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Gallenteans have started the war and now are lying about it

Rinai Vero
Blades of Liberty
#261 - 2015-04-17 02:04:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Rinai Vero
SCC History of the Gallente Federation wrote:

Caldari Secession

The response of the Caldari corporations to the Senate demands came in the form of the Proclamation of Secession in November FC33 (23154AD) a day after the Senate’s demand[5][6], with mostly all Caldari representatives walking out of the chamber following the declaration. The Chief Executive Panel, the governing body of the Caldari megacorporations within the secret colonies, usurped immediate control of the homeworld. Authority of the Caldari Army was turned over to them by compliant planetary leaders, expelling or imprisoning all openly Gallente-sympathetic soldiers. Using the Army, the CEP was able to assert itself over the few states that refused to go ahead with the proclamation, violently or otherwise.

The CEP declared the founding of the Caldari State, which included the homeworld (defiantly called Caldari Prime) and the once-hidden colonies. While this new State technically included the other Caldari territories within the Federation, the lack of any military presence in those areas meant the proclamation was not enforceable there. The newly-formed Caldari Navy, composed of mostly single-man fighters and hastily-assembled carriers from industrial ships, moved to secure the stargates to their colonies (which also contained the bulk of their military infrastructure[5]).

The Senate demanded that President Villers move to act at once, to treat this secession as an open rebellion. In response, the Federation Navy established a blockade of Caldari Prime[5]. The economies of various worlds (including Caldari Prime) had been influenced over the recent decades to rely on off-world trade, and it was hoped that a planetary economic collapse may be enough to convince the Caldari to talk.

That last paragraph is the one you included, with the the preceding events you declined to reference added for context. My emphasis in bold text.

The author states plainly that the Caldari took military action against "states that refused to go ahead with the proclamation." These would have been sovereign governments who were signatories to the Federation Charter. Such aggression in and of itself constituted if not an act of war against the Federation in its entirety, an act obligating the Federation respond to insure the security of its Citizens.
Liam Antolliere
#262 - 2015-04-17 02:08:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Liam Antolliere
Vikarion wrote:

So, assuming the Caldari had the right to secede, the transfer of forces within a state is indeed not a "military move", in the sense of something provocative. If the Minmatar Republic decides to put half of its army under control of the Sebiestor Tribe tomorrow, that is hardly a cause for war. It's only if you assume that the Caldari had no right to self-determination that such a move becomes provocative. In which case you have just demonstrated the wisdom of such a move. I don't see anyone claiming the latter, here, however.

Therefore, as the Caldari had asserted the right to self-determination, and had decided on the whole that they preferred the Megacorporations as leaders, it was not, or at least should not have been, provocative for them to rearrange their political, military, and police forces as needed to accommodate the wishes of the people.

The expulsion of dissenting opinions, coupled with the violence against Gallente nationalities on Caldari Prime is the context of the situation. Furthermore, the relocation of military assets, willing or not, in order to fortify a border (whether that border be stargates or intraplanetary) is indeed a military action. Not to mention the hostile takeover of dissenting territories that the CEP sought to consolidate power from.

It may not be direct military aggression, but it is a prelude to conflict, an expectation at best and a provocation at worst. When you take the relocation and fortification of military assets in tandem with the violence against Gallente citizens and individuals on Caldari Prime and the hostile takeover of abstaining governments, I'm sure that you (being a reasonable man) can understand why it was (and still is) viewed as military action.

Vikarion wrote:
Now, as for the claim that the blockade was justified by Caldari refusal to negotiate...

It wasn't. It was justified by the relocation and fortification of military assets that was already transpiring. A military and resource blockade to respond to military movement and fortification is an entirely justified response.

To your assertions regarding the behind-the-scenes politics in the Federation at the time, I've conceded more than once that the situation spiraled out of control rather swiftly. The major failing of a government run by its citizenry is that it is also prone to their whims.

A group of enterprising opportunists saw an opportunity to seize power and they did so. Regardless of whether it was done within the confines of the system at the time or not, it was a government coup, a takeover and consolidation of a single mindset preying upon the fears, confusion and anger of the populace.

Furthermore, while the takeover and consolidation may have started prior to the bombing of Nouvelle Rouvenoir, it stands testament that the Federation had still not taken direct hostile action against the Caldari (with the exception of the blockade, as described above). Even with all of the right people in all of the right places, the government was bound from responding until the general populace willed it to do so, which did not occur until after the bombing.

Yes, it was unjust what happened to your people. Yes, it was abuse of a young political system and the chaos and turmoil caused by the events leading up to the conflict to begin with. You'll never hear me state contrary.

The address of one man does not reflect the will of an entire people. That the "good" admiral's voice fell on deaf ears prior to the bombing of Nouvelle Rouvenoir, even in the ears of a "favorable" Senate suggests it was not the popular sentiment at the time.

That it was eventually the voice that was heard remains, to this day, a great travesty.

"Though the people may hate me, that does not relieve me of my charge."

James Syagrius
Luminaire Sovereign Solutions
#263 - 2015-04-17 03:16:19 UTC
While I applauded this thoughtful, articulate and yes, even civil exchange, what has happened in the past, is to my mind less important than what should happen next.

I, like many here, have witnessed countless conversations about the very real problems that exist between the State and our Federal Union descend in to mutual recriminations based on the ever so present past.

Augments about who is guiltiest are pointless and to be very honest the dead don’t care.

How can we finally put down the knives and get on to better things.

Solutions ladies and gentleman… solutions.
Rinai Vero
Blades of Liberty
#264 - 2015-04-17 04:03:40 UTC
Hell, I won't even argue the blockade was justified. That's a matter of opinion. It was done, and the Federation deserves to be held responsible for the consequences justified or not. Our Caldari neighbors should not spend so much time and effort mincing words and spinning the optics of their own militarism.

What is so hard about admitting the plain truth that the CEP initiated a military path to Caldari independence? Obviously you believe the actions of your ancestors were justified. Take responsibility.

James is right, though. The future is what's most important.
Claudia Osyn
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#265 - 2015-04-17 04:23:55 UTC
Omelets and fried chicken.

A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.

#266 - 2015-04-17 04:38:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Vikarion
Rinai Vero wrote:
Hell, I won't even argue the blockade was justified. That's a matter of opinion. It was done, and the Federation deserves to be held responsible for the consequences justified or not. Our Caldari neighbors should not spend so much time and effort mincing words and spinning the optics of their own militarism.

What is so hard about admitting the plain truth that the CEP initiated a military path to Caldari independence? Obviously you believe the actions of your ancestors were justified. Take responsibility.

James is right, though. The future is what's most important.

Well, I was about to argue, but...****...what am I to argue against?

Rinai Veto, James Sygarius, I would hug you, I would hold you close -metaphorically speaking, save that that we are still at war.

Look, I'm the most conservative Caldari you will meet, and I can say this. I've spoken to both the Providence directorate, and the CEP, and only Heth wished violence against you just because of your origin.

I can't speak for Roden. I can only speak for what I've seen from the Federation. But were it up to me, we'd live in peace, maybe occasionally with a ego-driven-duel, and we'd all be happy, in our separate harmonies. And I am a Patriot, the most extreme of Caldari, aside from the morons like Kim.

i fight...and, in the end, I will kill your countrymen. But if I can give you this, well, I will. I am sorry. I am sorry that Noir and Heth led us to this. And, you know what, I am sorry that Duvalier led us to this. We should be friends, we really should. This is such a tragedy. We have been the victims of cruel, cruel, cruel, circumstance.

But surely, you understand that I must stand with my own, my own countrymen. It is my anchor, my only such. And so I will do.
Liam Antolliere
#267 - 2015-04-17 11:06:13 UTC
I understand, just as I am sure you understand we must also.

Perhaps the day will come when we no longer need to. We can commit to pursuing such a future, no?

"Though the people may hate me, that does not relieve me of my charge."

Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#268 - 2015-04-17 11:50:58 UTC
Why some on both sides of the Federal and State borders feel the need to justify history, seek who was in the wrong or right, or determine who had the most just cause will always elude me. This is like reading a debate between the fans of two different consumer electronics products so focused on minutiae that they can't grasp both models are essentially the same and simply cater to different demographics as regards market share.


Liam Antolliere
#269 - 2015-04-17 12:09:59 UTC
I can't speak for everyone, but I can speak for myself.

I strive to promote understanding, not justification. Opinions are a powerful thing and educated opinions are even more powerful. If, as unlikely as it is, I can help anyone understand the reasoning behind the historical responses and conflict between our two peoples, then we have gained something and lost nothing.

Especially if understanding can be met between two disagreeing parties, in that understanding we take steps toward one another. Do this enough times and you may eventually be standing side-by-side rather than face-to-face.

The seeds of all of these arguments and discussions can already be seen in the more diplomatic, reasoned and I daresay even constructive discussions taking place from both involved parties on the topic. That's a far cry from where we once stood.

"Though the people may hate me, that does not relieve me of my charge."

Lucien Rouen
#270 - 2015-04-17 13:46:51 UTC
It is true that the only people with which discussion becomes pointless are those that view discourse as pointless. As long as two sides are willing to interact civilly there is potential for benefit in that interaction.
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#271 - 2015-04-17 15:00:20 UTC
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
Why some on both sides of the Federal and State borders feel the need to justify history, seek who was in the wrong or right, or determine who had the most just cause will always elude me. This is like reading a debate between the fans of two different consumer electronics products so focused on minutiae that they can't grasp both models are essentially the same and simply cater to different demographics as regards market share.

Because when men run out of words they raise their guns - for that reason it seems sensible to keep talking until some sort of understanding can be reached. When I turned up in the Wiyrkomi Honor Guard front office two years ago looking for a billet I honestly had about as much understanding of FDU motivations as I did the Sansha or Jove. The Gallenteans were basically aliens.

If I was going to spend my lives fighting against them, didn't it make some sort of sense to understand what seemed to be a cut and dried, black and white, cause from their perspective? Understand what brought them to and kept them on the front lines - beyond a taste for Caldari babies and the smell of burning colony worlds?

Honestly. For such a complex and nuanced personality, that was a pretty basic question, Veiki.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Rinai Vero
Blades of Liberty
#272 - 2015-04-18 02:45:50 UTC
Vikarion wrote:

Rinai Veto, James Sygarius, I would hug you, I would hold you close -metaphorically speaking, save that that we are still at war.

Aw, shucks. How about refreshing my bounty instead after all these years? I can be our thing...
#273 - 2015-04-18 03:42:19 UTC
Rinai Vero wrote:
Vikarion wrote:

Rinai Veto, James Sygarius, I would hug you, I would hold you close -metaphorically speaking, save that that we are still at war.

Aw, shucks. How about refreshing my bounty instead after all these years? I can be our thing...

Oh, that. Do you know, I thought that was sort of our private joke. And now you've told everyone...Sad

#274 - 2015-04-18 08:31:29 UTC
It's nice to people getting along here again.

Let's all promise that if Kim decides to post more hate, we ignore it and keep talking about a peaceful future instead of a tumultuous past.
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#275 - 2015-04-18 11:58:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Diana Kim
Rinai Vero wrote:

To be honest, I've long felt that the Caldari had every right to be dissatisfied with the early Federation. On a philosophical level, I don't believe that it is necessary for a people to justify their right to independence. It is enough for me simply if they wish to be.

You are weird for a gallentean.
Usually gallenteans scream all about freedom, but when someone tells about independence, they bring out their rifles and bombs, screaming: "No you can't".

How many independencies Federation give to anyone? To Mannars? To Intakis? To Jin-Mei? To Syndicate? Federation is a hegemony that concentrates power for their Senate and President, they will fight to not allow anyone being independent, with weapons or propaganda. So far only we have managed to stand for our own independence from gallenteans. Gallente Federation is a fascist and centrist regime, where indepence is punished by military action.

It is our State which is built on principles of independence. We have eight different megacorporations who basically act as mini-States inside our State. Each megacorporation is its own "Empire", that can live without all other megacorporations, and other megacorporations of the State can't affect your corporation, unless in terms of deals. If one corporation has its specific law, it can't even ask other corporation to follow it. Our megas, while working together, are practically independent from each other within our whole State.

If you really wish to fight for right to be independent, and not for gallentean "freedoms", I think you are in a wrong side of the conflict.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

#276 - 2015-04-20 18:20:25 UTC
Xadiran wrote:
It's nice to people getting along here again.

Let's all promise that if Kim decides to post more hate, we ignore it and keep talking about a peaceful future instead of a tumultuous past.

Come on, people, we can do this...
Claudia Osyn
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#277 - 2015-04-20 20:12:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Claudia Osyn
Xadiran wrote:
Xadiran wrote:
It's nice to people getting along here again.

Let's all promise that if Kim decides to post more hate, we ignore it and keep talking about a peaceful future instead of a tumultuous past.

Come on, people, we can do this...

*grabs popcorn, soda, and candy from concession stand and sits down for the "let's all ignore Kimmy show: part 19675"*

I can't begin to tell you how many times this has been attempted.... guess how many times it worked.

A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.

#278 - 2015-04-20 21:17:22 UTC
What can I say, I am full of (often misplaced) optimism.

That being said, so far so good.

Vikarion, I think I'm growing to like you more and more with each post. I wish there were more sensible people like yourself speaking on this topic on the Caldari side.
James Syagrius
Luminaire Sovereign Solutions
#279 - 2015-04-21 01:39:21 UTC
Vikarion wrote:
Rinai Vero wrote:
Hell, I won't even argue the blockade was justified. That's a matter of opinion. It was done, and the Federation deserves to be held responsible for the consequences justified or not. Our Caldari neighbors should not spend so much time and effort mincing words and spinning the optics of their own militarism.
What is so hard about admitting the plain truth that the CEP initiated a military path to Caldari independence? Obviously you believe the actions of your ancestors were justified. Take responsibility.
James is right, though. The future is what's most important.

Well, I was about to argue, but...****...what am I to argue against?
Rinai Veto, James Sygarius, I would hug you, I would hold you close -metaphorically speaking, save that that we are still at war.
Look, I'm the most conservative Caldari you will meet, and I can say this. I've spoken to both the Providence directorate, and the CEP, and only Heth wished violence against you just because of your origin.
I can't speak for Roden. I can only speak for what I've seen from the Federation. But were it up to me, we'd live in peace, maybe occasionally with a ego-driven-duel, and we'd all be happy, in our separate harmonies. And I am a Patriot, the most extreme of Caldari, aside from the morons like Kim.
i fight...and, in the end, I will kill your countrymen. But if I can give you this, well, I will. I am sorry. I am sorry that Noir and Heth led us to this. And, you know what, I am sorry that Duvalier led us to this. We should be friends, we really should. This is such a tragedy. We have been the victims of cruel, cruel, cruel, circumstance.
But surely, you understand that I must stand with my own, my own countrymen. It is my anchor, my only such. And so I will do.

Msr. Vikarion, I appreciate the sentiment. Now the challenge becomes how to make the sentiment a reality. I wonder what steps might be taken next to promote this ideal.
Claudia Osyn
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#280 - 2015-04-21 02:00:16 UTC
James Syagrius wrote:
Vikarion wrote:
Rinai Vero wrote:
Hell, I won't even argue the blockade was justified. That's a matter of opinion. It was done, and the Federation deserves to be held responsible for the consequences justified or not. Our Caldari neighbors should not spend so much time and effort mincing words and spinning the optics of their own militarism.
What is so hard about admitting the plain truth that the CEP initiated a military path to Caldari independence? Obviously you believe the actions of your ancestors were justified. Take responsibility.
James is right, though. The future is what's most important.

Well, I was about to argue, but...****...what am I to argue against?
Rinai Veto, James Sygarius, I would hug you, I would hold you close -metaphorically speaking, save that that we are still at war.
Look, I'm the most conservative Caldari you will meet, and I can say this. I've spoken to both the Providence directorate, and the CEP, and only Heth wished violence against you just because of your origin.
I can't speak for Roden. I can only speak for what I've seen from the Federation. But were it up to me, we'd live in peace, maybe occasionally with a ego-driven-duel, and we'd all be happy, in our separate harmonies. And I am a Patriot, the most extreme of Caldari, aside from the morons like Kim.
i fight...and, in the end, I will kill your countrymen. But if I can give you this, well, I will. I am sorry. I am sorry that Noir and Heth led us to this. And, you know what, I am sorry that Duvalier led us to this. We should be friends, we really should. This is such a tragedy. We have been the victims of cruel, cruel, cruel, circumstance.
But surely, you understand that I must stand with my own, my own countrymen. It is my anchor, my only such. And so I will do.

Msr. Vikarion, I appreciate the sentiment. Now the challenge becomes how to make the sentiment a reality. I wonder what steps might be taken next to promote this ideal.

Well, not shooting at one another might be a step in the right direction. Then start going from there. Kinda hard to hear over the sound of gunfire.

A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.