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[JOVE OVSERVATORIES] Effect of Entosis on Observatories

Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#1 - 2015-04-28 12:25:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci

Carthum Conglomerate has today released a module based on tech recovered from the Seekers and Drifter Battleships, dubbed the "Entosis Link". Knowing this, Jovian Labs prepared to begin production of these Links, and today undertook an operation to determine the effect they have on the Jove Observatories.

The results have been astonishing.

Multiple confirmed reports from JLABS pilots, after only a short time, have shown that using the Entosis Links on the Observatories allows us to glean previously unheard of observational information, indicating that the Jove have indeed been listening to New Eden; the data has been extracted in the form of dated entries, and the earliest found glean as of yet details the formation of the Gallente Federation itself over two hundred years ago:

Gleaned Information wrote:
Updated Gallente status provides a model for social cohesion. Suggest further observations are shared with Modifier enclaves.

Not only does this signify the lowest boundary of how long the Jove have been observing us; the date is a staggering discovery. Later entries use the YC designation, but by all indications this format suggests a timeline reaching farther into the past than we have ever imagined; this insight into the Joves' knowledge has prompted us to begin further investigations of the Observatories and beyond. Further information on additional operations will be announced soon.

Other entries gleaned from the observatories detail well-known events, such as the Minmatar Elder attack on Yulai in the form of a seemingly intercepted communique, and other, unknown events.

The latest two entries are very interesting:

Gleaned Information wrote:
They could not predict this?

Gleaned Information wrote:
Cloaking system failure. Proximity alert. Initiate system shutdown.

The second glean details the final failure of the cloaks on the Observatories, and that they have now been taken offline. The Caroline's Star event appears to have disrupted their system, causing fluctuations and errors until the system finally failed.

The first entry is troubling; the Jove are surprised that we as capsuleers have failed to anticipate some event. What that is, we can only guess; but it would seem that the message is in response to the appearance of the Seeker drones and the Drifter Battleships.

Further study is needed; the Observatories have been revealed to be deeply important to both the past and the future of New Eden.

Further information will be detailed in coming days as we continue analysis and plan future operations.

-Uriel, Archivist and Emergent Event Analyst at JLABS
Cakzad Arcashiri
Arcashiri Family
#2 - 2015-04-28 14:12:10 UTC
I am deffinently going to get one of these. Can you use them cloaked, or will people with not enough firepower just need to find a cleared out Observatory?

"I give to you the destiny of Faith,

And you will bring its message to every planet of every star in the heavens:

Go forth, conquer in my Name, and reclaim that which I have given."

- The Scriptures, Book of Reclaiming 22:13

Xindi Kraid
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#3 - 2015-04-28 17:53:48 UTC
I was wondering if the locations of the towers has any effect on the information gleaned from them, or if they all share the same data (ie. are they networked together)
Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#4 - 2015-04-28 18:27:40 UTC
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci wrote:

Gleaned Information wrote:
They could not predict this?



Those are some major things that were discussed on YC 117-1-12. Could it be that the "They could not predict this" is referring to whatever it is the SoE or someone else did to cause Caroline's Star? The Observatories wondering why it could not be predicted, assuming that whoever was doing those actions would have known the explosion would've been the result?
Aeril Malkyre
Knights of the Ouroboros
#5 - 2015-04-28 19:36:33 UTC
At least two more such data logs were recovered from an Observatory in Goram. Their content follows:

Gleaned Information wrote:

YC116-01-27: Multiple ultra high energy fluctuations developing. Recording numerous S.O.S. transponders.

YC115-05-07: " are encroaching on sovereign Federation space, return to Republic space pr you will be fired upon."

YC112-05-12: Multiple artificial gravitational anomalies detected cluster wide.

YC110-05-15: ... summit between the Federation and the Caldari State, where a general evacuation order was issued mom...

YC110-10-31: ... in the Gallente Federation, is known primarliy for harboring a particular kind of plant life know as the Isirus poppy.

Gleaned Information wrote:

23121-09-11 - Updated Gallente status provides a model for social cohesion. Suggest further observations are shared with Modifier enclaves.

23146-05-20 - Azbel-Wuthrich experiment has been a success. Planetary communications reveal the message as ";-)"

23154-12-12 - Randomized sweeps of recently seceded Caldari communications indicate that alternative source for model of social cohesion will be increasingly defined by opposition to Gallente model. Schism becoming pronounced. Threshold for constructive comparison of existing conditions approaching.

23194-02-01 - Gallente have created an agency known as The Scope for the dissemination of information across Empires. Suggest that this network be monitored. Potential to extrapolate prototype for impartial communication between disparate enclaves.

23216-06-06 - In position at Diemnon Planetesimal. Collating system scans. Source of burst unidentified. Team dispatched. Alert still in effect.

YC11-03-11 - Life sign detected aboard the ship. Contrary to intelligence gather by Villore observatory, vessel not destroyed. Remaining in Ouperia to monitor.

These logs could very well contain keys to our entire history, insight into what the Jove were thinking, and even how they felt about what was happening. What an unparalleled opportunity.
Haria Haritimado
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#6 - 2015-04-28 21:07:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Haria Haritimado
This is an amazing breakthrough and might mark a historical turning point in the future. I hope we will be able to turn the findings into a thorough, alternative perspective on our history. And it may as well completely change our future relation to the Jove civilization. If they were watching, they will watch us still. And they will assess how we relate ourselves to their own view on us.

First I was disappointed when I learned that the observatories are actually mere listening posts with the purpose to spy on us. Isn't there nothing else more important to achieve with such advanced technology? But on a second thought, we're only scratching on the surface.

I'm looking forward to a time of intensified collaboration to solve the riddle together with fellow pilots and colleagues from Arek'jaalan. You're doing an inspiring work.

H. Haritimado
Esna Pitoojee
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#7 - 2015-04-29 01:52:45 UTC
Looking at the data Mr. Malkyre pointed us towards, some of the events both esoteric and well-known the recovered fragments mention include...

Gleaned Information wrote:

YC116-01-27: Multiple ultra high energy fluctuations developing. Recording numerous S.O.S. transponders.

Battle of B-R5B

YC115-05-07: " are encroaching on sovereign Federation space, return to Republic space pr you will be fired upon."

The battle of Colelie

YC112-05-12: Multiple artificial gravitational anomalies detected cluster wide.

Marks the beginning of the still-ongoing Sansha's Nation assault against the civilized cluster.

YC110-10-31: ... in the Gallente Federation, is known primarliy for harboring a particular kind of plant life know as the Isirus poppy.

Refers to the first attack on Evaulon by Serpentis pirates.

YC11-03-11 - Life sign detected aboard the ship. Contrary to intelligence gather by Villore observatory, vessel not destroyed. Remaining in Ouperia to monitor.

Refers to the initial damage of the gate construction vessel en route to the system now known as Old Man Star.

Do note, however, that I am now receiving reports of additional recovered data pointing towards - among other things - a monitoring of the events leading to the emergence of the clone mercenaries and a prediction that Sansha's Nation would again attack the cluster.
Luna Hanaya
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2015-04-29 11:23:46 UTC
Evi Polevhia wrote:
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci wrote:

Gleaned Information wrote:
They could not predict this?



Those are some major things that were discussed on YC 117-1-12. Could it be that the "They could not predict this" is referring to whatever it is the SoE or someone else did to cause Caroline's Star? The Observatories wondering why it could not be predicted, assuming that whoever was doing those actions would have known the explosion would've been the result?

Or that the seekers are actually started to arm themselves after multiple capsuleer acts of agression.


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Torgeir Hekard
#9 - 2015-04-29 13:36:52 UTC
I accidentally a proteusCry

Well, I was sitting on an observatory in mah prot spinning mah T1 entosis on the tower, and then a pack of seekers lurks in. They start shooting me (!), and I kinda decide to fight back. So 2 entosis cycles later they call backup. Either they thought I'm not dying fast enough, or they are dying too fast, but a drifter BS comes in. And, uhh, you can't exactly warp out with entosis activeUgh

So pop goes the greenyCry

But I've got you some presents that survived the untimely demise of my not-yet-a-day-old vessel.

Does anyone know if the Big Daddy comes even if you don't fight back. Because I'm thinking just tanking it out the next time.
Obfuscation and Reflections
#10 - 2015-04-29 14:23:13 UTC
Torgeir Hekard wrote:
I accidentally a proteusCry

Well, I was sitting on an observatory in mah prot spinning mah T1 entosis on the tower, and then a pack of seekers lurks in. They start shooting me (!), and I kinda decide to fight back. So 2 entosis cycles later they call backup. Either they thought I'm not dying fast enough, or they are dying too fast, but a drifter BS comes in. And, uhh, you can't exactly warp out with entosis activeUgh

So pop goes the greenyCry

But I've got you some presents that survived the untimely demise of my not-yet-a-day-old vessel.

Does anyone know if the Big Daddy comes even if you don't fight back. Because I'm thinking just tanking it out the next time.

I just sat and tanked circadians for about 40 cycles of the entosis link yesterday on an observatory.
Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#11 - 2015-04-29 15:04:14 UTC
Irregessa wrote:
Torgeir Hekard wrote:
I accidentally a proteusCry

Well, I was sitting on an observatory in mah prot spinning mah T1 entosis on the tower, and then a pack of seekers lurks in. They start shooting me (!), and I kinda decide to fight back. So 2 entosis cycles later they call backup. Either they thought I'm not dying fast enough, or they are dying too fast, but a drifter BS comes in. And, uhh, you can't exactly warp out with entosis activeUgh

So pop goes the greenyCry

But I've got you some presents that survived the untimely demise of my not-yet-a-day-old vessel.

Does anyone know if the Big Daddy comes even if you don't fight back. Because I'm thinking just tanking it out the next time.

I just sat and tanked circadians for about 40 cycles of the entosis link yesterday on an observatory.

I think you're working for the Drifters, seeding disinformation to lure more victims in.

Mind control.
Tatius Jorgstern
Azimuth Enterprises
#12 - 2015-04-29 15:20:21 UTC
Torgeir Hekard wrote:
I accidentally a proteusCry

Well, I was sitting on an observatory in mah prot spinning mah T1 entosis on the tower, and then a pack of seekers lurks in. They start shooting me (!), and I kinda decide to fight back. So 2 entosis cycles later they call backup. Either they thought I'm not dying fast enough, or they are dying too fast, but a drifter BS comes in. And, uhh, you can't exactly warp out with entosis activeUgh

So pop goes the greenyCry

But I've got you some presents that survived the untimely demise of my not-yet-a-day-old vessel.

Does anyone know if the Big Daddy comes even if you don't fight back. Because I'm thinking just tanking it out the next time.

Two Drifter battleships have warped in right after a single Circadian Seeker showed up at the Jove Observatory. I almost got 7th gleaned information sheet when they crashed the party. I didn't fight back at all.

The kicker is that there was no unidentified wormhole in the system for Drifters to come through. There's multiple reports of Seekers and Drifters just roaming around the systems where they weren't present before.

I can link a video, but not sure if I'm allowed here.
Nakami Saans
Conclave of Independent Pilots
#13 - 2015-04-29 15:38:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Nakami Saans
Tatius Jorgstern wrote:
Torgeir Hekard wrote:
I accidentally a proteusCry

Well, I was sitting on an observatory in mah prot spinning mah T1 entosis on the tower, and then a pack of seekers lurks in. They start shooting me (!), and I kinda decide to fight back. So 2 entosis cycles later they call backup. Either they thought I'm not dying fast enough, or they are dying too fast, but a drifter BS comes in. And, uhh, you can't exactly warp out with entosis activeUgh

So pop goes the greenyCry

But I've got you some presents that survived the untimely demise of my not-yet-a-day-old vessel.

Does anyone know if the Big Daddy comes even if you don't fight back. Because I'm thinking just tanking it out the next time.

Two Drifter battleships have warped in right after a single Circadian Seeker showed up at the Jove Observatory. I almost got 7th gleaned information sheet when they crashed the party. I didn't fight back at all.

The kicker is that there was no unidentified wormhole in the system for Drifters to come through. There's multiple reports of Seekers and Drifters just roaming around the systems where they weren't present before.

I can link a video, but not sure if I'm allowed here.

I've heard that the Drifters are using gates to get from system to system now.

People: "You shouldn't burn bridges." Me: "I don't, I bomb them from orbit."

Diana Kim
Kenshin Katana.
United Caldari Space Command.
#14 - 2015-04-29 19:15:39 UTC
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci wrote:

Carthum Conglomerate has today released a module based on tech recovered from the Seekers and Drifter Battleships, dubbed the "Entosis Link". Knowing this, Jovian Labs prepared to begin production of these Links, and today undertook an operation to determine the effect they have on the Jove Observatories.

The results have been astonishing.

Gleaned Information wrote:
Updated Gallente status provides a model for social cohesion. Suggest further observations are shared with Modifier enclaves.

They what?!
Does it mean Jove are hostile now and should be eliminated as supporters of gallentean occupants and atrocities?

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Markus Error
#15 - 2015-04-29 19:31:14 UTC
Yes, please. Do try and take on the Jove. I could use some amusement.

As to Drifters making intersystem jumps... perhaps they use wormholes as we do? 'Hole through, explore the system and a few surrounding it, then return via the same wormhole?

"If it cannot be shot the #### down, it can always be blown the #### up."


Arkady Vachon
The Gold Angels
Sixth Empire
#16 - 2015-04-29 22:06:06 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci wrote:

Carthum Conglomerate has today released a module based on tech recovered from the Seekers and Drifter Battleships, dubbed the "Entosis Link". Knowing this, Jovian Labs prepared to begin production of these Links, and today undertook an operation to determine the effect they have on the Jove Observatories.

The results have been astonishing.

Gleaned Information wrote:
Updated Gallente status provides a model for social cohesion. Suggest further observations are shared with Modifier enclaves.

They what?!
Does it mean Jove are hostile now and should be eliminated as supporters of gallentean occupants and atrocities?

Looks more and more like the Jove saw all of the rest of the star cluster as a giant laboratory, Diana, and us - all of us - as their lab rats, only throwing us some technological cheese once in a while.

Nothing Personal - Just Business...

Chaos Creates Content

Nakami Saans
Conclave of Independent Pilots
#17 - 2015-04-30 00:49:46 UTC
Arkady Vachon wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci wrote:

Carthum Conglomerate has today released a module based on tech recovered from the Seekers and Drifter Battleships, dubbed the "Entosis Link". Knowing this, Jovian Labs prepared to begin production of these Links, and today undertook an operation to determine the effect they have on the Jove Observatories.

The results have been astonishing.

Gleaned Information wrote:
Updated Gallente status provides a model for social cohesion. Suggest further observations are shared with Modifier enclaves.

They what?!
Does it mean Jove are hostile now and should be eliminated as supporters of gallentean occupants and atrocities?

Looks more and more like the Jove saw all of the rest of the star cluster as a giant laboratory, Diana, and us - all of us - as their lab rats, only throwing us some technological cheese once in a while.

I think they gave us capsuleer technology for the sole purpose of studying whether or not we would get the same genetic disease they did by over use of the technology. They probably believe that if they see the disease in an early enough stage they will be able to design a cure for it.

Personally I don't care if they are using us as lab rats for that end. If they find a cure for the disease they better share it because I don't want to die from that disease. Nasty way to go if you ask me. I'll die when I'm ready.

People: "You shouldn't burn bridges." Me: "I don't, I bomb them from orbit."

Lugh Crow-Slave
#18 - 2015-05-05 09:48:30 UTC
YC116-01-27: Multiple ultra high energy fluctuations developing. Recording numerous S.O.S. transponders.

Battle of B-R5RB

YC112-05-12: Multiple artificial gravitational anomalies detected cluster wide.

The Sansha Nation War of Resurgence

YC115-05-07: " are encroaching on sovereign Federation space, return to Republic space or you will be fired upon."

The Battle of Colelie

YC110-05-15: ... summit between the Federation and Caldari State, where a general evacuation order was issued mom ...

when Admiral Alexander Noir flew a Nyx into Ishukone Headquarters
YC110-10-31: ... in the Gallente Federation, is known primarily for harboring a particular kind of plant life known as the Isirus poppy.

(but this is YC114?)
Lugh Crow-Slave
#19 - 2015-05-05 10:49:59 UTC
YC105-12-22 - Give them tools and they may evolve.

Crielere project’s technological advances were unveiled and made freely available to the public

YC106-03-11 - Give them symbols and they may stagnate.

Khumaak issue came to a head, with the Republic Parliament eventually adopting a compromise measure providing for the symbol to remain sanctioned for display on fleet, military and state apparel but banned from display at state occasions, particularly those involving contact with representatives of the Amarr Empire. In general, the entire move to ban the Khumaak was felt to have backfired, as it started a widely-adopted fashion of wearing the object among Minmatar in the Republic.

YC107-07-05 - ...recommend discarding current primary node for that model.

could the Jove have been behind the assassination of Emperor DORIAM II? with him being they "primary node" for the Amarr.

YC108-05-16 - They only notice small tragedies.

Mentas Blaque commemorative speech honoring the Gallenteans who had died there when the Caldari Admiral Yakiya Tovil-Toba flew his carrier into the planet's atmosphere during the Gallente-Caldari War.

YC109-01-12 - They let names define their perceptions.

need help with this one. the only thing that happened was this but i'm not sure how it ties in with names defining perceptions

YC110-12-25 - Give them what they want and it may destroy them.

Empress Jamyl I ordered the emancipation of all slaves of 9th generation and upwards, with the additional emancipation of all slaves working as academics or theologians.

YC111-03-10 - Self-interest continues to outweigh self-sacrifice.

The Seyllin Disaster

YC112-03-04 - Does this duplicate portions of the Skarkon model?

this is drawing a comparison with the Inataki system and what happened in the Skarkon system

Will continue finishing the last 8 in the morning
Zane Ziebold
Repo Industries
#20 - 2015-05-07 01:07:04 UTC
YC114-03-03 - Priority alert. Amarr vessel detected emerging from Anoikis amongst armored expeditionary fleet. Cargo contains a large quantity of implants meeting revised conditions.

I thought this was interesting, it is referencing when Amarr started taking the implants for the start of the research for the dust soldiers
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