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EVE Fiction

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Evelopedia Vandalism

First post
Yoshito Sanders
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#21 - 2011-12-24 03:29:32 UTC
Having the LP stores for all the NPC Corps on their (NPC Corporation) pages would be (and is, for what you've done) awesome. It's just that say you get a page as detailed for an NPC Corp as this one:

Would you really want to have to wade through all that extra info to get your fiction?
Publius Valerius
LowSechnaya Sholupen
#22 - 2011-12-24 03:46:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Publius Valerius
Yoshito Sanders wrote:
Having the LP stores for all the NPC Corps on their (NPC Corporation) pages would be (and is, for what you've done) awesome. It's just that say you get a page as detailed for an NPC Corp as this one:

Would you really want to have to wade through all that extra info to get your fiction?

Now I´m totally confused?.... ehm.... why you hate my stuff again?P (just joking)

Like I said see "Khanid_Innovation_(NPC_corporation)" (I can link the page here) as an example not a Yonis_Ardishapur Charakter page:P.... ehm... maybe your were thinging more of the "24th Imperial Crusade (NPC corporation) ", but still... I say... their is a contests on top .... and like I said.... I think, the LP Store page needs better lead in... so If you like to help... I would really love and appreciate any help.... never forget, bitching is always easy, but I would really love to get some help over in the wiki. Nevertheless, like I said I get your point, really... but I´m still not falsified as I see it P.

- Happy X-mas to all.

I would love to have those classes ingame. See here:

Wyke Mossari
Staner Industries
#23 - 2011-12-24 06:36:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Wyke Mossari
CCP Abraxas wrote:
If you want to help us make it better, we would love your input.

That's what were doing, Publius Valerius contribution history and my contribution history, we've been two of the largest contributors to the Evelopedia. I don't feel that love at the moment. What is happening to the Evelopedia appears to run completely counter to what Drop Bear is doing with A'J to promote player driver content.

It seem obvious to me to recruit the regular Evelopedia contributors rather than falling back on ISD volunteers that clearly have little familiarity with the Wiki and whom made little contribution before this initiative and seemingly a poor grasp of the cannon fiction.

I think it would have been more worthwhile for ISD to move the News Archive into the Evelopedia rather than delete existing content. That is the source of a significant part of the content I've added and cited.

If Vol ckang is 'legit' why not show CCP/ISD credentials? Somebody needs to have a serious word with him to improve his spell checking and grammar and most important how to use the wiki to add his contributions with over writing existing content.

Faulx wrote:

What about Hilen Turkoss?
I think it's safe to conclude that unless there's an evil clone of Hilen Tukoss who also worked at Zainou, defected to the Minmatar Republic, and started Arek'Jaalan that this is a mistake.

It's clear the writer of the TuRkoss article didn't include info from chronicles other than the Anoikis (Chronicle). Despite the fact that Tukoss appears in The Vitrauze Project (Chronicle) and the Breathing Space (Chronicle) as well. He's also made several appearances in canonical news articles. The Tukoss link notes and references much more of these things.

Flagging this up it doubly ironic, I actually started the Hilen Tukoss page, recently added the newest Chronicle and it's entire content has just this morning been regressed, this inflames me even further. FWIW I also started and maintained the Lianda Burreau page. The quotes were from the logs of local and when her Hull was destroyed Anokis I contacted the Pilot involved and wrote it up IC. It is canon lore because those events happened.

Seriphyn Inhonores wrote:
Not meaning to be rude Wyke, but have you actually read the related devblog? Everything you call vandalism appears to be intended.

Yes I have, however it says nothing about player written content being purged wholesale from the Evelopedia, perhaps you will feel different when somebody deletes and locks your Overview of the Gallente Federation.

Also @Myxx & @Morwen Lagann
Perhaps you will also feel differently when you find many hours of your contributions deleted without good cause.
Global Telstar Federation Offices
Masters of Flying Objects
#24 - 2011-12-24 08:56:50 UTC
While this is a good change and long waited. CCP chose the worse time to do something againP.
While I see your position Wyke nothing is ever truely deleted and most of you input is most likely sitting on CCP Abraxas desk waiting for his stamp of approval to put it back in. Lets give this a week or so to settle down before we get really upsetShocked

Wyke what did you think of my header idea? Can a Catagory like window even be coded in to the game by the normal users that can be edited.

Abraxes we need you to speak up lol.

If i dont know something about EVE. I check

See you around the universe.

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#25 - 2011-12-24 09:35:55 UTC
Give them time everything will sort out. Blink

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Bangarang Inc
#26 - 2011-12-24 11:37:08 UTC
You gotta remember the state the EVE fiction is in. Give the guys a chance to get their backstory in proper order before they have to start vetting player input. I think that if you really want to help the content team out for now, look for lore holes/mismatches in the current data/EVE world. No player generated input is really appropriate at the moment, since it is all a work in progress.

What'd be really handy is a place where we can list the changes for the content team. May start a (hopeful) threadnaught where people can post lore problems *WITH* citations. If you can't cite it directly from EVE or the Fiction portal, it shouldn't be in there for now

TLDR: It's early days, let them get the CCP fiction sorted before adding player stuff. If you wanna help, help with that.
Jovan Geldon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2011-12-24 14:19:50 UTC
As has been stated, anyone with "vol_" at the start of their name is in ISD, and I would be inclined to think they were acting under instruction rather than vandalising. However, that is no excuse (quite the opposite, in fact) for poor spelling and grammar, inaccurate information, and poor citation. Replacing a perfectly well-written article with your own crap one then locking it is simply not on, "restructuring" or no.

Despite its less-than-perfect state, there's a lot of good stuff on the Wiki, and I don't understand why it can't be left there until the improved version is ready to go. How hard can it be to develop the new structure internally, then push it out once it's ready, rather than leaving the Wiki in the half-and-half state it is now; a state even worse than it was before.
Plentyn Annwn
Starfish Operating Syndicate
#28 - 2011-12-24 15:30:57 UTC
Not to be nit-picky here but... honestly, the OP seems to be forgetting that anything you write in the EVE universe is not 'yours'. The second you start writing about EVE, it is not 'yours'. CCP holds the copyright, CCP holds all publishing rights and they can use it or not use it as they see fit. The OP knew this when they started writing. If they seriously wanted to make an impact on in-game fiction, perhaps they should have applied to Mercury?

It looks like many things have been ret-conned or re-instated after being ret-conned, and there are many topics left undeveloped. This may be due to lack of time and needing to start somewhere, maybe it has to do with future planned events. I don't know, and neither does anyone here who doesn't work for CCP (and maybe even some of them hehe.)

I understand you are frustrated because of all the work you have put into this, but again, you knew when you started it you didn't have any rights to it. The fiction Portal also seems to be aspiring to be the Word of God in terms of prime fiction. Having players add un-vetted stuff to even one article would mar it's credibility as such.

I am sure there is a way to set it up so that players can add to lore, have it vetted, and added, however, that would add a lot of work, and take resources, and frankly, I am already a little amazed that CCP devoted so many resources to the fiction as it is. It shows a deeper commitment to fiction than I have seen at any other game company ever.

And it was a gift that was given to everyone that has played or will ever play EVE, unlike the ones we had to choose and redeem ;)
The Scope
#29 - 2011-12-24 18:38:29 UTC
Wyke Mossari wrote:

Also @Myxx & @Morwen Lagann
Perhaps you will also feel differently when you find many hours of your contributions deleted without good cause.

Relax. I'm pretty sure it was done with the overhaul to the fiction portal, its intended.
Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#30 - 2011-12-24 19:08:41 UTC
Right, uh... first off, the FP is entirely made up of canon, official lore.

What you, Publius and a bunch of other people write? That isn't canon. The moment you start reinterpreting or extrapolating from the information available to us from official sources, however reasonable and realistic it may seem, you are still making it up and pulling it out of your ass. Only when CCP staff come along, look at it, and then find a way to wedge it into the existing canon that makes sense and fits with their master plan, does your stuff become canon.

There's a little disclaimer on the wiki when you write posts, by the way - it says something along the lines of "don't submit anything if you don't want it to potentially be edited mercilessly by others." It seems that you missed it.

Second, there was a good cause for your stuff to be moved/deleted: it didn't fit in with what CCP had written. Get over yourself, dude, and stop taking this so personally.

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

Dex Nederland
Lai Dai Infinity Systems
The Fourth District
#31 - 2011-12-24 19:33:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Dex Nederland
"Its intended" seems like a poor excuse for CCP's volunteers wholesale replacing well documented, player built pages with pages with less content.

Add to this the inability for a player to expand upon a page to add content with references and any motivations major contributors might have had (recognition in the contributors section of the page) is gone.

Taking an example I am most familiar with:

The newLai Dai Corporation page which contains 4 references to various articles. CCP Ginger and CCP Abraxas are the most recent contributors, so we can assume the content is CCP authorized and official. Lastly the page is locked from editing.

Looking back at the old official Lai Dai Corporation (NPC corporation) page, we see some of the same information found in the new page, a data block & the corporation's logo not found on the new page, and a flag to an alternate user created page.

The alternate user created page was created by me and I get credit for the majority of the edits to the page.

Looking at the new page, it shows CCP Ginger & CCP Abraxas as the primary authors, except on closer inspection it appears they copy pasted the language from the user generated page.

In other words, I get no credit for volunteering my time and brainpower for pulling together the various sources of material to create the words shown and I am not allowed to add additional information to the new Lai Dai page to include useful information like links to all the ships classified as Lai Dai designs or a map showing were all of Lai Dai's stations are.

Players are not adding unverified material, if the material is referenced. CCP and its volunteers are wholesale copying player generated content for the new official content as my example above shows.
Global Telstar Federation Offices
Masters of Flying Objects
#32 - 2011-12-24 20:25:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Salpun
Dex Nederland wrote:
"Its intended" seems like a poor excuse for CCP's volunteers wholesale replacing well documented, player built pages with pages with less content.

Add to this the inability for a player to expand upon a page to add content with references and any motivations major contributors might have had (recognition in the contributors section of the page) is gone.

Taking an example I am most familiar with:

The newLai Dai Corporation page which contains 4 references to various articles. CCP Ginger and CCP Abraxas are the most recent contributors, so we can assume the content is CCP authorized and official. Lastly the page is locked from editing.

Looking back at the old official Lai Dai Corporation (NPC corporation) page, we see some of the same information found in the new page, a data block & the corporation's logo not found on the new page, and a flag to an alternate user created page.

The alternate user created page was created by me and I get credit for the majority of the edits to the page.

Looking at the new page, it shows CCP Ginger & CCP Abraxas as the primary authors, except on closer inspection it appears they copy pasted the language from the user generated page.

In other words, I get no credit for volunteering my time and brainpower for pulling together the various sources of material to create the words shown and I am not allowed to add additional information to the new Lai Dai page to include useful information like links to all the ships classified as Lai Dai designs or a map showing were all of Lai Dai's stations are.

Players are not adding unverified material, if the material is referenced. CCP and its volunteers are wholesale copying player generated content for the new official content as my example above shows.

This has already been identified as an issue by CCP and they will work on it when they get back from the Christmas and New Years holidays.

Should be an easy search of the old Wiki for major contributers to articals and to identifing them in the text. Great work by CCP but bad timing to address issues quickly.

Any one else not able to log into the Wiki?

If i dont know something about EVE. I check

See you around the universe.

Publius Valerius
LowSechnaya Sholupen
#33 - 2011-12-24 21:37:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Publius Valerius
First of all: Sorry for my bad english.
Why have I again the feeling to explain myself? (Seriously, let me out of your emotionial discussion, what is wrong with you people?).

  • Dex Netherland
  • Nice to see you again Dex Nederland I really love your page (see my comments on my talk page or the talk page of: Lai_Dai_Corporation_NPC_Corp_v2 ).... (but you all ready know thatP). It was one of the reason why I have start the NPC Corp journey (see the talkpages). And like is said I love the overall look, to be more precise the puritanic look.

  • Morwen Lagann
  • "What you, Publius and a bunch of other people write? That isn't canon." Are you stupid?... Have I (Publius Valerius) ever said that my stuff is canon.... Have I really come again with Karl Popper, to expailn what I have try to do. Seriously?... damn you are this type of people which I really hate.... A hate comment on stuff which you havent read in the first place, than to top your ****... you accuse people that they said something what they never had....

    But I should been happy that you havent start your post with Godwin's law, like "Dude, Listen Karl Popper is a Nazi man... America or Iceland man P." (just jokeing)
    I´m always open to discuss things in a logical and deductive way, see here. But not ****.... sorry for the harsh words... but really you can hopefuly better than this.
    More about you on the bottom of the page.

  • Wyke Mossari
  • I really love your work. And like Seriphyns work... it was always an inspiration, see the comments on my talk page, I cant link the stuff here). I think most of the stuff will sort out over the next months. I which I could say more but Cry.

  • CCP Abraxas
  • I really love your work.... great you like I said before... alot of juicy stuff.. I love the early stuff, also the deeper infos on some npcs etc... overall I never had the intention to criticize you are others. I really love it (And I dont mean love in a L.A. way P.... About the settled systems: See the extra work of putting them in as Job creation program, to save Wilbur P.

  • About myself
  • I never said... I repeat for the stupid ones in "Fight Club style" (just jokeing)... I never said, my stuff is canon or even good. I never said, my stuff is canon or even good. I never said, my stuff is canon or even good. I had done most of the work during free time on the University or at work. So during the tiem one of my coworker was smoking outside... I wrote a little... or during the time a coworker was stalking his ex-girlsfriends via faceback... I wrote a little P. So I start with some templates at frist.

    I saw the NPC Corp pages as a little project of me (and Morwen Lagann it doesnt said or mean that it is my), so I have a little skin in the game.... BUT my goal was it from the start to make the stuff better (see here or my other links and comments). But sadly their wasnt any guideline or even feedback... with the exception of CCP Ginger, ISD Crystal Carbonide, Dex Netherland and Wyke. So and like I wrote on my Talk page a journey started.... in this journey I wrote some Fiction stuff YES Morwen Lagann, YES I wrote some... but for example the Emperor link was needed (had something like open 76 Links needed, you could saw it in the "Special pages"). So again before someone starts bitching or hating... plz go on my Talk page: Publius_Valerius read my post from 11.May2011[/url].

  • About Communication
  • First of all: I had never had a deep conection with EVE, not like three of my RL friends. Which one of them brought me to the Game in the first place. So I have to qoute myself:
    "Man muss sich um einen Soldaten erst Sorgen machen, when he stoups bitching." Für EVE setze einfach Spieler für Soldat ein." 1
    "Only time you worry about a soldier is when he stops bitching. Just insert EVE players for soldier."
    And before the first moron post here again...with something like: "a bitter-Vet": I´m not a Vet, or even bitter, because I never had the feeling to *****. I see it Wyke comments as something or better said, as someone how shows he cares, thats why he started the topic. Thats the only reason I see... and thats why so many other have ***** about microtransactions, because they care. As for me I dont care as long I havent any skin in the game.... so yes I never had anything against microtransaction... (see here for example). Why I wrote all this of topic microtransaction, beacaus I can already see the first a**. I look at you Morwen Lagann P, which wrotes something like: "Yo Publius, Dude, you are X or Y... Listen man."

  • About the community
  • I really fall in love with this part of the game.... all started in the german help channel.... where I found really funny people, which I enjoy to be around (SaschS. Tabris Ronzo, Admiral Chrom and all the others people). Than of course my corp friends.. a big holiday hug from me on this point). Where is light, their is darkness P. So like I said some of my friends leave of because FW got not any love etc.... But one of the major things on my list is now this... I have to come to X-mas here to defent myself against stuff.. which I never had said.... Cry that is rock bottom Cry.

P.S Most likely I need a break from EVE Smile... so do what you like with my stuff.... which I know wasnt my stuff.... etc.... I hope I havent to explain myself again....
-PV fly save and happy holidays. And everybody relex and stop bitching.... If you havent made at least one page on the wiki or as for Wyke... I know you care, but wait it will most likely all come to a happyending.

I would love to have those classes ingame. See here:

Jowen Datloran
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#34 - 2011-12-24 23:01:29 UTC
CCP wants to regain control with their own lore. Fair enough. But that does not appear to guarantee an increased level of quality.

I say give it three weeks, then it should be better.

Mr. Science & Trade Institute, EVE Online Lorebook 

Seriphyn Inhonores
Elusenian Cooperative
#35 - 2011-12-25 00:17:15 UTC
If you've been working on EVElopedia for the past year, then you should have been aware that there was going to be sweeping consolidations/changes to the lore via a devblog that detailed the start of the "Immersion Project", which risked your work to begin with.

Nobody asked you to tidy up the EVElopedia, it's true, and I'm sure many people are grateful for the time you spent consolidating it when the fiction was a mess. But now CCP are doing what they should have been doing, and not what the players have been doing, so...
Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#36 - 2011-12-25 02:05:02 UTC
Publius, my post wasn't directed at you. Hell, you were only mentioned as an example of someone who writes a lot of good stuff, some of which isn't canon. I didn't accuse you of saying it was at all - so the one putting words in someone else's mouth is you, not me.

The fiction portal isn't for player-written stuff that is extrapolated or based on established PF. It's for stuff that is established PF, as determined by CCP and no-one else. Wyke appears to be having a misunderstanding with either that, or the fact that as Seri wrote while I was at dinner, we all knew this was coming.

Contributing to the wiki is great. It's awesome that there are people actively working to keep things neat and organized and filling in holes - but again, as Seri said, that shouldn't be our job. It's CCP's job, because they're the ones who actually know the wheat from the chaff, not us.

CCP told us a year ago that they were finally going to devote time and people to the task - they've finally gotten the first round of the end product finished and put it out for us to see. This just means that a ton of the stuff players have done, is going to be tossed aside while CCP decides whether it fits in with their master plan or not.

It doesn't mean people need to get all up in arms about it, as Wyke has done.

Jowen: I would expect as much, myself - with the amount of time and effort CCP has put into the FP, I'm willing to forgive some typos and other small mistakes like that, given the massive amount of information that's been dumped onto our laps everywhere else.

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

Dex Nederland
Lai Dai Infinity Systems
The Fourth District
#37 - 2011-12-25 05:50:43 UTC
Morwen Lagann wrote:
The fiction portal isn't for player-written stuff that is extrapolated or based on established PF. It's for stuff that is established PF, as determined by CCP and no-one else.

Except it appears that CCP are pulling from player-written articles that are extrapolated from/based on established PF in order to fill out the Fiction Portal.
Global Telstar Federation Offices
Masters of Flying Objects
#38 - 2011-12-25 07:54:59 UTC
Dex Nederland wrote:
Morwen Lagann wrote:
The fiction portal isn't for player-written stuff that is extrapolated or based on established PF. It's for stuff that is established PF, as determined by CCP and no-one else.

Except it appears that CCP are pulling from player-written articles that are extrapolated from/based on established PF in order to fill out the Fiction Portal.

This is true and getting the contributer list right is part of the growth proccess for the Wiki.

Until the structural accessability issues are resolved, the wiki will not be a easy to navigate place. As someone that does a lot of work in that area we just need some new clear guide lines that work across the whole spectem of pages housed here. Created Lore is only as good as the frame work in which it is housed.Blink

If i dont know something about EVE. I check

See you around the universe.

Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#39 - 2011-12-25 08:02:30 UTC
Dex Nederland wrote:
Morwen Lagann wrote:
The fiction portal isn't for player-written stuff that is extrapolated or based on established PF. It's for stuff that is established PF, as determined by CCP and no-one else.

Except it appears that CCP are pulling from player-written articles that are extrapolated from/based on established PF in order to fill out the Fiction Portal.

Because as I stated further down in that post, they've decided it fits in with their "master plan" for the universe. What's wrong with that?

I don't understand what the hell people are up in arms over.

There's a stupidly large amount of stuff to sift through before player-written stuff even enters into the equation. If people expected CCP to do it all in one go, including the process of vetting the player-written stuff that suits their vision, they should probably get their heads out of the clouds and their feet back on the ground.

It's one thing to create a fluff holovid series like Ken did with CPF Blue (see: Naga description), and another entirely to (using Publius' work as an example, again) slap together a huge diagram of how the Amarrian government is organized, or something similar for a megacorporation. The former is unobtrusive and doesn't affect anyone, really. It's a "yes, and..." to borrow the improv phrase. The latter isn't. That affects a ******* huge number of people. That takes time for CCP to go through and verify that it meshes with what they have already. Time for them to, if it does, go through it and clean it up, and tweak it as necessary to make it perfect.

Stuff that potentially falls in the latter category is a lot less likely to be pulled in its entirety on the first go. That doesn't mean that it won't at all - it very well might be in small manageable pieces that don't conflict with CCP's vision - but it'll take a lot longer to be vetted than a holovid series. Because really, that **** rots your brain. Didn't your mother ever tell you that?

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

Milo Caman
Anshar Incorporated
#40 - 2011-12-25 11:09:38 UTC
I don't think content in the locked pages has actually been vetted or checked over to any great degree:

A species of animals described as “fuzzy, pink teddy-bears” with grotesquely large eyes and mouths are used by the Amarr as a torture method. They are capable of saying “we... wuv... you” over and over. They were intended for children, but they were apparently found too unsettling. However, they manage to be effective at breaking prisoners, presumably because of how creepy they are. \[1]


If pages are checked over at all, I'm curious how in the hell something like this got through. The whole page is pretty appalling, but that stands out over the rest of it.