
- TVP Will be offering 1 time use token of FREE SRP that lasts a month to each winning pilot. (Don't have to pay SRP for a month or until you die whichever comes first)
- TDF Will be offering an assortment of permanent ship Skins.
- A Glory Page will be added to the TVP Website to recognize each pilot that wins a match
More prizes to come

There are will be more information about the event on the way! keep all eyes on this post for more updates!


Great chatting with you at Veto London Last night just dropped a few items to you in a contract so you can add them to list of stuff

Live on Eve Radio Sundays 15:00 GMT with me & friends talking about Eve and stuff. Twitter, Facebook TotalEve

Skyrider Deathknight
#40 - 2015-05-11 02:26:05 UTC
To Update everyone here, the TDF v TVP Football event has ended. The final result was TDF 1 Win and TVP 2 Wins, we raised a total of 35 billion isk and everyone had a blast doing it. It's just outstanding out community's can come together for a cause like this, makes me proud to be a player of eve online.

Signing off for now
Skyrider Deathknight