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Stacking Penalty

Mario Putzo
#21 - 2015-04-27 06:09:23 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:

lol 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - Quotes - IMDb
HAL: I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that ... We are all, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof and incapable of error.
Missing: google


Took shrooms, spacing out thanks!
Primary This Rifter
Mutual Fund of the Something
#22 - 2015-04-27 06:23:33 UTC
I suppose the shrooms would explain the general incoherence of your post.
Eve Solecist
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#23 - 2015-04-27 07:37:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Eve Solecist
Rat Scout wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:
Rat Scout wrote:
What is wrong with you people telling him to learn to use google. This game is an MMO and the forums should be used to interact with other players. He asked a legit question, give an answer and move on.


..... don't go past this

What is wrong with people like you who do not see how they are being used?

The answer to OPs question can be found within less than a minute.
Instead of seeing how you are being played you even defend those who laugh about you
for putting more effort into it than the OP himself.

For something that can be answered within less than a minute using google.
And the OP knows that.
And laughs about you.

So ... what is wrong with you for being such a tool?

Why you be like that and go personal, your kind should be moderated to banned status for the remaining years of EvE.


The only toxic here is the OP and tools like you who respond to trolls.
Without tools, there would be no trolls.

Suddenly there would be no toxic environment. The only reason why trolls are around
is because there are people like you who do not recognize them.

Yes, you.
  • All incoming connection attempts are being blocked. If you want to speak to me you will find me either in Hek local, you can create a contract or make a thread about it in General Discussions. I will call you back. -
Sable Moran
Moran Light Industries
#24 - 2015-04-27 12:57:26 UTC
Hengle Teron wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:

wow, that gives some really weird results

Confirmed. "Stop Dressing Your Six-Year-Old Like a Skank" That's some search algorithm. :)

Sable's Ammo Shop at Alentene V - Moon 4 - Duvolle Labs Factory. Hybrid charges, Projectile ammo, Missiles, Drones, Ships, Need'em? We have'em, at affordable prices. Pop in at our Ammo Shop in sunny Alentene.

Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2015-05-01 03:39:24 UTC
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
Rat Scout wrote:
What is wrong with you people telling him to learn to use google. This game is an MMO and the forums should be used to interact with other players. He asked a legit question, give an answer and move on.


..... don't go past this

decent guideline I would stick to. although at some point realize it may be okay to break.

in the event of resist mods on expensive ships, especially say a maruader or capital, where your already approaching 80% plus across on resists, a 4th aint always so bad. though you get more benefit out of a plate, those arent always available. (though wasnt there a low fitting cost mod that gave a percent armor HP boost, i seem to recall seeing one but never using it)

2 EANMs or invluns and one of each specific hardener, is pretty standard on a super cap. an extra hardener on the lowest resist makes some sense. and yea there is a energized armor layering membrane that gives a percentage based armor hp bonus. not sure if it is preferred to fit one of those or a reactive armor hardener?

for a marauder I'm not sure I would go with 4x resist mods. a damage control and bastion aren't on the stack, so resists can get very good very quickly, and as you can't get remote reps in bastion I'm not sure stacking that much resist helps, plus you will be leaving a hole somewhere else. Not sure if there is PVE content that really pushes that? feel like you would just run out of slots too fast. marauder will need its slots to do its job, where a super just needs all the HP it can get, plus will likely have a nearby carrier to refit off of.

eh, i sacrifice about 2 minutes per level 4 in DPS to overtank my omni-tanked mission marauder because people have tried to gank me before. Ive had friends that were ganked, and getting ganked once is a good way to get targeted for more ganks later, so id rather be way overtanked for the cost it woudl take to kill me, and do missions a little slower, than set myself as a target for future gank attempts (plus wrecks from unsuccessful gank attempts are a good cash bonus in missions)

and as for resists, slightly less EHP on my marauder was worth the speed bonus a plate woulda taken away, and 4 resists means even my "resist hole" is over 80%, so theres that.

maybe im overly cautious, but living in wormholes most of my EVE career, i learned the best way to not lose your stuff is to never give the opponent a chance to take it, and since i dont like docking up because "oh noes scary gank pirates in my 0.5", id rather just overtank and be about my day
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