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[New structures] Mooring and docking features

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Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#301 - 2015-04-01 04:23:08 UTC
Chribba wrote:
If moored/docked/whatever you wish to call it. Will the pilot be able to hand the ship over to another pilot?

Essentially, asking as a thought of my own business if 3rd partying of supercaps is dead then. Also removal of POS shields poses the safety of such a trade to be much less as you'd have to conduct such a trade in plain space to be probed. What about refitting?

Removal of POS'es will kill any smaller groups that wishes to fly supercaps as they may not be able to store them anywhere, but this might be the purpose...

I remember my first mom, a wyvern, quite a number of years ago (well over 5-6 years ago hehe), before POS's were so popular.

You acted as a third party, while me and the owner 'traded' at a safemark.

Very nerve racking...

Been around since the beginning.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#302 - 2015-04-01 08:45:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Lurifax
Well, one solution could be to anchor a mass of "combat posses" close to each other. This could create a killing area where supers could logoff. E; it has not been stated how close the new posses can be anchored. Can you imagine the small shanty town that would rise ?

The mooring feature is cool and nice, but a super should not be left there and expected to be safe. And as some PL dude said the ship for super chars being used for other things have longed sailed.

These new structures are nice, but why would I use them and not NPC stations that has all the benefits and none of the down side ?

E; 0.0 NPC stations needs to go
Cade Windstalker
#303 - 2015-04-01 14:51:39 UTC
Reaver Glitterstim wrote:
Gevlin wrote:
I would recommend to allow us to install "Decoy" Supers on the moores. Making the station look more popular than it really is and give fake intel.

Sure, but naturally they should cost almost as much tritanium as a real super because, well, it's a big hunk of metal that's as big as a super. I don't know if people would bother spending that much tritanium just for a decoy though, when they could just have a real super there.

Part of the hassle of constructing a Super is the amount of materials needed to build one, and the associated build times, costs, and transport requirements of those materials. It's something like 20-30 freighter (note, not jump freighter) loads of components for a Super Carrier, and most of those are time consuming and expensive to manufacture. If all you need is a ****-load of Tritanium (which can be sourced locally to an extent) then it's significantly cheaper and easier to build a Decoy than a real Super, as well as being quicker.

Maybe people use this stuff, maybe they don't. Personally I find the idea of introducing "Ghost Division" mechanics into Eve pretty interesting, especially if they let you customize the Supers with player names and other info, maybe including increased Locator Agent timers, so you can actually have the pilot in that system in an Inty, then an hour before the attack you rush them over to where their Super is actually parked and the enemy's Locator Agents suddenly start taking longer to pin him down, and by that time the attack has started.

Lurifax wrote:
Well, one solution could be to anchor a mass of "combat posses" close to each other. This could create a killing area where supers could logoff. E; it has not been stated how close the new posses can be anchored. Can you imagine the small shanty town that would rise ?

The mooring feature is cool and nice, but a super should not be left there and expected to be safe. And as some PL dude said the ship for super chars being used for other things have longed sailed.

These new structures are nice, but why would I use them and not NPC stations that has all the benefits and none of the down side ?

E; 0.0 NPC stations needs to go

That's part of what CCP want to know, what's going to be required for people to be willing to use these structures. That's part of why they're talking about having players not lose all their stuff if one gets captured or destroyed.

I'd say it's a safe assumption that NPC stations in Null aren't going anywhere, at least in most cases. They serve a useful function and are required for existing gameplay. It's better to give these new structures benefits that make them worth living in the same way current Outposts are worth living in, and anyone who doesn't feel that's worth it doesn't have to make use of them. Risk/Reward being what it is in Eve.

Also the Supers pilots argument just means we shouldn't interfere with existing dynamics too badly with these changes, it doesn't mean the option should be left closed for new players who may be looking at training into Supers. I mean I can, in theory, fly a Super Carrier quite well. I just never will as long as that commits the character to the hull for life because he's more useful doing other things. It would still be pretty cool to have the option to fly one though, either borrowed from a friend or Alliance.
Webster Carr
Carr Consolidated Corporation
#304 - 2015-04-01 22:34:57 UTC
Enta en Bauldry wrote:
In W-Space, intel is gathered by d-scanning and looking on-grid (at POSes) to see if any players are active and what kind of ships they're in.

Do you intend to permit docking in W-Space? This would make intel gathering much harder unless mechanics are put in place to see what the docked players are doing. This is my biggest concern with the proposed "anchor any structure anywhere" philosophy you outlined at the fanfest presentation.

My Vote: Please allow docking in W-Space... :)
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#305 - 2015-04-02 00:18:24 UTC
Webster Carr wrote:
My Vote: Please allow docking in W-Space... :)

I agree. W-space intel is supposed to be difficult to receive. You won't see someone docked just like you won't see someone cloaked. Only difference is the docked ship doesn't have to fit a cloaking device.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Webster Carr
Carr Consolidated Corporation
#306 - 2015-04-02 00:46:43 UTC
Being able to dock in Wormhole space is a quality of life thing for me, I want to be able to build something lasting with all the conveniences in my lil wormhole home. Living in space without being able to dock is a PITA...

*I also want it to be able to blast anyone who tries to take my hermit hole away from me so please allow passive defenses for the new structures....enough at least to deter the casual pirate gang...

Gallente Federation
#307 - 2015-04-02 01:41:16 UTC
Webster Carr wrote:
Being able to dock in Wormhole space is a quality of life thing for me, I want to be able to build something lasting with all the conveniences in my lil wormhole home. Living in space without being able to dock is a PITA...

*I also want it to be able to blast anyone who tries to take my hermit hole away from me so please allow passive defenses for the new structures....enough at least to deter the casual pirate gang...


And why should the casual pirate not be able to engage the casual worm hole player?
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#308 - 2015-04-02 03:38:44 UTC
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:

And why should the casual pirate not be able to engage the casual worm hole player?

I believe the point is that they shouldn't be able to kill his stuff while he's offline without facing some risk. Hence why AI defences are needed.
Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#309 - 2015-04-02 06:03:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Asuka Solo
Elenahina wrote:
CCP Ytterbium wrote:

  • Having (super)capitals visible from space, even if invulnerable to direct assault, is going a huge intelligence boost to opposing forces.
  • Having (super)capitals traceable in such a manner could allow third parties to ambush (super)capital pilots as soon as they remove moorings to destroy the ships before they can escape.
  • Having a fixed mooring capability on those structures will create problems if the structure mooring capability is full when another (super)capital pilot tries to use it under pressure.

Honestly, I don't see these as issues.

Supercapitals in particular are supposed to be strategic assets, not personal playthings (the last few years of Eve not withstanding), and as such, some thought should be put into their basing, advance, and withdrawl from the field.

To point 1: You know how modern navies hide aircraft carriers? Answer - they don't try - they're too farking big. Anyone with a halfway decent mapping sattellite can find them pretty much all the time, if they're willing to put in the time to look. Hiding the location of a super carrier is like trying to obscure the location of Central Park. If you're going to put supers out, you invest in keeping other people away from them. You move them from time to time. Or you use the ultimate cloak and log out in them, just like today.

#2 - You're saying this like it would be a bad thing. If you're going to unsling your supers on someone, shouldn't you have - I dunno - some kind of support fleet to protect them at their most vulnerable? Wouldn't knowing the time of an enemy operation, and surprising them in dock drive content?

#3 - Being able to play mooring games with Nyxes sounds like a terrible way to spend an evening. If the super cap pilot, not to mention the FC, isn't thinking far enough ahead to check the availability of moorage points before they put their ship in harm's way, then the ship deserves to die in a fire.

Honeslty, it's time everyone stopped trying to treat supercaps like battlecruisers. Stop trying to protect them like babies in a cot.

1. Modern support fleets are for show and milk-run patrols. The aircraft carriers have enough firepower to engage anything dumb enough to venture near it, or within strike range of its aircraft. The days of World War II, where the carrier replaced the battleship and the latter requiring massive escorts (The blob mentality) due to its inability to use any other weapon than massive long range guns that couldn't shoot anything below the horizon line, is long gone. Carriers got dive bombers for a reason you know...

2. Supers (in the real world) are not vulnerable to just anything (like say, a rubber duck sporting two guys with AK-47s and grenades), they were built to be somewhat immune to the lesser mortal threats. So the support fleet should be there for specific threats, like say, larger ships / battleships and capitals... not to counter the tiniest of frigates who shouldn't be trying to take on a super in the first place.

3. Nyx mooring games sounds like an awesome evening. But in the same breath, if you want supers to have limited docking capability, then apply this to significantly smaller outposts / stations and force sub caps to sit in a cue to dock when the capacity is full just like they do at the Jita gate when the system hits 2.4k people.... this should apply the world of risky docking to the small ships in eve and then everybody plays by the same rules....

Or are you a risk adverse rifter pilot who likes whoring on capital kills with your transversal?

Honestly, its time people stop treating their rifters like the godsent ship of Eve and allow them to get ganked by the big boys again if they try stupid things.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#310 - 2015-04-02 11:57:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Phoenix Jones
Webster Carr wrote:
Being able to dock in Wormhole space is a quality of life thing for me, I want to be able to build something lasting with all the conveniences in my lil wormhole home. Living in space without being able to dock is a PITA...

*I also want it to be able to blast anyone who tries to take my hermit hole away from me so please allow passive defenses for the new structures....enough at least to deter the casual pirate gang...


Mooring in W-space.. ok can live with that.

Docking in w-space, no way shape or form.

First rule of w-space, whatever you bring is is already lost.

Its about the most extreme you can get to extreme gameplay. Last thing anybody wants in wspace is undock Jita games.

Mooring, depending how they implement it, can work.

Docking, go to Thera if you want that.


Cade Windstalker
#311 - 2015-04-02 13:48:34 UTC
Phoenix Jones wrote:
Webster Carr wrote:
Being able to dock in Wormhole space is a quality of life thing for me, I want to be able to build something lasting with all the conveniences in my lil wormhole home. Living in space without being able to dock is a PITA...

*I also want it to be able to blast anyone who tries to take my hermit hole away from me so please allow passive defenses for the new structures....enough at least to deter the casual pirate gang...


Mooring in W-space.. ok can live with that.

Docking in w-space, no way shape or form.

First rule of w-space, whatever you bring is is already lost.

Its about the most extreme you can get to extreme gameplay. Last thing anybody wants in wspace is undock Jita games.

Mooring, depending how they implement it, can work.

Docking, go to Thera if you want that.

I think you may want to ask the rest of W-Space whether or not they want docking or not before trying to speak for the entire population. For my part I've mostly heard people be enthusiastic about the prospect of being able to dock up inside Wormholes.

Besides, if your concern is people failing to lose stuff when their structure explodes then don't allow anchoring of XL Structures, or any of the structures with loot safety mechanics. There shouldn't be a problem with docking in wormholes if it's effectively just a POS you can walk around in.
Alavaria Fera
#312 - 2015-04-02 14:56:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Alavaria Fera
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Webster Carr wrote:
Being able to dock in Wormhole space is a quality of life thing for me, I want to be able to build something lasting with all the conveniences in my lil wormhole home. Living in space without being able to dock is a PITA...

*I also want it to be able to blast anyone who tries to take my hermit hole away from me so please allow passive defenses for the new structures....enough at least to deter the casual pirate gang...


And why should the casual pirate not be able to engage the casual worm hole player?

wormholeers also want to avoid any pvp that's too risky for them

usually it has to do with closing holes, their equivalent of a gatecamp or a bubblespam.. except you just can't get to them if they closed the hole

guns on the posv2 will also help

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#313 - 2015-04-02 15:27:18 UTC
If a capital/super capital is under an aggression timer will it be unable to moor?

Same question goes to titans that have used their doomsday if they try to moor after the aggression timer has ran out but they still have the 10 minute timer of the DD will it reject their mooring?
Band of the Red Sun
#314 - 2015-04-02 15:42:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Mazzara
Well, then just leave a POS shield up around the structure, like we have now

I agree with you why not, leave the shields
No matter how much you scrub, how hot of water you use, you can't wash shame!
Noxisia Arkana
Deadspace Knights
#315 - 2015-04-02 23:02:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Noxisia Arkana
Still think docking games in wormholes is going to be ******. I'm also concerned about the amount of effort to flip structures to new ownership. It should be more difficult than than bringing everything in and setting it up, especially since wormholes operate with less people - and it's likely someone won't be on during a vulnerability time for the 5,10 or 30 minutes it'll take.

Forcing ships to moore (capital) could be a problem, since it's going to give a huge advantage to sieging corps. They can see how many caps you have, and they can log off enough to deal with you.

Edit: to elaborate on docking - I don't want to play highsec docking games in wormhole space, that's going to **** me off. A lot.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#316 - 2015-04-03 01:43:06 UTC
I remember when capitals ships and of course super capital ships were feared... Now it's "everyone blob it, let's kill mail whore it".

We are now left to POS bubble games... And soon station mooring games... Sad.

Been around since the beginning.

Cade Windstalker
#317 - 2015-04-03 03:26:00 UTC
Mazzara wrote:
Well, then just leave a POS shield up around the structure, like we have now

I agree with you why not, leave the shields

Because there are a few mechanical problems (as in game mechanical) with the current POS shields. Like the number of ways you can get a CYNO inside one, for example, all of the various bump mechanics, and basically anything else that involves the physics engine interacting with a POS bubble. It's far easier to remove these issues by introducing a new mechanic that preserves the desirable functionality and removes the problems.

CCP have stated that currently their intention is to entirely remove POS bubbles from the game.

Noxisia Arkana wrote:
Still think docking games in wormholes is going to be ******. I'm also concerned about the amount of effort to flip structures to new ownership. It should be more difficult than than bringing everything in and setting it up, especially since wormholes operate with less people - and it's likely someone won't be on during a vulnerability time for the 5,10 or 30 minutes it'll take.

Forcing ships to moore (capital) could be a problem, since it's going to give a huge advantage to sieging corps. They can see how many caps you have, and they can log off enough to deal with you.

Edit: to elaborate on docking - I don't want to play highsec docking games in wormhole space, that's going to **** me off. A lot.

If they add docking then Capitals should be able to dock, Supers will have to moor but it's a Wormhole... what Supers? (I mean, besides FCFTW's secret super-fleet, ignore that)

We already have POS games, docking games can be mitigated by simply making all of these structures what is generally referred to as a "kick-out" undock. In other words you don't undock within the docking ring.

Lastly do you really think you can't at least have one guy online during what is ostensibly prime-time for your organization during the week?

That said the capture and destruction mechanics for Wormholes do need to be outlined/ironed out, since Wormholes don't exactly have a Region to fight through (or at least not an easily accessible one).
Alavaria Fera
#318 - 2015-04-03 05:00:37 UTC
Noxisia Arkana wrote:
Forcing ships to moore (capital) could be a problem, since it's going to give a huge advantage to sieging corps. They can see how many caps you have, and they can log off enough to deal with you.

I see, they can log off their caps so you can't see them.

But you can't log off your caps so they can't see them. A fascinating asymmetry.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#319 - 2015-04-03 11:01:57 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Mazzara wrote:
Well, then just leave a POS shield up around the structure, like we have now

I agree with you why not, leave the shields

Because there are a few mechanical problems (as in game mechanical) with the current POS shields. Like the number of ways you can get a CYNO inside one, for example, all of the various bump mechanics, and basically anything else that involves the physics engine interacting with a POS bubble. It's far easier to remove these issues by introducing a new mechanic that preserves the desirable functionality and removes the problems.

CCP have stated that currently their intention is to entirely remove POS bubbles from the game.

Noxisia Arkana wrote:
Still think docking games in wormholes is going to be ******. I'm also concerned about the amount of effort to flip structures to new ownership. It should be more difficult than than bringing everything in and setting it up, especially since wormholes operate with less people - and it's likely someone won't be on during a vulnerability time for the 5,10 or 30 minutes it'll take.

Forcing ships to moore (capital) could be a problem, since it's going to give a huge advantage to sieging corps. They can see how many caps you have, and they can log off enough to deal with you.

Edit: to elaborate on docking - I don't want to play highsec docking games in wormhole space, that's going to **** me off. A lot.

If they add docking then Capitals should be able to dock, Supers will have to moor but it's a Wormhole... what Supers? (I mean, besides FCFTW's secret super-fleet, ignore that)

We already have POS games, docking games can be mitigated by simply making all of these structures what is generally referred to as a "kick-out" undock. In other words you don't undock within the docking ring.

Lastly do you really think you can't at least have one guy online during what is ostensibly prime-time for your organization during the week?

That said the capture and destruction mechanics for Wormholes do need to be outlined/ironed out, since Wormholes don't exactly have a Region to fight through (or at least not an easily accessible one).

Wh groups being limited in numbers (the isk income a wh can support number) makes it difficult to cover all tz. Sure there are a few 200+ corps out there, but not many. The lower the class of wh, the fewer folks it can support. Over all it is not practical for lower class in specific and higher class in general to be able to field 23/7 coverage.

That being said, what ever mechanics are applied there should be resistant to TZ shinanigans. If US players can dunk russian/EU players while they sleep/work Russian players can dunk EU/US players while they sleep/work and EU players can dunk US/russian players while they sleep/work, well asside from a glorious first month, wh will become pretty empty.

It will be left w/ a few bears logging off in caps, logging in to farm and logging back off in short order. WH space will change it's road warrior style pvp mystique to the ultimate farmville for alt accounts. Please keep the unique circumstances of wh living in mind and don't make it so 'off time zone dunking' is a thing.
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#320 - 2015-04-03 20:05:31 UTC
Asuka Solo wrote:
Honestly, its time people stop treating their rifters like the godsent ship of Eve and allow them to get ganked by the big boys again if they try stupid things.

I like the current state in which supers have no way whatsoever to destroy anything smaller than a battleship as long as it possesses so much as passive shield regen, but in the same vein I like how the subcap can't tackle the super unless it's an interdictor with specially designed equipment for doing so. Were I in charge, I'd go a step further and make it take extra warp strength to tackle any capitals, but would nerf the number of drones a carrier can put out, opting instead to buff the fighters so that 5 is plenty.

I think a small ship should be somewhat safe around only big ships, but it also shouldn't be much for then to worry about. It's purpose in being near them would be intel, and if they don't like that, they should have a subcapital support fleet to deal with it.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."