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[New structures] Administration Hubs and Advertisement Centers

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Wanda Fayne
#41 - 2015-03-24 07:25:44 UTC
Oh crap, more things in Jita...

"your comments just confirms this whole idea is totally pathetic" -Lan Wang-

  • - "hub humping station gamey neutral logi warspam wankery" -Ralph King-Griffin-
Ekaterina 'Ghetto' Thurn
Department 10
#42 - 2015-03-24 10:17:22 UTC
Somatic Neuron wrote:
Since I don't see a practical use for Advertisement structures (unless you remove the ability to rename deployable structures that currently litter highsec and lowsec)...

I would suggest a "plant the flag" type of structure instead. You deploy a destroyable beacon structure, and defend it. The longer you defend it, the more Reputation points you get. Can be personal or corp or alliance, depending upon deployment.

It would be visible and warpable from the entire system, and would show up on the starmap (listing the type, and length of time deployed).

For every hostile that you drive away/destroy, you gain Reputation points, much like FW loyalty points are generated for combat. For every additional pilot defending the beacon, you split the reputation points.

If you lose the combat and the beacon is destroyed, you lose a percentage of reputation points based on how many you have gained from that structure, which the winning pilot(s) would get to split equally.

This type of Reputation would be more "e-peen" in my humble opinion. It would also give small-gang objectives that would be fund and guarantee combat situations.

Just throwing it out there ;)

There are many 'practical' uses for player corporation owned structures - just use your imagination.

I would say there would have to be a limit on how many could be placed per on-grid area. I suggest as well that mobile depots and storage containers could not be used for that purpose anymore as well.

" They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out. " Rick. " Find out what ? " Abraham. " They're screwing with the wrong people. " Rick. Season four.   ' The Walking Dead. ' .

Anthar Thebess
#43 - 2015-03-24 11:25:29 UTC
Red Giant effect lvl 6 in all sov space.
ISK generation x 5 .......... Roll
Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#44 - 2015-03-24 13:40:11 UTC
handige harrie wrote:
territorial Sovereignty flag

Yes, let us plant them near gates and really big so make clear who owns what.

modifiers to change the security status of a solar system

Interesting, is this turning High Sec into lowsec, vice versa . awesome and risky.

or making a -0.2 system a -0.3 without the ability to change them across low/high/null sec bands.

to change NPC agents spread in the solar system

Please let SOV Nullsec alliances hire agents which can give out Alliance LP or something funky

to switch NPC faction control or NPC security forces.


You know that territorial Sovereignty flag using Administration Hubs is for null sec.

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Gallente Federation
#45 - 2015-03-24 13:54:54 UTC
Aureus Ahishatsu wrote:
I'm asking similar questions for each of the structures but will the ones mentioned in this thread have any function in wormhole space? focusing on the administrative hub obviously. I think we all understand the advertisement part.

I asked the dev's about wormhole space. They expect most of the structures to be able to be used in wormhole space however they maybe be restrictions based on wormhole type, size and functions. They do not have a exact idea yet, they are looking for feedback on the subject.
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#46 - 2015-03-24 17:57:41 UTC
I would be nice to be able to Hack the bill boards to put up different advertising. There should series of templates we would be able to piece together an add like Corp logs.

Some of these templates would be designed to be Role play inflammatory. ie "Red Paint " You Don't Matter" written on the sign.

Someday I will have the time to play. For now it is mining afk in High sec. In Cheap ships

Alexis Nightwish
#47 - 2015-03-24 19:00:04 UTC
xttz wrote:
With all due credit to a Meta Show idea a couple of weeks ago, what about an Administration Hubs upgrade that introduces wormhole-like effects system-wide? It allows sovereign space to be customised around the owning alliance and introduces opportunity to break the global meta.

Let's say hypothetically there's a very commonly used ship doctrine based around shield-tanking and long-range missiles. A defending alliance about to be invaded could fit their Admin Hubs with system-wide effects that negatively affect shield HP / missile damage, and/or effects that boost their armour-based fleets / EM damage weapons.

This further opens up new room for strategic options or new ship roles on both sides. For example, an attacker could nullify the effect by bringing a Titan along in their fleet, or temporarily disable the structure at a key moment. Defenders could swap the effect unexpectedly and pick a complementary fleet composition.
How about we don't take from WH space and give it to null.

CCP approaches problems in one of two ways: nudge or cludge

EVE Online's "I win!" Button

Fixing bombs, not the bombers

Aureus Ahishatsu
Deadspace Knights
#48 - 2015-03-24 19:45:23 UTC
Ariete wrote:
Aureus Ahishatsu wrote:
I'm asking similar questions for each of the structures but will the ones mentioned in this thread have any function in wormhole space? focusing on the administrative hub obviously. I think we all understand the advertisement part.

I asked the dev's about wormhole space. They expect most of the structures to be able to be used in wormhole space however they maybe be restrictions based on wormhole type, size and functions. They do not have a exact idea yet, they are looking for feedback on the subject.

Could we get a Dev to possibly make a separate thread SPECIFICALLY for these new structures in WH space. I feel like our comments/questions are getting drown out by all the null bloc questions. This could probably be condensed to 1 thread as there will be less people commenting on it.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#49 - 2015-03-24 22:57:37 UTC
corpse mount needs to happen
Old and Petrified Syndication
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#50 - 2015-03-24 23:17:18 UTC
Regarding altering the security status one would think the empires might take exception to modifying their security status so I imagines this applies to null sec. Would it apply to NPC null sec as well? Yes, I want to make my NPC home system ultra null sec.
Will we start getting NPC mission agents in Sov Null with such a structure - presumably they start appearing as agents in or outside? This would be very interesting... very cool to have added... it would certainly attract people who like to run missions but who also like to live in null sec.

If these effect sov, then would these essentially replace the TCU?
Will the TCU become an object that you can fit guns on? Roll
If so, you will want to remove any high slots. Cool Otherwise you have a self-defending Sov structure.

Cloaking is the closest thing to a "Pause Game" button one can get while in space.

Support better localization for the Japanese Community.

Juan Mileghere
The Corporate Raiders
#51 - 2015-03-25 01:33:36 UTC
Talk about Missions/LP
Stuff like that would be excellent and there need to be more things PvE wise in 0.0 than Anoms/Belt Rats, It'd be nice to see more agents in space even if they just give a BPC or faction module like that and only last x amount of time after being coversed with and have a special mission, but still for meat and potatoes one could host agents in player structures for a certain amount of time even possibly giving some LP store of sorts, I'm sure any NPC faction wouldn't mind getting assistance fighting from nearby capsuleers...

Thoughts on Toying with Sec status
I'm no big fan of this personally, at least in high/low-sec seems like it could lead to issues, maybe true-sec can get bumped lower by a system's use rather than direct action, so the more folks mine/rat/fight there the more the system will provide for them rather than direct influence.

Thoughts on System Effects
Isn't this stepping on W-Space's toes? Boosts are there for a reason if you want to have effects go to W-Space

Thoughts on Changing Rats
Double Edged Sword here, on one hand folks living in some areas may lack some salvage materials, or might want to get their hands on different Deadspace Modules and not depend on other regions/high-sec, still if you choose to live in Vale, Pure Blind or Deklein you should expect plenty of Guristas and if you live down in Catch, Provi or Esoteria you'll find plenty of Sansha rats and that's part of the point of choosing where you want to live is that you may need to play with folks from other areas or use what you have available. I mean the thing is is that deep 0.0 folks need to be able to sustain themselves but you also need to understand that Where you are matters.
Kazaheid Zaknafein
Zaknafein Tactical Reconnaissance
#52 - 2015-03-25 06:14:00 UTC
Would these be size limited to sec level of the system? (XL in high sec or null only)

Would these be limited to number in system, and would these be anchor-able on only just moons or anywhere (within reason) in space.

Would be cool to have a huge semi station in the system i have my pos towers in, and i would love to anchor it on/near the sun or in a super deep space location
Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#53 - 2015-03-25 07:02:34 UTC
There's plenty of CONCORD and facpol in the game without adding a magic box to spawn them anywhere. How that didn't go straight to the bad ideas graveyard I can't imagine.

Security status: uhhh okay you realise that nobody in low or null wants anything but 0.1 or -1.0 respectively? You don't get "safety" in low or null by increasing sec so the only direction anyone is interested in is down. Changing security bands at the whims of players is probably just a very bad idea. As far as movement within highsec goes, yes there are parties interested in moving sec up (carebears) and down (gankers), but one party VASTLY outnumbers the other so I can't see this being balanced in high even if normal highsec engagement rules didn't apply. The practical effect will be to homogenise low and null to the lowest truesec and highsec to 1.0.

NPC agent and faction switching stuff.... I don't see why this is necessary, and this ties into the previous point. Why should you be able to make space desirable? Fixed potential in the geography is good because it creates stratified conflict and places where people can go to find content. If you can change the profitability of nullsec or the safety of highsec that's just making space the same wherever you go. The npc convoys idea seem to be going in the same direction, trying to make even the location itself not matter that much. yeah, administration hubs sound pretty awful all round. Corpse art exhibits are very welcome though.
Echo Mande
#54 - 2015-03-25 13:59:32 UTC
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Hello people,

  • Advertisement Centers have no practical purpose except to show the rest of the universe how big your e-peen is. They focus on text advertisement, billboard functionality, deploying gigantic monuments, and could possibly involve frozen corpses.

I can imagine that quite a few people would enjoy a new ability to spam Jita 4/4 or every gate on the Jita-Amarr run with buoys. Some corps/alliances might also think that placing an ad board with the high warlord's latest ukazes on their home station's undock a good thing.
Gfy Trextron
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#55 - 2015-03-25 16:14:09 UTC
Just to clarify, are the Admin Hubs intented for low and high sec with all available functions listed?
Cade Windstalker
#56 - 2015-03-26 02:08:29 UTC
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Hello people,

We would like your feedback on the various new structure lines presented during Fanfest and on our latest structure blog.

This particular thread is going to focus on Administration Hubs and Advertisement Centers.

  • Administration Hubs affect solar system control and ownership as a whole, like territorial Sovereignty flag, solar system security status modifiers, NPC agent spread and spawn behavior, NPC faction switching or NPC security / police forces.
  • Advertisement Centers have no practical purpose except to show the rest of the universe how big your e-peen is. They focus on text advertisement, billboard functionality, deploying gigantic monuments, and could possibly involve frozen corpses.

Few quick questions here:

**Admin Hubs**

  • Does that line about NPC police mean CCP is considering giving us player-configured NPC police to deploy in Null/Low/Wormholes/around our ships while we're spinning them?
  • This seems to imply NPC agents in player-made structures. Where would these agents be located? In the admin hub?
  • Any thoughts on a Low or Wormhole Space variant of this structure?

Some random ideas:

  • Have a "war" or "border skirmish" event when trying to change the sec status of an area or shift NPC faction control. This potentially allows players to take sides and shoot each other for the right to decide which types of rats they shoot afterwords, potentially with an option to turn in tags for a big reward at the end. This fits with the underlying Theme of Eve PvE where capusleers are uncaring or outright exploitative gods to the NPC populous of Eve, whose whims control the fortunes of those without their gifts.
  • Have invulnerable Advertisements Centers let you "change the channel" by shooting them. Basically the same way monuments right now don't react or cause any reaction when shot, but with the potential for amusement here. It's a "for fun/e-peen" structure, let it do silly things.
  • Potentially have special Missions from high-sec agents that let you 'recruit' an agent from their corporation if you have high enough standings. The agent can then be installed in an "Agent Slot" in an Admin Hub, leveled up, and even moved around. These slots are limited so you can't just have 200 agents of every type and corp in one place, you have to pick and choose a bit but it lets you customize the missions you get and who you get standings with. Sort of like an Exotic Dancer but for Admin Hubs instead of ship cargo holds.
  • Maybe have multiple types of Advertisement Hub? You could have a Necropolis Hub that's basically a big repository for frozen corpses that allowed parties (possibly everyone) can deposit the corpses into. Then you can interact with the monument to see a list of the names of everyone interned within. Basically a way to show off your morbid collection without using Imgur and Reddit.
Ben Ishikela
#57 - 2015-03-26 02:46:33 UTC
So if i wanted to host a Trade hub in NullSecSpace. I can "just" deploy these two structures and pay for Concord to protect the trade?!
hint: i paid a 3rd party freighter ganking service just for you!! xD

Does this mean, that i also could destroy highsec adminthings and then have nullsec in uedama? this would be nice. seriously. (gradually decrease NPC control. but please wait for the new mechanix to work properly, and then do the armageddon! Twisted)

Ideas are like Seeds. I'd chop fullgrown trees to start a fire.

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#58 - 2015-03-26 13:43:00 UTC
Ben Ishikela wrote:
So if i wanted to host a Trade hub in NullSecSpace. I can "just" deploy these two structures and pay for Concord to protect the trade?!
hint: i paid a 3rd party freighter ganking service just for you!! xD

Does this mean, that i also could destroy highsec adminthings and then have nullsec in uedama? this would be nice. seriously. (gradually decrease NPC control. but please wait for the new mechanix to work properly, and then do the armageddon! Twisted)

Don't think it will work like that.

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Felter Echerie
Profit Prophets
#59 - 2015-03-26 14:08:10 UTC
PLEASE! can we have like SoE agents in wh space? it would completely make sense imo... XD
Felter Echerie
Profit Prophets
#60 - 2015-03-26 14:09:27 UTC
Ben Ishikela wrote:
So if i wanted to host a Trade hub in NullSecSpace. I can "just" deploy these two structures and pay for Concord to protect the trade?!
hint: i paid a 3rd party freighter ganking service just for you!! xD

Does this mean, that i also could destroy highsec adminthings and then have nullsec in uedama? this would be nice. seriously. (gradually decrease NPC control. but please wait for the new mechanix to work properly, and then do the armageddon! Twisted)

Concord is not a ganking squad. it goes after criminals....