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Tripwire - Sig Mapping Tool

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Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#501 - 2015-03-24 14:16:17 UTC
You know what would be an amazing feature? The ability to contract out the chain-building to someone else.

This would of course need corp->individual and individual->corp sharing (presumably no big deal).

Then a few little counters to record signatures/systems scanned out so the scouts could be paid nicely.

Then all the scout would need to do would be to drop a can full of BMs in your home system and presto - instant gas mining, relic hacking and ganking without the hassle of scanning!

I think if you did this you would elevate yourself from "Hero of W-Space" to "Minor Deity of W-Space"

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Gallente Federation
#502 - 2015-03-24 21:17:11 UTC
I've tried doing some logging with wireshark, but didn't find anything to indicate what the problem might be. The EVE client didn't produce any useful logs either.

If you want a temporary fix, add a URL parameter such as "insecure=true" which overrides the default 302 redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. That way those of us who are having problems can use that workaround without making anything less secure for anyone else.
Harkin Issier
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#503 - 2015-03-24 22:01:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Harkin Issier
Thanks for listening!

A couple more things:

  • If I'm looking at a WH and I don't particularly want to hop through, I can look at the info text and see generally what part of space it will put me in. What about a text parser that would allow me to copy the text in that window and it will update the possible exit locations, the time left, and the mass left. Since there are limited possible responses this should be relatively easy.
  • The option to manually set the time left on a WH/site. I've accidentally set a hole that was critical ~2hrs ago to "stable", then when I updated it again it had 4hrs on it. I want to be able to reset that timer manually so I have a better idea of how much time I've got.
  • Information on the size of the hole in question beyond just "Frigate".
  • There's no straight API info from CCP, but what about replacing that currently empty chart with zKillboard info?

Example for that first point:

An unstable wormhole, deep in space. Wormholes of this kind usually collapse after a few days, and can lead to anywhere..
Yup. Standard.
This wormhole seems to lead into unknown parts of space.
This wormhole is beginning to decay, and probably won't last another day.
between 24 and 4 hours
This wormhole has not yet had its stability significantly disrupted by ships passing through it.
over 50% left
Only the smallest ships can pass through this wormhole.
Only frigates, destroyers, or specially fit HICs can pass through this hole

Boom. Data scraped and can be put into the chain list automatically. Better yet, let us slap that in there and then prompt us for the WH type if we haven't put it in already. For example, if it says the WH leads to a hi-sec syste it will bring up a grid with the radio buttons listing all the possible types in alphabetical order. Select the button, hit submit, boom. Our WH is completely mapped without doing anything but ctrl-c, ctrl-v, and clicking the mouse.
Xindi Kraid
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#504 - 2015-03-30 13:13:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Xindi Kraid
I would definitely like to be able to tell better at a glance the ship type that can pass. Personally I'd rather have something like single line frigates, thicker line cruisers, double thin line BS, double thick line capitals.

On a side note, can the name of a time critical wormhole be changed to end of life. Minor change, but it's what's usually used in the community to denote time status to differentiate from mass critical. Also, I would love to be able when I find a brand new wormhole, to denote that in Tripwire rather than just set it as stable. if it's not end of life I don't know when it will go end of life, but if I catch it when it is forming, I do know that, so being able to note that in tripwire is useful.

Also regarding the tabs, at the moment I am only daytripping into wormholes, since my corp isn't as yet set up to live inside. Can the k-space tab selection have an option to NOT show thera? I use it to keep track of where the exits to k-space off the various chains that have been scanned down, and thera just adds clutter if I don't actually have anything scanned down that passes through Thera.

I still think if we are in kspace we should be able to see any k-space connections we know of without having to set a filter.
Harkin Issier
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#505 - 2015-03-30 22:30:32 UTC
So I made a very Hacky version of the signature parser I was talking about. It uses AutoHotKey and while it works, it isn't the best option.

Save all the text in this pastebin in a notepad as an .ahk file. Run it, then select a signature you've scanned down and hit ctrl+shift+q.

A message box will appear showing what has been copied to your clipboard.

To edit the string that comes out, go to the bottom. The if statement checks to see what kind of signature has been found (currently it only works for Sites and WHs. structures are sorta broken and I didn't bother to do ships at all). Find the tested section that pertains to your signature and edit the variables/text to your desired output. If you want a big list of possible variables delete the semicolon in front of Line 69 and put one in front of Line 82. When you copy something it will show you all the resulting variables. Edit your output as desired, put the semicolons back, and there you go!


For Wormholes I have % id " | " tgroup_s " | " as my output, so

BLX-821 Cosmic Signature Wormhole Unstable Wormhole 100.00% 25.31 AU


BLX | WH |

This allows me to manually type in the WH type when I arrive on grid with it.

Sites have % id " | " tgroup_s " | " name so

XQW-612 Cosmic Signature Gas Site Sizeable Perimeter Reservoir 100.00% 24.87 AU


XQW | Gas | Sizeable Perimeter Reservoir

So there you have it. EZ site saving. I'd love for this feature to become a button next to each scanned signature. Set what string you want to output in the settings and it gives you a window to copy from. You've already delimited each piece of information (and much more reliably than I have).

Actually if you tell me how you separated the fields I'd love to put that in my little script.

Gregor Noobius
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#506 - 2015-04-07 09:41:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Gregor Noobius
Some quick comments as someone new to using tripwire:

- Entire page seems to refresh everytime you want to view sigs in a new wormhole - in addition the chain will reset if you are scrolled over and you lose your place in the chain

- Naming wormholes to me seems like a faster and clearer way of communicating than J#'s and hole types

- Display static information next to the J # / class # / region info instead of below the activity graphs

- Can't set k162 frig holes without jumping through and getting the static type (or I couldn't figure out how to)

- Setting a 'home' wormhole was not intuitive

- The way the chain spreads out horizontally very quickly seems odd, design works for small chains but breakdowns quickly for larger ones. Forced to collapse chains but still want to see that information

- Direct link to zkill would be more useful than eve-kill

- Jumps to closest trade hubs info for k-space systems should be somewhere on the system tab - would be less painful than having to add Jita and amarr as 'favorite' systems, then displaying favorite systems on map to search for the closest connection. Or some kind of 'exit finder' ala siggy

- Would be nice if the mass log calculated the total mass passed through
Harkin Issier
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#507 - 2015-04-07 14:27:26 UTC
Some quick comments as someone new to using tripwire:

- Entire page seems to refresh everytime you want to view sigs in a new wormhole - in addition the chain will reset if you are scrolled over and you lose your place in the chain

By this you mean minimizing doesn't stick, right? Yeah that drives me nuts, especially if you're unlucky enough to have Thera in your chain.

- Naming wormholes to me seems like a faster and clearer way of communicating than J#'s and hole types
This feature already exists? System names and hole types are very valuable info and should be used unless you set another name manually (and you can already do that).

- Display static information next to the J # / class # / region info instead of below the activity graphs
I don't have a problem with them in their current location, but the activity graph's uselessness in w-space is a real waste of screen real estate at the moment. I think pulling info from zKillboard would be better than displaying an empty graph.

Can't set k162 frig holes without jumping through and getting the static type (or I couldn't figure out how to)
Very good point. I definitely would like to see more functionality on describing a given wormhole to Tripwire (manually set hole size, exact time left, high/low/null/C1-3/C4-6/C13 for K162s, etc)

Setting a 'home' wormhole was not intuitive
I didn't have a problem, but I agree that a lot of these features require you to stumble across them.

- The way the chain spreads out horizontally very quickly seems odd, design works for small chains but breakdowns quickly for larger ones. Forced to collapse chains but still want to see that information
I actually like the way this is set up. The option to have it spread vertically would work better for my screen layout, though...

- Direct link to zkill would be more useful than eve-kill
Yes. Yes yes yes.

- Jumps to closest trade hubs info for k-space systems should be somewhere on the system tab - would be less painful than having to add Jita and amarr as 'favorite' systems, then displaying favorite systems on map to search for the closest connection. Or some kind of 'exit finder' ala siggy
I would adore this feature.

- Would be nice if the mass log calculated the total mass passed through
Given the number of variables that goes into mass, I think the only way you could do this would be to input your fits manually and give their states on every jump. To me that seems like way too much hassle to actually use, and that means it's likely too much hassle for the developer to dedicate time.
Fluxkompensator Megathron
Out of Fuel
#508 - 2015-04-08 13:59:55 UTC
Pls add Support for Allys...

I can not share my share it with my Alliance
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#509 - 2015-04-08 14:06:22 UTC
Fluxkompensator Megathron wrote:
Pls add Support for Allys...

I can not share my share it with my Alliance

You might wanna check your settings. Multiple corps can share no problem, why not alliance?

Try looking at admin options first, pretty sure you can set this thing up.

Yeah, well, it's just like my opinion, man.

Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#510 - 2015-04-11 13:23:33 UTC
Hey everyone, just realized it has been awhile and that I should let you all know I am still alive and working on Tripwire!

Thanks for the feedback, I do use it :) And thanks to those who have been responding and answering questions, the help is very appreciated!

I will give you guys an update on my progress on Tripwire with what is coming soon. Also I am making plans to attend EVE Vegas this year! So I hope to see many of you and might even give a presentation if you guys want!

I have been monitoring the servers and doing updates and maintenance, the beauty of the new server cluster design is I can shutdown a server when I need and you guys never even notice because it seamlessly switches you to the other node.

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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Minmatar Citizen 534612187
Citizen Corp.
#511 - 2015-04-20 18:22:39 UTC
Is there a PDF guide or something? I can only find YouTube videos.
Hidden Fremen
#512 - 2015-04-21 02:06:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Hidden Fremen
Minmatar Citizen 534612187 wrote:
Is there a PDF guide or something? I can only find YouTube videos.

This is definitely a much needed update - there's currently an outdated guide in the in-game Tripwire channel.
Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#513 - 2015-04-21 12:36:47 UTC
Hidden Fremen wrote:
Minmatar Citizen 534612187 wrote:
Is there a PDF guide or something? I can only find YouTube videos.

This is definitely a much needed update - there's currently an outdated guide in the in-game channel Tripwire".

"Tripwire Public" :)

Yea, it is hard to keep an updated guide when I keep adding/changing things so quickly normally. Having a guide only good for a month or two is annoying

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

Twitter |

Ab'del Abu
Atlantis Ascendant
#514 - 2015-05-11 20:38:36 UTC
Yo Damian,

can you make default sig life time 7 days instead of 72 hours? Most things live longer than that, even if you despawn them right away. This has been bugging me for a while now :>

Thanks o/
Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#515 - 2015-05-12 15:54:54 UTC
Ab'del Abu wrote:
Yo Damian,

can you make default sig life time 7 days instead of 72 hours? Most things live longer than that, even if you despawn them right away. This has been bugging me for a while now :>

Thanks o/

This is a good idea and I have added it to the new issue tracker! Check it out...

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

Twitter |

Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#516 - 2015-05-12 15:56:18 UTC
Hey everyone!

Thanks for all the support and help!

So I am still making progress on the latest Tripwire patch but I wanted to talk about other things today...

Tripwire issue tracker/ideas & suggestions:
Please use this - it is public and you do not need to create an account to post. Everyone can comment and you can see when I plan to resolve it.

I will likely be also using BitBucket's free Wiki too so that everyone can help keep Tripwire documentation updated and useful. Once I have tested it further and get it setup I will post info about it here.

I will be attending EVE Vegas 2015 in October! Also someone suggested I make Tripwire t-shirts.. I will give more info on this when EVE Vegas gets closer!

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

Twitter |

Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#517 - 2015-05-15 00:59:05 UTC
A recent article I was privileged to be apart of by Mynxee

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

Twitter |

Tol Vir
#518 - 2015-05-18 15:24:52 UTC

You ever seen the issue where I have a tab for home chain but it is only displaying the home system no matter how large the chain. Every other chain I have a tab for is fine just not that one specific tab, Oddly If i made a new tab for the same chain its fine.

This appears to be on the In Game Browser only as checking it on external browser was fine
Mussah Yacoub
Oruze Cruise
White Stag Exit Bag
#519 - 2015-05-19 23:21:20 UTC
Tol Vir wrote:

You ever seen the issue where I have a tab for home chain but it is only displaying the home system no matter how large the chain. Every other chain I have a tab for is fine just not that one specific tab, Oddly If i made a new tab for the same chain its fine.

This appears to be on the In Game Browser only as checking it on external browser was fine

It's possible that you have minimized the chain's tree in that tab. In the map pane, try double-clicking on the bottom of the box showing your home system and see if that expands the rest of the chain below it.
Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#520 - 2015-05-21 16:45:16 UTC
@Mussah thanks for trying to help! I kept getting tied up and forgetting to respond.

There have been a few other reports of issues with settings not working like they should, I believe it is partly how Tripwire tries to save and load browser cookie settings first and then falling back to databased stored.

The issue with this system is it is hard to know which is being used and sometimes you want your other browser to have that new tab you created and not have to add it to each browser.

So the patch after the coming one will include a settings re-factoring which I will be looking for feedback from you all on how the settings should work in Tripwire. I will let you know in a few weeks

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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