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Vigil as a Webbing Boat

#1 - 2015-03-30 00:38:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Lienzo
If the Vigil as a webbing platform would be considered too powerful, then it could only logically be assumed that webs are too powerful or have excessively broad utility.

The reason it does not make sense that the vigil is a painting boat is that frigate weapons by and large do not benefit from target painting. That makes them a sort of dedicated support for larger ships, something more easily and more logically filled by a larger escort, perhaps a bellicose or one of the missing battleships following tiericide.

The vigils own bonus does not aid its own user. That is the most salient point to be made in this thread. The other ewar boats can actually be hull tanked to some effect in solo pvp, and still can manipulate the battle to their favor. The Hyena has a similar complaint to be made, but it's not really a role that gets anyone's attention. It is simply a widely ignored bonus. If even rage rockets could be factor in the equation, this post wouldn't exist.

If we elected to sit down and have a little re-think on webs, I think it would be painfully apparent that they make for very limited gameplay. They are essential to have for gate camping, and without that, half the pvp in the game would go poof. Se we're already hobbling along. Setting that aside, they are limited in other areas as well. Outside of a few bonused ships and a few blingy modules, webs are pretty bog standard in terms of range and effect.

There are no boosting modules for them, nor any rigs. They don't have falloff, and there's no real downside to fitting them beyond any presumably lesser opportunity cost. The only time you might think about not fitting them is if you are in a fleet and that is not your role.

To those ends, I would further propose adding falloff to webs, as well as a lowslot or rig based range/efficacy booster module. As we all know, anything that gets a booster module or a ship with a bonus somewhere tends to get reeled back in capabilities. This would allow us to have skirmishes beyond 12ish km and well into disruptor range. A lot of different weapon systems would suddenly have a viable envelope. In addition, it would make a lot of disruptor range maneuvering rely less on tick-based slingshot maneuvers, although those would still work pretty well.

While simple mass-based formula would be handy for tweaking webifying mechanics further, those generally go against the business of combat at gates. Maybe that could be a good thing though. Maybe it is just the thing to bring battlecruisers and battleships back from the brink? How much more flexible could tackle frigates be if only anti-frigate setups sported webs?

Perhaps there is also a need for a hard counter to webs. Could it be built into afterburners? Could it be a natural bonus of assault frigates? That would have been a lot more fun than the MWD bonuses that just make them second class citizens in the frig world, and ignore their traditional fleet roles. It would cause quite the meltdown if half the AFs and/or half the Interceptors suddenly had AB bonuses instead of MWD bonuses some fine day.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2015-03-30 00:56:16 UTC
You made an IF statement as your opening line, then answered your own question with an assumption.

Please never do that again.

Nearly the rest of your article has nothing to do with the Vigil, and instead goes on a rambling journey across webs, rigs, Ewar frigates, afterburners, gate combat...

Go back to 0. Plainly state your idea, what you want to happen, and why it would be a good idea.

And for the love of Cthulu make the title apply to more than 10% of the post.
#3 - 2015-03-30 03:16:07 UTC
The vigil should trade it's target painting bonus for a webbing bonus.
John Hand
#4 - 2015-03-30 06:04:43 UTC  |  Edited by: John Hand
Lienzo wrote:
The vigil should trade it's target painting bonus for a webbing bonus.

See was that too hard to plainly state?
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#5 - 2015-03-30 08:00:17 UTC
And what ship is going to be the TP boat in the T1 Ewar frigs? And you are going to make the Cruor useless?

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Lugh Crow-Slave
#6 - 2015-03-30 14:14:43 UTC
No web range bonuses would be to strong on a T1 frig and you would have very little reason to train for buy and risk using the T2 variant just for TPs and certanly not the recon if i could get the web bonus from a t1 frig.

just because a web range bonus is stronger than a tp bonus does not mean webs are to strong

as for tps not being useful for frigs and thus this frig should have its bonuses switched is flawed for two reasons

A.) Ewar frigs are used to give adv to fleets with larger ships (cruiser-BB)

B.) ignoring point A light missiles and any weapon system that fights in falloff still greatly benefit from the use of a TP even on frigs

#7 - 2015-03-30 18:37:33 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
And what ship is going to be the TP boat in the T1 Ewar frigs? And you are going to make the Cruor useless?

No frigate really needs a target painting bonus, precluding the development of new mechanics surrounding target painting. The difference is makes in the application of any frigate sized weapon system is simply trivial.

The cruor has a range bonus, not an effectiveness bonus. Thus, there is even still room for variation, even in the absence of more varied mechanics for webs.

The only frigate sized ship that could benefit from a target painter is a cloaky frigate to accompany stealth bombers. If that were on the cheetah, we might actually get some mileage out of it.
Arla Sarain
#8 - 2015-03-30 18:48:55 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
weapon system that fights in falloff still greatly benefit from the use of a TP even on frigs

Falloff has nothing to do with sig radius, only tracking.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#9 - 2015-03-30 19:10:46 UTC
Arla Sarain wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
weapon system that fights in falloff still greatly benefit from the use of a TP even on frigs

Falloff has nothing to do with sig radius, only tracking.

Tracking and sig radius are opposed value in the calculation. If one matter, the other does too... The real problem with what he said is that anything that can't perfectly track benefit from a TP being applied, be it in optimal or falloff.
Arla Sarain
#10 - 2015-03-31 11:25:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Arla Sarain
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Arla Sarain wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
weapon system that fights in falloff still greatly benefit from the use of a TP even on frigs

Falloff has nothing to do with sig radius, only tracking.

Tracking and sig radius are opposed value in the calculation. If one matter, the other does too... The real problem with what he said is that anything that can't perfectly track benefit from a TP being applied, be it in optimal or falloff.

Guns of matching target size don't need it - for close range guns to start missing you need to be point blank, both ships orbiting each other at 500, which won't happen cos #EvE1Dcombat. For long range guns, no amount of TPs is going to increase your chances of hitting stuff at point blank. Might be useful for tremor artillery against interceptors, cos they are pretty much the only thing that can reach 0.2 rad/s at 20km orbit (garmurs can too, but not without the sig bloom).

TPs only redeeming feature in regards to turrets is that you don't need to slow down to hit stuff. Webs are stronger, but since angular velocity is relative, slowing your target down will make it easier to hit you.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#11 - 2015-03-31 12:29:47 UTC
Lienzo wrote:
No frigate really needs a target painting bonus, precluding the development of new mechanics surrounding target painting. The difference is makes in the application of any frigate sized weapon system is simply trivial.

You are aware of that these are support frigates, right? They support mostly bigger ships and there the TP are a very valuable asset, especially for missile ships. If you (directed to you in particular) use the Vigil to support your frigate fleet with TPs, you are doing it hilariously wrong. That, however, is not the fault of the TP or the Vigil, that is your own failure.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Lugh Crow-Slave
#12 - 2015-03-31 12:38:02 UTC
Arla Sarain wrote:

TPs only redeeming feature in regards to turrets is that you don't need to slow down to hit stuff. Webs are stronger, but since angular velocity is relative, slowing your target down will make it easier to hit you.

But again these frigs are not only used in frig fleets most if not all E-war frigs will benefit a fleet of larger ships better
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2015-03-31 12:56:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Reaver Glitterstim
I once suggested a role bonus on the vigil allowing it to fit two medium launchers...

-90% powergrid and -50% CPU cost of fitting medium launchers
T2 Heavy Launcher: 27.5 CPU and 10.5 MW
T2 Heavy Assault Launcher: 25 CPU and 11.3 MW
T2 Light Launcher: 24 CPU and 7 MW
T2 Rocket Launcher: 17 CPU and 4 MW

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Arla Sarain
#14 - 2015-03-31 13:12:32 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Arla Sarain wrote:

TPs only redeeming feature in regards to turrets is that you don't need to slow down to hit stuff. Webs are stronger, but since angular velocity is relative, slowing your target down will make it easier to hit you.

But again these frigs are not only used in frig fleets most if not all E-war frigs will benefit a fleet of larger ships better


However, consider that Bellicoses are not dead weight beyond their TP trait - they can tank well and deal impressive DPS for an EWAR cruiser. They are also more likely to be used along side ships that actually need TPs. This weeds out Vigils a lot quicker than say, the Maulus or Griffin. At least the latter have the merit of being extremely cheap for the power they offer. Vigil doesn't.

If they actually added a sig component to Falloff like you mentioned, Vigils would have made an outstanding support for AC ships. Which would actually give ACs the margin over blasters that they deserve, addressing the fact that the break-even point for blaster/AC turrets is something like 70% of ACs already low DPS.

Not that making sig size contribute to falloff doesn't have its own problems... like size effectiveness disparity (10 times better against BSs, and 10 worse for BSs against frigs).
Lugh Crow-Slave
#15 - 2015-03-31 13:25:15 UTC
FW we use vigils a lot in med plexes (and ocasinaly in small/novice if we are using missile boats)

the do work better than the bell if you just need the TP bonus and the majority of the enemy fleet is in cruisers and up as they have a very hard time catching and hitting the vigil
King Fu Hostile
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#16 - 2015-03-31 13:28:00 UTC
Lienzo wrote:
The vigil should trade it's target painting bonus for a webbing bonus.

Hyena is the T2 version with webbing and painting bonuses. Vigil is like Maulus, with the primary racial ewar bonus, and serves a purpose as a hard to kill, disposable support frigate protected by it's mobility and signature.
Zavand Crendraven
Rolling Static
Wardec Mechanics
#17 - 2015-03-31 14:56:40 UTC
Lienzo wrote:
Rivr Luzade wrote:
And what ship is going to be the TP boat in the T1 Ewar frigs? And you are going to make the Cruor useless?

No frigate really needs a target painting bonus, precluding the development of new mechanics surrounding target painting. The difference is makes in the application of any frigate sized weapon system is simply trivial.

The cruor has a range bonus, not an effectiveness bonus. Thus, there is even still room for variation, even in the absence of more varied mechanics for webs.

The only frigate sized ship that could benefit from a target painter is a cloaky frigate to accompany stealth bombers. If that were on the cheetah, we might actually get some mileage out of it.

Ok so instead of being a range bonus and **** on the cruors role its now gonna be a effectiveness bonus and **** on the daredevils role?

Even frigates will benefit from target painting making lml hit much better and ranged weapons such as beams, arty, rails and even pulse can get some great benefits from the added tracking they get. Besides that the vigil gets an effectiveness and a range bonus to painters where as the bellicose only gets effectiveness bonus. This makes the vigil superior at supporting at ranges where it cannot be hit by the opposing fleet. Further to help it being superior at staying at range is that its base locking range is more than 50% longer.
#18 - 2015-04-01 03:47:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Lienzo
Zavand Crendraven wrote:

Ok so instead of being a range bonus and **** on the cruors role its now gonna be a effectiveness bonus and **** on the daredevils role?

Even frigates will benefit from target painting making lml hit much better and ranged weapons such as beams, arty, rails and even pulse can get some great benefits from the added tracking they get. Besides that the vigil gets an effectiveness and a range bonus to painters where as the bellicose only gets effectiveness bonus. This makes the vigil superior at supporting at ranges where it cannot be hit by the opposing fleet. Further to help it being superior at staying at range is that its base locking range is more than 50% longer.

Personally, I'm not a huge fan of webs. I wish we didn't really need them. However, crashing to gate isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Maybe if we doubled the spawn-in radius to 24km..

One thing I'd like to see on webs is a falloff. We could stand to lose a lot of the optimal range of webs.

Another option could be mass mechanics. Giving battleships resistance to webs could really produce a comeback for them, especially as regard their mobility. However, being webbed by other battleships should kinda even things out. I have no reason to suspect that the current engine could support this though.

An alternative to mass mechanics could have webs affect the agility of a ship rather than the base speed. This would affect the orbit/speed formula and align time. A mass changing module that sends orbiting ships flying off has been experimented with (and proposed long ago by yours truly among others). It would also negate its usefulness as regard freighters, an lo' the hills would ring with outcry of the damned.

If webs had tracking, that could be extremely interesting. It would become a falloff concern for those interested in kiting, and a tracking concern for those who would prefer to burn in to scram range. Where the sweet spot would lie would depend very much on the characteristics of the target.

Another counter fitting option could be afterburners. I can see a lot of practicality emerging from giving them a mitigation bonus to webbing effects.

AFs, or perhaps half the line of AFs, would be good candidates for webbing resistance bonuses. I think my rocket malediction would like something similar. I'd be willing to trade the interdiction bonus for that, which is really just a glorified WCS in my mind.

If we're really deadset on a target painting bonus, we need a mechanic that affects not only explosion radius effects, but a stronger effect on the multiplier for explosion velocity. That is calculated as part of signature, but it is a compartively weak effect, especially in an era when many popular frigates can simply outrun missiles. However, if we did give target painters that effect simply for the sake of vigil, we would be creating an "i win" button for larger ships. I don't think the Vigil is important enough for that. Lol It would be more practical to just replace the bonus.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2015-04-01 04:32:47 UTC
Lienzo wrote:

If we're really deadset on a target painting bonus, we need a mechanic that affects not only explosion radius effects, but a stronger effect on the multiplier for explosion velocity. That is calculated as part of signature, but it is a compartively weak effect, especially in an era when many popular frigates can simply outrun missiles. However, if we did give target painters that effect simply for the sake of vigil, we would be creating an "i win" button for larger ships. I don't think the Vigil is important enough for that. Lol It would be more practical to just replace the bonus.

And I think that the vigil is fine as it already is. Just because you do not appreciate the effects of painting sufficiently does not mean that it needs massive buffing.

You started out this whole thread with a pre-existing assumption that the vigil was bad because you personally don't consider painting a highly useful bonus in frig vs frig combat as compared to other forms of ewar.

Unfortunately for you, not all frigs are balanced solely on how they perform in frig vs frig combat. Vigil is quite a nice support ship for mixing in with cruiser gangs or Svipul fleets, and helps other frigs apply damage to other frigs that have a small sig radius.

#20 - 2015-04-01 04:42:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Lienzo
The trouble is that ships like the bellicose do a better job as well as benefit themselves by way of their own bonus. There is simply no sound purpose to the vigil as is.

I mean, I think it has a great hull model. I wish it was the base model for the Cheetah again. It could be a fun ship to fly. Webs aren't the only possibility for it.
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