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2 RR Domis or 2 Sentry Sniping Domis for Lev 4 Missions?

Kadeva Kodocham
#21 - 2015-04-14 00:24:08 UTC
Mr Mac wrote:
Kadeva Kodocham wrote:

Well, I'm just trying to find the most efficient way to generate isk and I heard the WH's provided the best. I have 6 chars in all that I'm training atm. 2 of them I'm training for RR Domis, 2 for NM/Paladin, 1 for Fleet Boosting/Scanning, and 1 for Cov-ops/salvaging/scanning with each around 14-18 Mill SP. I have 2 chars with cov-ops trained so scouting shouldn't be an issue, but if I add the time it takes to scan down the WH's, investigate to see if its active, set-up and bookmark safespots/mobile depots, I'm actually thinking I can make more isk per hour just running lev 4's in addition of it being safer. I plan on trying incursions with my 2 NM chars in a month when they mature, but I really wanted to give the RR domis a go at it first because it seems the learning curve for flying 2 RR domis is gonna take some time. I thought about joining a corp but it seemed more confining when joining a corp due to corp rules/policy and not to mention the possibility of getting awoxed. I'll probably just stick to level 4 missioning atm but for future reference do you know anything about running incursions Mr. Moor?

Play with one account and buy 4-5 plexs then sell them every month

Soo Boring. I can already plex my 6 accounts with my marketing alts, but that is very tedious and boring as well. I want to make the isk in game and doing it while having fun otherwise there would be no point in playing this game.
Kadeva Kodocham
#22 - 2015-04-14 00:29:21 UTC
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
2x domis -> faceroll level 4s.

personally I would fit a local rep, as it is just more convenient, setting up a cap/rep chain every time when multiboxing just gets old, and plenty of rooms will be a no problem clear with 2x deeps ships, its like the NPCs get confused between 2 ships and 10 drones. And there is always the chance of ewar, a few cap transfers and you very quickly can top up on the cap.

oh yea, and might want at least one offensive module so you can use drone assist.

Yes to much tedious micro managing will eventually bore me in the long run so I plan on fitting 3 large cap transfer and 2 remote armor reppers in the highs and just perma run everything while blapping everything in sight.
Kadeva Kodocham
#23 - 2015-04-14 01:16:42 UTC
Moor Deybe wrote:
Kadeva Kodocham wrote:
Well, I'm just trying to find the most efficient way to generate isk and I heard the WH's provided the best. I have 6 chars in all that I'm training atm. 2 of them I'm training for RR Domis, 2 for NM/Paladin, 1 for Fleet Boosting/Scanning, and 1 for Cov-ops/salvaging/scanning with each around 14-18 Mill SP. I have 2 chars with cov-ops trained so scouting shouldn't be an issue, but if I add the time it takes to scan down the WH's, investigate to see if its active, set-up and bookmark safespots/mobile depots, I'm actually thinking I can make more isk per hour just running lev 4's in addition of it being safer. I plan on trying incursions with my 2 NM chars in a month when they mature, but I really wanted to give the RR domis a go at it first because it seems the learning curve for flying 2 RR domis is gonna take some time. I thought about joining a corp but it seemed more confining when joining a corp due to corp rules/policy and not to mention the possibility of getting awoxed. I'll probably just stick to level 4 missioning atm but for future reference do you know anything about running incursions Mr. Moor?
I've only run Incursions a few times with Corp mates when there was one in our space, as they don't all share the enthusiasm for shooting red crosses that I enjoyBig smile
Of the people I know that have gone on them, they say that waiting for a fleet can be time consuming, and the self induced pressure once on a fleet to do just one more can get to them. LOL
Here's some info on Incursion groups anyhow Incursions

6 characters eh, well that changes things Smile You should definately try the WH thing at some future point when you're very comfortable with the whole RR thing, possibly with 3 Domi's in a RR circle as you'd have some serious DPS to take down sites quickly.
You could have your spare characters on the other WH's in system listening for activations, even if they were in noob ships with a basic cloak on 100km off the hole with no covert ops they would suffice. You'd even have a decent chance of fighting off any hostiles unless they arrived in force all together.

Perhaps if you found a C1 or C2 with a C3 static so you'd have a new C3 WH every day to farm rather than clearing out the one you're in and having to wait for new sites.

Maybe investigate dropping one of those large containers in a WH and using it as a base to drop off the WH salvage (investigate how long they stay in space though) and log your ships off in system. If you did that for only a week say, you'd probably make a fortune if your nerves could stand the pressure Smile

Of course you're right re the time spent scanning, dropping bookmarks, safe spots etc!

If I were you I'd run some level 4's to get used to the RR Domi's, and when you're bored out of your mind with that, then investigate null sec corps out in deep null where its pretty quiet. I wouldn't worry about getting ganked by Corp mates as that works both ways and anyone who behaves like that is instantly purged from any decent Corp.

I had a quick search and found this null sec Now I know nothing of those guys, in fact they're even -5 standing to my Alliance, but looking at that screen shot, those Horde anomallies are 30M each and from experience I can tell you that 2 Domi's can do one in 15 minutes flat, 17 minutes max if you warp in at a bad range Cool You'll have intel channels also to help keep you safer.

You'd reach a point where its too much hassle to move anything as low cost as a Domi, just put it on the market / contract for others when not needed anymore P

Or come the time when level 4's get repetitive, ping me an ingame email and I'll be happy to tell you what life is like inside the SpaceMonkey's Alliance.

Oh, and if going to null leave the shiney ships in your HS base, along with your clone with the level V implants in for training when away from the game.
Decent Corps will either transport your Domis and fittings and other ships out for you, or you can buy stuff out there. Be aware though, when in a big alliance, you may be war decced by people like Marmite and others at any one time, so coming back to level 4 in HS isn't an option on those characters, and your other characters must be used to do the Jita runBlink

Have funP

Ahh again I'm hit with a noob whiplash. I'm been playing this game for over a year now mostly doing marketing and running lev 4 missions in Gilas and this forum has made me realize how much of a noob I still am. I'm going to be using this info for a long time as I don't quite understand some of the statements and I know some of them are very very important like your quote: "You could have your spare characters on the other WH's in system listening for activations". Are you referring to warp activations? IDK what they sound like and I'm playing eve on 4 other laptops at the same time. I was gonna use the 2 RR Domis on 2 of my laptops, the scout/scanner on 1 laptop and the last for my fleet booster/scanner. I was thinking of buying a falcon alt and fit it with salvagers and use it as a anti-ganking platform in case I get jumped on. I'm just a simple gal afterall and I like doing things the simple way. The 2 fully fitted RR domis only cost around 450 mill isk combined, so if i can get 1 bill isk for every 450 mill loss from ganks, I can live with it. Anyways it seems I still have a lot to learn so I'm gonna stock up a bit running lev 4 missions and I'll consider setting up a mid-size Pos once I get more experience day-tripping C3's. If you happen to run into a noob-friendly wormhole corp can you give me heads-ups. Thanks and fly safe
Moor Deybe
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#24 - 2015-04-14 02:21:26 UTC
Kadeva Kodocham wrote:

Ahh again I'm hit with a noob whiplash. I'm been playing this game for over a year now mostly doing marketing and running lev 4 missions in Gilas and this forum has made me realize how much of a noob I still am. I'm going to be using this info for a long time as I don't quite understand some of the statements and I know some of them are very very important like your quote: "You could have your spare characters on the other WH's in system listening for activations". Are you referring to warp activations? IDK what they sound like and I'm playing eve on 4 other laptops at the same time. I was gonna use the 2 RR Domis on 2 of my laptops, the scout/scanner on 1 laptop and the last for my fleet booster/scanner. I was thinking of buying a falcon alt and fit it with salvagers and use it as a anti-ganking platform in case I get jumped on. I'm just a simple gal afterall and I like doing things the simple way. The 2 fully fitted RR domis only cost around 450 mill isk combined, so if i can get 1 bill isk for every 450 mill loss from ganks, I can live with it. Anyways it seems I still have a lot to learn so I'm gonna stock up a bit running lev 4 missions and I'll consider setting up a mid-size Pos once I get more experience day-tripping C3's. If you happen to run into a noob-friendly wormhole corp can you give me heads-ups. Thanks and fly safe
Close Big smile I was referring to WH activations i.e. the sound you hear when someone jumps through and there's a sound a bit like a low rumble.
You don't need to be watching other screens all the time, rather you can park your other characters say 50km off a WH cloaked, and you'll hear the sound as someone jumps in. Have a listen at around 1:15 onwards in this video and you can just about hear the sound over the music as the guys says "Activation on Wh1" just before Asayanami Dei jumps and you hear the activation sound Unwanted guests

I like your enthusiasm for Eve, you obviously have fun with planning the tactics of it all. Smile The Falcon alt is a good idea, although the "blue loot" can be just scooped from the wrecks AFIAK and don't require salvaging.

Re setting up a POS, check out delonewolf videos, as he does a good series on WH life in general POS He doesn't accept people in his Corp as its him and family members, but they've just left their C1 after a year or so and now plan on day tripping into WH's, so it might be of interest.

I'd encourage you to find a corp, be it null, WH or something else as you'll learn a lot from others, and I'll let you know of any noob friendly WH corps I encounter.

I'll leave you with this...........something for us all to aspire to (note the use of mobile depot) You can use this technique quite well with e.g. a passive fit Rattlesnake to switch between DPS and tank by swapping out low DPS modules for 'Beta Reactor Control: Shield Power Relays' Cool1B ISK per hour

Fly safe

Kadeva Kodocham
#25 - 2015-04-14 03:04:55 UTC
Moor Deybe wrote:
Kadeva Kodocham wrote:

Ahh again I'm hit with a noob whiplash. I'm been playing this game for over a year now mostly doing marketing and running lev 4 missions in Gilas and this forum has made me realize how much of a noob I still am. I'm going to be using this info for a long time as I don't quite understand some of the statements and I know some of them are very very important like your quote: "You could have your spare characters on the other WH's in system listening for activations". Are you referring to warp activations? IDK what they sound like and I'm playing eve on 4 other laptops at the same time. I was gonna use the 2 RR Domis on 2 of my laptops, the scout/scanner on 1 laptop and the last for my fleet booster/scanner. I was thinking of buying a falcon alt and fit it with salvagers and use it as a anti-ganking platform in case I get jumped on. I'm just a simple gal afterall and I like doing things the simple way. The 2 fully fitted RR domis only cost around 450 mill isk combined, so if i can get 1 bill isk for every 450 mill loss from ganks, I can live with it. Anyways it seems I still have a lot to learn so I'm gonna stock up a bit running lev 4 missions and I'll consider setting up a mid-size Pos once I get more experience day-tripping C3's. If you happen to run into a noob-friendly wormhole corp can you give me heads-ups. Thanks and fly safe
Close Big smile I was referring to WH activations i.e. the sound you hear when someone jumps through and there's a sound a bit like a low rumble.
You don't need to be watching other screens all the time, rather you can park your other characters say 50km off a WH cloaked, and you'll hear the sound as someone jumps in. Have a listen at around 1:15 onwards in this video and you can just about hear the sound over the music as the guys says "Activation on Wh1" just before Asayanami Dei jumps and you hear the activation sound Unwanted guests

I like your enthusiasm for Eve, you obviously have fun with planning the tactics of it all. Smile The Falcon alt is a good idea, although the "blue loot" can be just scooped from the wrecks AFIAK and don't require salvaging.

Re setting up a POS, check out delonewolf videos, as he does a good series on WH life in general POS He doesn't accept people in his Corp as its him and family members, but they've just left their C1 after a year or so and now plan on day tripping into WH's, so it might be of interest.

I'd encourage you to find a corp, be it null, WH or something else as you'll learn a lot from others, and I'll let you know of any noob friendly WH corps I encounter.

I'll leave you with this...........something for us all to aspire to (note the use of mobile depot) You can use this technique quite well with e.g. a passive fit Rattlesnake to switch between DPS and tank by swapping out low DPS modules for 'Beta Reactor Control: Shield Power Relays' Cool1B ISK per hour

Fly safe

Wait More , I have more questions!! Compared to the micro managing task of flying 2 RR domis in a C3, would it be more easier and viable to use a NM or Paladin with a micro warp drive fitted (i'll have a falcon alt by then)? 2 of my alts can fly NM's in 22 more days and it'll take another 60 days to fly a Paladin. As for daytripping , you said it's not viable to do so from High-sec entry? If just using a falcon alt and D-scan, would that be enough to avoid getting ganked?
Shiloh Templeton
Cheyenne HET Co
#26 - 2015-04-14 14:23:13 UTC
Kadeva Kodocham wrote:
I'm just a simple gal afterall and I like doing things the simple way.
Running 5 laptops?? Cool

You should post a picture of your command center.
Moor Deybe
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#27 - 2015-04-14 21:54:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Moor Deybe
Kadeva Kodocham wrote:
Wait More , I have more questions!! Compared to the micro managing task of flying 2 RR domis in a C3, would it be more easier and viable to use a NM or Paladin with a micro warp drive fitted (i'll have a falcon alt by then)? 2 of my alts can fly NM's in 22 more days and it'll take another 60 days to fly a Paladin. As for daytripping , you said it's not viable to do so from High-sec entry? If just using a falcon alt and D-scan, would that be enough to avoid getting ganked?
I have no experience of using Nightmares and I never saw any being used for that matter, even in the null Drone regions where the EM damage that they put out was the type that the rats were weakest to. I'm not sure what conclusions can be drawn from that, other than there were better ships for the job maybe?

As for the Paladin, yes they're strong with the Bastion mode and you can do alot of stuff with them and you'll have the Falcon Alt, but bear in mind that you're flying a 1B ISK hull that would be immobile for 1 min when in Bastion!

You might find this interesting ships to kill sleepers

In the part of space I frequent atm, I see people doing interesting things with Rattlesnakes for much less than 1B ISK e.g. C3/C4 Rattlesnake

Also bear in mind that bigger isn't always better. Smaller ships like the Ishtar and Tengu with their higher resists, smaller signature radius and by using speed tanking as opposed to being a stationary target like a battleship, can withstand alot of DPS.

My comment about day tripping not being viable was regarding the fact that you'll mostly encounter C1's and C2's from HS and will have to go into them to find C3's most likely i.e. thats a lot of safes, bookmarking, scouting etc. It can be done of course, and you'll need your scanning alt in there also, and probably a mobile depot in each ship with a probe launcher, just in case of WH collapse. It can all be done of course.....but time consuming?

By coincidence, I recently had an email update from fellow Eve players that I used to run Level 4 missions with who are now in a C4 WH corp. I'll send you an in game email.

Edit: oh yeah enough to stop from being ganked?...........well you have enough characters to have scouts on other WH's in system, a Falcon alt, and you'd have some decent DPS with 2 ships there............but you know, stuff happens Shocked
You forget to hit d-scan for a while, you enter the timezone of the Corp who live in the WH and they log in en-masse What?

There are sites that give you intel though that help with that sort of thing though
Moor Deybe
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#28 - 2015-04-14 21:56:27 UTC
Shiloh Templeton wrote:
Kadeva Kodocham wrote:
I'm just a simple gal afterall and I like doing things the simple way.
Running 5 laptops?? Cool

You should post a picture of your command center.
Yes, I think a pic of this setup would be sort of cool.Cool

I am intriguedSmile
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