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Ideas For an In Game Monument!

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Vicktor Hark
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2015-03-27 13:06:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Vicktor Hark
Hey guys,

So as some of you might have seen I was on the Twitch Stream at Fanfest 2015 being interviewed by CCP Mimic on the idea of an in game memorial to EVE Players who have passed on. Some of the ideas I have already gotten from you wonderful members of the community I will paste below so please read before adding any to this forum so we keep duplication to as low a level as possible.
The only ideas I am after are for IN GAME not for anything in the real world so please keep that in mind when posting, no ideas are bad all are good as long as they are not personally dedicated to 1 particular player this is for ALL players and as such I would like ideas in keeping with that idea.

Anyway here are the ideas I have collected so far:

(My Personal favorite idea)
A debris field (where yet as undecided) with the option for corps/players to donate the favorite ship hull of the honored player to CCP so that they can turn it into a wreck (kinda like the cap wrecks so you can still see what the ship was) which when right clicked to show info would come up with a small description/eulogy/something-with-words that remembers the player or lists his accomplishments in game etc. My choice on a name for this "debris field" would be something like "Field of the Gods" or "Star field of Remembrance".

A fix memorial in space near the EVE Gate with a list of fallen players that could be added to with ease with again small description/eulogy/something-with-words to each player remembered. (This one I would vote to have 2 so people who don't wanna leave high sec wouldn't have to)

These are the two main ideas I have gotten so far and the only one's that make logical sense (no offence to others some just seem a little to "out there" even for EVE haha) so if anyone has any other ideas or wants to add to these ideas PLEASE spread the word add it to this post so I have some written support to show CCP and can push this with them :).

Fly Safe and Never Forget!

Eve Solecist
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#2 - 2015-03-27 13:17:42 UTC
I'm not sure about the point of this?

Who do you think would spend all the time writing descriptions?
Even if players did it, who would proofread it?

And did you consider how crowded the place would become?

Players die every day. Just because we don't hear about it all the time,
doesn't mean they don't. I do not assume your idea is only about "celebrities", right?

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Demonos Silentium
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#3 - 2015-03-27 13:19:22 UTC
a great idea, but how would the authenticity (?) of the fallen comrade... a dead player be confirmed so the place wouldnt be filled with troll chars?
Caldari State
#4 - 2015-03-27 13:19:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Lachesiss
How about a dead end system called "Elysium".

When you jump through you see that the system itself is all white with no visuals.

In there would be one station with 2 billboards either side you can warp to.

On the billboards are the chars scrolling who have passed on and the station would be where they are docked and laid to rest.

Oh there would also be no local chat


On the third day after your birth myself and my sister's will come to you and decide your fate.

Vicktor Hark
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2015-03-27 13:20:54 UTC
No the idea would be open to all fallen players, but it would be upto their friends/corp mates to put them in for the memorial and it would be a short description a small paragraph as opposed to a large multi-paragraphed post.
Avenger Mercenaries
Space Brutality
#6 - 2015-03-27 13:22:26 UTC
Eve Solecist wrote:
I'm not sure about the point of this?

Who do you think would spend all the time writing descriptions?
Even if players did it, who would proofread it?

And did you consider how crowded the place would become?

Players die every day. Just because we don't hear about it all the time,
doesn't mean they don't. I do not assume your idea is only about "celebrities", right?

I think he means for real life people that were part of the game like Vile Rat and many others, who weren't actually well known but have ceased to living.

my problem with this is how do we not make this a new site for another riot? that's why the statue in jita is destroyed thanks to riots.

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Vicktor Hark
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2015-03-27 13:23:24 UTC
Demonos Silentium wrote:
a great idea, but how would the authenticity (?) of the fallen comrade... a dead player be confirmed so the place wouldnt be filled with troll chars?

A good question and something that would need to be worked out at the moment I have no idea how to find something like that out, but if you or anyone else has any ideas post them here I will looking into it aswel but it wasn't something I had thought of so thank you.
Vicktor Hark
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2015-03-27 13:24:22 UTC
Lachesiss wrote:
How about a dead end system called "Elysium".

When you jump through you see that the system itself is all white with no visuals.

In there would be one station with 2 billboards either side you can warp to.

On the billboards are the chars scrolling who have passed on and the station would be where they are docked and laid to rest.

Oh there would also be no local chat


Thank you for the idea, anymore post them :)
Eve Solecist
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#9 - 2015-03-27 13:24:32 UTC
Vicktor Hark wrote:
No the idea would be open to all fallen players, but it would be upto their friends/corp mates to put them in for the memorial and it would be a short description a small paragraph as opposed to a large multi-paragraphed post.

You have good intentions.
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Vicktor Hark
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2015-03-27 13:25:27 UTC
Agondray wrote:
Eve Solecist wrote:
I'm not sure about the point of this?

Who do you think would spend all the time writing descriptions?
Even if players did it, who would proofread it?

And did you consider how crowded the place would become?

Players die every day. Just because we don't hear about it all the time,
doesn't mean they don't. I do not assume your idea is only about "celebrities", right?

I think he means for real life people that were part of the game like Vile Rat and many others, who weren't actually well known but have ceased to living.

my problem with this is how do we not make this a new site for another riot? that's why the statue in jita is destroyed thanks to riots.

Well I would think having spoken to alot of people about this at Fanfest that it would be respected but there would always be a worry that this could happen but then again this is EVE so....:)
Demonos Silentium
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#11 - 2015-03-27 13:28:34 UTC
well to ensure places sacred status, ccp could prolly make the area/celestial a place where all highslot items stops working. kind of "ecm full" area.
Eve Solecist
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#12 - 2015-03-27 13:28:52 UTC
Agondray wrote:
Eve Solecist wrote:
I'm not sure about the point of this?

Who do you think would spend all the time writing descriptions?
Even if players did it, who would proofread it?

And did you consider how crowded the place would become?

Players die every day. Just because we don't hear about it all the time,
doesn't mean they don't. I do not assume your idea is only about "celebrities", right?

I think he means for real life people that were part of the game like Vile Rat and many others, who weren't actually well known but have ceased to living.

my problem with this is how do we not make this a new site for another riot? that's why the statue in jita is destroyed thanks to riots.

Yeah I know who he meant, I just wanted to point out some flaws.
People die every day, which includes eve players.

I don't think an official, public graveyard (it's exactly that) for real people (obviously)
belongs into the game, no matter how good the intentiond are.

  • All incoming connection attempts are being blocked. If you want to speak to me you will find me either in Hek local, you can create a contract or make a thread about it in General Discussions. I will call you back. -
Vicktor Hark
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2015-03-27 13:31:19 UTC
Eve Solecist wrote:
Agondray wrote:
Eve Solecist wrote:
I'm not sure about the point of this?

Who do you think would spend all the time writing descriptions?
Even if players did it, who would proofread it?

And did you consider how crowded the place would become?

Players die every day. Just because we don't hear about it all the time,
doesn't mean they don't. I do not assume your idea is only about "celebrities", right?

I think he means for real life people that were part of the game like Vile Rat and many others, who weren't actually well known but have ceased to living.

my problem with this is how do we not make this a new site for another riot? that's why the statue in jita is destroyed thanks to riots.

Yeah I know who he meant, I just wanted to point out some flaws.
People die every day, which includes eve players.

I don't think an official, public graveyard (it's exactly that) for real people (obviously)
belongs into the game, no matter how good the intentiond are.

I disagree, I mean of course we don't hear of everyone one it would be a place for people who have friends over seas who have died who's graves they can't visit in RL would like the idea of something in game, plus the community of EVE is so close that you'd be surprised how many people have talked about this idea before.
Vicktor Hark
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2015-03-27 13:33:24 UTC
Demonos Silentium wrote:
well to ensure places sacred status, ccp could prolly make the area/celestial a place where all highslot items stops working. kind of "ecm full" area.

See I do and I don't agree with this, one I agree with the idea because yes it would be a site of remembrance and as such should be treated as such, but on the other hand this is EVE and the idea is to explode internet spaceships and what better way to honor your friend and than to blow up space ships around his Space Grave if you will :D
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2015-03-27 13:42:10 UTC
stick it in low sec/null that will keep it from being used by rioters.
Eve Solecist
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#16 - 2015-03-27 14:02:08 UTC
Vicktor Hark wrote:
Eve Solecist wrote:
Agondray wrote:
Eve Solecist wrote:
I'm not sure about the point of this?

Who do you think would spend all the time writing descriptions?
Even if players did it, who would proofread it?

And did you consider how crowded the place would become?

Players die every day. Just because we don't hear about it all the time,
doesn't mean they don't. I do not assume your idea is only about "celebrities", right?

I think he means for real life people that were part of the game like Vile Rat and many others, who weren't actually well known but have ceased to living.

my problem with this is how do we not make this a new site for another riot? that's why the statue in jita is destroyed thanks to riots.

Yeah I know who he meant, I just wanted to point out some flaws.
People die every day, which includes eve players.

I don't think an official, public graveyard (it's exactly that) for real people (obviously)
belongs into the game, no matter how good the intentiond are.

I disagree, I mean of course we don't hear of everyone one it would be a place for people who have friends over seas who have died who's graves they can't visit in RL would like the idea of something in game, plus the community of EVE is so close that you'd be surprised how many people have talked about this idea before.

I don't disagree with the idea, I just don't think it's appropriate.
People will literally come and spit on graves of dead people they hated.

Because the community might be close,
but that doesn't mean everyone is good.

You wouldn't see me oppose this idea if it was announced by CCP,
I'm just telling you whaf I think about it.

So far it sums up as:
.) Risk of a place being overcrowded. (imagine a natural disaster hitting lots)
.) The amount of additional work for CCP.
.) Grave spitting.
.) The fact that it's a real life graveyard in an escapist society.

Long term consequences have to be considered in the idea-making process.
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Serene Repose
#17 - 2015-03-27 14:13:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Serene Repose
Features & Ideas Discussions

I wouldn't support this idea. There's a lot of reasons why I don't want to get into this with a bunch of perfect strangers. The assumption this deceased person would want to be digitally immortalized isn't a decision any of us can make - yes, even the giddy, grief stricken so-called "friends" CCP would have to endure should they enter this swampy terrain.

Even if this hurdle is cleared, which would involve taking somebody's word for something no matter how you cut it, memorializing someone just because they played EVE? That's not really much of an accomplishment. I've grocery shopped in the same store for the past 23 years. When I croak I don't expect a memorial shopping cart. (Who knows? Some homeless guy may end up parking it under an overpass - is the store responsible for it when it's ready to be replaced?)

This suggestion, if nobody else wants to say it, is just nuts. Having access to "social media" doesn't suddenly make questionable ideas valid. (Read my signature.)

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#18 - 2015-03-27 15:25:18 UTC
Celebrate your mates while they are still alive!

Hardest part in this game I think is that there would be many trolls and liars just to get on the monument thing. If anything I'd rather see monuments in-game of players while they're playing, that way the pilots themselves also get to "benefit" from it.


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Alexei Stryker
Council of Stellar Erections
#19 - 2015-03-27 15:27:25 UTC
The best thing to do is a new System... Someone suggested Elysium... Good name for it...
This system should consist of a star and 4 planets. Near the star is the monument with the wrecks OP is talking about. It would just be a gigantic structure of ship wrecks.
And... The system is 0.0 to honor the players with PvP.
Eve Solecist
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#20 - 2015-03-27 15:30:57 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
Features & Ideas Discussions

I wouldn't support this idea. There's a lot of reasons why I don't want to get into this with a bunch of perfect strangers. The assumption this deceased person would want to be digitally immortalized isn't a decision any of us can make - yes, even the giddy, grief stricken so-called "friends" CCP would have to endure should they enter this swampy terrain.

Even if this hurdle is cleared, which would involve taking somebody's word for something no matter how you cut it, memorializing someone just because they played EVE? That's not really much of an accomplishment. I've grocery shopped in the same store for the past 23 years. When I croak I don't expect a memorial shopping cart. (Who knows? Some homeless guy may end up parking it under an overpass - is the store responsible for it when it's ready to be replaced?)

This suggestion, if nobody else wants to say it, is just nuts. Having access to "social media" doesn't suddenly make questionable ideas valid. (Read my signature.)

[Supporting the local economy for 20 or more years]

Achievement unlocked.

*snickers xD*
  • All incoming connection attempts are being blocked. If you want to speak to me you will find me either in Hek local, you can create a contract or make a thread about it in General Discussions. I will call you back. -
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