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Where did the Silent Battleground go?

Lyta Naskingar
XX Industries
#1 - 2015-04-02 10:52:04 UTC
I've been milking a Silent Battleground site in a shattered system for a few months on and off, but I logged in today to find that there's no longer one in the system.

The only reference I can find in a dev blog is a one-line mention that says that the "distribution has been tweaked".

Does that translate to "we've moved them into different systems than the ones they were in originally"?

Annoying; I was going to do a bit of relic can farming today, but now I guess I'm actually going to have to "explore" instead.
Ghenghis Kralj
Big Johnson's
#2 - 2015-04-02 20:34:20 UTC
you should start a page IMMEDIATELY. this is def something that needs to be addressed so that your isk needs are met as soon as possible.
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#3 - 2015-04-02 23:13:55 UTC
Lyta Naskingar wrote:
I've been milking a Silent Battleground site in a shattered system for a few months on and off, but I logged in today to find that there's no longer one in the system.

The only reference I can find in a dev blog is a one-line mention that says that the "distribution has been tweaked".

Does that translate to "we've moved them into different systems than the ones they were in originally"?

Annoying; I was going to do a bit of relic can farming today, but now I guess I'm actually going to have to "explore" instead.

No, what youu have been doing is exploiting a farm. The Silent battleground would respawn instantly in the same system, infinitely. We found the hole you were in, and farmed it for a few hours, extracting about 250M in blueprints. it was like a giant river of gold flowing into your pocket, and you are obviously sad to have it removed from your wormhole, but you know what? it's good for the game if one person doesn't get ridiculous rewards just because an infinitely respawning undepleteable resource is theirs and theirs alone.

i mean, dude, we killed you Feb 8th. You've had 6 weeks of constantly farming that one site forever. Take your metric boatloads of blueprints and ISK, thank Bob, and start spending it on faction fit Titans.
Dead Sky Inc.
#4 - 2015-04-03 09:28:24 UTC
Trinkets friend wrote:
it's good for the game if one person doesn't get ridiculous rewards just because an infinitely respawning undepleteable resource is theirs and theirs alone.

Tell that to those static 10/10s in nullsec that are the only source of stuff like the pansha´s implant.

Also, smartbombing legion better than proty?
Braxton Tscharke
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2015-04-03 11:15:18 UTC
I CALL HER BIRTH CANNON, because well....reasons
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#6 - 2015-04-03 23:59:20 UTC
Shilalasar wrote:
Trinkets friend wrote:
it's good for the game if one person doesn't get ridiculous rewards just because an infinitely respawning undepleteable resource is theirs and theirs alone.

Tell that to those static 10/10s in nullsec that are the only source of stuff like the pansha´s implant.

Also, smartbombing legion better than proty?

Hm. if only you could set an autopilot to that wormhole and know when the BIRTH CANNON was about to refresh your clone.