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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Where should I be after a week of playing?

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Mark88fan Jones
Jones Brothers Inc.
#21 - 2015-04-22 15:45:59 UTC
13kr1d1 wrote:
Syrilian wrote:
Dextear OverDrive wrote:
So right now I'm still on the 30 day trial, and I just purchased my first cruiser. I can average about 2mil ISK an hour via mining if I'm diligent and focused. I have lost a couple ships already due to trying to get a good deal on ship equipment in low sec space. I just wanted to know if I'm off to a decent start on things at least with time management and profit generating.

I am not a miner but I suspect if you are getting 2mil an hour, you are doing just fine.




He could be getting 700k every 10 minutes from venture.

I make 880,000 ISK each load mining pryoxeres in my Venture fitted with 2-Miner II. Takes total of 20 minutes from undocking to selling.
Vortexo VonBrenner
#22 - 2015-04-22 22:38:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Vortexo VonBrenner
Paranoid Loyd wrote:
Are you having fun?
If yes, "where you are" doesn't matter.
If not, it still doesn't matter.

That's the beauty of this game, the reality is nothing matters besides having fun.

Set some goals, accomplish goals or don't, just have fun.


edit: Don't be anxious to get into bigger ships as soon as you possibly can. Bigger is not necessarily better. Many people in eve prefer flying smaller ships and have for years. Fun > anything else here
Freya Sertan
#23 - 2015-04-22 23:33:25 UTC
After a week of playing you should be at a week of playing. As stated above me a few times, as long as you are enjoying your time, "where" you are is irrelevant. Skillpoint-wise, you are at the EXACT same place we all were after a week. Another beautiful thing about EvE. We all progress at the exact same pace (implants not factored.)

New Eden isn't nice. It isn't friendly. It isn't very hospitiable. Good thing there are people here to shoot in the face.

Want to make New Eden a nice place? Try this out.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#24 - 2015-04-23 03:12:27 UTC
Freya Sertan wrote:
. Skillpoint-wise, you are at the EXACT same place we all were after a week. Another beautiful thing about EvE. We all progress at the exact same pace (implants not factored.)

skill point wise you might be correct but another good thing about eve is that skills wise new players train much much faster than old players. I've been playing this game since 2009 and I'm at a point where most of my skills are training for at least a couple weeks and in many cases a month or more just to complete one skill that gives me a slight and barely noticeable gain in something usually unimportant. So new players can be very competent skills wise in a short amount of time.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Aladar Dangerface
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2015-04-23 14:48:38 UTC
If you have not finished the tutorials then i would do that, if you have i will say just try new things, don't get stuck in a rut constantly, personally i wished i had gotten into exploration earlier than i did as it can be very profitable and a good way to see different parts of New Eden.

Please do not spend all your time mining unless you really, really, really like it.

I don't need twitter. I'm already following you.

Solomar Espersei
Quality Assurance
#26 - 2015-04-23 18:03:37 UTC
Pandemic Horde... mining... uh....

Quality Assurance Recruiting intrepid explorers and BlOps/Cov Ops combat enthusiasts

Shiloh Templeton
Cheyenne HET Co
#27 - 2015-04-23 19:20:53 UTC
Dextear OverDrive wrote:
I have lost a couple ships already due to trying to get a good deal on ship equipment in low sec space.

You lost a couple of ships in your first week and didn't rage quit --> You have a bright future in Eve!
Pryce Caesar
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2015-04-27 14:46:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Pryce Caesar
13kr1d1 wrote:
Syrilian wrote:
Dextear OverDrive wrote:
So right now I'm still on the 30 day trial, and I just purchased my first cruiser. I can average about 2mil ISK an hour via mining if I'm diligent and focused. I have lost a couple ships already due to trying to get a good deal on ship equipment in low sec space. I just wanted to know if I'm off to a decent start on things at least with time management and profit generating.

I am not a miner but I suspect if you are getting 2mil an hour, you are doing just fine.




He could be getting 700k every 10 minutes from venture.

How do you get 700k every 10 minutes? I've bought a gas command center and plan to set it up, and I'm only in my first three days of trial.

Never mind, I figured out how. It might not have been 10 minutes, but I got 700K in at least an hour.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#29 - 2015-04-27 18:11:36 UTC
Pryce Caesar wrote:

How do you get 700k every 10 minutes? I've bought a gas command center and plan to set it up, and I'm only in my first three days of trial.

Never mind, I figured out how. It might not have been 10 minutes, but I got 700K in at least an hour.

I make 20-24 million every 15 minutes running null sec anomalies. You can make similar isk high sec mission running from what I've been told. Not sure what you are doing but 3 days in you should be able to run some missions. I would not look at missions as any kind of long term game play but they certainly can help you learn the basics of the game while making some isk while you learn and skill up.

In eve you can pretty much do anything you want from day one. Certain things will be difficult to do solo with very low skill points but that is really only an issue for alts as it usually takes new players a couple months to get comfortable with the game. Don't get me wrong skill points do help, they give you options and make things easier. However after 2-3 months of skill training your skill points should not be holding you back from doing anything.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Pryce Caesar
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2015-04-28 03:49:53 UTC
ergherhdfgh wrote:
Pryce Caesar wrote:

How do you get 700k every 10 minutes? I've bought a gas command center and plan to set it up, and I'm only in my first three days of trial.

Never mind, I figured out how. It might not have been 10 minutes, but I got 700K in at least an hour.

I make 20-24 million every 15 minutes running null sec anomalies. You can make similar isk high sec mission running from what I've been told. Not sure what you are doing but 3 days in you should be able to run some missions. I would not look at missions as any kind of long term game play but they certainly can help you learn the basics of the game while making some isk while you learn and skill up.

In eve you can pretty much do anything you want from day one. Certain things will be difficult to do solo with very low skill points but that is really only an issue for alts as it usually takes new players a couple months to get comfortable with the game. Don't get me wrong skill points do help, they give you options and make things easier. However after 2-3 months of skill training your skill points should not be holding you back from doing anything.

I have run some missions, including combat based missions. I've gone up against pirate groups in the combat missions and rouge drones. One particularly annoying pirate group was one ambushing a merchant gate, and they had no less than four ships equipped with jamming. As a result, it took a while to take out the leader in order to complete the mission (I looked for the ship with the highest bounty).

You can really make 20-24 million in such a short amount of time just by running the anomalies in null-sec? With what ship? That makes it sound like gathering enough ISK to buy PLEX does not take that long at all. I imagined that it'd be much harder to gather the ISK to get PLEX.

If you can get similar numbers with mission running, then I haven't run into any agents like that. I've only got access to level 1 agents at the moment.

That said, I am on a Trial Account.
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#31 - 2015-04-28 04:08:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Vimsy Vortis
Did you kill anyone yet?

You should get to work on that one. EVE isn't about money, it's about violence.
Pryce Caesar
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2015-04-28 04:24:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Pryce Caesar
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
Did you kill anyone yet?

You should get to work on that one. EVE isn't about money, it's about violence.

No. I'll play it safe for now. I don't want to get in over my head until I'm ready.

I might go for the Sisters of Eve Epic Arc.

How prepared should I be?
Kintaro Kitsuji
#33 - 2015-04-28 19:13:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Kintaro Kitsuji
Pryce Caesar wrote:
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
Did you kill anyone yet?

You should get to work on that one. EVE isn't about money, it's about violence.

No. I'll play it safe for now. I don't want to get in over my head until I'm ready.

I might go for the Sisters of Eve Epic Arc.

How prepared should I be?

Roger that. Will introduce you to PvP ASAP =) It really IS the most fun part of EvE.
Azda Ja
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#34 - 2015-04-28 19:32:23 UTC
Pryce Caesar wrote:
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
Did you kill anyone yet?

You should get to work on that one. EVE isn't about money, it's about violence.

No. I'll play it safe for now. I don't want to get in over my head until I'm ready.

I might go for the Sisters of Eve Epic Arc.

How prepared should I be?

You're never 'ready' until you try it. Grab something cheap and make it go splat up against something else. If the other thing didn't splat, figure out why, and try to splat it again.

Splat splat.


#35 - 2015-04-28 20:27:29 UTC
Azda Ja wrote:
Pryce Caesar wrote:
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
Did you kill anyone yet?

You should get to work on that one. EVE isn't about money, it's about violence.

No. I'll play it safe for now. I don't want to get in over my head until I'm ready.

I might go for the Sisters of Eve Epic Arc.

How prepared should I be?

You're never 'ready' until you try it. Grab something cheap and make it go splat up against something else. If the other thing didn't splat, figure out why, and try to splat it again.

Splat splat.

This is good advice. Death and a good corp are invaluable in this game. Get a t1 frig, die, figure out why you died, if you can't ask your corp mates, go out and do something different, die again, rinse and repeat. One day you will find you are dying less.
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2015-04-28 20:58:54 UTC
I'm always pro trial&error ... but throwing cheap frigs at somebody if you have no clue what you do won't teach you a lot, because you are dead within 10s. You need to have a basic understanding of PvP, ships and modules to learn something from such a fight. The best is to team up and get some guidance or watch a couple of combat videos from other pilots first.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Azda Ja
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2015-04-28 21:59:07 UTC
Tipa Riot wrote:
You need to have a basic understanding of PvP, ships and modules to learn something from such a fight. The best is to team up and get some guidance or watch a couple of combat videos from other pilots first.
This was all implied. Still, the best way to get started is to just start. Supplement the trial and error with solid research and you're golden. Fun + learning, best way to go about it, instead of researching ad infinitum and never trying anything, or vice versa.


Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#38 - 2015-04-29 02:01:05 UTC
Pryce Caesar wrote:

You can really make 20-24 million in such a short amount of time just by running the anomalies in null-sec? With what ship? That makes it sound like gathering enough ISK to buy PLEX does not take that long at all. I imagined that it'd be much harder to gather the ISK to get PLEX.

If you can get similar numbers with mission running, then I haven't run into any agents like that. I've only got access to level 1 agents at the moment.

That said, I am on a Trial Account.

I just use a Dominix with T2 sentries and T2 guns. Lazors in my case because I shoot sansha but what ever works for you local rats. Also I am in very crappy null sec space I think it's like -0.1 or -0.2. With missions the key is to speed running them and just churning out the LP. Level 3's will pay you better than level 4's until you get your skill points up enough to lay down some decent dps.

Once that you can fly a crusier even halfway decently you can belt rat in null sec and that should be able to earn you decent isk. Your bounty ticks will probably only be like 6 million or so but the occasional faction spawn has the potential to pay out big as in well over 100 million big. Of course you could just get faction ammo but that's the RNG / one-armed bandit aspect to belt ratting.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Lost Greybeard
Drunken Yordles
#39 - 2015-04-29 07:17:31 UTC
Freya Sertan wrote:
Skillpoint-wise, you are at the EXACT same place we all were after a week.

No he isn't.

I barely had half a dozen useful skills at II at that point, most of them were barely bought and trained to 1 because I had to waste 90% of my training time on learning skills with no mechanical benefit to actual gameplay whatsoever, just to get to a point that was _still_ slower training speed than he had on day 1.

He's in a much _better_ place than many if not most Eve players were a week in, SP-wise.

But yeah, to address the meta-thread, learning to fit and fly ships is like 90% messing around with google and 10% thinking you've got it until you get blowed up real good. Mastery of Eve is basically reversing that proportion. When you're going to google to remind yourself which meta item has the better tracking upgrade instead of to remind yourself how the actual tracking works... that's Eve mastery. Also... put down the computer, stand up, and go outside, because you're officially on the internet too much.
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#40 - 2015-04-29 11:01:03 UTC
Pryce Caesar wrote:
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
Did you kill anyone yet?

You should get to work on that one. EVE isn't about money, it's about violence.

No. I'll play it safe for now. I don't want to get in over my head until I'm ready.

I might go for the Sisters of Eve Epic Arc.

How prepared should I be?

Just by deciding to shoot some dude you become more ready than a significant quantity of people. Intent, an appropriately fit ship, and a good target are about all you need.
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