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How do we increase PvP in C5 and C6?

First post
Tactically Challenged
The Initiative.
#81 - 2015-04-26 10:52:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Pissfat
I held off posting here because I wanted to see the level of stupid come out first and it didn't take long at all. There is so much useless hating on LZHK's, HK and SSC like they are the big bad guys here and its disturbing really, you all need to perhaps look at all the groups that are the same size as these 3 groups and I will list them all below.

All these groups are the equals of the "BIG 3" you all want to hate on and yet all you do is say that HK and LZHK's need to fight each other? (Like they don't already? WTF) Why are these other groups not being as aggressive as the big 3? Why do they not seed and log off trap escalation fleets?

You can't honestly hate on them just because they have better leadership then your corp or that your corp is sitting idly closing statics and farming away in peace and quiet in your home wh. These guys are out there scouting and staying up well beyond their main TZ for a shitload of hours to get the action that they get.

288 :LZHK's
340 :HK
408 :SSC
205 :EXIT
380 :NOHO (Pre cascade)
298 :TDSIN
634 :-LOW- (**** me, Talocan united 2.0)
270 :KICK
290 :WHBOO
283 :ADHC
282 :ARCLI
326 :TLC
339 :CARTH
344 :OI
271 :BAERS
247 :DAM

5205 :TOTAL

Now if you look at this total of 5205 from 16 Corps/Alliances and imagine that they all split into 50-100 man corps how wonderful wh space would be, it would be a glorious land of pew pew, butterflies and milk and cookies for all.

Yeah you guessed it it just isn't going to happen. It is absurd to think it would as much as I think we would all love it, human nature tells us that groups would always out scale the box to be bigger then the other and can you really blame them with the dangers of WH space.

While we all want a magic mechanic change to fix wh space i don't think you have at all thought about how game breaking they are for the rest of wh space, the ideas listed in the OP that got suggested to Corbexx are absurd. Like you can't actually be serious you want more isk for home wh's? Or forever safety getting podded back to your home tower mid fight or mid siege? I am very surprised i havn't seen wh stabaliser mentioned yet...

The only sensible idea we have had here is nerfing escalations into the ground! It needs to happen and sooner the better, the amount of groups that just close off their home WH's so they can farm in a massively increased area of safety is out of control and leads to these groups being cut off from all the other wh groups for hours on end. Not to mention how many of these groups all have a large number of alt wh's set up just for escalations to maximize their income while pvp'ing in their main chain (Empty C5 magnetar anyone?...).

If you want more content then what you really want is more chains open and that means reduce the need to close all your static wh's, nerf escalations. When nerfing escalations I think we also need to raise significantly the isk gained in all sites to encourage people to risk it more in the open like is done significantly more in low class wh's, make it worthwhile again to see Maraurder gangs everywhere.

Secondly i think we really do need to entertain the idea of dual static C5/6's. A lot of pvp wh groups simply won't run PVE on their mains in their main WH group, it isn't done because they understand what doing escalations does to your killboards (It closes chains for hours and ******* ruins your pvp opportunities)

Give all C5/6's a second static and this will allow them more options for members to make a little isk in the now increased ISK in static wh farming while keeping remaining pvp opportunities open to them at all times. People will still naturally want to close these off for safety and thus increasing their risk exposure to make that isk safely, and please don't say dual statics will ruin high class space you only need to look at how great C4's are now to prove my point.

I am Winthorp you might remember me from such films as i got CCP to make signature ID's persistent through DT for their love of AU bros.

Jez Amatin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#82 - 2015-04-26 11:16:31 UTC
dual stats are not a bad idea per se, but not sure they will fix everything. its relatively easy to collapse them in c4 space and then u simply don't warp to one to keep it closed (maybe ccp can do something about that too...). granted rolling with caps is more risky, but this makes it relatively easy to control ur static whs so long as ur fellow corpies arent bads.

i'd agree less home focused escalation farming is not a bad idea. but then how likely is it that ppl would bring caps into a static to escalate? would the risk be worth the booty?

also how about a capital only wh, just cos frig holes. then ccp can say they added content with minimal effort... :3
Caldari State
#83 - 2015-04-26 11:18:44 UTC
Dual static would be sweet, the more I think about it. I would hope Rage would become a c5-c5/c6.

But I think it would really help balance pvp and pve for people that are not on the same level as some. You could have 1 chain and people scan it down for all the PVE sites they can shake a stick at and the other chain be rage rolled and scanned out for good null chains, for the roamers.

OR simultaneous rage rolling for BEARS :D

Operations Director of Hard K(n)ocks Inc.

Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#84 - 2015-04-26 11:21:45 UTC
Really, add jamming frigs to escalation waves and no one is going to solofarm in isolation that quickly anymore. *Loki jammed, can't leave triage to launch drones to pop frigates, help Ima stuck*
Help They GotMyMoney
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#85 - 2015-04-26 11:27:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Help They GotMyMoney
Pissfat wrote:

288 :LZHK's
340 :HK
408 :SSC
205 :EXIT
380 :NOHO (Pre cascade)
298 :TDSIN
634 :-LOW- (**** me, Talocan united 2.0)
270 :KICK
290 :WHBOO
283 :ADHC
282 :ARCLI
326 :TLC
339 :CARTH
344 :OI
271 :BAERS
247 :DAM

5205 :TOTAL

Good thing that all of those groups purge inactive members, and we all know that the amount of toons is the perfect example of how many people you got.
Not to mention that you linked some groups which only pve, and are on pair with W-Space citizen (which has 700members, mind blowing). The fact that you listed LOW shows how desperate you are to prove a point/defend what has been happening.

3 of the groups you linked died/moved to lower class wormholes/ are moving to lower class wormholes as we speak.
One of them is getting evicted by the cfc as we speak.
From all the stated groups the 3 cfc amigos are the only ones who can get 50+ people in fleet without any problem (due to their aggressive purged-if-not-active rules), not to mention QEX, which are the capital powerhouse of high class wormholes.

If I'm wrong, link material to prove otherwise.

Dual statics would just kill wormholes even more, as it would take less time to roll the static and remote roll in the second static, in order to seed more stuff, so you wouldn't have to split your main fleet into 2 wormholes to get the same effect.

Post with you're main.

Lazerhawks: ¨we are 5x better organized and we win by skill not always because of numbers¨

Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#86 - 2015-04-26 11:28:09 UTC
Help They GotMyMoney wrote:
I like the denial that HK, SSC, LZX and QEX don't work together all the time.
Or if one of those groups is fighting someone and losing, the denial that they wouldn't call each other for support as seen in this case.
What started as a small skirmish fight between company and ssc, turned into a t3 blobfest when the group resorted for capitals as force multiplier to match SSC's numbers, and the said entity then contacted HK for help.
There are countless examples like this.

High class space is dead because you can't fight any of four amigos, without them contacting each other for help, if they are in any sort of danger that they might lose something (may it be the fight/ships/virginity ect).

C6 space is russian renter empire, with the few active people that currently reside there getting evicted as we speak, by the same people who complain that there is no content in wh's. (W-Space citizen was blue to HK for a period of time)
At this point the 4 amigos are pretty much like the people in nullsec, who call your 30man fleet cowards when you run from their 300man fleet, and the worst part is that they don't realize that they are the problem.

The way I see it this all started when noobman became the main hard knocks content provider/fc/call it whatever u like, as from what it seems he is the one holding these groups together.
2 years ago people would laugh if you would tell them to what high class wh space is today, and say that is never going to happen.

And the same groups who are responsible for the lack of content/people in c5/c6's are now resorting to blaming and trying to change mechanics to how eve works, saying that is the issue, not realizing this was never the issue 2 years ago.
Not to mention to how many groups were evicted from their wormholes to satisfy the said 4 group's thirst for ISK, and are now turned into 1-3 people's personal bear holes with that 1h a day bear time, with a single dread (a mechanic which will hopefully get changed soon).
The proof of them protecting each others bears is simply in the lack of kills/loses from those groups.
QEX has probe alts in most of HK magnetars, yet they haven't logoff trapped them at all, HK could easily kill W-Space citizen bear squads in c6 space, same goes for lazerhawks. You could call it fear of retaliation against their own bears perhaps.
Regardless until a bigger group than these 4 combined comes into high class space, or they start burning each others bear empires down, nothing will change and people will continue to blame irrelevant mechanics like shattered wormholes and mass spawn distance.

I checked your buttocks, sir, and they had a wound to the knee. No adventuring for you!
Vahalla La
Rainbow Knights
#87 - 2015-04-26 11:29:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Blizzaro
Pissfat wrote:
You can't honestly hate on them just because they have better leadership then your corp or that your corp is sitting idly closing statics and farming away in peace and quiet in your home wh. These guys are out there scouting and staying up well beyond their main TZ for a shitload of hours to get the action that they get.


WH space doesn't have money moons pocos or sov for content.

The content is purely player driven.

I can only speak for my corp HK as I am not in lazerhawks or ssc, but HK has the some of the most dedicated hardworking content creators in the whole of eve these people are not providing content for thousands of players like null sec entities but just a couple hundred accounts.

The reason WH CFC is successful is because of driven hardworking individuals in a challenging sandbox environment with few tangible conflict drivers.

Make conflict drivers for wspace.

If the WH CFC ends up controlling them how is that different to nullsec? at least there would be something else to fight for as it is you can evict people sure but its not hard for them to set up shop in one of the other 600 WH's in c5/6 space and remain as another entity.

Also please double the number of null/lowsec roaming holes to bring more pvper's into w space in the first place.
Sten Taxi
Bees Nutz
Unlimited Epiphany
#88 - 2015-04-26 11:35:38 UTC
A way to prompt a response from a defender without having to siege their towers with dreads.
Vahalla La
Rainbow Knights
#89 - 2015-04-26 11:37:06 UTC
Sten Taxi wrote:
A way to prompt a response from a defender without having to siege their towers with dreads.

For Noobman this is just right click convo.
Tactically Challenged
The Initiative.
#90 - 2015-04-26 11:38:52 UTC
Help They GotMyMoney wrote:
NPC alt ramblings

I won't ever engage with an NPC alt further then this.

I am Winthorp you might remember me from such films as i got CCP to make signature ID's persistent through DT for their love of AU bros.

Help They GotMyMoney
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#91 - 2015-04-26 11:42:36 UTC
Pissfat wrote:
Help They GotMyMoney wrote:
NPC alt ramblings

I won't ever engage with an NPC alt further then this.

Post with you're main.

Post with you're main.

Lazerhawks: ¨we are 5x better organized and we win by skill not always because of numbers¨

Tactically Challenged
The Initiative.
#92 - 2015-04-26 11:46:50 UTC
Help They GotMyMoney wrote:
Pissfat wrote:
Help They GotMyMoney wrote:
NPC alt ramblings

I won't ever engage with an NPC alt further then this.

Post with you're main.

I will be allowed to tomorrow. Big smile

I am Winthorp you might remember me from such films as i got CCP to make signature ID's persistent through DT for their love of AU bros.

Kellie Dusette
Division 13
#93 - 2015-04-26 12:02:09 UTC
Help They GotMyMoney wrote:
Post with you're main.


fido goran
Gallente Federation
#94 - 2015-04-26 12:03:40 UTC  |  Edited by: fido goran
Reduce the amount of moons in high class WH's.

There will be a hard limit of capitals that can be stored unpiloted in WH's, due to the 1 tower per moon, and limited ship storage space per moon thing.

This has the knock on effect of even the largest 300 man alliance only has a limited amount of capitals for use in home defense (or more if they decide to commit holding characters to log off in spares) *hopefully* encouraging more all in fleets, even against established holes.

It may also encourage the breaking up of larger corps/alliances into more holes/other corps, due to space issues in their home.

It is a huge, disruptive change, but if the bigger entities have limited capitals in their home hole, home field advantage is reduced, invasions and evictions might happen more, in time.

I don't think that by itself that this change will promote endless pvp, but I don't know if there is a fix for being able to call in friends at a moments notice, which really is one of the bigger pressing issues that plagues C5/C6 space.

Michael1995 wrote:
As for us never fighting each other;
Our last fight with HK, the time before that.
As far as I'm aware anyway.

You linked battle reports almost 2 (7 weeks) and 3 (10 weeks) months old. I've only just rejoined SSC, but I know from my time here before that we would roll in to other big entities far more frequently than this.

I'm not going to pick fights, but honestly you have to see that the majority of Eve see's WH space fighting together far more frequently than fighting against each other.
Jack Hayson
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#95 - 2015-04-26 13:05:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Hayson
Grrrr... Hard Knocks.
No seriously - people need to stop making Hard Krabs/Quantum Hawks/etc. responsible for everything going on in highclass and instead look at what they can do themselves to create content.
Sure, it's not nice that they tend to blob the ever-living cr*p out of people and I wouldn't want to fight them either anymore with the numbers they can throw around, but they aren't the only people left in w-space you can fight and they are certainly not responsible for anything but their own content.

Mechanically I think there are a few things that could be changed to help with PvP, but none of that can be the saving grace if people don't get off their lazy arses and start doing stuff.

*W-space in general is too big for the amount of people living there atm. It's roughly the size of sov null, but with less active people and without the luxury of being able to just fly to where the bright spots light up on the map.
Shrinking it might be hard but maybe it would be possible to make it more likely (but not guranteed ofc) for a new wormhole to connect to a system when it has people active and as such artificially shrink w-space without actually removing systems.

*High class needs more connectivity. (and by that I don't mean those useless frig holes)
When I think about why we (Ixtab) left our C5 for a C4 it's mostly the better connectivity of the dual static and low class in general. From our C5 the chains would often look like Home->empty C5-> empty C5->C3->HS, where as our C4 chains now look more like this (which isn't even scanned down completely because people were lazy that day^^).
Honestly We didnt know
#96 - 2015-04-26 13:22:48 UTC  |  Edited by: calaretu
Gonna throw in a very radical and hated idea. But several have spoken about reducing the size of wormholespace. This is actually possible without going through the "ops your system doesnt exist anymore" route. The suggestion is gates. Yes gates. And here is how: Each system can have 1 gate. And it needs a recieving gate to bond to a system. This way you can bond two systems together effectivly making them into one system (its important that you can't link the gate to a system without a gate on other side and that its a limit on one gate per system. Any more or different lets you bond more systems together and that can go all sorts of wrong). The gates require fuel of sorts (PI?) and can be disrupted by hostiles. Gates bonding c5/c6 system together can carry capitals but gates to lower classes can not (the ability for an invading force to bring gates of their own and bring capital force invasion to a c2 is out of balance). Also require the system to be "owned" in some way to avoid abuse by invading forces that doesn't put in the effort to first take over the system.

So what would this bring to the table?
- Reduce the size of wormholespace
- More connections/2nd static(s) to a group living there.
- More to do and twice the possibility for people to roll into you

Does that sum up the solutions people have come up with so far?
Odidi PeYo
#97 - 2015-04-26 14:07:24 UTC
Since i came back to eve and wormhole space i have noticed that there is less mid class corps/alliances than we had back in 2013/14. Most of c5 space consists of farming holes or dead systems.

- Replace frigate holes with null sec ones.
- Make farming in the shattered holes more rewarding and less rewarding in the normal ones.
- Spawn lower class sites in higher class wormholes, enables recruitment of pilots with less sp that are eager to learn and pvp
- Alliance bookmarks (never seen that request). Small groups could then join forces and move to higher class wormholes and still run their corps the way they want.

There has and there will always be a few powerhouses in wh space that will out number most corps 3-1. You don't have to fight with them if you don't want to or have the numbers to do so. Just sit in your pos and smile and wave, keep in mind that they are likely to have 20-40 ppl to entertain and they will roll for a new chain if they don't get anything out of it.

If you get ganked running sites by them well **** you had a bad day. We gank anything we se running sites and most of the time we out number the person 10-1. Just how ganking works in this game.

Peter Moonlight
Suddenly Carebears
#98 - 2015-04-26 14:38:08 UTC
Odidi PeYo wrote:
Since i came back to eve and wormhole space i have noticed that there is less mid class corps/alliances than we had back in 2013/14. Most of c5 space consists of farming holes or dead systems.

- Replace frigate holes with null sec ones.
- Make farming in the shattered holes more rewarding and less rewarding in the normal ones.
- Spawn lower class sites in higher class wormholes, enables recruitment of pilots with less sp that are eager to learn and pvp
- Alliance bookmarks (never seen that request). Small groups could then join forces and move to higher class wormholes and still run their corps the way they want.

There has and there will always be a few powerhouses in wh space that will out number most corps 3-1. You don't have to fight with them if you don't want to or have the numbers to do so. Just sit in your pos and smile and wave, keep in mind that they are likely to have 20-40 ppl to entertain and they will roll for a new chain if they don't get anything out of it.

If you get ganked running sites by them well **** you had a bad day. We gank anything we se running sites and most of the time we out number the person 10-1. Just how ganking works in this game.

Alliance bookmarks have been suggested few hundreds of times.
Yes there will be powerhouses, there is ALWAYS powerhouses in eve,wspace, kspace, mmo's, everywhere, so get over it.
I saw you guys quite a lot in your chains and it's mostly you trying to higgs a wormhole and roll away from us or you were PVEing. I also went trough your killboard right now to see how you never not outnumber your enemies, and everything I saw is you outnumbering all the people who you fight, and 90% of your kills are in nullsec, and I well know that all you do is roam nullsec and cry in channels for batphones.
You outnumber people in wspace and take fights only you can win for sure, 80-90% of your killboard is killing ratters in nullsec, and you came here to tell someone something about "w-space powerhouses"?
FYI Lazerhawks usual fleet numbers is 10-25 and most of people know that, except those that cry that we "blob" always, but it is just we are 5x better organized and we win by skill not always because of numbers, and yes we do loose ships too.

You don't have to fight with them if you don't want to or have the numbers to do so. Just sit in your pos and smile and wave..

New age is coming to w-space, I know a lot of people who would rather see an active farmhole where they might kill site runners, then guys like you who always roll away, not fight, and loose a solo farming dread in home system/static weekly.

You had even more you just didn't got on all km's with everything and there was your guys who stayed on POS, but we totally blobbed you 3:1 in your home system, and we totally had more caps, riiight?
Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#99 - 2015-04-26 15:13:54 UTC
Kellie Dusette wrote:
Help They GotMyMoney wrote:
Post with you're main.



If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Jay Joringer
#100 - 2015-04-26 15:17:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Jay Joringer
Peter Moonlight wrote:

Alliance bookmarks have been suggested few hundreds of times.
Yes there will be powerhouses, there is ALWAYS powerhouses in eve,wspace, kspace, mmo's, everywhere, so get over it.
I saw you guys quite a lot in your chains and it's mostly you trying to higgs a wormhole and roll away from us or you were PVEing. I also went trough your killboard right now to see how you never not outnumber your enemies, and everything I saw is you outnumbering all the people who you fight, and 90% of your kills are in nullsec, and I well know that all you do is roam nullsec and cry in channels for batphones.
You outnumber people in wspace and take fights only you can win for sure, 80-90% of your killboard is killing ratters in nullsec, and you came here to tell someone something about "w-space powerhouses"?
FYI Lazerhawks usual fleet numbers is 10-25 and most of people know that, except those that cry that we "blob" always, but it is just we are 5x better organized and we win by skill not always because of numbers, and yes we do loose ships too.

You don't have to fight with them if you don't want to or have the numbers to do so. Just sit in your pos and smile and wave..

New age is coming to w-space, I know a lot of people who would rather see an active farmhole where they might kill site runners, then guys like you who always roll away, not fight, and loose a solo farming dread in home system/static weekly.

You had even more you just didn't got on all km's with everything and there was your guys who stayed on POS, but we totally blobbed you 3:1 in your home system, and we totally had more caps, riiight?

I don't see anything in Odi's post about Lazerhawks, so I don't see why you are getting precious about how you guys operate. We don't have any problems with how you guys do things, but if you're going to have digs at us, you really ought to know what you're talking about. Nothing in your post suggest to me that you do.

While I'm glad you've so shrewdly picked apart our killboard, I'm sure I don't need to tell you that they do tell the whole story, right? Any moron knows that the battle reports don't always show every ship that was on field.

I know of one occasion we tactically massed a midpoint hole in our chain. We were expecting you guys to bring a fleet our way. The massing was there to prevent any engagement escalating into a cap brawl that wouldn't favour us. Then your fleet went some place else. But by all means jump to some dull conclusion rather than take my word for it.

The "calling for batphones" part is awesome. Truly. There's been one occasion. One. And now we get smacktalked about it by Lazerhawks of all people. There's some idiom about pots and kettles that springs to mind...