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DX12 (DirectX 12) engine?

Enom Gwan
The Raging Chickens
#1 - 2015-03-24 17:29:22 UTC
With the impending release of Dust 514 and with it an amazing display of the latest graphic technology available to the staff at CCP.

Any likelihood of an upgrade to DX12?

Would have a triple whammy of increased performance, improved graphics and also advertising for being one of the first MMO's with a DX12 engine.
Ice Fire Warriors
#2 - 2015-03-24 17:44:06 UTC
You are aware that more than half the people who play this game still run on DX9... right?
Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#3 - 2015-03-24 17:48:49 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
You are aware that more than half the people who play this game still run on DX9... right?

Doesn't mean they can't push towards dx12. Heck they might have too.

Yes I know this will screw up Linux people a bit (including my own installation).


Anime Masters
#4 - 2015-03-24 18:06:17 UTC
Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#5 - 2015-03-24 18:14:30 UTC
joecuster wrote:

I actually don't see why this is a 0 out of 10. It's a valid question.


Gosti Kahanid
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#6 - 2015-03-24 18:41:33 UTC
At fanfest they answered to this question.
As it stands now, there is no reason to upgrade to DX12. DX12 gives a lot of opportunities when you use a lot of different assets, but this is not the case in EvE. It would help to make look astroid-belts better, but thats it, and for that it is to much effort. You can´t just upgrade your grafik engine with a few clicks.
And as ShahFluffers said, a lot of people are still using DX9.

BTW, "impending release of Dust 514" did I miss something?
Ice Fire Warriors
#7 - 2015-03-24 19:11:24 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
I should also add 2 things...

- yes, eventually EVE (and all the people who play it) will have to upgrade. But it a slow process because it costs time and money.

- believe it or not, some people care more about performance than "pretty." Upgrading to the latest "bleeding edge" tech or software is often frought with problems and instability issues... which does not appeal to someone who just wants things to be stable
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2015-03-24 19:23:14 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
I should also add 2 things...

- yes, eventually EVE (and all the people who play it will have to upgrade). But it a slow process because it costs time and money.

- believe it or not, some people care more about performance than "pretty." Upgrading to the latest "bleeding edge" tech pr software is often frought with problems and instability issues... which does not appeal to someone who just wants things to be stable

eh, pretty is still important, especially in a game that requires alot of travel, if things arent pretty enough that I go "oooh, wonder what it looks like over there", then im liable to alt tab while traveling, and that im told never ends well.

honestly, scenery was the only redeeming feature of Elite Dangerous, made you want to fly around, because some of the things you could see were downright wild. not saying EVE needs that kind of diversity, but hurry up with the HD texture packs CCP
Zan Shiro
#9 - 2015-03-24 22:41:43 UTC
Gosti Kahanid wrote:

BTW, "impending release of Dust 514" did I miss something?

probably saw a trailer somewhere. Or staged gameplay footage. You know the e-3 kind of stuff advertised to show work being done. Often presented by marketing people not actual techs and engineers. You know...the people who would actually know better when release is more feasible.

The darkside to this stuff being is most times the game is far from done and time actually burned as a diversion for this presentation material rather than actual game.

Insert rant about the false advertising of this stuff as its either CG cutscene work and not based on gameplay. Or if (rarely the case) gameplay its cart on rails gameplay stuff. Go off the rails and head left instead of right as planned there be monsters out there and the code bugs do bite really hard lol.
Zan Shiro
#10 - 2015-03-24 23:50:20 UTC
Phoenix Jones wrote:
ShahFluffers wrote:
You are aware that more than half the people who play this game still run on DX9... right?

Doesn't mean they can't push towards dx12. Heck they might have too.

Yes I know this will screw up Linux people a bit (including my own installation).

Years down the road maybe. Assuming like most many plans are based strategically. This usually years out.

ANy PC use of 12 will be way off, besides CCP even. Xbox one will be your first use of it...and that will be months out as if a game is like 75% done they won't be recoding it. A framework can offer lots of enhancements.....after you learn to use them then optimize what your learned to use

xbox one game on the verge of controlled beta testing and release....has a lower dx base and is optimized. You don't want to be changing this recipe with a markedly different framework. Frameworks and even languages upgrade from say 6.9 to 7.0 are not plug and play. Major version number changes are reserved for massive changes. Changes that can deprecate your old tricks...and need a fair amount of time to find new ones.

Much to the chagrin of the 3.x zealots for example I can tell a new and green coder learn in python 2.x (around .6. or .7) and not be steering them in the wrong direction. This will get them paid for python gigs. Several years later many have not implemented code conversion to python 3.x. to include most (if not all, have not installed every flavor to test this so can't be sure) unix/linus/bsd OS makers. I run mac os, cent os and ubuntu....still kicking the 2.x. Ever seen how even basic 2.x python can diaf in version 3, you'd see why lol.
Zepheros Naeonis
#11 - 2015-03-25 02:09:44 UTC
DX12 is Windows 10 only. Will still have to wait for newer hardware(GPU's) to even support it. It'll be just as dead in the water as DX11 was for the first couple years. DX11 with EVE is the most pointless thing ever anyways.

Funny thing actually, every time there has been an update to the launcher that reset the options, I would find out while playing because the game would crash on me for no real reason. Check launcher options, oh look, DX11 is selected. Back to DX9, no more crashing. I've never crashed playing EVE on DX9. So take that how you will.
Enom Gwan
The Raging Chickens
#12 - 2015-03-25 12:24:41 UTC
Great discussion guys, with some decent and very valid arguments/points.

Yes in terms of technology, it will be bleeding edge and will only affect the top 10% or so. But you're missing the point in that going DX12 opens the portal for Xbox One and a much greater/larger market.

One thing I wanted to expand on, the massive space battles (PVP) would the decreased CPU requirements help alleviate server side processing? Or would there still be a requirement to migrate more servers for these battles?

And just a note, I originally bought EVE Online after seeing it at the London game expo many years ago and thinking wow that game looks absolutely amazing. I immediately went home, bought a new computer (read built a new computer) and downloaded the installer. Been hooked as a casual gamer ever since.
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2015-03-25 13:04:03 UTC
Enom Gwan wrote:
Great discussion guys, with some decent and very valid arguments/points.

Yes in terms of technology, it will be bleeding edge and will only affect the top 10% or so. But you're missing the point in that going DX12 opens the portal for Xbox One and a much greater/larger market.

One thing I wanted to expand on, the massive space battles (PVP) would the decreased CPU requirements help alleviate server side processing? Or would there still be a requirement to migrate more servers for these battles?

And just a note, I originally bought EVE Online after seeing it at the London game expo many years ago and thinking wow that game looks absolutely amazing. I immediately went home, bought a new computer (read built a new computer) and downloaded the installer. Been hooked as a casual gamer ever since.

how in the seven frozen hells does DX12 open up XBone? in case you havent ehard
1) microsoft doesnt allow cross-platform, they would have their own EVE, which is not what EVE is about
2) its a console... trying to play EVE

and how would swapping to DX12 decrease CPU requirements of large space battles? your still operating the same basic engien with the same limitations, and the same amount of data, doesnt matter if your using DX9,10,11, or 12, stackless python is stackless python, and 3000 people is still 3000 people
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#14 - 2015-03-26 00:40:42 UTC
Gosti Kahanid wrote:
At fanfest they answered to this question.
As it stands now, there is no reason to upgrade to DX12. DX12 gives a lot of opportunities when you use a lot of different assets, but this is not the case in EvE. It would help to make look astroid-belts better, but thats it, and for that it is to much effort. You can´t just upgrade your grafik engine with a few clicks.
And as ShahFluffers said, a lot of people are still using DX9.

BTW, "impending release of Dust 514" did I miss something?

Bah, cop out. I've been in those big nullsec blobs. 5 FPS, CPU and GPU are both idle. While DX11 has much more support for threading than prior versions, it's still not as good as DX12.

Not a high priority, but they should be looking into updating their engine to handle threads better. It's a many year project, best start early.
Nardi wally
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#15 - 2015-05-25 07:39:32 UTC
I think Eve online need a small refresh of its environment ... not really to create cross platform (Xbox) but just for update graphics.

DX11 is a piece of s*** ... no optimizations, etc...

but DX12 boost performance more than 300%. So why not enable DX12 in Eve ?
Zan Shiro
#16 - 2015-05-25 11:44:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Zan Shiro
Nardi wally wrote:
I think Eve online need a small refresh of its environment ... not really to create cross platform (Xbox) but just for update graphics.

DX11 is a piece of s*** ... no optimizations, etc...

but DX12 boost performance more than 300%. So why not enable DX12 in Eve ?

psst...when software makers put out new tools they will always say 300% or some number boost. They then run very targeted code to prove it.

When you see this stuff ask the vendor for source code and what it was run on. And test yourself.

That takes extensive recoding to get chief. Damn near rebuilds.

Here is what happens when new tools come out. have to find out what they killed/deprecated.
Then you have to find out what replaced it.
Then you have to find what that replacement does when playing with the rest of your code if left in place.

This is not type search string, grep with replace and voila you have chance all vars named ima_Var to var_Ima. This is why many have stayed at python 2.x for a while now as a related tangent. Python 3.x does amazing things. Sadly among those amazing things is it breaks even basic 2.x code in seconds flat.
Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#17 - 2015-05-25 12:11:01 UTC
I set eve to run on dx9, I can run it on dx11 but it's much slower and LOD on low shaders is terrible.
Definitely don't need dx12

EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Nardi wally
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2015-05-25 14:02:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Nardi wally
Zan Shiro wrote:

psst...when software makers put out new tools they will always say 300% or some number boost. They then run very targeted code to prove it.

This 300% is based on 3DMark and it was tested by a lot of serious High-tech magazines like Tom's Hardware, etc ...

DX12 is based on mantle (AMD API) ... mantle works better than DX11. So why not DX 12 ?

PS: I know synthetic tests (like 3DMark) doesn t give the same results than games tests but they are not quite different.
#19 - 2015-05-25 21:44:57 UTC
... and as far as hardware not supporting it ... a $50.00 evga card (picked at random) has DX12 support. No excuse there.
Shin Katsumoto
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2015-05-25 22:25:35 UTC
Thumbs up OP! And maybe they can update the UI as well then. One can hope.
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