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Wardec matters once again

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Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#341 - 2015-04-09 02:46:27 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
So, after adding even more stick, you plan to add even more stick and give people even more penalties?

Nope, we're just shuffling the carrots around.

I know you hate this concept, but risk vs reward should be fundamental to highsec too.

People in player corps accept more risk in the form of wars(at least once wars are fixed), and in doing so they should receive greater reward. Rather than bluntly increasing their income by a set percentage, the variety of content they have access to would expand into more lucrative thing than would be possible in an NPC corp.


Like I said, you keep wanting to force people to play your way, not encourage people to take risks and play socially.

And like I said to the other two carebears, that strawman is getting tiresome. Either you're so doggedly determined to hold onto the unfair advantage you've had for all this time, or you're so blind that you can't see the forest for the trees.

That or you've just never heard of comparative buying power.


I'm saying people need more positive reasons to be in High Sec corps, not negative reasons for NPC corps.

Those two things are synonyms. NPC corps have too many advantages, and player corps not enough. You don't just net buff one, you have to take things away from the other.

Which is really what you're all about here, you just want to nerf people who don't do what you want.

Hilariously ironic, coming from someone with a post history like yours. All you do is defend the toxic status quo of highsec, you rarely post otherwise.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#342 - 2015-04-09 02:51:27 UTC
No, it's just because you are so determined to destroy highsec that you think I post like that, because I constantly debunk your myths, lies, and other such attempts to do so. Tell yourself a lie often enough and it will become true, Highsec is not toxic, it does not earn more than null, and NPC corps do not have too many advantages.
High Sec player corps just have one tiny advantage and a whole raft of disadvantages along with. So yes, Player corps need a buff, not NPC corps needing a Nerf.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#343 - 2015-04-09 02:55:18 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
No, it's just because you are so determined to destroy highsec that you think I post like that, because I constantly debunk your myths, lies, and other such attempts to do so.

No, you pretty much just cry about anyone who wants to increase conflict, and whine about how industrial ships should be invulnerable bastions of armor and guns alongside being able to mine asteroids.

That's all you do.


Tell yourself a lie often enough and it will become true, Highsec is not toxic, it does not earn more than null, and NPC corps do not have too many advantages.

The first part is pretty funny, considering just how hard you're steaming to try and ignore the recent player retention stats.

Yes, highsec is toxic. It's current design smothers conflict and player interaction, which as we now know is poison to player retention.

Yes, NPC corps have too many advantages. They get the enormous benefit of being immune to wars, and their only substaintial negative is the dubious loss of not being able to use the pos system, the most broken mechanic in the history of gaming.

Some negative.


High Sec player corps just have one tiny advantage and a whole raft of disadvantages along with. So yes, Player corps need a buff, not NPC corps needing a Nerf.

It's both. And it will happen, too. CCP will take a look at your sacred cow sooner or later, hopefully sooner. And it will not be a net positive for you.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#344 - 2015-04-09 03:01:33 UTC
CCP might nerf NPC corps & buff war decs, your quite right, but if they do it your way, I'll just go play another game that isn't going down the pandering to griefing highway. And no, killing someone once doesn't count as griefing, but creating an environment where a person can be forced to dock up or die to a gangbang team creates a system where griefing becomes the norm because people on the internet.

As for what I want for industrial ships, you again prove you never even injected the reading comprehension skill. Because what I want is real fittings & slots equivalent to the class of combat ship they match size wise, and EHP that starts at the same level unfitted. Not this 3-4 slots of optional fittings rubbish we have currently. In some cases this will be a significant nerf to an unfitted industrial ship, but it better reflects the reality of the game, as well as making for more gameplay choices. And then I'll sit there right with you and laugh at the guy with zero tank fitted who complained he got ganked in Niarja while autopiloting.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#345 - 2015-04-09 03:07:48 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
CCP might nerf NPC corps & buff war decs, your quite right, but if they do it your way, I'll just go play another game that isn't going down the pandering to griefing highway.

Good! That's the whole point of the Rise post I linked to you earlier.

Your way of thinking is contrary to the health of the game. "griefing" does not cost them subs, try as they might to validate that particular myth.


I'll say it again.



And no, killing someone once doesn't count as griefing, but creating an environment where a person can be forced to dock up or die to a gangbang team creates a system where griefing becomes the norm because people on the internet.

And creating a system where people are encouraged to band together into player corps that are worth a damn, instead of toxic newbie tax farms, means that people will be equipped to fight back.

Conflict is fun. Whether you think so or not. That's what keeps people playing this game, your own personal anecdotes aside. You are the outlier here, not me, despite the decade long lie claiming the opposite.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#346 - 2015-04-09 03:16:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Nevyn Auscent
Uh no.
Griefing does cost them Subs, that's why Griefing is against the rules in EVE.
Ganking may or may not cost them subs overall, their 'statistics' didn't actually show anything either way on that. Because it wasn't what they were looking at overall. But Griefing is different to Ganking.

And I do believe Conflict can be fun, but it can also suck if people are just picked on constantly by people that have built up wealth for years using broken mechanics, and when those people constantly use out of game devices like awoxing and spies even when attacking a smaller entity, rather than honestly looking for good fights. And so people need to have the option of stepping back out of a fight. Hence why Wardecs need to remain voluntary. And why you can't go nerfing NPC corps because people need to be able to make income and assets at a good level even while in an NPC corp otherwise whenever they try and step into a player corp they just get crushed again.

Or they lick someones boot for protection, which is not fun gameplay, and is what has lead to the current utterly toxic situation in EVE of the coalitions.

TLDR. No change to Wardecs is needed. If a corp actually continues to play while under a wardec they are already powerful enough. Changes to player corps to make them worth more is what is needed, so more people will continue to play while under a wardec. And possibly some changes to stop the rampant 'Dec 150 corps and camp trade hubs' that goes on. As people are a lot more willing to take the chance of roaming gangs on than know that any time they try and shop there will be a gank squad.
McChicken Combo HalfMayo
The Happy Meal
#347 - 2015-04-09 04:29:30 UTC  |  Edited by: McChicken Combo HalfMayo
Alright, let's get down to the bottom of this argument about player retention and griefing. The claim often made is that ganking and wardecs cause players to quit. I do not actually dispute this. I've seen it for myself. What I dispute is that these players would have stuck around and been a benefit to the game.

It's story time, children... gather around for a tale about Grandpa Mayo's adventures as a young capsuleer.

When I was a new player I joined a highsec corporation that did a lot of PVE. We lived in an area with a lot of ganking and it was only getting worse.
Once I learned what was happening I wanted to help. I went through the killboard and marked red every single ganker in the area from the past 6 months. I posted fits that could counter gankers. I also setup a second account for scouting.
I wasn't even a miner. I did it to help my corp members stay safe. That was me as a new player. Some players helped or took the advice including a few corpmates we'll call John, Tim and Allen.
What did the rest of the corp do? They cried about their losses, they petitioned the gankers, and they logged off in a rage for days or weeks on end. Roll

Our biggest challenge was when a scary mercenary alliance wardecced us for over a month. They were always around. Our miners and mission runners were furious! They could barely get through a pocket without dying or having to warp off. A few us (including John, Tim, Allen and myself) didn't let it stop us. We didn't want to drop corp so for the next little while we would roam through WHs on day trips doing sites and bringing the loot back into highsec. We made more ISK during those wardecs than we ever did before.
What did the rest of the corp do? They cried about their losses, they petitioned the gankers, and they logged off in a rage for days or weeks on end.

The wardecs eventually ended and the corp carried on, eventually disbanding months later. Most of the members have now quit. Some quit during the ganking phase. Some quit during the wardec phase. Some quit later out of boredom or lack of motivation. There are only four of us still around from that original corp of 16-20 active players. Want to guess who they are?

John, Tim, Allen and myself.

There are players that are built for EVE and there are players that are not built for EVE. If someone is going to quit over ganking or wardecs they are playing the wrong game. It was really only a matter of time until they packed their bags and left.


On a different matter entirely, I must confess to being against wardecs following a player who leaves corp. It comes off as a proposal focused around giving the attacker more easy targets. If you want easy targets go to Catch. Blink

It wouldn't provide any balance to the risk/reward model. If a player leaves corp they have already foregone the benefits ("rewards") they receive from that corp. Where is the justification in their increased risk? There are already consequences to leaving the corp and I've advocated for more consequences but on the economic side.

Like it or not CONCORD is part of highsec. A war is against a corporation not a player. If a player relinquishes the benefits of the corporation he isn't under wardec and he gains CONCORD protection. As long as there is a price to pay for that decision it's working as intended.

There are all our dominion

Gate camps: "Its like the lowsec watercooler, just with explosions and boose" - Ralph King-Griffin

Whittorical Quandary
Amarrian Infinity
#348 - 2015-04-09 04:44:35 UTC
idk but the OP proposal would just give more reason for HS players to never join a corp operating only in HS.

"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you never know if they are genuine."

— Abraham Lincoln

Black Pedro
#349 - 2015-04-09 06:57:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
McChicken Combo HalfMayo wrote:
On a different matter entirely, I must confess to being against wardecs following a player who leaves corp. It comes off as a proposal focused around giving the attacker more easy targets. If you want easy targets go to Catch. Blink

Jokes aside, it doesn't provide any balance to the risk/reward model. If a player leaves corp they have already foregone the benefits ("rewards") they receive from that corp. Where is the justification in their increased risk? There are already consequences to leaving the corp and I've advocated for more consequences but on the economic side.

Like it or not CONCORD is part of highsec. A war is against a corporation not a player. If a player relinquishes the benefits of the corporation he isn't under wardec and he gains CONCORD protection. As long as there is a price to pay for that decision it's working as intended.

I agree that if a player drops to an NPC corp they should not have a killright follow them. However, the problem is then if they immediately jump to another corp completely shedding the dec. There needs to be some mechanism to limit the continual dodging of wardecs while still earning the benefit of being in a player corp.

I think a cooldown from joining another corp (which is one option) is bad for the social aspect of the game and hurts a player genuinely wanting to move to a new corp. However, there could be a mechanism where you can join a new corp, but have a 7-day timer where you do not benefit from the corp benefits if you have recently dropped from a corp.

Perhaps even better, have a killright be generated, but only if you join a new player corp during the remainder of the initial war. If you just drop to an NPC corp you are fine, but if you join a new corp during the remainder of that 7-day of the initial war, a limited, non-transferable killright is generated for the original deccing corporation which just lasts until the initial war expires (the balance of the 7 days). Have a nice big pop-up from CONCORD telling this to the player when tries to join a new corp that this limited killright will be activated.

I like that last option as it doesn't penalize players retreating to the safety of a NPC corp, allows a player that is tired of their leadership to immediately hop to a new corp but still be at risk, and still makes it impossible to completely shed the dec for players trying to abuse the mechanics for unintended safety while in a player corp.

Players still could hop to a shell corporation and deploy a new POS though even if they all individually have killrights so there still might need to be some additional mechanism to prevent abuse. I am thinking though that CCP's recent re-focusing on making all things destroyable and disrupt-able means they will likely make the new POS designs more like POCOs and difficult or impossible to take down after a war has been declared (at least the most lucrative ones) so perhaps this won't be a problem after all.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#350 - 2015-04-09 08:21:01 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Uh no.
Griefing does cost them Subs, that's why Griefing is against the rules in EVE.

Griefing does, "griefing" doesn't. Learn the difference.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#351 - 2015-04-09 08:52:21 UTC
admiral root wrote:

Griefing does, "griefing" doesn't. Learn the difference.

One is in scare quotes. Incorrect use of scare quotes does not maketh the argument. Especially not when he was deliberately misquoting me.
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#352 - 2015-04-09 08:57:20 UTC
I've a feeling that all of this discussion is pretty much pointless until the new structures come in since they will most likely change the entire dynamic of POS use and the benefits and risks of structure ownership. Until they come in any effort aimed at changing wardecs is pretty much wasted. The changes to the value of wardecs and being in player corps should be tied to the structures used. These need to be accessible to all levels of corp and also realistically defensible in some way otherwise there will be no way for new corps to ever grow.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#353 - 2015-04-09 09:54:20 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
admiral root wrote:

Griefing does, "griefing" doesn't. Learn the difference.

One is in scare quotes. Incorrect use of scare quotes does not maketh the argument. Especially not when he was deliberately misquoting me.

Close. It's griefing if CCP says it is, it's "griefing" when you (and I mean you, specifically, with your post history) use it to try and whip up some paranoia conspiracy about the exploding of internet spaceships.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

McChicken Combo HalfMayo
The Happy Meal
#354 - 2015-04-09 10:38:12 UTC  |  Edited by: McChicken Combo HalfMayo
Black Pedro wrote:
McChicken Combo HalfMayo wrote:
On a different matter entirely, I must confess to being against wardecs following a player who leaves corp. It comes off as a proposal focused around giving the attacker more easy targets. If you want easy targets go to Catch. Blink

Jokes aside, it doesn't provide any balance to the risk/reward model. If a player leaves corp they have already foregone the benefits ("rewards") they receive from that corp. Where is the justification in their increased risk? There are already consequences to leaving the corp and I've advocated for more consequences but on the economic side.

Like it or not CONCORD is part of highsec. A war is against a corporation not a player. If a player relinquishes the benefits of the corporation he isn't under wardec and he gains CONCORD protection. As long as there is a price to pay for that decision it's working as intended.

I agree that if a player drops to an NPC corp they should not have a killright follow them. However, the problem is then if they immediately jump to another corp completely shedding the dec. There needs to be some mechanism to limit the continual dodging of wardecs while still earning the benefit of being in a player corp.

I think a cooldown from joining another corp (which is one option) is bad for the social aspect of the game and hurts a player genuinely wanting to move to a new corp. However, there could be a mechanism where you can join a new corp, but have a 7-day timer where you do not benefit from the corp benefits if you have recently dropped from a corp.


Players still could hop to a shell corporation and deploy a new POS though even if they all individually have killrights so there still might need to be some additional mechanism to prevent abuse. I am thinking though that CCP's recent re-focusing on making all things destroyable and disrupt-able means they will likely make the new POS designs more like POCOs and difficult or impossible to take down after a war has been declared (at least the most lucrative ones) so perhaps this won't be a problem after all.

Reminds me of this wondrous post from a few pages back. Big smile

Black Pedro wrote:
Perhaps even better, have a killright be generated, but only if you join a new player corp during the remainder of the initial war. If you just drop to an NPC corp you are fine, but if you join a new corp during the remainder of that 7-day of the initial war, a limited, non-transferable killright is generated for the original deccing corporation which just lasts until the initial war expires (the balance of the 7 days). Have a nice big pop-up from CONCORD telling this to the player when tries to join a new corp that this limited killright will be activated.

That's a good one. The decision to forego the rewards for less risk isn't as binding. A player can join back if he wants to take the risk again to regain the benefits.

Would it not be exploitable though? Drop corp when a hostile enters system, join corp when it's all clear. At the least you'd have to limit joining a single corporation to once per 24h.

There are all our dominion

Gate camps: "Its like the lowsec watercooler, just with explosions and boose" - Ralph King-Griffin

Black Pedro
#355 - 2015-04-09 10:51:48 UTC
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
I've a feeling that all of this discussion is pretty much pointless until the new structures come in since they will most likely change the entire dynamic of POS use and the benefits and risks of structure ownership. Until they come in any effort aimed at changing wardecs is pretty much wasted. The changes to the value of wardecs and being in player corps should be tied to the structures used. These need to be accessible to all levels of corp and also realistically defensible in some way otherwise there will be no way for new corps to ever grow.

I agree. It will also be much easier for CCP to reverse the damage years of access to this safety loophole has done to some player's mindsets if they do it while introducing a new system than if they just straight up closed this loophole. If these new shinies are demonstrably better than the status quo, then no one can claim that they should not come with increased responsibility and vulnerability to wardecs like the POCOs have. There can be a whole set of structures that have increasing bonuses with increasing risks to wardecs and other attack so players can tune their level of risk to their tolerance level. If the only structures that can be torn down are the same ones available to those in a NPC corp, then there is no more loophole.

Besides, I think most of us agree that fighting over structures and their bonuses would make for better game play anyways. I don't think CCP will venture into wardecs mechanics again before the new structures are out in any case.
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#356 - 2015-04-09 11:03:49 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
I've a feeling that all of this discussion is pretty much pointless until the new structures come in since they will most likely change the entire dynamic of POS use and the benefits and risks of structure ownership. Until they come in any effort aimed at changing wardecs is pretty much wasted. The changes to the value of wardecs and being in player corps should be tied to the structures used. These need to be accessible to all levels of corp and also realistically defensible in some way otherwise there will be no way for new corps to ever grow.

I agree. It will also be much easier for CCP to reverse the damage years of access to this safety loophole has done to some player's mindsets if they do it while introducing a new system than if they just straight up closed this loophole. If these new shinies are demonstrably better than the status quo, then no one can claim that they should not come with increased responsibility and vulnerability to wardecs like the POCOs have. There can be a whole set of structures that have increasing bonuses with increasing risks to wardecs and other attack so players can tune their level of risk to their tolerance level. If the only structures that can be torn down are the same ones available to those in a NPC corp, then there is no more loophole.

Besides, I think most of us agree that fighting over structures and their bonuses would make for better game play anyways. I don't think CCP will venture into wardecs mechanics again before the new structures are out in any case.

I really hope this is the case, and that hisec, losec, null and WH's are considered seperately with regards to the structures as typically the use of structures in those areas have different needs and dynamics. Done well this could really promote people's greater involvement in this. As far as hisec goes with wardecs I'm really not sure about the whole entosis link thing as new small corps simply won't be able to defend sructures against large groups of agressors who just need to link a strcture for 20 mins to take it. Hisec and wardecs should give all size corps a chance to start out and a real reason to actually fight rather than just think 'well that's the structure gone then'.
Black Pedro
#357 - 2015-04-09 11:12:41 UTC
McChicken Combo HalfMayo wrote:
That's a good one. The decision to forego the rewards for less risk isn't as binding. A player can join back if he wants to take the risk again to regain the benefits.

Would it not be exploitable though? Drop corp when a hostile enters system, join corp when it's all clear. At the least you'd have to limit joining a single corporation to once per 24h.

Wait, forgive my ignorance of this, but is that the case now? Can you drop corp and go about your missioning, and then rejoin the next day before say a counter-attack?

If so that is even a worse exploit than reforming a corp for safety as you could use it tactically to surprise the other side. The GMs must currently enforce that as an exploit.

So yes, a cooldown on rejoining, perhaps even a 7-day ban (or until the war is over, whichever comes first) on rejoining a corp you left during wartime. I can't see any legitimate reason to leave a corp, only to rejoin it 24 hours later.

The other option which I am not sure how easy it is to code, would be to have that proposed "probationary" status where you don't have the benefits of being in a corp full apply to you for 7 days if you dropped corp during a war to also include an inability to join actively in any wars. That would discourage dropping and rejoining, but if you did you just wouldn't be able to participate in the war (at least as an attacker).

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#358 - 2015-04-09 11:34:02 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
admiral root wrote:

Griefing does, "griefing" doesn't. Learn the difference.

One is in scare quotes. Incorrect use of scare quotes does not maketh the argument. Especially not when he was deliberately misquoting me.

Close. It's griefing if CCP says it is, it's "griefing" when you (and I mean you, specifically, with your post history) use it to try and whip up some paranoia conspiracy about the exploding of internet spaceships.

Don't bother, he's not redeemable. I linked it for him in black and white, from CCP themselves, and he still rails against it because it contradicts his narrative.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#359 - 2015-04-09 11:38:41 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:

Wait, forgive my ignorance of this, but is that the case now? Can you drop corp and go about your missioning, and then rejoin the next day before say a counter-attack?

Kinda. It can be done, and often is. But it's sort of petitionable under the "you can't join a corp with an active dec with a target in system rule". Never seen it punished though.

I still favor killrights. As someone mentioned above, they can be tailored to generate only if the flagged person joins another player corp, or whatever. They are a tool that can be adjusted a variety of ways to make sure it's still fair.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#360 - 2015-04-09 12:00:41 UTC
I'm really not sure that killrights are the appropriate choice here. A war is between corporations and therefore CONCORD are bribed to ignore one corps destruction of anothers assets. Those assets include the pilots within the corp. When CONCORD start giving corporations the legal right to hunt individuals things are going wrong. If the corp doesn't like an individual leaving during a war they can always go and gank them.

A new corp is already disbarred from standing up a POS for 7 days, if a change was made whereby a player leaving a corp must stay in an NPC corp then this is the same punishment and will be a big deal to any real industrialist.

Wars are an inter-corp mechanism, not a mechanism to allow the killing of an individual. The individual punishment should be disbarment from use of corp assets by means of not being able to create or join another corp for 7 days. Individual 'punishments' of any particularly mouthy individual who trash talks in local and then bravely runs away should be via the good old-fashioned method of ganking them.

So basically corp-mechanism should equal corp punishment.