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one man army (capheavy) is looking for a home

Reverend Mordox
#1 - 2015-02-20 10:38:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Reverend Mordox
First of..this is an alt. Please post here cause i dont log on on this char mucht.

oke .. so like the title says, a one man army is looking for a new home/group.

what i bring.

* a leviathan pilot with a combat ready leviathan
* a aeon pilot with combat ready aeon
* a few carriers archon and chimera
* both carriers and my pilots have triage 2
* few dreads , all incl siege 2
* maxed out leadership toon incl scanning gear+ commandships and faction implants
* miners and indy toons.
* logistics toon with own JF
* startbasedefence toons incl cloaky **** to setup and gun posses ( got my own shiny towers)

What i am looking for is a place to call home. A place where i can be of use.
not a place where i will be told to park my levi on the bigg pile with the 25 others ...

Also willing to help new (good organised groups ) out to startup.

any offers???

I tryed to find a group half a year ago and that did not went well. Please keep in mind that i am not
a machine and iff you post copy paste walls of text ill skipp.
Black Rose.
#2 - 2015-02-20 15:19:31 UTC
Good morning,

I saw your post and took great interest on the flexibility you bring with your toons.

I represent The Explicit Alliance, recently based in catch. we are close knit pvp alliance with a great killboard to show our worth!
We are looking capital pilots and definitely have interest in getting you out here in our fleets.

we may not be a major power block but we do create content and goals to make sure everyone has fun playing eve.

check our forum post out to get some more info on us here -> recruitment post

feel free to hop in our public channel and ask for someone to chat with ya: "EXPLCT"
Bane Verve
Psychotic Tendencies.
#3 - 2015-02-20 15:40:08 UTC
Hello Reverend,

Please hit me up in game to talk more about what we can offer. Adversity is a group in which you would be able to use your caps and supers as well as fly subcaps such as Navy Geddons, Macherials, Navpocs, and Prots. We are located in the Placid region. I'll link some info below and I hope to hear from you soon!

And search for TISHU on YouTube.

I should be on USTZ tonight.

Best of luck in your search,

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2015-02-20 16:44:11 UTC



-Not being an D***

-Tight group of bros 6 years in the making
-Blops Gangs
-No POS bashing Day IN Day OUT
-Free Logistics
-SHIP REPLACEMENT FOR COMBAT LOSSES (you can get a new drake)


Buhhdust Princess
Mind Games.
Suddenly Spaceships.
#5 - 2015-02-20 17:19:32 UTC
With that much hotdrop potential, why wouldn't you want to have the ticker CYN0 and join an alliance called Suddenly Spaceships!?

Would love to have a chat with you if you're interested, please drop me a convo or a mail ingame asap, and we can talk about what you want and what we can offer.

Best of luck corp hunting o7
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2015-02-20 17:55:10 UTC
Lazy Eagle
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2015-02-20 19:03:38 UTC
Bad Intention Alliance is recruiting.

We are currently in Molden Heath, a middle sized alliance, and in need of experienced players to help our newer bros.

Here, you could have a home, here you can be of use.

Contact me or Talon Draygo if you want to help a group of pirates do our piratey things and hurt the Elitist publords we fight.
JengoFett Miromme
Project Omega Industries
#8 - 2015-02-20 19:52:24 UTC
I started a new Corp, Extreme Agony in the the Curse region, and we are involved in small gang PVP and I'm looking for Pilots. I cant tell you that you would use all of your Caps right away but I can tell you that we can use someone with your skills and knowledge. Its sounds to me that you are looking for Bros to hang out with more than using your ships. I'm not saying we are the right fit for you but you wont know until you swing by my in game recruiting channel to talk. Extreme-Recruit or email me. I am usually on between 7-10 mountain time.

I look forward to talking with you,

JengoFett MIromme
Jan Riksma
Empire Assault Corp
Dead Terrorists
#9 - 2015-02-20 20:23:44 UTC

Beside that you don't want to be the next of 25 and a place to call home you haven't specified much.

I can offer you a place in a close knit no bullshit highly skilled EU corp withing DT of we wich we are part of the beginning. Look at any random killboard and we can offer you loads of fights and cap fights.

Your titan will primairly be used for bridging fleets but the carrier and super carrier will be used verry often.

Contact me in game if you wanna have a chat.


Crystalline Entity
Black Dragon PHP
Brave Collective
#10 - 2015-02-20 20:34:36 UTC
Can I just have a little bit of your stuff?

In return I won't bore you with my corp sales pitch
Caldari State
#11 - 2015-02-20 20:39:56 UTC

Great potential with us for all of your things with a great group and a fun alliance. If you like to do everything as your toon load out appears to show drop me a mail or join our chat channel

Prom.L Apps

Lobal Villasail
Harbingers of Chaos Inc.
#12 - 2015-02-20 20:57:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Lobal Villasail
Hit me up in game....I hate the forums

Smaller group 15-20 active pilots, mid sized alliance 1500+, Us tz heavy, Sov 0.0....we are not just starting out but we have become more focused on the others aspects besides just PvP.

Not sure if we will use the levi outside of a space taxi but there is a good chance you will drop on someone if it seems right

Tight group of people, some bitter vets and some rookies that need guidance. A person of skill would be helpful in the growth of the corp. I'm not going to waste my time or yours, so if your interested and notice us after your mailbox and forums has blown up, then open a convo and we will talk. Either way, good luck in your search

EVE Protection Agency
#13 - 2015-02-21 09:27:45 UTC
For Superior Guerilla / black ops PVP

Best youtube channel in game and a pretty respectable killboard to go with it
Matt Emery
Priory Of The Lemon
Brave Collective
#14 - 2015-02-21 17:19:46 UTC

Please contact myself of killfest ingame we would love to speak to you about our corp.

We are a low-sec PVP corp, only been going a month but our leadership is very experienced and despite our small numbers we are very active :)

Talk ingame mate :)

Matty :)
Gunny Stormrage
Tr0pa de elite.
#15 - 2015-02-21 19:32:21 UTC
SLP is a small group of very experienced guys, we are very cap familiar and understand your needs. we are tight group and laid back. RL come first
Sleketon Crew is a full member of N3 but new with a lot of Low SP toon. our corp is at the top end of things.
This is a place you can call home - most of our members have been in SLP for over a year, we do not have a high turn over.
Relaxed but organized.
this is a place you can be useful and be a leader, to be honest we need people like you.
Please feel free to convo my Main Saffear Stormrage or join our public chat Sleep public
no matter your decision fly safe and have fun.
futuresdark Altol
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2015-02-23 18:58:45 UTC
Greetings , fellow pilot

Our main goal is cap ship production although we are not all the way there yet . its a work in progress, we offer
daily fleet ops . lots of PVP with the alliance, small gang roams and large fleet ops. We have access to ICE/ABC ore mining (we own a rorq for boosts)
we have access to a MGF/refine stations. we can set up POS if needed.
Capital fleet and daily logistics for a easy move. good planets for (P.I set up for t4) no mandatory CTA's , no fee's no due's
only requirements (be active and help with home defense)
tons of sites in home system (angel's) very active and growing fast, we live in 0.0 wicked creek mainly EU/EST zones (TS3)

email me or join * shouthern boy's public *
thanks futuresdark Altol, we look forward to hearing from you !!
Shurgin Ambraelle
Vagrants Against Gankers In Null Alliances
#17 - 2015-02-24 06:36:31 UTC
I am not sure what you are looking for. Our corp is a relaxed full spectrum newer corp with a fun alliance that likes to cause tears. We do it all in Indy and PvP. We have skimmed the surface on capital ships and we are growing rapidly. My #1 Rule is RL comes first so if you are AFK for a week or two just give a heads up and see you when you get back. I have a director that just came back from a 3 month Abscence. The only main requirements is Teamspeak but most people find that pretty chill. Before you make a decision lets chat. Can invite you into my private TS for a convo. EU and US time with plenty of laughs and Tears.

The Biggest FUCer of them all!! RL COMES 1ST!!

-The Gene Pool Could Use a Little Chlorine!! Proud Member of InPanic!!

Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#18 - 2015-02-24 07:05:02 UTC
Green skull LLC is a corp run by a CEO who loves his hair too much, strokes his ego at will and voiced Charlie the Unicorn. If you are looking for a corp with very few rules or a place to get your industry on, Green Skull LLC has a place under the stairs for you.

What we do;

Arrow US and EU Timezone.
Arrow PVP – Roams are frequently organised on the fly when we have the urge to ruin someones day.
Arrow Industry – We're looking for Miners, Haulers and Traders to enhance our Industrial wing.
Arrow Zero drama attitude – Everyone disagrees from time to time, we deal with it quickly and move on.

What we require;

ArrowNo drama attitude – Drama Llama's will be removed from corp.
Arrow Must have a strong sense of humor – those who are easily offended will not fit in well here.
Arrow Teamspeak and a working Mic.
Arrow Must be Self Sufficient.
Arrow A proactive approach to the game – Don't wait for someone to organise something if you are bored, organise it yourself.
Arrow 5 Million skillpoint minimum – not a hard cap, we look more at what a member can bring to the corp than what your skills are.
Arrow Full API check and teamspeak interview

If you're interested in joining, or are looking for more info, join 'GSLLC Public' or contact one of our recruiters below.


Samoth Egnoled [EU]
Valhe Valodiere [US]
futuresdark Altol
Amarr Empire
#19 - 2015-04-23 15:11:17 UTC
just checking in with you . was wondering if you found a good home ?
Lippstadt Creed
Solyaris Chtonium
#20 - 2015-04-23 15:55:59 UTC
Hey Reverend

Have you thought about joining an Imperium Alliance? FCON is always looking for cap pilots and TLRE would be a good home. Being a cap heavy corp ourselves, we love having members who can fly caps.

What can we offer you?

- Titan Blobs? Check
- Making isk? Check
- Tons of fleets? Check
- Good people? Check

Hit us up ingame in our recruitment channel "TLRE Recruitment"

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