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[April] Battlecruiser Warp Speed and Warp Rig Tweaks

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Valkin Mordirc
#201 - 2015-04-09 04:06:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Valkin Mordirc
Just a random thought,

What if they gave CBC's a built in Micro jump drive that a player can activate similar to the T3D mode change, just a little button next to the Cap UI, and remove the ability for CBC's to fit the MMJD? reduce the PG/CPU by a bit, maybe half the cost of the MMJD, That would allow duel props to still work for all CBC asides from the gnosis (which probably should not receive this bonus), and but not really **** with slot layouts allowing an extra mid to really throw off the balance.

I like the idea of increasing the CBC's max speed to. I've always thoughts of them as more of a heavy Calvary unit then anything else. Let them reach cruiser like speeds going in a strightline but have most of it bleed off if it needs to turn.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#202 - 2015-04-09 10:14:53 UTC
Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:

What need change are all the Buffer modules, make them HARDER to fit and give more EHP. So cruiser sized hull wil NOT use 1600 and large extenders anymore.

Goode pointe.

However, I'd rather let cruisers have the 1600mm and LSEs, and introduce even larger versions for battleships (and BC) - 3200mm plates and XLarge Shield Extenders. Twisted

Would fix T3-BS EHP imbalance. Long overdue, tbh.

That is the same thing, just adding a new name. But shifting the stats as I said at least the smaller ones become somethign more than empty database entries.

I would for example push ALL plates PG requirement 50% UP and increase their EHP 50% as well.
With Extenders I would DOUBLE their PG requirement, and push their EHP up by some 75% and impose a recharge rate penalty of 33%.

The result would be, ALL Cruiser sized hulls that fit 2x 1600 plates would be forced to drop to 1. Most of that fit 1600 plates would drop to the new enhanced 800 plates. Most battlecruisers will beable to keep 1600 plates (now enhanced and more powerful) when tuning their guns and rigs. All battleships would freely keep their 1600 plates and get a nicely deserved boost to EHP.

At end that fixates the cruiser more into the mobility role and battleships in the soaking damage role, and leavign the BC with the capability of transit between the 2 (specially if you buff their base max speed by some 15% and reduce their agility on same ground to keep same effective acceleration)

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#203 - 2015-04-09 10:19:24 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Sorry but GRAPHS and eve when a pilot is present are VERY different scenarions.

And minamtar ships are NOT more agile. They are less agile. The minamtar speed advatage means nothing (with a very few exceptions), because to be combat efficient you need to stay not much outside close range tackle from your enemy (bad dps requires that).. so if you keep your prop mod overheated... you will burn and die. Ifyou wait to react with overheat, you WILLGET CAUGHT, because gallente ships gain speed MUCH MUCH faster when you overheat and by the time you react ( at LEAST 2 seconds later... it is too late.

Real combat in eve (at least on small scale warfare where mobility of this type is relevant) is not like graphs. You need to take into account reaction time by players, server ticks, overheating, the need to kill thigns before they get to gate ... etc...

Sure, if you could play Eve with spreadsheets people would literally be doing that, but on raw stats the minmattar ships are still better at speed than Caldari or Amarr (your original contention being that they were worse on base stats, which I've roundly debunked) and they perform very very close to Gallente ships at worst, and better in general.

The scenario you're talking about doesn't get any better if you're flying a Gallente ship and so is your opponent, or you're flying Gallente and being chased by a Minmattar ship. In none of those cases are you likely to have enough lead time in a tackle-range situation to react to an overheat in time to avoid getting caught, if nothing else because of the cycle time of a prop mod. Maybe that's a problem, maybe it isn't. Either way that's not the point of this thread.

Kagura Nikon wrote:
...Stuff about plates and shields and capital letters...

It would be easier and cause fewer potential problems if the EHP of the relevant ship classes was just directly increased.

If you mess with the fittings and effect of Plates and Shields then you mess with every single ship that fits one, and that's a lot of ships. For example a lot of frigates fit a Medium Shield Extender, so if you mess with the fittings on that you mess with every frigate that uses them.

Far simpler and easier to just increase the base HP of any ship that is determined to need it and leave the tank mods where they are. This also opens up more fitting options because you're not tying the success of the hulls to those mods.

Nope.. the result is completely different.

A 1600 plate gives more HP to a cruiser than its base hull, whiel it increases a moderate fraction of a battleship base hull. If you just increase base EHP of battleships you are not solvign anything. The battleships will simply not bennefit from using plates, and cruisers will continue overpowered when using a single module to DOUBLE their base HP that is helped by a very small signature and higher resists (t2 and t3).

You can push up or down cruiser EHP by 15% for example and the final difference in their EHP will be MINIMAL, and if you push it down enough to be relevant, you are just ENFORCIGN that the cruiser NEEDS the plate. THat is horrible game design.

Touching the base hull values would not help the problem, would make it worse.

Touch the modules and you define more clearly up to where you can push the cruiser tank, and you open up a niche space for the BC as a hybrid between cruisers and battleships.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Spugg Galdon
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#204 - 2015-04-09 10:39:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Spugg Galdon
Lets do an overall recap (no Kagura Nikon, that doesn't mean "lets capitalise all the things") then:

Combat Battlecruiser warp speed is too slow

This has been fixed with these changes in this thread.

OGB's allow players to fly ships with extremely enhanced capability in a primary ship with very little risk to the secondary or "boosting ship". This allows pilots to use OGB alts in the most powerful and expensive boosting ships as there is little to no risk in losing them. If gang links were required to be on grid this would encourage the use of CBC's as cheap command ships and actually enforce the role they are designed for.
Off Grid Boosting needs to be removed.
Skill requirements for gang link boosting and the need for command processors to get multiple boosts running make the use of CBC's as useful command platforms extremely limited.
Lower skill point requirements for gang links . Allow CBC's to fit 3 unbonused gang links and give them more high slots to do so. To prevent the high slots from being abused, create a role bonus to reduce fitting requirements of gang links or just reduce gang link fitting requirements and rebalance ship fitting stats accordingly.

BC's pretty much require a MJD fitted. This is for defensive use to prevent being kited to death and offensively to get on top of a target. Currently, only the armour BC's can fit a MJD and a MWD and retain effectiveness. BC targeting range is also too low to allow offensive use of the MJD (you need to have your target pre locked before the jump).
Buff all BC targeting range.
Re-evaluate shield BC slot layout to allow the use of MJD+MWD (dual prop) fits without completely gimping the ship. The other option of having all CBC's have a MJD fitted as standard removes too much choice from the game. It's not a good solution.

Modules used by Battlecruisers are also used by cruisers. eg tanking modules and weapons. This means that there is no distinction between the classes when it comes to damage projection and the fact that BC's have roughly twice the signature radius and slower speeds, completely removes their base HP advantage.
[Solution] - Tanking modules
Kagura's suggestion to re balance the plates and shield extenders is the best solution for the tanking modules.
[Solution] - Damage Projection
The issue of damage projection could be solved with a projection role bonus, however this would be problematic. A better solution would be to increase base fittings to allow larger caliber weapons to fit in order to improve projection. This solution is also very problematic as it opens many doors for other fitting opportunities that may break stuff. Weapons will also get a balance pass eventually which is supposed to remove the "tier system" of the weapons.
In the end, damage projection may be best off left until all other problems are solved and to re-evaluate whether its required or not.

On grid mobility. BC's are quite slow and sluggish preventing any real kiting setups making the cruiser a better option.
I really don't think a speed buff is required for these ships. Certainly not until all other issues have been addressed.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#205 - 2015-04-09 11:39:10 UTC
Skill points needed for gang links are very low, you can be fitting them in under a weeks training, how fast exactly do you really want people to be able to train them?
Yes it takes a long time to be a top notch FLEET booster, but to boost a single squad is fast.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#206 - 2015-04-09 14:55:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Kagura Nikon
BUT I LIKE CAPS LOCK!!! THis whoel situation is agaisn proof that thigns cannot be balanced in the void. The other classes and how the modules are used in REALITY by the players are as much if not even more important.

Same thing is happening with the sivpul issue.. all same thing.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Stitch Kaneland
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#207 - 2015-04-09 15:09:39 UTC
Spugg Galdon wrote:
Lets do an overall recap (no Kagura Nikon, that doesn't mean "lets capitalise all the things") then:

Combat Battlecruiser warp speed is too slow

This has been fixed with these changes in this thread.

OGB's allow players to fly ships with extremely enhanced capability in a primary ship with very little risk to the secondary or "boosting ship". This allows pilots to use OGB alts in the most powerful and expensive boosting ships as there is little to no risk in losing them. If gang links were required to be on grid this would encourage the use of CBC's as cheap command ships and actually enforce the role they are designed for.
Off Grid Boosting needs to be removed.
Skill requirements for gang link boosting and the need for command processors to get multiple boosts running make the use of CBC's as useful command platforms extremely limited.
Lower skill point requirements for gang links . Allow CBC's to fit 3 unbonused gang links and give them more high slots to do so. To prevent the high slots from being abused, create a role bonus to reduce fitting requirements of gang links or just reduce gang link fitting requirements and rebalance ship fitting stats accordingly.

BC's pretty much require a MJD fitted. This is for defensive use to prevent being kited to death and offensively to get on top of a target. Currently, only the armour BC's can fit a MJD and a MWD and retain effectiveness. BC targeting range is also too low to allow offensive use of the MJD (you need to have your target pre locked before the jump).
Buff all BC targeting range.
Re-evaluate shield BC slot layout to allow the use of MJD+MWD (dual prop) fits without completely gimping the ship. The other option of having all CBC's have a MJD fitted as standard removes too much choice from the game. It's not a good solution.

Modules used by Battlecruisers are also used by cruisers. eg tanking modules and weapons. This means that there is no distinction between the classes when it comes to damage projection and the fact that BC's have roughly twice the signature radius and slower speeds, completely removes their base HP advantage.
[Solution] - Tanking modules
Kagura's suggestion to re balance the plates and shield extenders is the best solution for the tanking modules.
[Solution] - Damage Projection
The issue of damage projection could be solved with a projection role bonus, however this would be problematic. A better solution would be to increase base fittings to allow larger caliber weapons to fit in order to improve projection. This solution is also very problematic as it opens many doors for other fitting opportunities that may break stuff. Weapons will also get a balance pass eventually which is supposed to remove the "tier system" of the weapons.
In the end, damage projection may be best off left until all other problems are solved and to re-evaluate whether its required or not.

On grid mobility. BC's are quite slow and sluggish preventing any real kiting setups making the cruiser a better option.
I really don't think a speed buff is required for these ships. Certainly not until all other issues have been addressed.

What would the problem be if a projection role bonus were added? You mentioned there being a problem, but didnt specify what it was.

Even with larger guns, 425 cane for example, Non-range bonused acs have pretty terrible projection. Even with barrage. Then, combining largest calibre gun with a tracking nerf from barrage means my BC cant track that condor orbiting 3k/s. Where as a falloff bonus would help using sabot or short range ammo to apply decently at point range.

The only problem i see is that the ferox has a projection bonus already. And we cant give it a second as it would sort of gimp the vulture. Unless the optimal bonus on ferox dropped to 5% per level + role bonus.

HACs would still be faster and more mobile than a bc, but at least the bc can fight back now at range.

Role bonus would only affect CBC and not tier3.
Cade Windstalker
#208 - 2015-04-10 05:58:36 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Nope.. the result is completely different.

A 1600 plate gives more HP to a cruiser than its base hull, whiel it increases a moderate fraction of a battleship base hull. If you just increase base EHP of battleships you are not solvign anything. The battleships will simply not bennefit from using plates, and cruisers will continue overpowered when using a single module to DOUBLE their base HP that is helped by a very small signature and higher resists (t2 and t3).

You can push up or down cruiser EHP by 15% for example and the final difference in their EHP will be MINIMAL, and if you push it down enough to be relevant, you are just ENFORCIGN that the cruiser NEEDS the plate. THat is horrible game design.

Touching the base hull values would not help the problem, would make it worse.

Touch the modules and you define more clearly up to where you can push the cruiser tank, and you open up a niche space for the BC as a hybrid between cruisers and battleships.

I know the result is completely different, that's part of the point. What you're talking about is an absolutely massive change to the game's balance with massively wide reaching consequences. You may say "good" or something like that but that's not a good thing from a balance perspective and it's unrealistic to expect CCP to go with that sort of shake up when the general state of things is pretty good, with the exception of the perception of Battleships and Battlecruisers as PvP assets.

Some problems with this approach:

  • It doesn't take into account any situation besides those that use a buffer tanked fit, which is mainly fleet engagements with Logi present on the field.
  • It ties the effectiveness of these ships to these modules, at least if you honestly expect this to be a reasonable fix.
  • It doesn't take into account any sort of active tanked setup or meta.
  • It completely ignores that the game is intentionally balanced this way and Cruisers are supposed to have the ability to fit those modules with all of the benefits and penalties they incur because of them. Fun fact, a Thorax with an AB and a 1600 plate fitted takes between 20 and 33% more damage, depending on orbit distance. A Caracal with a Large Shield Extender and an AB takes between 40 and 85% more applied DPS. (both tests done with a Maelstrom with 800mm ACs and 3 Gyros fitted and no other modules)

If BCs and BSes are the problem then we should address the stats on those ships or, in the case of Battleships, the weapons fitted for them. It's unlikely CCP are going to take an approach that would basically bulldoze the current state of the game by making sweeping modifications to core modules.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#209 - 2015-04-10 06:25:00 UTC
Actually changing plates can be done in a very neutral way. Change 800mm plates to 1600mm stats, etc all the way down. Then create a new 1600mm plate. This lets Cruisers still have exactly the same stats as currently, removes the plate that no-one at all uses, and gives Battleships a larger plate. Alternatively.... You could give Battleships and BC's more EHP, especially Battleships, which would get them into the range of being able to effectively use the +15% armour modules instead. Not sure if there is a matching shield module which gives straight percentage bonus? Never looked at Shields in the cap range so not sure. Something would have to be done to ensure shield BS's & BC's didn't get left in the dirt.

Damage application doesn't scale the way you claim Cade, because you used a very very particular weapon system & fit there, which fell right on the edge of damage application. And I doubt you did the test 100 times for RNG variation also.
Other fits would have utterly different responses to damage application.
Cade Windstalker
#210 - 2015-04-10 06:36:28 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Actually changing plates can be done in a very neutral way. Change 800mm plates to 1600mm stats, etc all the way down. Then create a new 1600mm plate. This lets Cruisers still have exactly the same stats as currently, removes the plate that no-one at all uses, and gives Battleships a larger plate. Alternatively.... You could give Battleships and BC's more EHP, especially Battleships, which would get them into the range of being able to effectively use the +15% armour modules instead. Not sure if there is a matching shield module which gives straight percentage bonus? Never looked at Shields in the cap range so not sure. Something would have to be done to ensure shield BS's & BC's didn't get left in the dirt.

Damage application doesn't scale the way you claim Cade, because you used a very very particular weapon system & fit there, which fell right on the edge of damage application. And I doubt you did the test 100 times for RNG variation also.
Other fits would have utterly different responses to damage application.

This assumes that there's literally no use-case for the smallest size of plate, which may not be the case, or that throwing a 3200mm plate into the game would have a good result to overall balance. (Also they'd have to introduce a new item or everyone would have to re-fit all of their ships and re-buy a lot of modules and would be rather pissed about that)

As for Shield ships they get active omni-hardeners and passive regen, Armor gets the option for % increases and a larger plate. Overall it works out fairly balanced most of the time, but the two types of tank have different benefits and therefore different applications.

I still don't agree that tweaking these modules actually fixes the issue with at best tangentially related ships either. If there's an issue with these hulls then it's an issue with something unique to those hulls, not the modules or weapons, and it's easiest to fix the issue by addressing it at the root instead of doing something that has a massive impact on the game as a whole.

Also I didn't test it in-game, that wouldn't be reliable, I threw together a damage graph in EFT and ran the numbers that way. It's massively impractical to run various fits, I simply threw together a match up that I felt was a fairly good representation of the effect of a Plate or Extender on a Cruiser's incoming DPS to demonstrate that there is, in-fact, a trade off to fitting that kind of buffer onto a Cruiser hull.
Ivarr Kerensky
Kerensky Tactical Group
#211 - 2015-04-10 08:47:09 UTC
The usual suspects are trying to push their agenda and play style again, coming up with hilarious solutions for problems that don't really exist.

On topic:

No one is really going to notice an 8% increase in warp speed but as a "here's something you asked for, if only a little bit. Now stop whining about it" it makes good sense. It doesn't help T1 CBC in any way (nor should it) but increasing CS to cruiser lvl is a welcome change for obvious, future, reasons.

The rig change is actually quite massive and will allow for more funky setups, I like it.

Excellence is an attitude.

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#212 - 2015-04-10 09:43:31 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Actually changing plates can be done in a very neutral way. Change 800mm plates to 1600mm stats, etc all the way down. Then create a new 1600mm plate. This lets Cruisers still have exactly the same stats as currently, removes the plate that no-one at all uses, and gives Battleships a larger plate. Alternatively.... You could give Battleships and BC's more EHP, especially Battleships, which would get them into the range of being able to effectively use the +15% armour modules instead. Not sure if there is a matching shield module which gives straight percentage bonus? Never looked at Shields in the cap range so not sure. Something would have to be done to ensure shield BS's & BC's didn't get left in the dirt.

Damage application doesn't scale the way you claim Cade, because you used a very very particular weapon system & fit there, which fell right on the edge of damage application. And I doubt you did the test 100 times for RNG variation also.
Other fits would have utterly different responses to damage application.

But then you are NOT solving some issues. For example the super over buffered T3. Other problem is that a 1600 plate of now has more base EHP than cruiser hulls by themselves on that layer. That means that the plate basically is an all or nothing scenario, the ship differences are meaningless when compared to the module.

Increasing the hull ammount WILL NOT FIX AT ALL THE issue, unless you increase MASSIVELY the ammount of base EHP and that would skew completely the balance of repair and buffer tanks. If you increase the hull base EHP by 15%, the 1600 plates are still more relevant than the cruiser itself.. and they are EVEN MORE irrelevant on battleships.

The result is that you might make the problem even worse

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#213 - 2015-04-10 09:47:16 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:

Also I didn't test it in-game, that wouldn't be reliable, I threw together a damage graph in EFT and ran the numbers that way. It's massively impractical to run various fits, I simply threw together a match up that I felt was a fairly good representation of the effect of a Plate or Extender on a Cruiser's incoming DPS to demonstrate that there is, in-fact, a trade off to fitting that kind of buffer onto a Cruiser hull.

Havign a tradeoff does not mean it is meaningful

A 1600 plate more than DOUBLE the EHP on cruisers that fit it, and reduce their speed by what? some 15% That is not a tradeoff. that is a massively skewed scenario that leads to min maxing... all or nothing. Compare a 800 plate to a 1600. The speed difference is not that big, but the EHP difference is humongous. And since most t2 and t3 cruisers can fit a 1600, then it becomes a no brainer.

If you make 1600 VERY VERY hard to fit on these cruisers then suddenly BC and specially battleships gain a foothold on their main theoretical advantages.

As of today, a proteus still have more EHP than most battleships... while staying FAR more mobile, and smalller that is BEYOND dispute as being BROKEN. IF at most those ships could use was a 800mm things would be WAYYY more balanced.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#214 - 2015-04-10 10:00:15 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:
[quote=Kagura Nikon]

I know the result is completely different, that's part of the point. What you're talking about is an absolutely massive change to the game's balance with massively wide reaching consequences. You may say "good" or something like that but that's not a good thing from a balance perspective and it's unrealistic to expect CCP to go with that sort of shake up when the general state of things is pretty good, with the exception of the perception of Battleships and Battlecruisers as PvP assets.

Some problems with this approach:

  • It doesn't take into account any situation besides those that use a buffer tanked fit, which is mainly fleet engagements with Logi present on the field.
  • It ties the effectiveness of these ships to these modules, at least if you honestly expect this to be a reasonable fix.
  • It doesn't take into account any sort of active tanked setup or meta.
  • It completely ignores that the game is intentionally balanced this way and Cruisers are supposed to have the ability to fit those modules with all of the benefits and penalties they incur because of them. Fun fact, a Thorax with an AB and a 1600 plate fitted takes between 20 and 33% more damage, depending on orbit distance. A Caracal with a Large Shield Extender and an AB takes between 40 and 85% more applied DPS. (both tests done with a Maelstrom with 800mm ACs and 3 Gyros fitted and no other modules)

If BCs and BSes are the problem then we should address the stats on those ships or, in the case of Battleships, the weapons fitted for them. It's unlikely CCP are going to take an approach that would basically bulldoze the current state of the game by making sweeping modifications to core modules.

No it does not tie the ship to the module. On the opposite and that is where you are havign short vision. Right now the buffer plate on a cruiser is more important than the cruiser itself. You could fix that changing the hulls, but you would need to change almsot ALL hulls in game and woudl be far far more complicated to balance.

It does take other situatiosn into account. BEcause ships do not fly in a spreadsheet. When you fit and undock you need to do it relative to the capabilities of the opposition you will face. So when you change buffer ships you change the meta and change other scenarios as well. SImple example.. that change would increase substantially the EHP of several battleships .. enough that HACS fiting ASB might not resist long enough in a fight against them.

No, the game was NOT intentionaly balanced in a way that Cruisers, that were made to be MOBILE focused, can Squeeze out ALL their modules to fit an oversized tank that chalanges or even SURPASSES battleships, while battleships that were supposed to be the damage sponges can at most fit SMALL buffer modules ( because 1600 plates are at most that relative to their base hulls) and effectively are WORSE at tanking than T3s and most t2 cruisers.

I do not know form what hole you got those numbers of yours, but is not from eve. A caracal increases its signature by 20% when it fits a large shield extender. So at MOST it will increase its received damage by 20% on the apex of the curve, and on scenarios where it could already be tracked more or less easily even less change. A thorax with 1600 plate and AB of with NO plate when you add the "depending on the distance" of your sentence.. both take ZERO DAMAGE from a maelstrom in REAL EVE, not EFT!!! Hint for the uninformed, the EFT formula doe snot work EXACTLY as the in game for the extreme scenarios! It is an extrapolation of the game, and is not an 100% math at the apex of the derivative change on the correlation of tracking and signature , that happens for instance on very close combat. That is why AB cruisers at 1 km are immune to most battleships.

Please, go PLAY THE GAME, and do some real combat to know how things REALLY work out. People use always large extenders and 1600 paltes for a reason.. THEY ARE MASSIVELY advantageous. you take TINY bit ammount more damage than with the MEDIUm extender adn 800 plate for TWICE more EHP.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#215 - 2015-04-10 10:01:37 UTC
Stitch Kaneland wrote:
Spugg Galdon wrote:
Lets do an overall recap (no Kagura Nikon, that doesn't mean "lets capitalise all the things") then:

Combat Battlecruiser warp speed is too slow

This has been fixed with these changes in this thread.

OGB's allow players to fly ships with extremely enhanced capability in a primary ship with very little risk to the secondary or "boosting ship". This allows pilots to use OGB alts in the most powerful and expensive boosting ships as there is little to no risk in losing them. If gang links were required to be on grid this would encourage the use of CBC's as cheap command ships and actually enforce the role they are designed for.
Off Grid Boosting needs to be removed.
Skill requirements for gang link boosting and the need for command processors to get multiple boosts running make the use of CBC's as useful command platforms extremely limited.
Lower skill point requirements for gang links . Allow CBC's to fit 3 unbonused gang links and give them more high slots to do so. To prevent the high slots from being abused, create a role bonus to reduce fitting requirements of gang links or just reduce gang link fitting requirements and rebalance ship fitting stats accordingly.

BC's pretty much require a MJD fitted. This is for defensive use to prevent being kited to death and offensively to get on top of a target. Currently, only the armour BC's can fit a MJD and a MWD and retain effectiveness. BC targeting range is also too low to allow offensive use of the MJD (you need to have your target pre locked before the jump).
Buff all BC targeting range.
Re-evaluate shield BC slot layout to allow the use of MJD+MWD (dual prop) fits without completely gimping the ship. The other option of having all CBC's have a MJD fitted as standard removes too much choice from the game. It's not a good solution.

Modules used by Battlecruisers are also used by cruisers. eg tanking modules and weapons. This means that there is no distinction between the classes when it comes to damage projection and the fact that BC's have roughly twice the signature radius and slower speeds, completely removes their base HP advantage.
[Solution] - Tanking modules
Kagura's suggestion to re balance the plates and shield extenders is the best solution for the tanking modules.
[Solution] - Damage Projection
The issue of damage projection could be solved with a projection role bonus, however this would be problematic. A better solution would be to increase base fittings to allow larger caliber weapons to fit in order to improve projection. This solution is also very problematic as it opens many doors for other fitting opportunities that may break stuff. Weapons will also get a balance pass eventually which is supposed to remove the "tier system" of the weapons.
In the end, damage projection may be best off left until all other problems are solved and to re-evaluate whether its required or not.

On grid mobility. BC's are quite slow and sluggish preventing any real kiting setups making the cruiser a better option.
I really don't think a speed buff is required for these ships. Certainly not until all other issues have been addressed.

What would the problem be if a projection role bonus were added? You mentioned there being a problem, but didnt specify what it was.

Even with larger guns, 425 cane for example, Non-range bonused acs have pretty terrible projection. Even with barrage. Then, combining largest calibre gun with a tracking nerf from barrage means my BC cant track that condor orbiting 3k/s. Where as a falloff bonus would help using sabot or short range ammo to apply decently at point range.

The only problem i see is that the ferox has a projection bonus already. And we cant give it a second as it would sort of gimp the vulture. Unless the optimal bonus on ferox dropped to 5% per level + role bonus.

HACs would still be faster and more mobile than a bc, but at least the bc can fight back now at range.

Role bonus would only affect CBC and not tier3.

think the problem might arise in the long range guns only. Think more on ferox terms for example.... Not saying is not somethign that coudl nto be added. But more scenarios must be analysed.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Spugg Galdon
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#216 - 2015-04-10 10:06:40 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Actually changing plates can be done in a very neutral way. Change 800mm plates to 1600mm stats, etc all the way down. Then create a new 1600mm plate. This lets Cruisers still have exactly the same stats as currently, removes the plate that no-one at all uses, and gives Battleships a larger plate. Alternatively.... You could give Battleships and BC's more EHP, especially Battleships, which would get them into the range of being able to effectively use the +15% armour modules instead. Not sure if there is a matching shield module which gives straight percentage bonus? Never looked at Shields in the cap range so not sure. Something would have to be done to ensure shield BS's & BC's didn't get left in the dirt.

Damage application doesn't scale the way you claim Cade, because you used a very very particular weapon system & fit there, which fell right on the edge of damage application. And I doubt you did the test 100 times for RNG variation also.
Other fits would have utterly different responses to damage application.

This assumes that there's literally no use-case for the smallest size of plate, which may not be the case, or that throwing a 3200mm plate into the game would have a good result to overall balance. (Also they'd have to introduce a new item or everyone would have to re-fit all of their ships and re-buy a lot of modules and would be rather pissed about that)

As for Shield ships they get active omni-hardeners and passive regen, Armor gets the option for % increases and a larger plate. Overall it works out fairly balanced most of the time, but the two types of tank have different benefits and therefore different applications.

I still don't agree that tweaking these modules actually fixes the issue with at best tangentially related ships either. If there's an issue with these hulls then it's an issue with something unique to those hulls, not the modules or weapons, and it's easiest to fix the issue by addressing it at the root instead of doing something that has a massive impact on the game as a whole.

Also I didn't test it in-game, that wouldn't be reliable, I threw together a damage graph in EFT and ran the numbers that way. It's massively impractical to run various fits, I simply threw together a match up that I felt was a fairly good representation of the effect of a Plate or Extender on a Cruiser's incoming DPS to demonstrate that there is, in-fact, a trade off to fitting that kind of buffer onto a Cruiser hull.

I think the idea is to try to address the issue of both Battlecruisers and Battleships having relatively weak tanks by introducing an "XL" module to be used on both BC's and BS's (BS's would double up).

Currently the relative tanking difference between cruisers and BC's is quite small (even though on paper it looks larger). This is because BC's have roughly twice the signature radius of cruisers and are slower to boot. This is by design so that BS's can curb stomp them. There for reducing BC sig rad is problematic as it would make them tankier vs BS's which isn't desirable.

Increasing native HP pools is an option but it doesn't take away the fact that cruisers are fitting BS sized modules that are increasing their HP by more than their native HP pool. Applying the same tanking module to a BC which only increasing it's HP pool then fractionally is out of wack.
I''l give you the numbers to make it even clearer how bonkers this all is:
a T2 1600mm plate gives you an additional 4800 armour HP
a Maller has a base armour HP pool of 2875 (1600mm plate gives + 167% to it's armour pool)
A Prophecy has a base armour HP pool of 6875 (1600mm plate gives +69% to it's armour pool)
An Abaddon has a base armour HP pool of 10625 (1600mm plate gives +45% to it's armour pool)
That is way too much of a bonus to the cruiser relatively speaking. Especially when it is really easly to get a 1600mm plate on a cruiser.

This is why plates and extenders need to change. Shift all plates one place to the left and delete the 50mm plates. They really don't get used anyways
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#217 - 2015-04-10 10:16:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Kagura Nikon
Spugg Galdon wrote:
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Actually changing plates can be done in a very neutral way. Change 800mm plates to 1600mm stats, etc all the way down. Then create a new 1600mm plate. This lets Cruisers still have exactly the same stats as currently, removes the plate that no-one at all uses, and gives Battleships a larger plate. Alternatively.... You could give Battleships and BC's more EHP, especially Battleships, which would get them into the range of being able to effectively use the +15% armour modules instead. Not sure if there is a matching shield module which gives straight percentage bonus? Never looked at Shields in the cap range so not sure. Something would have to be done to ensure shield BS's & BC's didn't get left in the dirt.

Damage application doesn't scale the way you claim Cade, because you used a very very particular weapon system & fit there, which fell right on the edge of damage application. And I doubt you did the test 100 times for RNG variation also.
Other fits would have utterly different responses to damage application.

This assumes that there's literally no use-case for the smallest size of plate, which may not be the case, or that throwing a 3200mm plate into the game would have a good result to overall balance. (Also they'd have to introduce a new item or everyone would have to re-fit all of their ships and re-buy a lot of modules and would be rather pissed about that)

As for Shield ships they get active omni-hardeners and passive regen, Armor gets the option for % increases and a larger plate. Overall it works out fairly balanced most of the time, but the two types of tank have different benefits and therefore different applications.

I still don't agree that tweaking these modules actually fixes the issue with at best tangentially related ships either. If there's an issue with these hulls then it's an issue with something unique to those hulls, not the modules or weapons, and it's easiest to fix the issue by addressing it at the root instead of doing something that has a massive impact on the game as a whole.

Also I didn't test it in-game, that wouldn't be reliable, I threw together a damage graph in EFT and ran the numbers that way. It's massively impractical to run various fits, I simply threw together a match up that I felt was a fairly good representation of the effect of a Plate or Extender on a Cruiser's incoming DPS to demonstrate that there is, in-fact, a trade off to fitting that kind of buffer onto a Cruiser hull.

I think the idea is to try to address the issue of both Battlecruisers and Battleships having relatively weak tanks by introducing an "XL" module to be used on both BC's and BS's (BS's would double up).

Currently the relative tanking difference between cruisers and BC's is quite small (even though on paper it looks larger). This is because BC's have roughly twice the signature radius of cruisers and are slower to boot. This is by design so that BS's can curb stomp them. There for reducing BC sig rad is problematic as it would make them tankier vs BS's which isn't desirable.

Increasing native HP pools is an option but it doesn't take away the fact that cruisers are fitting BS sized modules that are increasing their HP by more than their native HP pool. Applying the same tanking module to a BC which only increasing it's HP pool then fractionally is out of wack.
I''l give you the numbers to make it even clearer how bonkers this all is:
a T2 1600mm plate gives you an additional 4800 armour HP
a Maller has a base armour HP pool of 2875 (1600mm plate gives + 167% to it's armour pool)
A Prophecy has a base armour HP pool of 6875 (1600mm plate gives +69% to it's armour pool)
An Abaddon has a base armour HP pool of 10625 (1600mm plate gives +45% to it's armour pool)
That is way too much of a bonus to the cruiser relatively speaking. Especially when it is really easly to get a 1600mm plate on a cruiser.

This is why plates and extenders need to change. Shift all plates one place to the left and delete the 50mm plates. They really don't get used anyways

Right on the spot...a t least some people seems to be able to use rational thinking and understand the implications of aproposal beyond "MY OWN SHIP AND ITS CURRENT FITTING"

And to add to these numbers. With my proposed shift of 50% to PG and HP (that woudl he a HALF shift to left not a full 1 plate size shift)

Cruisers would use 800 plates that would add 3200 HP. so 111% of their base armor pool.
The prohpecy with 800 would go to 46% (same as current battleship level).. and if it sacrifices a bit on its weaponry and fitting, it would go to use a 1600 plate doing now 7200 HP. That is 104%
The abaddon would go to 67%

That is CLEARLY MUCH MUCH more well balanced!!!

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#218 - 2015-04-10 10:26:04 UTC
Spugg Galdon wrote:

This is why plates and extenders need to change. Shift all plates one place to the left and delete the 50mm plates. They really don't get used anyways

Hafta agree on plates/extenders here. Long overdue - and T3 EHP levels have shown that.

A tiercide-type review would give clearer vision to BS and BC roles, but is ~effort~.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#219 - 2015-04-10 11:04:38 UTC
T3's need the EHP for high end WH content, just sayin'.
Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#220 - 2015-04-10 11:05:56 UTC