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Vigil as a Webbing Boat

Auduin Samson
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2015-04-01 04:55:18 UTC
If you don't think the Vigil is useful as an EWAR platform, you've clearly never flown with a missile fleet.

A webbing bonus WOULD make it much more useful, but it would also put it on term with ships like the Cruor and Hyena which are much more expensive. If you want that bonus, you pay for it with a better ships.

Making T1 ships perform like T2 ships doesn't make sense. You fly T1 because it's cheap and T2 because it's specialized. Put faction webs on if you want it to perform better.
DarkCloud Cesaille
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2015-04-01 14:20:11 UTC
I must agree with the masses here, a webbing bonus is no good for the vigil. Then I wouldn't ever bother with a Hyena, the only reason I bother with a Hyena is because it's cheapr than a Rapier.

It is designed for a specific role, just like the maulus, you don't see to many of those rolling around solo do you? No they support larger fleets for damping out logi. Vigil supports larger fleets for TP stuff for the missile boats.

Want the web bonus, spend 30 mil and fly a Hyena, they're not expensive at all.
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